Page 81 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 81
THE GOLD BUG APRIL 12,1968 PAGE 7 Ferrrmen Boast 5-0 Slate Spring Changes: Terrors Give Power and Pitching Display The Cycle of Coaches In Sweep of Two Twinbills and Singleton' Mike Herr -00 Anthony ~~::~~o :;ut~!e~'co~:e::~~~;a:~ :~~ =::t-:~;:-: i~rt:;h~~:!sga:~ Spring Is the season of change and new Hfe, and nobody knows this bet. While other Western Maryland ter than the members of the athletic department who received the some- students were resting during the the second by 12-6. Suder and Dlg- fO~e~~a~::et~:lf~;~~s;ame batting what startling announcement that brought change in the form of a new add- Spring Vacation, Fern Hitchcock ;: ~~I~~e~e~~;e~:t~~cl~, t:: d 0:r~; star with two sultd singles and tnon to the staff, and a ,new lile to athletic director Dr. Richard A. and th.e WMC baseball team were Clower, who recently relinquished his post as head basketball coach, and traveling to the sunny South for year sensation Roy Brownreached three R.B.I.'s. The final score- acquired the services of Mr. Ronald Sisk as basketball and lacrosse men- the opening of the Grapefruit Lea- the fence In the second game. An was 5-0. The second game was a tor. Dr. Clower, one of the busiest gue, The first stop on their tour in all the Southern trip was very real mruier , Freshman Wachter valuable and encouraging. The opposed Loyola's Opitz in the ~~~e~n:~~CO!I~~mC:a~~~::::::;= ~asth~: ~il:!m;:!etoot~:e :~~~iI~ team gathered a .290 batting av- nightcap and It started as apttcber- At the end of 4itwas score- erage for the trip and scored 37 duel. ibllltIes that something had to be h~n season the Terrors lost a runs In 45 tnntngs, less but Loyola pushed across two done. Hisdutiesincludedtheteach_ cttn-hanger by the score of three With the team back in good base- runs in the top of the fifth. The ing of phys, ed, courses, the nerve- to two. Ralph Wilson and fresh- ball condition and determined to Terrors countered however with wracking chore of running agrow- man Gary Wachter pitched ad- win two championships this year, four runs in their half of the run- Ing athletic department, coaching mirably but. the Terror bats were the outlook is bright. The opener nlng with four runs on three hits, the basketball squad, and serving on r_.elatively Silent. of the season was doubleheader at two errors, and one walk. number-nus committees, Including The baseballers then traveled to the all-Important Admissions the beautiful town of Salemburg, CommIttee and the Administrative North Carolina, just east of Fay- Advisory councu. etteville, to play Southwood Col- The past two winters have made lege. For the first game at South- !E!~~r:~~::=::~~t~::~~!~":;:;~:'~:;~::~;~~~~~:~ IH Clower toctcar thing to drop. But this is a tough choice for a man who has gone scored two In the fourth, twointhe through 12 campaIgns, 7 of them victorious. As Dr. Clower said, "It was fifth, and one each In the seventh a dectston I had to make." He was afraid that basketball would be neg- and ninth to tie the score at seven Iected "We've come alongwaywlthit(basketball) since I've been here' to seven at the endofthe regulation he explained "we don't want to see basketball or any other area suffer:" nine Innings. The Terrors then Thus, ends the coaching career of a fine basketball mind. scored four runs in the eleventh Dr. Clower Is a 1950 graduate of Western Maryland, and received his Inning to deteat the homesters M.A. at Springfield College in 1956. He took over the reigns of the ath- eleven to seven. letic department from the retiring Bob Waldorf in 1965. His years of Larry Suder, Gary 'Rudaet'lle coaching have brought many memories, the bestofwhicb are the play 01 and Jerry Barga contrIbuted three hJs two New Bedford Seafood Fiesta Tournament wInners. hits apiece, andGeUyand Ear-LDie-. Now that he has seen the blessing of speetahzattcn, even the dreary trich chipped in with two each. It practice sessions will bring baek warm memories, and thIs wInter, was a sweet coma-rrom-behtnd Dick Clower wllI be able to sit back and enjoy the priveleges of a victory with great relief pitching spectator. from first year hurlers Jorden Ron Sisk, a graduate of WashIngton College, is Itching to get back into Lieb and Bob Merr·ey. The second the profession he left In 1965, When asked about the motivation to leave game at Southwood was not as tav- a successful custness in Cumberland he replied, "After being out for orable however. Theteam dropped three years, I didn't need much (motivation). I missed coaching and my this one six to two, but the battling wife and family missed the college atmosphere." of Getty and Dietrich was very en- Earl Dietrich scores in the second Loyola game. Mter graduation In 1956, Mr. Sisk served three years in the Marine courag1ng. RICk Diggs added two Washington College. The weather The heroic ending came in the Corps. In 1959 hewas ofteredthe controls of the baseball team at Wash- singles in this fracas. Now the was crisp and cold on the Eastern bottom of the eighth. With the Ington. He served as head baseball coach from 1960 to 1965 and as as- squad of eighteen players headed Shore but It could not cool the bats sacks filled, little "Eddie Lopat" sl.stant basketball coach until he took over the top job In 19'64. He bro- North to Louisburg, North care- of the Terrors. With Wilson prtc- - Farming hit a long blast over the ught the Sho'men their first winning team in almost two decades tn 1965. lIna to play Louisburg College. hing the opener and Joe Anthony right-fielders head t.o drive in the getting ground rules the Ter- n was here that the Terror bats rOrs were easy victors. The first winning run. LlebandMerrypUch- Netmen Climb , Fall McCoy Nominated game score was 6-5 with three Ing his second victory of the sea- ed weIlln reUef with Merreygain- homeruns son and the game ball going to the booming by Rudicille In First Two Tests For Soccer Tour Brown, and Diggs. Bob Merrey the balding Bill Fanning. Mer- Shepherd State was the next to in pitched a neat six-hitter second game. Jerry Tegges, Buck play the streaking Terrors, This summer ,WMC wtll be for- tunate to be represented when the Jones and Suder each contributed rey was not quite as effective as Frank Howe shake his head In bewUderment, Student Ambassador Sports Pro- two hits tothe victory' he had been but the Terrors slUg- A double-header against a tough After a month of overheads for Western Maryland>s Terrors gram sends a team of college soc- Loyola club was the next challenge gad their way to a 10-5 victory. star was SU.der with The batting breakfast, dropshots for lunch and swept the last three singles without cer players to Europe for a month. lobs for dinner, Coach Wray "The the loss of a set. Joe Powell, Jim Alan McCoy, a freshman on the soc- ::t ~~:!:~~~;a:dh:~:;;da~~ ~~~r~:t!~v: ~n~ r~~e;o~:~: who Kid" Mowbray's netters opened Godown, and Alan Gober were just cer team, who was lineman of the torlous It was not easy. WU- Freshman Art Blake smashed a their 1968 season by splitting their too strong for their Washington year and leading scorer (and in his but three run homer, first two matches. counterparts, Godown and Gober, own words "general all-around On a SUiUlYApril 2 Tuesday the incidentally, are two to the most racketers journeyed to Chester- improved returnees on the squad, town where they demolished the whUe Powell has excelled as one of WTTR Sho'men by a 7-2 count. The Mow- the best freshmen netters. -braymen copped four of the six With the match score at 4-2, the singles and swept the doubles en decisIve match proved to be the AM-1470KC route to the opening match victory. number one doubles. Bowe and Later in the week the Terror net- Hobart dropped the first set 5-7, FM-Steroo men dropped a 9-0 snutout to de- but roared back to cop the next fending conference champions two sets 6-2,6-3 for the match. ".m~t~~tn!:"S;:~~:;:.aratllMd Loyola. Hobart played excellent tennis Bo.I .. ta:<. Terror number one Frank Bowe throughtout the match, his big WESTMINSTER lost in straight sets to Washington's serve and volley game working '.O.lIoo:tS623u.uSqall'lstatlan ATl.ANTA,GA., 3032& John Merrill. Merrill's big serve beautifully. MARYLAND and heady volley game pulled him That win left the two remaining Spain and Swit- ~ out whenever Bowe threatened to doubles matches mere formalities. catch up. The only other Terror Powell - Schnitzlein won in goOdguy.~') will betouringSweden, ALITr CLEANERS& casualty of the day occurred Inthe straight sets, and Gary Scholl- England, France, number three singles as Jim Ken Nibali !';weated out a first set zerland with the team. McCoy was given this opportunity Hobart dropped his match to loss to win in three. when he visited Washington College \!Ill 1 So. Center Street. ~~~~!E=~~S Sho'man Fred Grey, 6-3, 6-1. Unfortunately Loyola was not Captain Charles Schnitzlein impressed by this victory. They last fall and met Ed Athey coach of played his upteenththree set match came _to':Iestminster expecting to their soccer team. The team con- LAUNDERING, DRY CLEANING ' TAILORING .In: his .!~ur years on the. Hill as win and they dId, taking all nine sists mostly of players from the Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service he decls\Oned Btll Manmfig 6-4, matches. The closest WMC came Washington College team. 3-6, 7-5 in the second singles. to '1 win was in the number one The Baltimore Bays will con- Service for Students in WMC Student Center Asked why he almost always goes doubles match, as Bowe and Ho- tribute some money for the enUre Monday through Friday three sets, 'Sarge' casually tossed bart fought for almQst two hours team. Alan wlU be financed by Hag- off aremark about getting more ex- before dropping the match 12-10 erstown, his home town and "his 9:00 O'clock Until 3:00 O'clock Daily ereise. Coach Mowbray could only 4-6, 6-::'. ' own pocket."
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