Page 57 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 57
. THE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 16, 1968 PAGE 7 Matmen Sweep Pa II- 'F.b,"~y Terry's string runs back to with a pin In set the new standard ofl967, and he conttnuas Terrorettes Set Torrid Pace "r· 725. . U d t d through In·Easy Opening Victory R enuun n e ea e :~~eC::~:lti~~thtl:eY~::;;;~~~~~:~ the while Sarah Lednum and Betsy to be the man who on the team omy If has remained undefeated J After two months of practice, of action Monday night . The Terror matmen counoeo to at Hopkins, It was not an easy win meet. girls basketball team got its first and Horton each contributed four taste points. their fifth consecutive victory last though, and was in doubt untll late Art Blake captured three more responded with a 47-17 victory over The second half saw action from Saturday night by defeating Gal- in the meet. Tom Fowler set the points in the 152 pound duef with a Essex Community College. a new team, and the second string laudet 25-9, This brings the Ter- tone of the battle In the firs! match 10-5 decision and Rick scnrnert- The Western Maryland varsity varsity held the opponent to two rors to a 5-0 record in duel meets when he outrnusotad hts manto gatn z.ler- capped off the Terror scoring jumped right into the game with points, both free shots, while sc- marred only by a third place fin- a victory by default inthe 123pound with a uactston at 150. From here four quick baskets, while Essex oring eight themselves. Linda ish In the quadrangular meet held class when he dislocated his man's on out was rough sledding fur W~IC r;lil~d to get tile bal l into its half MacDonald, freshman forward, as the Hopkins heavyweights set of the court, It was well Into the com btned In plays for two of the out to even up the score. Al Starr quarter »erore Essex got on the four baskets. lost in the 157 event and Barry scoreboard. that point \ly virtue The junior varsity took thefioor Lambert lost at 177 by virtue of a of a foul. The end or tue quar-ter' in the fourth quarter and ~·rovedit- third period takedown. Herb saw WMC well aueadjleadingl-l-B, self equally effective asatnst Shrieves lost at 191 and Tom Ma- eight of the fourteen chalked up Essex. The JV offense came vity put up a good Itght before bcw- by sharp-shooting forward Sue through with nine points, six of tng to Hopkins' outstanding heavy- Smith. Each of the other starting these put through the hoop by fresh- weight Bill Hunt. forwards, Sarah Lednum, Betsy mall Mary Lou O'Neill. The first The home bout againstGallaudet Horton and LaRue Arnold con- string players finished the game showed that the team is as sol!d as tributed a basket to the quarter with Betsy Horton addingtwo more the previous match had indicated. points, Essex managed its second The Terrorslostbutthreematches The second quarter was again of the game and came by decision giving up only 9 points, dominated by Western Maryland basket through on six· of its foul shots for and winning by an tmpres stve za-a as a tight defense held Essex to a total of eight points for the final margin. only one basket, its first of two period. Getting off to a slow start aIter for the night. The offense equaled a loss at 123, the team started to its fourteen-point performance of Those girls par+tctpattng tn bas- Terry Conover takes down vtonmouth opponent on his way to 145 roll aIter Gary scholl pinned his the first quarter, pullingahead2B- ketball this year have been dividing lb. championship in the quadrangtar f)ICC~. man with one second remaining to 'I at the half, Sue Smith continued Into three teams. The first team put the Mat Monste r-s ahead to stay, here last month, elbow and got us our first 5 team Jay Leverton, a recent returnee to to up her tally with six more points makes up the fir.':>tst~ing varsity, The grapplers got oU to a good points. Gary Scholl got us another start this month alter returning 5 when his man failed to make the the mats, proved that he had not lost the touch his man by outpointing from the semester break with an 130 pound limit. We dropped the 10-2. Terry Conover then upped his impressive 21-17 victory over 137 pound match by a decision be- win streaktollwlthan8_ldeclslon. Johns Hopkins. The victory was a rrore Terry Conover set to we.-k, Art Blake followed with a 9-0 win sweet one for Coach Sam Case who Conover, who at the time was rldi. g before Dave Turnerrippedhlsman used to coach the wrestl1ng team the crest of a a meet wtnntng rnark, to a convincing 3:15 pin. Rick Sch- Terror Cubs Whip Loyola mertzfer took the que and routed his man by a 13-4 decision. Barry After Loss At Mercersburg Lambert followed suit by coming through with an encouraging U-5 Mter opening the spring se- The J. V, record stands at 7-5, win. Herb Shrieves lost at 191and Leon Cronce put up a game struggle mester with an BI-77 loss at Mer- with 4 more home games remain- against Dennis Emmendorfer be- cersburg Academy, the Junior ing on the schedule. fore falling. Terrors turned their wrath upon Bil! Hl.Itchlnsonr kept his shoot- The last three matches for the Loyola in a Fr-iday evening ttlt at ing percentage up while account- H!lliteswlJl feature rough com- Gill Gym and atoned for the mid- ing for 31 Terror points. Randy petition from Wa shington Ccllege , week loss with a 81-64 victory, Hutchinson added IB,andBillSher- Lebanon Valley and Delaware Val- The Terrors took command -at man Bob Moore added 11 and 10 ley. The final home match Is a- the opening buzzer, and never re- points respectively, gainst Lebanon Valley on the 22. Hnqutsned the advantage, Thelead At Mercersburg the Terrors If the Terrors hope to finish the mounted to 42-32 at halftime, and showed too UtUe too late, as the season undefeated,theywillneed then the creen and Gold got long Jay-off lengthened the fuse of the support of the student body for serious, The run-away turned into theJ.V.T,N.T,ltwasaquestion thi,:;crucilameet. a rout as the J, V,'s controlled the of not finding their game until the game at both ends of the court. middle of the second half as they Rebounding was the key to the rallied from a rr-potne deficit to offensive display as the hometeam close the margin to I point before ELDERSBURG pulled down 55 caroms,whlledom- capitulating. InaUng both the offensive and de- Nine players broke into the RADIO fensive backboards. Three mel scoring column, led by BIllSher- All You Need Is Love· stood out In this department, Bill man with 22 points. Bob Moore RCA VICTOR Sherma, BUI Hutchinson and Randy canned 12 points and BIU Hutchin- DUMONT - EMERSON Hutchinson; each garnered 11 re- son managed eleven. The final Fast Rlldio Service After air, it's what makes the world go 'round in bounds apiece. Alter the running score was BI-77.buttheentireJ.V. 185 E. Main that wonderful, once-in-o-Ufetime way. The en- was over, the Greyhounds of Loy- team, and Coach Ober agreed that TI 8-3066. ola were down byl7points, and they it should have been a Terror vic- Eldersburg Shopping Center gagement ring you choose says so much about had become the seventh vietln: tory. 795·0210 your love ... and should it be a Keepsake, the PL _ 2-1126 BE-S_2972 word is "perfect." A brilliant diamond of fine color and modern cut guaranteed perfect (or John S. Revelle WTTR replacement assured). Just look for the name Keepsake, in the ring and on the tag at your CONTINENTAL AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE Keepsake Jeweler's store. He's in the yellow poges under "Jewelers." 2505 Blaustein Bldg. AM·1470KC FM-Steroo Baltimore. Md. 21201 Write or Call lor Proposals _ All Inquires ~FJsEake~ Answered Promptly WESTMINSTER cIA.MOND RINGS Lile Insurance _ Pensions _ Business Insll •. MARYLAND .n~IR IUS. nlio USO. TO ~IOO. WtOOIH~ RIH~ 100. LECKRON ~"ICU 'RON $TOO. HE;. TO $5000. rOHO RINGS U~RGEP IHC .• 10 ESUIllSNH IE~UTY ,UI OF DEUll. • 'HOW ~. "TRAOE.NARK CO.~~NY, H. GULF SERVICE rHOWTO-PlANYOUR-ENGAGEMENTA-;;OWEDD'NGl t!111,~I;!!~~E;s send new 20-page booklet, "How To Plan Your Engage- I I Please 1 ment and WeddIng" and new 12-page full color folder, both for W_ MAIN & PENNA. AVE. I only 25c, Also, send special offer of beautiful 44-page Bride's BO~~ I I Weat ...iDSter,Md. 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