Page 59 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol. 44 No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND MARCH 1, 1968 Roger Hilsman Calls Nationalism Crucial u.s. Should Function as Support Force Rather Than Asian Front-Line Defense "There are no dominoes In al Politics. DIlrlng the Kennedy Southeast Asia." This was one Administration he served in the of the recurrlngthemesthatDr. State Department In several Roger Hitsman stressed Fe- high offices. bruary 28, in an assembly in Dr. HUsman feels that while Western Maryland Col1egE".sA- the Domino Theory was appli- lumnt nan. The reason, Dr. cable at one time, it no longer Hilsman feels, 15 the rising applies. He believes that na- nationalism in these countrras, tionalist forces are strong It is this nattonaltsrn , he stated, enough to resist Communist Ann Schwartzman, assistant director, and Dave Hilder. playwright, which 15 the only thing that can subversion and that U,$. power observe FoUies rehearsal. prevent Communist takeovers should be reserved for dealing Juniors Cast Play tn these nations. Asia policy. the with outright aggression. He in His subject the United was America's also believes that greatest mistake States' Dr. HUsman's talk was on Interna- Morgan in Top Role second In a series sponsored by Vietnam was the Americaniza- tional Politics, In his opinion tion of the war. department of Politi- WMC's cal Science. He was preceeded the Ultimate fate of Vietnam lies Un- In the hands of the people, 'Dave Hilder and Jean Pflei- Melvin Palmer, faculty advisor by Harry Schwartz of the New less they can stop Communism the bombing. He 'stated that it derer collaborated to write the report progress as steady. York Times, and he will befol- it cannot be stopped has already cesrroyed every highly original satlre,"Weethe Although custom forbids re- lowed by Senator Gale McGee. Important target In North VIet- People", for the 1968Junior velation of planned plot and Dr. HUsman has a thorough Halt Bombing nam, and that the supplies need- Foll;ies. Politically oriented, technique, some very unique background In his subject. Af- Dr. HllsmanlsneltheraHawk ad can be Infiltrated regardless the play Is relevant to the pre- surprises are In store for the ter graduating from West Point nor a Dove; "I guass tnat makes of bombing. Also It "'auld take sent-day situation. DickMor- audience during the production. he served with Merrill's Ma- me a Dawk or a Hove," he qutp- the pressure of world oprruon gan, Elaine Mentzer, Jeff Lud- The play will be presented in rauder s, aguerrllIaforce oper- ped. He feelsthattheU.S.must from Washington to Hanoi. The low, and Kletb Thacker star In Alumni Hall on March 15 and 16. ating In Burma and Indochina, get out of vietnam but does not second step would be to change the playts "lead roles. commit- Tickets are $1.25. durlngWWII. He received his propose Immediate wttuorawar, our tactics In South Vietnam tees such as props, make-up, M.A. and Ph. D. in InternaUon- The first step would be to stop from "search and destroy" to and costuming are chaired by "clear and hold." Third would those Juniors who nave exper- Dean Ponders Dress be to increase the role played by ience in dramatic arts. Dave the South Vietnamese army. Hilder, coordinator, and Mr. Last would be to broaden the SOS Accepts Code And Standards Saigon government and thus In- crease Its popular support. He hopes that the U$. could pull Its New Teams Returns Favoring Favoring forces out of Vietnam In the next reserving few years, for them Dean Laidlaw received a sug- Following the largest turnout gested dress list drawn up by Present Suggested cases of outright aggression, of appltcants In Its stx-year hts- the Women's Council and has Dress Dress He concluded his address with tory,80S accepted 37 students been considering it for the last Code List the observation that only a great to fill positions on eight teams. two weeks. power can admit making amis- Flying to Puerto ntcouits sum- Parents 232 25% 75% take. Afterward, Dr. HUsman mer, Claire Gimbel, JuUa Ro- Dr. Lowell Ensor infonns cam- Faculty 46 15% 85% gers, Cathy Shook and Doug pus of committee action. As proposed, the dress ust Students 234 6% 94% spent the remaining time field- Elliot will spend Six weeks at an will encompass four divisions. McDaniel Hall voted 100%for ing questions from the audience. orphanage in Ponce. Jean Cast- Assembly Shows It Is suggested that formal such a suggested list, while 89% He later spoke to students that le Vic McTeer, Keith Muelfer dress, defined as dress In OF Blanche Ward Hall echoed artarnoon In McDanIel Lounge. and Lisa Ranshaw plan to work Greek lJilemma heels, should be worn to Sun- their desire. with the YMCA In Ensenada, The Cornmittee report on day noon meal, Sunday chapel Members or me twoteams re- Fraternities was announced services and on other appro- RLC Alay Spearhead turning to Appalachia Include and discussed Monday evening priate occasions. Every- Lin Lin Chen, Judy Harper,Pat February 26 at the second day wear, designated under Fteeharty, Ellen Von Debsen, Communications Assembly the heading ot "skirts" are Voter Registration Proiect Ben Orvedal, Cathy McCul- held in Alumni Hall. worn to classes and rettg- tough, Walt Michael, Danny Dr, zesor stated that the lous services other than those Greenlp and Steve Wilson. corniutttee did not recommend on Sunday. It is also desired The Religious Life Council Mrs. Kathy Peters of the New Beginning two brand-new the abolishment of fraternities that curlers be worn only in has become interested In a vot- York Y.W.C.A. will assume re- projects In Oklahoma, Sieve and sororutes at Western the dorm, and that women not er registration project i"Co- sponslbilitys for all volunteers. Davis, Bob Davtson , Carol Maryland because they "could smoke In public. WMC wo- lumbla, South Carolina, Called 'rwo years ago Rick McCanna Yingling, Sue Green, Cindy discern no sufficient reasons". men, states the list, should the Columbia Project, this participated ina similar project DeWttt, Lyle wuson, Pat Because the CommiUeesreport dress as ladles and appro- sprfngbr-eak activity's aim Is in a southern Virginia County. Myer s, Frank Bowe, Pain was Inconclusive, Dr. Ensor priatelyto all occasions. voter registration and education He and fifty other college stu- Freeman and Betsy Horton plan sugge sted a continuing semin- lor as many people as possible. dents spent approximately five to orient their projects around ar on the matter under tns aus- No punitive action will be The National Young Women's days trying to reach as many the construction of ubrane s, pices of an established com- taken for any violation of this Christian Association (Y. W.C. people as possible with the Veteran Jell Ludlow, together- mittee such as the Student Life "taste code," However. at- A.) Is sponsoring the campaign information. They worked In with Jim Russell, Sue Schmidt Council. tention will Ill' given to any In coordination with the Colum- teams, which were half made and Sue Seney look to BoUviaas Dr. Holthaus, chaIrman of the WMCwoman whom the Women's bia N, A. A, C. p. up with area Negro high SChool their destination. Returnlngal- President's Committee, consi" Council feels is competely out- Both men and women students students. They explained to the ter several years to the Phili- dered the Committee a failure. of-bounds. will beinvolved. Alreadyforty- people that they had the right to ppines, Steve Jones, Will Davis, Rp stated that bpcause membprs To get the popular opinion on five students from the Univer- vote and that they could do so Rich Fuller, Ralph Wilson and were either too busy, absent the dress code and suggested sity of South CarOlina, BenedIct without any trouble. Charlee Williams plan to put a from mpetings and unwilling to dress Ust, a poll of parents, College, and Allen College have project In acHon in conjunction draw conclUSions to important faculty, and students was taken. volunteered. From Columbta, Those interested should con- with students from other col- issues, the committee could not Results of the poll are now a- the students will be assigned tact Dean Zepp or Ruthle leges, make a full report. vailable. specific territories to work in. Thomas.
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