Page 50 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG JANUARY 12, 1968 SOS Members Argonauts Centennial History Renovate D.C.ApprovesROTC Meet Challenge Constitution by Theodore M. Whitfield " that the motto on the seal of the Dec. 18, 1919 --CHRlSTMASGlFT College has been the subject of The Argonauts, Mary- western by Steve Davis mun1ty Action Programs. We wUl land's scholastic honor society, has TO THE FACULTY--It was an- compla1nt.Thefacultytodayenter- be working with state and local nounced that the President of the tamed a motion authcr-iztng eltm- In the field we are called Peace agencies of West Virginia. ratified sweeping changes in Its College had directed the treasurer matron of the motto andthesubsti- Corps, Point Four, Vista, vespra, Phllippines-- illdlvidual ini- constitution designed to make it to give the faculty a "bonus of 5% tution of another. After discussion Americanos, or just American tiative will be the key to this pro- more nearly like that of the national of their salar-ies as a Christmas it was decided to correct andre- stJdents. AtWMCthenameisSOS,' ject. WorkingwithFU1pinocollege Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. present." Further, it was ordered tatn the present Iegend, Student Opportunities Service. students, SOS volunteers w1l1 be Although there are secnons ceat- "that should the nuances of the Jan. 6, 1919 __R.O.T.C.APPROV_ Don't mislabel us; we're not a active in areas such as health ed- tng with a new place and time for College justify •••another 5% bonus ED __ The faculty today gave ap- summer employment agency, a ucation and in sanitation. The work Induction ceremony, the heart of at the end of the school year." proval to a plan to provide mili- dating service, orafruUcakecom- to be done here Is in cooperation the change is in the requirements These announcements were re- tary training for male students of. of fellows. The for the admissions parry, with the Philippine YMCA. old system allowed any junior or ceived,we are told,"Withexpres- the College. By arrangement with SOS places its emphasis on Westminster-Carroll County sions of pleasur-e" by the faculty. the government at Washington, the people. They range from the cane- working with HeadstartPrograms, senior with a 2.1 average to be- Jan. 18, 1918' __COALSHORTAGE Army and College will co-operate cutters of Puerto Rico to the coal SOS volunteers will be nivclved In come an associate member. As- __The fact that the country is at to set up on the campus and train miners of West Virginia. Meeting tutoring and education. socrates- ihaving a 2.2 index a unit of the Reserve Officers' and conversing with these people is SOS Is an auve organization with after seven semesters were elig- war was brought home to the ad- J:raining Corps. To secure and re- perhaps the mostcuraoie aspect of a short, but strongtrad1tionof ser- ible for fellowship as were as-.' ministrators of the College by a tain thlsunit,itwm~necessary anSOS pr-oject. - vice based on WMC students who sociates below the required grade recent letter from the local Fuel to have one hundred or more stu- Individual contact, however, is have the interest to extend and point average, but who graduated Administrator. In this letter H. dents in the corps. Completion of only half of theSOS story. Cooper- commit themselves beyond the with honors. The emphasis here' E. Koontz declared "that during the, the program will permit male stu- ative effortinacommunity-Impro- one hundred sixtyacUlsofWestern was on index alone, with no other continuation of the coai scarcity dents to enter the Army as sec- vement projectestab1is~esthe vol- Maryland coueee, factors taken into account. the College must -restrtct its use ond lieutenants. of Coal to those building which are unteer as a key citizen in the area Application for prospective sum- where he works. The volunteer mer field team members are now The new system again requires absolutely necessary for school Jan. 7, 1868 -- UBRARY FOR gains a solid sense of accomplish- available from Jeff Ludlow, Lisa good grades but goes several steps purposes." FEMALE STUDENTS -- President ment. With imagination and hard Renshaw, Frank Bowe,Steve Davis, further. Now there will be no as- Jan. 24, 1922 -- JE$TERS TO BE J. T. Ward announced that he had work he leaves something con- or Sharon Spangler. If you are in- sociate members, only fellows. The ORGANIZED -- Several male stu- selected from his own llbrary 100 structlve showing the positive act- terested in the opportunity that names of seniors in the top 15% dents recently petitioned the faculty volumes which he will make avail- ion of 50s. SOS offers for summer projects, of their class and outstanding jun- to permit them to organize a group able as a special library for the This year the number of places get your application now. iors will be submitted to a com- to be called The Jesters. Thiswill female students of the College. It where SOS plans to direct sucner- mittee of five faculty advisors ap- be a social organization. The young is hoped that the young ladles will These fort have been increased. who !J.ave SNEA Advises pointed by the President. This men believe that they can offer pro- take advantage of this generous imaginative volunteers group will examine a student's grams of entertainment Involving action by the President and will the Interest and commitment to academic record,thetypesofcour- singing, jokes and perhaps some acquaint themselves more fully ses taken and thedistrubtionof serve in anareawherelifeisnever New Teachers elements of a minstrel show which with the literary treasures to be easy, but always active, always courses in terms of a liberal will enlarge theJ:iartiCtpationofthe found in these volumes. Immediate. These prospective The SNEA chapter of WMC met education. Other Information such students in desirable activities as asa interest, grade student's project sites Include: In McDaniel Lounge on December pattern, and general attitude will well as increase the enjoyment of Jan. 16, 1948 -- Dean BerthoU' Bolivia --Instead of coal miners, 11 for its monthly meeting. both students and faculty uvtng on Leaving -_ The Gold Bugannounced you'll probably meet Un miners and also be included in this written the Hill. If permitted to organize, the expected departure of Dean Aymara Indians. The work to be Vice President Gail Gracey in- record. The faculty advisors wi1l the men hope to give programs off Lloyd M. Bertholf at the end of the dQ.n~here Is land reclamation and troduced three ideas to the group then decide by a majority vote who campus which would increase the month. Professor Berthold has teaching or- manual and literary under new business. Committees will be admitted. general awareness of Western been on the staff of the College for skills wIth MissJoyHolloway, for- were formed to revise the Ohio All of this was undertaken with Maryland among the thinking peo- twenty-three years as professor mer WMC student. Journal, to write an advisory paper an eye toward the eventual estab- ple of our state and recognition ot of Biology, Dean of the g'rashman lishment of aPhl Beta Kappa Honor Oklahoma--more_lndlans, but this tor student teachers, and to com- the excellence of its orrertngs, The Faculty and Dean of the Faculty. time Cherokees in the eastern'0k- pose articles for the SNEA national Society chapter at WMC. To be peUtion is Signed by Daniel C. Mac- Dean Bertholf leaves Western lahoma community of Hulbert. The magazine. Students were also ap- considered for membership, a non- Lea and other men. Maryland to become dean of the affiliated honor SOCietymust have project is an tcstanenon of anSOS pointed to attend meetings of the a constitution simUar to that ofthe Jan. 26, 1871 --COLLEGE SEAL Faculty of the College of the Pac- library. Carroll County Teachers Associa- national society. NEEDS CORRECTION -- It appears Ific in Stockton. California. Puerto Rico--a base for at Ieasf tion to discuss a future combined two projects. The Iirst In Ensenada project. with the YMCA and Mr. Fundador The guest speaker, Mrs. Mary Santiago. The work here Involves Turner, was then introduced. Mrs. recreation suparvtstcn, teaching of Turner, who is the Assistant team sports and swimming, and Director of Adult Education in instruction In arts and crafts. The Washington, D.C., spoke on teach- second project involves work In a ing in the inner city. boy's orphanage in Ponce, or the establishment of a YMCA In San Appalachia --two teams will go Carroll Theatre German. to Appalachla,one at Mohawk, West Virginia and another as yet unde- JAN. 12 & 13 termlnde to continue work inCom- Dean Mortin "ROUGH HIGHT 1101 JERICO" In Color JAN. 14, 15,16 ROSALIND RusSELL SANDRA DEE HOME, SCHOOL and OFFICE SUPPLIES 47 E. M~n St. 848·5553
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