Page 56 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 56
PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 16, 1968 Hot Bench Shines I Uncaging the Zoo I Unsung Subs Play Vital Role b Tel n A multi-faceted creature on a single-minded campus is bound to run I Sh epar d F rost urg ..ts into some sortifwall,andthusseemedthefateoftheor.ganlZatiOli. known as the Zoo. The wall was, and to some extent, still IS the wall , a.- of indifference which is natural in a loneJyHtUe campus where students attend athletic events to be seen rather than to see. The game of bas- The Green Terrors returned the scoring punch of Jeff Davis, visitors potnt for point In the first ketball means a display of "cool" to the average WMD-Ue. The object after a long layoff to face a schedule Larry Suder, Dave Lewis, and half. The firsttwentymlnuteswere of the display is to gather with a clique in the gym, and try to "out- that included four games in five Ralph Wilson, the Terrors slipped highlighted by excellent shooting by cool" the other cliques. The game ends with the murmured query, cays, three aga1nst Mason-Dixon behind the eight at 56-48 with only Loyola from both the court and rree- "What was the score anyway?" The Zoo has different idea, and the Conference opponents. They ended nine minutes remaining. Then throw line, and scrambling tactics team, the coach, and the forgotten crusaders called cheerleaders all the week with an excellent effort things began to cttck as newccmar.s by Western Maryland that gave approve 'and appreciate. ' against a rough Hampden-Sydney Bill Dudley and Gary Shapiro began them metrvas-aa half time tie. In squad after previously tangling to pull the Terrors back. Dudley the second half the Terrors seem- But the Zoo is caged. Go to a College Rams, basketball game and you will see with the Shepard and the Grey- hit a driving lay up to pull the team ed to hit a coldstreak,andcouldn't State, Frostburg its jungle trapped betweentwopet- hounds of Loyola. With the wins to within six at 58-52 and quickly buy a basket. The score quickly rmed forests. It is growing, but followed by a Jeff Davis foul shot. jumped to 61~45 in favor of Loyola, caged because it is the organ of against Hampden-Sydney and Gary Shapiro, on a nice assist by then 74-51 as Loyolaoutscoredthe ragged Green and Gold bya Frostburg the Western Mar-yland school spirit, not a representative squad produced two victories from Ralph Wilson made it 58-55.Again margininthefirstllmlnutes.The 33-ll Io/0up: It is,, a group of Shapiro headed the attack, first cpnsciennous tnetvtcuets, not a me rour cootesrs. first traveled to stealing the ball, and then making final score had the obviously tired Terrors The Terrors on the short end by eigh- rr\ere howlmg menagerie. They Shepar dstewn, West Virginia to a half court pass to Davis for the teen points, 88-70. are saying something. lay up. Finally with '1:40 remain- take on Shepard College. The Rams ing, Rick Coburn put the Terrors Oil Satur dav. the Terrors played The Z-QQbegan as a telephone-booth line In the Black and White handed wastern Marvtand one ortrs into a permanent lead. Ralph Wil- host to the Hampden-Sydney Tfg- section of kNW. The waiting room (original cage) was Offy's(John most agonlzlngsetbacksofthesea- son followed with two tap-Ins to er-s, Again tr ailtng at the half, they Offerman), but Offy claims that the Idea was Jake's (Dave Jacobs). son as they won a tightthrlller'16- make the score 63-59. Shapiro and managed to fight back and trip the The GOLDBUG recteveo these facts while sitting in on an Ice hockey '15. HamperingtheTerror'seffolis game (sponsored by Offy). The result was a Zoo-view of the Zoo. were twenty seven personal foul Original Zoo members Randy Blume and Jack Baltzer comprised the calls plus a vital thirty losses of control. Larry Suder led the Ter- :~~~n~ste:~~rm~~~~~~ f:~~~~~:e~l:ff'~~~n~~P~~I;~:s ~~~ ~~:t~~n~:~ rors with a z-t-potne performance, to act like themselves." W. R. McNally supplied the camera and the followed by Ralph Wilson with 17, initiative for membership cards, and Western Maryland fan tradition The next night, rr-ytng to ravar-sc supplied the new locale. The Zoo moved to the gym. They combined the Shepard decision. Coach Clower the zest of City College High School with the bedlam of the Palestr-a inserted two new starters-Greg (University of Pennsylvania), Old high school cheers, an oil drum with G;etty and Dave Lewis. The Strategy Jim Smyth at the controls, and many new members. The Zoo had found seemed to work as LarrySuderhlt a home, but not acceptance. Then came Terror Appreciation Night. five quick points to propel Western Although the game was a lost cause, the resuvtnes were completely Maryland Into a Ivt Iead.und Lewis suddessfull, and the Zoo is now taking steps toward self-preservation. and Getty hit key baskets to matn- The Zoo will be reorganized into a formal rooting or-gantz atton. tainthe lead at the ten mtnute mar k The GOLD BUG would like to extend a wish for complete success in in the first half. However again per- future years, but we would rather see the Zoo unceged, The sign sonal roursburt me r'errors as nr st should either come down or be extended to incorporate the entire Ralph Wilson, and then Lar-r-y Sudar bleacher section. Everyone should bring a green and golddrum. and'Jiff Davis were forced to the .tert Davis pops ill two Terror points. bench to avoid further foul trouble. Intramural Race Wide Open Two free throws by Kevin Murphy on four free throws astheWestern visiting mat some new meuioo was Tigers the lead 1067·61 Davf s Increased It was 9'1-80. and another by Howie Reynolds gav€ evident a 34-31 lead with about Frostburg five came up with 10 Mar-yland As Key Contests Approach two minutes remaining. Late bas- points on just under two minutes. being employed by Coach Clower as he stayed with his starting line kets by Dave Baker and Mike Baker The Ter-ror-sc ballhawktng and play- in spite of various difficulties, Once again WMC's Intr-amur-al battle for lhe top .>pot,which allowed the Terror five to remain ing aggressively at both ends of the However the play was much more basketball season is dr:lWingto all decided when the Freshlllel' clOse as the half ended with Frost- court completely outplayed the dllberate and steadier; the defense eod. tTnJike many previolls ("am~ Inile!)t'ndent team faces the defend burg leading 38-33. Frostburg State squad in the last more determined, and the offense paings, l1ov.'ever, tllestan
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61