Page 54 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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Somebody Up There?i PAGE 4 THE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 16, 1968 Foreign Affairs Lecturers: The Raped Conscience . ...., Where is the Dialogue? 1. A By P,ol. Melvin _0, Polme, IRA G. ZEPP, JR. If you assume that It is still important that the moral voice be heard, Where is the dialogue we are a slogan from Orwell'S night- courage.s such fear by failing to where is one to find it today? From those who refuse to alleviate the supposed to value at WMC? First marlsh 1984, well, It Is. Never- see (as many observers do see) ghetto frustration which issues In the cry of black power? From those there was General Walt and nov.his theles,s,. Mr. Schwartz says he. IS ~:::~n~l~~~ ~Ie;n~~ i:n:ie~~~~ who advocate the slaughter in Vietnam dally recounted by Huntley and Brinkley? From Churches who seem so prone to ask economiC questions ~~~~~::0~1ag:;'iSH:~~iin~C~~a\~~ ~~~~:~l~ra~~ t~~I\\~:eht~~:t~e~I.V~ Korea he suspects a conspiracy-- about the loss of members and money? From politicians who are hyp- wings. Though outnu'mbered three suppose all of this .quallfies ~Ir. ~:er~hth:~;:a h:a:O:: ai~~i:ro:~~! notized by the growing industrial-military complex? From professo,rs d who play intellectual ping-pong and never adopt a position? From a ~~ ~;:~t ~~tr:~I:~at~'e ;;::;:~dw;il~ ;fc~~:r~~u::s ~O;U~li~~, i~~~~~~~: with China and the Soviet Union. government which contines a war In which civiliancasualitles outnumber alogue. The foUowing comments :Vhat we hav~ IS an attempt to A more realistic fear, it seems to military ones and in which more than half of the Victims are children? are in the meantime intended to justify a cyn~Cal status quo in me, is that the confusion of nation- From those who are hysterically anti-communist? provide a stop-gap measure; ~merl.can foreign policy and make attsm and world-wide communism Students rightly wonder how long It will take every law enforcement Maintaining that history has It the Ideal of the future. is widening the breach between the officer in thi; countr-y, from J. Edgar Hoover to the town sheriff, to proven the cynics right, Mr. Sen- Mr. Schwartz does not seem to U.S.A. and the rest of the world see that there is a direct relationship between our lawlessness at .the wartz "realistically" indicates fear socialistic, popular revotu- and forcinghalvesofcountrieSUke International level and our lawlessness In the streets(cf. the many charges recently made of our violation of laws of war set down by the ~i~~ ~~~VI~~m;n~i;!r~f~e is: z: th:~~:e o~~:t:~e~:a:::I;s::: ~~~~: ~~:t~~: si~!~ett~ni::-n~sTh~! Hague and Geneva Conventions, the Nuremberg Principles, and the may United Nations--all to which we are a party). ~fuCI~~n~:~:~~ Of':;tf~~atw:~id :t~:!~~! t:~;I~eC~:~~~~~t~~~li~! ~~ f::r. force the conspiracy What tribunal will judge us? Are we above the law? We did not per- peace. To ensure this balance, we ~~~!~~m~t~~e:rei::~~~; d::~:!~; qU~~:c:xa~~~: ~fn~~~:~:a~~~~~ mit the German people this rationale. Or ts uus a different type of war? Is this an "emergency"? wm we allow or appreciate the cry of ;e~~ts l:~~~e~~:~~c~oue~~~~e,;,!~~ and liberty but supporting (with confusion. First, war one is not "emergency" from a: rioting ghetto Negro? as the present one in Vietnam. The money, military might, rigged e- war two. Ho Chi Mihn is not Hit- ~ We would never deny that the Vietcong are guilty of terrible crimes cost in men, he says, has been lections, etc.j mflitary juntas and ler. The issues are not the same. and atrocities. Does that mean that we accept Vietcong behavior as about ten thousand per year; and other tyrannies. In other words, Second, peoplewhothinksomething a model of our own military conduct? If so, that is the end of moral though Mr. Schwartz did not men- some feel that we are losing the better than prolonged war rnay re - discrimination. tlon it, the cost will also be the American Revolution abroad. suIt are not necessarily 'Seeing But let',s admit, as we have been reminded so often, that this war , periodic destruction of countries One phenonmenon that Mr. things through Marijuana smoke. as all war, is not pleasant. Let's admit that morality may have ~~l~ ~et:::~. w~rth~~ ~:i~nd:e~i~~ ~~~::~it:fa:t':r~ly~~~:I:t~~~~~~:!~ ;;~~l~~!!;t ~~:::~~,~:~sf:nl~~ nothing to do with Vietnam. It's "eye for eye" all the way, baby. He rtotcures the fear ofaChlnese- make good neighbors"--and uses Nevertheless, that does not stop the "nigtrtmare of having our child- ren 10-15 years from now asking us, "Dad, what were you doing and Soviet communist conspiracy by it to support the divisions he seems saying back in the late sixties? It must have been a pretty tense time, Bitter black coffee saying that the two countries are all too ready to accept. Hemissed what with Vietnam and black power, and all." On a white saucer manifesting themselves primarily Frost's irony. Frost did not be- Will our response be, "I couldn't make up my mind?" or "Bomb the Strong ann black as nations. Yet Mr. Schwartz en- lIeve inwalis. hell out of them!' or "The government is always right! or "Christ- Goes d()\\'n Ilard- 808 DYLAN \~~~eS~oe~~oe~w:~::~;:~ti:~t:e~h:a~~~ISy~~~~~~:~t~~:~ ~:;:':ov;:g ~i,:\:!~~imported with! ~~: ::~:I:dt~i}~~O mix it with wlllte- JOHN WESLEY HARD ING tO~vfl~~';us~V~l~:~~a~o~:~z:t~:~lll~;:~y:eard German professors, tears in their eyes, recount their own indifference and quietism during mIlk By John Douglos And give it sugar. the thirties--a living witness to the truth of the adage, "Evil spreads In "All Along the Watchtower," 'casm and bitterness. "I Dreamed when good men are silent." a new Bob Dylan song, the Joker 1 Saw St. Augustine,' possibly one says to the Thief, "There must be of the most beautiful songs ever is ~~~r;ye~b;ii;:!mn~r: !~dthr:tp~;,r c,~~~~~nd~~;t b:~~h:~~~~~h~n:r:g~~~ ~t;~~~~~:t:~I~~nk It black someway out of here .••There'stoo written, concerns such a vision. much confusion here, I can't get Dylan sees himself as one of the ~;t ~:: C~~~I:~:~~~~c~:m~:::se;~ ~u~S!:~~~~~~ti/o~:r~:w:~~ R~~~~~~r:;;fUI no relief." Dylan doesn't tell how men who put the Saint out of the 'haves' and the 'have nots'. Dad, who programmed you so well? Who g Carol Yingling to get out of here--he only states running and he is sad about it but out is ne- raped your conSCience?" the reasons You getting Bob Dylan still Incompromising. He Is sad because Bob Dylan is essentially cessary. see An Open Letter to Closed Minds doesn't In JohnWesleyHardin&,hiS moderate--he tells us soon the dish out the answers any- He never was back of the album. more. the hippie god or the "Infante ter- And a Plea for Constructive Ideas first album since his accident a rible" the llberalswanted him to year and a half ago, Dylan hasma- be or that the conservaUveshated., too tured to the point where he is young to have the answers. In- Also religious, "Dear Landlord", terestingly enough he Is no longer conc.:>rnsabargainbetweenanon- By Lindo Sui [ivo~ angry or overly sad sounding. The earthly landlord and atenant--In For the facts, the indisputable nothing is credible save what they instrumental accompaniment is which the tenant warns the land- Inthedarkofsolltude,wecanre- want to believe to be true; facts are these: simple, usually just an electriC lord--"lf you don't underestimate member ourselves. Inthatdark- ---to those wh:Jwill look at this I. - We, as a nation, are commit- bass and drums while Dylan sings me, I won't underestimate you." , ness, we may truly see ourselves. article and feel sorry for the fact ted by a SEATO treaty to defend and plays guitar, piano and har- With this album, Dylan moves We all believe we are unique be· that I have been misgnided, brain- South Vietnam. monica. In fact the album might into thetruefolktradltton. Today's 2. - We were asked by the South cause we are not vulnerable to sen- washed, or struck by Creeping essentially be a harmonica tour de folk music Is not the primiUve pro- timent or emotion. senilityorlhatveryunorlginalcli- Vietnamese go;'ernment to fight force. There is no longer thejerk- test music or imaginative musical We all beJievewe areuniquebe- che called patriotism: there. This sentlment has been iness of his earlier guitar work and poetry. It needs the contemporary cause we have open mindS and the • --to those who complain that reiter;)ted by recent votes . the guitar itself is subordinated to rock sound with universal lyrics 3. - PresidentJohnsonofferedto true perspective. people listen, but do not hear. hold negotiations with the Northon the bass and drums. The rhythms and this Dylan utilizes. The title We all believe we are unique be- ---to those people who don't be- a neutral ship In neutral'waters. are steady and the drummer,Ken- song, "John Wesley Harding," is cause we are able to stand alone if lieve in war, are not pacifists 4. - The Northern Liberation neth Buttrey, uses drum rolls and about the outlaw, JohnWesley Har- asked to. though, and would have likedtosee Front ignored this offer. explosions to give the backing an din, but Dylan has corrupted the We aU hellevewe are unique be- Johnson enter the Arab Isralicon- 5. - The Saigon government has a oceanic lilt and a rolling move- name, possibly to create a car- cause we are not concerned with flict; pacification program called revo- ment, be It tortuous or calm. toon marriage between John Wes- "self", but with "right" and "hu- ---to those newspaper -digesting, lutionary development designed to Dylan's voice is also different. ley and Warren Harding, or pos- manity". arm-chair commandants who feel It is not as affected; he even laughs sibly to create a fictional char- by economic aid, For all of these uncommonthings that the realltY,brutallty,andtruth aid the ;'illagers reforms, school- at times. The talking blues, "The acter to sing about while he could admininstrative that we have in common, I submit of war is more realistically read building, and other works. This Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas not begin to understand the real this article. than saidbj!thosewhohavebeenin- program plus a new tax law are Im- Priest," for example, lighUycon- man. This song is In typical bal- Consider this article an ar- vOlved; portant steps to a new national au- siders paradise and comes upwith lad form and several other songs gument for the war in Vietnam or ---to those who simply want to tonomy. the Inevitable moral that one are as much Americana as any- consider it against those dead end thewar,buthavenosolutlonsto 6. -There Is a concerted effort to shouldn't "go mistaking Paradise thing Woody Guthrie ever wrote. minds which are closedbeyong re- offer; build up, retrain, and rearm the for that Home across the road." Especially notable are two country cognition, but above all, just con- ---and to those who feel thatthe South Vietnamese forces. The happy melodiC line is rem In- and western songs-written, sung sider this article. officials in our government are not 7. - The Vietnamese are not in iscent of the greatest of the modern and played beautifully ..'-"Down This Is directed to some of those -worthy of their faith; talking blues songs--"Alice's Along the Cove" and "I'U"Be Your who oppose the Vietnam war;' --- 'Jlo all of these people, I Submit favor of the Viet Cong as 30,000 V. Restaurant" by Arlo Guthrie. Baby Tonight." to those people who hated the ir- this plea; C. defectors last year indicates. The days of straight forward pro- "Close your eyes, close the rational prejuduce of the southern ---to re.9.Ilze thatforeveryBen- 8. - Some 250,000 V. C. acti- test, or folk-rOCk poetic sketches door. white toward the Negro, and who jamln Spack, and William Coffin, vists keep !ive to seven million are over. Injustices are more sub- You don't have to worry any- will soon awake, and find them- there is a James B.Conant(former Vietnamese out of reach of Sai- tie and hidden than they used to be. more-- selves trapped in an Irrational pre- Harvard PreSident), a Dean AChe- gon's efforts to govern, . or In "Drifter's Escape," a con- I'll be your baby tonight. No amount of rationalization, judice about Vietnam; son, or a Major James Moore who analogies will dispute these facts. victed drifter happily runs away ---to those who"condescended" believes in the course of action In It should be obvious also th~t only while the jury prays when a di- Kick your shoes off, do not fear. to hear General Walt even though Vietnam; ! a concerted, united. effort on both vlnely _sent bolt of lightning hlts Bring that bottle over here. they didn't agree with his view- ___andtoarguelntelIigentlyand sides of this argument,toflndcon- the courthouse. The song is iron- I'll be your baby tonight." point, -two days before he arilcula- unemotionally as possible realiz- structive, realistic Ideas is the ic without being comic. In this al- ted it; ing that Insult, humiliation, and most necessary factor to end the' bum Dylan ponders religious Maybe there's nothing more than ---to those who believe In a sarcasm, are not alternatives to questions without his ~arller sar- this. credibility gap - chleny because thoughful argument; war In Vietnam.
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