Page 77 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 77
THE GOLD BUG APRIL 12, 1968 PAGE 3 Sturdivant, Royer Dr. Witherspoon Berrigan Talks To Travel Abroad Will Leave WMC Against Draft T. James Dr. Witherspoon The chapel speaker lor Dr. Harwell P.Sturdlvant, chair- This will be Dr. Sturdivant's ~~~dD;~o~:s;:I~ ~~:i~l:~,:~~: Sunday, C.O.R.E., S.N.C.C., N.A.A.C.P., April 21 wllI be Reverend Philip and the Urban league. He has tee- ~::t::nt~a~~~~~~c:~f:~~\~:ts:~~~~~:~ta~~i~tt~o~~~~aSC~~:~Ol~ ~k~:a~~:e~SeO;eO:n~::~~O;:~t~~~ as being one of tured nationally on peace, race, Berrigan Is noted minster, leaves this month for lege In Indore in 1965._The bin- endolthesemesterforSouthwes_ the four men presently awaiting poverty, and church renewal and India where he will be science con- Ioglst bas been a member ot the tern College at Memphis, tn'renn- tria] torthrowlngbioodondraftre_ has conferred wtth Secretary of suuant for a special summer In- Western Maryland faculty since essee, cords at the Custom House in Baltf> State Rusk, andSenators FUlbright, stitute. 1948. He received the A.B. and He has held the position of ass- more In the October 27 anti-war Brewster, and Tydings. Dr. Sturdivant, at the request of A.M. degrees at Emory Untv- Istant professor of Biology here protest. Father Berrigan Is the author of the Indian government, wUl be con- ersUy and the Ph.D. degree at since 1960 and has taught tnvarte- sultant at an institute for high Columbia University. Dr. stur- brate Zoology, Animal Physiology, pe~cem~;;~~z~flO::~lo;:th~:t~:~~ ~rls¥rro !W~:frt~~h:OO~r::t school teachers at Utkal Regional divant w1ll be accompanied by and Perspectives in Biology. He rigan has also been active In SOCial Issues of our time. He is University, Bhubaneswar , Orissa. his wile to India, On the way they has also been in chance of num- presently- serving as curate for The Indian Ministry of Education plan to visit ManUa, Singapore ercus Special Studies in the blo- St. Peter -craver parish In Baltl- has asked that the biologist report and Bangkok. Alter the Institute logical field, many of which are Choice '68 to New Delhi by April 28. The In- Is completed, the Sturdlvants nrm being used for studanttabcra- ternational Branch of the Nationa} wlll travel in India and return tory demonstration purposes. To- On Trial Science Foundation and the U. S. to the United States by way of gather with his wite he has written CHOICE 68, the National Collegiate Agency for International Develop- the Middle East, Europe and Scan- a book entitled The Living Labor-a- Presidential Primary. tsrunctton- ment are cooperatIngwiththeGov- dinavta, tory and has edited many others. ing with a somewhat spirited pre- ernment of India In the improve- Dr. Isabel Royer will be leaving He wUl spend hfs summer InSalt conception in mlnd---that, In fact, ment of science education. on the 20th of April for a scientific Lake City dividing his time be- sutdent moderates do care and do Atter briefing in New Delhi, Dr. expedition tc the Galapagcs Is lands , tween his family camplngtripsand want their opinions registered In a Sturdivant will proceed to Bhuban- 600 miles off the coast or Ecuador. his current writing project, aphy- responsible, effective manner. eswar to meet the Indian professor The expedttton Is being led by Dr. siolOgy lab manual before assum- The election Itself will deter- who w111 direct the Institute and Roger Toby Peterson an tntarna- Ing his new rostnon. Dr. Wither- mine whether CHOICE 68's image help him In the organization and uonanr knownornothologistforthe spoon wIU be missed by many of the "average" student is accu- administration of the program. Dr. purpose of studying the evolution friends here and on behalf ofWMC rate. For InordertoaUainnaUon- Sturdivant will remain at Utkal of the unique tortoises, birds and THE GOLDBUG wishes him great CHOICE 68 must at- r-;;:;7.;=;;;;;:;;:;~=';;;:1 University for about eight weeks reptiles on these islands. happiness and success. al visibility. cerore returning to New Delhi. The expedition will last 3 weeks ,...;.;_ --, tract at least two mnncn voters on April 24. The Institute will be similar to and while there, the scientlstswill Attention: Graduating Seniors CHOICE 68wUIfalllftheydonot. ones financed In the United states attend lectures atthe tnteruanonat- The Advanced Tests of the Gra- The liberal and conservative acti- by the National Science Foundation. Iy nuanced Darwin Institute ofRe- duate Record Examination, re- vists may hoard the headlines, but The Indian Institute will be staffed search located on the Island. gulred by several academic de- the long silent student moderates Colleg» Offers partments on campus, will be have the numbers -- and it Is only ~:u::tdl;: ~~;~~::.or;r.~~u;~~~a: administered on May 6, 1968 at by the raw power of size that a has been director of an Institute 1:00 p, m, in Room 100of Baker skeptical public and an overly an-_ for High School Teachers of arc- Guidance Service Memorial Chapel. tagomsttc Congress will pay at- at Western logy and Chemistry -======:.:..c= __ vice offered by the college Is If you need to take two exams or tention to the reality of student The vocational guidance ser- Maryland College since 1962. need other special time arrang- power. It's one thing, of course, to boy- Grads Get Intended to help students areas de- ements, please see Dr. W. G. cott an election through principle The alternate date for Miller. the vocational termine and it's quite another to miss Greetings tor which they are best suited through Ignorance or apathy. one In View of their aptitudes and interests. The service inclu- A recent letter of the AAUWhas been sent to the-GOLD BUG office des Interviews and tests ap- -..~~ for publication. proprIate to each Individual , "The American Association 01 student's need. The vocation- A .~- al guidance service may be of University Women congratulates help In determIning an appro- .lll~~nationCil a:entert.acndemic;'I:h-~' the young women graduatesof1968 priate major for those who are on becoming eligible for member- ship in this dIstinguIshed organiza- not sure of the major most ap- ~ -~ 1-1-92COMMONWEALTH AVENUE tion. At commencement one among propriate for them. As stated BOSTON. :\,1ASSACHllSETTS 02135 you will be awarded complimentary In the college catalogue, the fee national me_mbershlpbytheCarroll for the guidance servIce is ten Center for Academic is Designed to help every student County branch. It may be used in dollars. Students Interested in The International Research knowing about the gui- more anv one of the 50 states with their achieve his· maximum potential in the subject, or subjects, of their choice. 1624 branches and membership of dance service should discuss We at the International Center for Academic Research are proud that these outstanding 175,000. the posslblUties with Dr. Ever since its founding In 1882 Ridingion In room 301Memorial instructional techniques have shown proven results-for decades. AAUWhas worked for the recogni- Hall. tion of women as responsible cit- of Lamsah Marries izens and for the elimination QUR GUARANTEE discrimination on the basis of sex. Members serve on nearly every Malaysian Girl Governor's Commission on the The International Center for Academic Research, after exhausting studies, is able to Status ofWf!men. wo:a::t!f~:~I~:~:~:,U:;~:;::: give a complete money back guarantee. If after following instructions faithfully you Currently the local branch Is supporting Open Occupancy and was married to Mohammed Salleh have not increased your scholastic stampings noticeably. Your money will be complete- the revision of the Maryland Con- Bin Lamsah, a Junior at Western ly refunded. stitution. Mrs. Mary B. Bryson, a I~---------------------------I Western Maryland graduate who :a~~~~~~.c;~~~,;t:r:~!~~~:~ was one of the Constitutional Con- place at four o'clock In the West- Special Introductory Offer Expires May 1, 1968. Price thereafter $3.95 per Course. vention delegates, will speaktothe minster Court House. Carroll County Branch AprU 2 on Mr. Lamsah comestotheUnIted For Personalized assistance send $1.00 per course to 'The Role of Women in Politics.' States from 8ehrang Station, Tan- Through the FellowshlpPrograrn jong Malim, Perak, Malaysia. He The International Center for Academic Research of AAUWmany women from other Is a graduate of Mara Institute of countries are enabled to pursue Technology, his sponsor at Wes- 1492 Commonwealth Ave. graduate studies In this country and tern Maryland Coliege. Boxton, women from the United states are The wedding ceremony, perform- Boston, Mass. 02135 given grants to study abroad.Con- ed by Charles C.ConawaY,clerkof sequently the organization Is urg- the Carroll County court, was wit- Please Include Course Last Semesters Average ing the State Department not to tax nessed by Dr. William R. Ridington, Name ~ 1 ~ Dr. Ralph Price, Mrs. Arnold travel abroad; but, If that should Amass and college friends of the Address _ become necessary, to giant exemp- tion for student experience abroad groom. The bride wore a native CitY-'--,- State ~ and faculty research as wellasat- costume of green silk (haiu kurong). Zip Code'- _ tendance at. recognized confer- Her corsage consisted of white roses and daisies. Course ord. _ The reception,giventhe Further information concerning afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arn- the organization may be obtained old Amass, 41 Fitzhugh Avenue, Special Group Rates for Fraternities and Sororities from the membership chairman, was sponsored by her and the Met- Mrs. William T. Achor, 84 1/2 hodist women of her church circle. 20% discount for groups of ten or please include organizational title W. Green St., Westminster. The Mr. and Mrs. Lamsah are now newly elected president Is Mrs. living at the home of Miss Dorothy Allow 4 to 6 weeks for processing and delivery. James C. Snyder, dIrector of public Elderdice. 75 West GreenStreet, services for the Carroll County Westminster. L _' Board of Education.
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