Page 80 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 80
PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG APRIL 12, 1968 Preacher's Soul Circus Offers Three-Ringed Entertainment Sigma Phi Soul Circus cametotownonFrl- way took over. Sigma Alpha day, April 5 as Delta Pl Alpha pre- In the second ring was an ever- sented the first Open Party of the popular Whlmsee favorite, Bud- Tau Mu semester. In the main ring were wetser-, the King of Bears, who forty Delta PI Animals whose per- kept his fans standing In line all The eyes of Michael Caine gazed formance was true to Preacher night long. Admit one---------tO a glor- Tuesday evening, April 2, Phi down on the tote-s rushpartyWe.d_ form--that is, down to par. Includ- toes spree, a ticket to paradise to Alpha Mu and its guests went ne sday, April loth. There were eye- ed among them werethelrTyrds-- the Sigma South Seas. This ticket South of the Border to attend the popping posters, swinging mobiles, that is their band-a-whose exhibit- The New Endclls were the third attached to a pineapple summoned Fiesta of the Purple COW-herd, and zany paper weather vanes on ion evoked an even wilder reaction ring feature. Unfortunately they ar- each rushee to the Sigma Sigma apprcplatefy, at the Ag Center. every wall of the Ag Center. All the than usual. This could have been rived late and things didn't start Tau Luau on Friday, April 5 from Upon reaching their destination Freshmen, freshlypalntedwUhflo- due to the return of their "brass" swinging until after nine o'clock. 3:30 to 5:30. the freshmen girls went on a dis- wers on their faces, dashed fran- brother, Trumpet Thompson. In- To occupy their guests untU the The Westminster Agricultural organized search for their name ticanv rrcm one corner of the hall Cluded in the 't'yrds' performance band arrived, however, the Prea- Center was transformed Into a tags which were rzexican serapes to the other. If you ever need to was a "Twist with the Tyrds" con- eher s provided a wheel of fortune. lush South Seas Island. Palm trees, made especially for them by those know how to mak", paper flowers, test, All entrants but four were Upon entering the party, each and HawaiianscenesdepicUngvar- talented Phi Alph seamstresses just ask the Freshmenglrls •••The eliminated. The prize for the con- couple got a four dollar "refund" toes phases of Island life I1ned the Betsy Ross and Madame DeFarge. dorm rooms are :lJW more gay than test was, appropriately enough, a of crisp dollar bills to try their walis, while tne rtoor-swere cover- Linda Wiley and Bro Tim Jolly, Robinson Garden. No one will get twIst with the Tyrds. Lead singers luck at the wheel. Prizes of cigars, ed with low tables and mats to sit and Su Phillips entertained with rIch selllng paintings made on con- King, Kearner, Markey, Teach, and cigarettes, and "Lucky Lucy" on while indulging in tempting Ha- Mexican flavored music. Thlswas cession stand machines, but the "Dietrich came down to honor the Cronce were offered. When the wa1ian snacks. Hamburgers cov- rouowec by a group of talented (?) Pr osh and sabre sisters had run young ladies-who nadwon, After- band finally started up, the gam- ered with melted cheese and strips Phi Alphs who rendered an original getting creative and messy mak- wards things returned to a more bUng subsided and everyone set- of bacon, ambrosia, and punch ser-. version of La Cucaracha while ac- ing mutttcotce swirls. "Down with modern mode and the Funky aroac- tIed down to some serious danc- ved in real cocoanuts were enjoy- companying themselves on original Budwelzer!" This is an example Ing and drinking. ed by the "tourists". homemade-type rhythm Instru- 01 one of the protest (?) buttons Gamma Beta Chi Now Unbeatable After having tried their own ments. This served as an example produced at the lote "OP". Real skills at the limbo and the Hula, for tbe rusheeswho then dtvtded tn, food is never shunned at this school. Inter-Fraternity Cup Sewn Up the rushees r-elaxed and let the Stg-. to groups to create their own Mex- The cokes, bege.s, and cream- mas entertain. SouthSeaUvtngwas ican renditions of old American cheese went fast. Just in time lor presented in a skit starring Donna favorites. After a half an hour of some tote entertainers. Have you The Fraternity Cup competition different categcrfe s have already Thomas as a beautiful island girl, creative endeavor, each presented ever heard the old song "Tip- has been going on all year. but It been completed. Upcoming on Lotus Blossom, and Peg Howser their very outstanding musical toe through the Nastles"??? You seems that only one fraternity has Tuesday, April 16 will be the first as a Cynical shipwrecked sailor. masterpiece with approplate probably didn't hear us when we been genuinely Interested. Gamma round of the debates. Lotus Blossom tried toconvtnce accompaniment, and were judged Beta Chi has a seemingly uncnar- descended on campus-e-we were Homecoming was the first cat- the sailor to stay with her on the to be somewhat akin to a risque all too hoarse from trying to cot- lengable lead of 98 points, fol- egory for whIch awardswere given. Island by presenting a glimpse of version cr uie BahaMarimbaband. sing each other--and weak from a lowed by Alpha Gamma Tau with DPA gained 15 pts for their dorm all the excittng Is'land r-ltuals whleh They were then judged by three really great partyl 43, Delta Pi Alpha with 33 and PI decoration, and GBX acquired 15 made living there a pleasure.Bev- very dignified Gama Bete connors- Alpha Alpha with I. Most of the pts In the Ugly Man Contest. In- er-al very curvactous naUves ce- seurs, who took time out from tra-mural sports played a large monstrated the Hula, while more stuffing their faces and serving Delts Hold Spring Carnival role In the scoring: In football, 20 nimble Sigmas danced the Tlnikling the guests such Mexican delicacies pts went to GBX, 10 to AGT, and "Your Papa Ain't Your Papa But The winning group and tequila. 2 to DPA. Basketball contributed dance. Songs presented included as Buenelos de lemon, tostados, Frosh Attend Despite Rain 20ptstoAGT,IOtoGBX,and 2to "Bloody Mary." Don't Kn,OW", and got as their prize a chance to Your Papa Sporty Sigma, Lin- DPA. GBX gained 5 pts for Aloha swing at and break the purple bull Editor, 6 pts for SGAoflicers, and ~:a~~;e:: a;e~:i~ecaiig~~~a'M~~; pln.;~!' Fiesta continued flS our The Delts held their Spring rush party. Winners !rom each group 6 pts lor ODK members. AGTalso Lynn Durham as Sweet Sigma and honeymooners journeyed to the party at HarveyStone Park on Mon- gathered at the end for a grand gained 12 pts for ODK members. Carol Pickney as Sexy Sigma went land of namenco dacers, purple day afternoon. Despite the rain, judging based on the applause of One point each went to the four over big with the rushees. buH fights and fertUity rites. the carnival atmosphere cheered everyone present. A stuffed animal Greek clubs for class preSident:. Ginny Stevens concluded the re- At the end of the fiesta EI Pre- all. As the rushees arrived, they was the prize lor this event. Be- For highest cumulative scholashc view with an Aloha Hula, and the sidente,' Bar Zlmmerma~ bid our were given name tags and tickets tween games, the girls ate pop- average, GBX received 25 pts., and traditional Sigma circle of Sister- guests farewell and before return- to use for the games and for food. corn, lemon swizzles, and lce- DPA received ro. Ten points for hood formed to say good-bye to the ing everyone joined in singing the J:: ~~t~:a;:~~~':;:uil~t~oda~:~~ crta~ C~tr:~I~hlle iU:t:i:the~r ..'h_._,,_,_, :_Pl_.'.:.<'__ 'k_lt_w_.n_"_'_G_BX_·_:::s'::::O'::::h.::S.::'.:.' !:P~::.;'::::'I::,,::. ...:.;::IO~b.;:,,"'ng"'. -, Ing in the sldt later in the day, and ::.s A7 4:30, ';a':::es ~~ted s~: began their tour of the various everyone gathered to watch the booths set up around the pavillion. David Uhre-Paul Hearst produc- Girls won prizes for their skill at tlon of "A Night In the Dorm." tossing rings on coke bottles, The seemingly quiet title was de- throwing poker chips into mugs, celving. It Included all the regulars throwing darts, and playing Delt plus an amazing wHo man. Bingo. The sorority sent the Freshmen Madame Zolar told_fortunes In on their way with a few rousing her tent, whUe others took their Delt songs, and the hopes that all chance tossing jelloatthepastDelt the rushees enjoyed the party as ~~~~~d::~!:e t:::~~: ~:Wwb:i~~~ rm::.:O::.:'h:..:'~'.::'h;;.'.::n.::;It~'.;;;d1:::d!__ -, guessing ring--all guessers were naturally sworn to secrecy. Carroll Theatre An art contest consisting of on- the-spot sketches ran dUrin!!:the Apr.10-16 9(eIl;;A The Happiest Stationery Millionaire STORE April 17-20 HOME, SCHOOL and OFFICE SUPPLIES 47 E. Main.St. 848-5553
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