Page 53 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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lHE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 16, 1968 PAGE 3 Sister Corita Opens Follies Move; Dr.Manarin Lectures: Serigraph Exhibit Juniors Cast Historian Denounces Dust on War Records A one-man show of serigraphs tUfe as well as of the billboard. Coming to the stage of Alumni by Sister Mary Corita will open Within the medium of advertising Hall on March 14 and 15, is the Dr. Louis Manarln will speak In In the Fine Art Building, on Wed- and through visual emphasis on Junior Class Follies. This year Decker Lecture HaU, at 4:00P.M. nesday, February 1-1. words, she has found a Christian the junior class is presenting a Wednesday, F.ebruar~ 21. will "Wee the a historian, Dr. political satire entitled Manarfn, The show, being sponsored by approach to symbolism Ihat speaks the Religious Life Councl'l, will to Ihis generation. In this sense, People." An original 'Play by discuss "The Dust on the Re- cords!' open with a reception from 3;00 she is an existential artist. Dave Hilder and Jean Pfeiderer, that htstortan ~is main theme will be must dust off pre- 'o 5:00 P.III. The public Is invited, About 30 of SisterCorita'sseri- Wee the People has a cast of ap- conceived notions which have col- Sisler ccrua's work will be on graphs will beondisplayatWestern proximately 55 with the lead parts Ieeted and must remove dust from held by Dick Morgan, Elain Ment- display until Friday, February 23. Maryland from Februar-y 1,1to Feb- zer , Ludlow, John Bartlett, records in order to r'edisccver ne-, Jeff The galleries in the Fine Art Build- ruary 23 • .Fher-e is no acmtssron and Keith Thacker. Little Wade glected aspects of the period ing are open charge. Once again. the Home stead is of weekdays and 3:00 to ~:OO P.M. oPflll tu M'fH'tIH' public. is df recttng the production, and the Civil War. Sundays. Local Band Adds Novelty To Campus Mixer Ann Schwartzman is her assistant. The speaker is presently em- Sister Corita. head of the art de- Dave Weber Is heading up the pub- ployed by the North Carolina De- par-trnent at Immaculate Heart Col- The freshman Class invites you The five instrument group boasts a llclty campaign for the Follies of as part ment of Archives and History Editor of and Carol ue t.uca is in charge "North Caroltna lege In Los AngeJes, is representa- to "Vaunt Your Varsity Victories" reputation for good and lively !ive of the new style in nuns of the or "BIO\I' Your Basketball Blues" music. Admission will be $.50. tickets. The scenery and props Troops: A Roster 1861-1865." . Catholic Church.Shetravelsfreely on Saturday. february 17,from In another activity the Fresh- committee is under the direction The speaker Is a 1955 graduate throughout the United States. and 10:30 P. M. until I A.M.in8ianche man Debate Committee is pre- of Jim King, Keith Thacker, and 0: Western Maryland who received has discarded the usual habit. Ward Gym. sennr organizing a rlebate on the Ellen Von Deh sen, June Oliveri his M.~. and. Ph. D. degrees at Someone has written of her opti- The ever-on-the-move Fresh- tentative topic of compulsory is chairman of the costumes com- Duke Unlver stty, His fiel~ Is the mitlee, and the make-up commit- Dr. Manarin has been Civil War. mtsnc style, "In an age where man Class has designed the post- ROTC. The date in the offing is tee-- is under the car,e of Cindy a Profe~sorlal Lecturer at Amer- artists nave chosen to express 'rerror-oauauoot Basketball March I. As planned, the formal the modern lament of isolated men Game Mixer to include a Jive band, debate will tnctude upper-class- Groves and Chris Gels. Itls stated ican Umverslty and Is author ll(,1d that me play lias great relevance to editor of numerous works in hi" and existence, Sister Cor-ita has a novelty for a campus mixer. A men with an open discussion be- our times: however, the plot will field. chosen to extract meaning from local group, the oano answor s to tlle_ tween audience and debaters tm- the ordinarily dull and overtook- name "The Light In the Dark". mediately following. no! be dtsctosed until March 14. to ~:; p~~~t:,ln's lecture is open ed... with words ano cotor and space she pr-ovides us wtth the holy eards , inthe best senseofmoclernmarket place." Her theory is that there is nothing ugly. The Sister's serigraphs com- bine calligraphy and pop art and borrow from Madison Avenue tl)e CAREER blatant technique of the poster. She is a student of ser-ious nte ra- OPPORTUNITIES For graduates at all degree levels Despite NIH fiendish torture dynamic BiC Duo writes first time, every time! The world's largest center tor conquest of disease and improvement of human health The National Institutes of Health-NIH-is the principal research arm of the U.S. Public Health Service, and conducts many of the most advanced programs in medical science today. These pro- grams require specialists in a wide range of disciplines. Ex- ample: Right now NIH has openings in the following areas' CHEMISTS BIOLOGISTS NURSES . MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS. . SOCIAL WORKERS ... LIBRARIANS ENGINEERS COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS ... MATH- EMATICIANS STATISTICIANS .. SYSTEMS ANALYSTS . MANAGEMENT INTERNS PERSONNEL SPECIALISTS ACCOUNTANTS INFORMATION SPECIALISTS .. MANAGEMENT ANALYSTS CONTRACT SPECIALISTS These are permanent positions that offer high professional challenge and the benefits of career Federal employment. Start- ing salaries are attractive and opportunity lor advancement is excellent. An NIH representative will be visiting your campus soon to discuss these positions with interested students. We urge you to get further information about a career with NIH from the Placement Office, or by contacting Coflege Relations Officer NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Phone: (301)496-4707 An equal opportunity employer, M&F
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