Page 58 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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PAGE8;e;;O BUGFEBRUARY_16_. _19_68~{jJjO:-'eII6~ _ the theme ts takanrr-cm tne roman- tic movie "Camelot", a which Instantly recalls the days The formal fraternity rush pro- A new semester began for Delta of chivalry, the Round Table, bold not surprised cess has moved Into Its most nn- Sigma Kappa with the following knights, white chargers, lovely she's Of course we're Presldent ... Why, Betsy Welsh now occupies the our new portant phase with the onset at the newly elected officers: Carol De- ladies,colorfultournaments,cast- if you ran around the countyUll Chair as president of Iota Gamma second semester. Formal frat- luca. President; Little Wade, Pre- les and all the magic of Merlin; 4:30 every morning, hunt ing " tor Chi for second semester. Her ret- ,,,,(lkf'rs, as a following to srdent-etect, Sherry Swope, Re- OUf last meeting was conducted low Officers rnciuce Claire Whit- the !ill ""d -uroker-s, started the cording secretary; Lynne Caroth- above the rustle of girls construct- hours whooping up sensational tington as vice-president, Kay Purple Opens, you'd stand on top first Wl'''),; <)1 February, as the ers, Treasurer; Pam Hausler, log paper decorations and the excit- Grossnickle as recording secre- Black and Whites hosted the eligi- Sergeant-at-arms; Janice Zengel , ed, gay chatter among the girls of the herd too. Congratulations the tary, Linda Hahn as corres- Zimmerman ••••you can take" bles. With one smoker to be held Chaplain; Karen Wagner and Barb sharing their own'plans ror the ap- bull by the horns now! ponding secretary and Marcia each week for the duration of the Thomas, Social Chairmen; Sue proaching formals. Final details Swanson as treasurer. Other of- month, the Bachelors, the Preach- Mawby, Corresponding Secretary: were discussed for the DeUs to Lounging in the rtgbr-band-cor-, ficers are; Emma Moore as as- er s, and the Gamma BeteswUlfor- Pat Johnson and June Oltver-r.Bus- celebrate Delta Sfgma Kappa's ror- ner is Dee Gr eenlae , one-time loud sistant treasurer .. Bertha- Reese m attv entertain the eligible men. tne ss managers, Lynda Pritchard, ty-Iourth anniversary at the annual mouth Sergeant-at-Arms, and as alumni secretary, Kathy Cran- Afte~ the smokershavebeenglven, Historian; Sarah Lednum, I. S. C. birthday banquet held Tuesday, loved by all. Tremendous Tree ford as S. G. A. representative each fraternity will btd ontne ettg- Representative; Betsy Horton and holds the reinsonthe cookie jar and Nola xrarvn as scnsntne this ible men, with bids being accepted Anne Read, Eavesdropping Elves; February 13 at the Ranch in Cham- for another semestar wnn Calf semester. Penn syl vanla, the first week In March. Georgia Dave,S.G. A. Repre senta- bersburg, were formally The new Kazmer as her protege. Sec- The Peter Pan 1M In Frederick officers installed In cooperation with the SGA, the ~Ive, and everyone enjoyed the huge and retaryv Ah, yes" Mason on the job. will be the scene of the Iote for- IFC is working and planning for The upcoming; months bring delicious smorgasbord dinner. Who else can fl-reup the gr-oup with mal on March 2. A steak or shrimp SpringWeekend,thefirstweekend exciting events for the Delts.Most No Delt doubts that an even better such subtle wit and canny quips. dinner will be served and a dance In May. There will oe many acttvt- exciting of all Is the formal dinner year Is ahead for tne first sorority Hanging in there at the other posts will follow with music by the Klng- ties during the weekend and Greeks and dance, the Annual FUm Fes- founded at western Maryland Col- are Linda "Sunshine" Showe; men. Invitations will be sent out will compete in fun and games. tival, to be held March2. This year lege. Chaplain Jeanne Black, Sgt. at [his week. The totes are sponsoringatalent Arms., Gail Gracey; SOCial Chair- • mans LtndaWileyandNancySmith; show for the patients at Springfield 'The Greek Doldrums S. C. and S. G. A. are respectively Some of the featured acts will be early next week. the I. state and our Hospital representatives to Marcia Torovsky and Amy Lewis. the "Little Green Men" and a Sigma's do--skl that Is. On March 8y Lo.,y E;senbe,g Attention, girls. Phi Alphs will "Ballet" of sorts. More acts are first approximately twenty five Here we are at Happy Western cectos not to choose. It Is easy now be taking care of those last needed. If you don't think that you Sigmas and their dateswiUbe tsav- Mar ylandv-tbe land of "m tbere , for a man to decide to go inde- minute stocking runs on Saturday can perform, the audience could ing the rollinghillsofWestminstero happy western Marylander! It ts pendent (it's been done before). night. Our nylon saleis getting un- use a few more hand-clappers. for the snow-laden slopes of one of the Hill." A family college with Our fraternity system would be der way now. Two pair for a dct- Anyone interested In going along, Maryland's most rantasnc ski re- a country club atmosphere where much better If more fraternities lar. Can't beat that. please contact any Iote or Claire sorts. They will be tr aveltng upto only the pushy don't survive. Fra- would be havebeenmoreselect!ve, Gimbel in McDaniel. Wisp Recreation Center and Ski ternity pledge time rs nearjand tbe and more eUgibleswouldhavealso Apologies to all party patrons, Lodge, nestled high In the Alleg- excitement Is almost unbearable. been more Selective. please. We will stage our record- we're all good drivers when we're hanies near Deep Creek Lake, Word to the freshmen--"West- The pros andconsoffraternlties breaking Open yet: The Dean just drunk. Do not despair. we atways Maryland. ern Maryland attempts to Inspire differ just as the individuals in- doesn't understand right now that come through in the clutch. that range of interest, depth of volved differ. Each fraternity of- Don't think for a moment that appreciation, andCacilityofthought lers social functions, a sense of the Sigmas ar-e inexperienced Boy Sco_ut Summer Camp located near Baltimere, Md. skiers. The tradition of the ski and action needed for effective belonging, and hopefully a union weekend has been handed down llving in a democratic society"-- with Similar individuals. These occepting (lpplicotions for camp directors, progrom from Big Skunk to Little Skunk official college matchbook. a- goals can be accomplished for an directors, business manager, oguatic directoss, if that fraternity are four fraternities only There individual and is now deeply embedded in vailable here for the freShman. is the right one for him. But only Program specialists, c(lmp commissioners, rifle and Sigma Lore. Since 1928there have always been he can decide whlch,ifanyisright. What could they posslhly find to archery directors. June 16th to August 17th. do for an entire weekend'? Wisp four fraternities and the young The man is a fOOlwho chooses the has seen to It that they won't be collegian has to choose between "wrong" fraternity because the bored. They haVe planned ski les- thenl. He is told that it is, one "right" one wouldn't have 11l.~ Write Baltimore Area Council, Boy Scouts of sons, ice-fishing, tobagonning, of the most important decisions and he's bigger fool for even con- snow-mobiles, Ice-skating and, of of his life--horse pucky. One side ring fraternltles if they're not America, 306 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. 21201 I'm r-...:-------...L-----------------"1 course,the ski slopesthemseJves. of the biggest problems we face his bag. The fifteen slopes have a vertical ~:a~~~~!::at~~r:~~:~ut:l~~ rise of 600 feet, the longest being a member of a fraternity, and two miles. I have no regrets. Myfraternity The Sigmas are accepting their specifically, personally, and part of the festivity plans by pro- individually satisfies me. vidlng a banquet for Saturday night. In the last few years we have The entertainment following the heard a lot about how fraternities menl will be provided by the Wisp decrease intellectual and em- Ski Lodge In the form of a floor otional frl'edolils. For some show. people this is true. It is sad that What better way to escape the they evt'T fl'Jt obliged to join. bustle of Whimsee academic life FOllr fraternities gives a man than to retreat to asklchaletcom- four choices--plus one--he can plete with cozy cabins and the warm fireplaces that only a ski lodge can. trudge Carroll Theatre offer? Late Sunday afternoon, a happy group of skierswlll back to W)'IC, thus ending a week- end of chillingthrills. FEB.18-19-20 9(ellfi FUM-FLAM MAN Stationery starring STORE GEORGE C. SCOTT HOME, SCHOOL and OFFICE SUPPLIES FEB. 21-27 VALLEY 47 E. Main St. 848-5553 OF THE DOLLS PATIO Sandwich SHOP Featuring 15c Hamburgers Thick ~liIk Shakes JeqqfillJ PiuRs - Subs French Fries - Shrimp Boats Homemade Do-Xuts Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiche!' Rt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 8~8-5S60
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