Page 49 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 49
THE GOLD BUG JANUARY 12, 1968 PAGE 7:, Clowermen Fight to Even Losing Record Spotty Play Shapes Terror Record Junior Varsity Posts 5-3 Record, Best in Years As Hoopsters Lose, Win in Spurts The Terror JV's own a 5-3 re- Hutchinson Is secondlntotalpoints After levelling their record at 1 University was the first victim, nan with 16 seconds remaining and cord thus tar this season including with 137, and carries a highfield win, 1 loss the Terrors ran head- falling to Larry Suder's 30-toot .a 77-77 score. Then, John Heisler a double win over a strong Towson goal average. Leading the club In long into confusion while losing Jump shot at the buzzer that gave found Larry Suder freeontherlght squad. rebounds Is Randy Hutchinson with three in succeston. 'rue set- the Terrors 79 points to 77 for 'slde, and in a moment, the Green Leading the team in total points 94, and close behind is Bill Sher- back came at the hands of Towson B,U. - and Gold had .... '........ 1" Is Bill Hutchinson with 180. Bill man with 77. Sophomore Butch- State by a score of 84-76. plays guard and has a fine shot Johnson leads the team In assists The Terrors had trailed by a and a variety of moves., Randy wit~ 24 for the season. margin of 8-10 points until the last five minutes, where, at one point, the deficit was but one potnt.Hcw- ever, the bugaboo of the current season, ball control, proved their downfall, and the game was lost in the final minute. Mike Baker led all scorers with 26 points, and Ralph Wilson added 20. Charlie Smith led the victorious Teachers with 22 counters, tot- lowed by Ed Weibel with 21, and Ron Dazambo with 19 points. Two nights later the Terrors were Shelled at Bridgewater, al- though showing their best offense Junior Mike Baker scores a two-point jumper against Washington to date, with a 110-99 tally. win for the 'rerrcrs . The balaneed attackv whlch in a 87-67 showed four Green Terrors In double figures wasn't enough to Joe Smothers added confidence victory of the year. offset the scoring of center Jim to his game with 19 rebounds l and The squeaker was followed by a Upperman (34 points) and guard he's been flying high ever since. laugher over Washington College, Ed Cook, who canned 26. The balance of the scoring was with a 87-67 Terror victory. Joe Mi ke Baker, again,ledtheGreen taken care of by Ralph Wilsonwith Smothers led the aUackagalnstthe !!lid Gold with 21 points, followed 16, Mike Baker with 13, and Greg Sho'men with 21 points and a good by Wilson with 20; Larry Suder, Getty and Suder scored 12 apiece, defense under the visitors' back- Bill Hutchinson goes for a jumper agairst Washington College. 16; and Jeff Davis with 15 points; with Suder's final 2 telling the board. The oackccurt accounted for story. 34 points as Mike Baker hit for 19 The followingweek was the dar-k- The Terrors took control of the and Larry Suder tallied 15 points. In the first game against Tow- Women Plan Diverse son the Junior Terrors won a real est In the still breather asSalisburyStateCollege got a Last Saturday the Terrors Winter Activities cliff hanger in the last minute, ~:~~ttlet:~i~i~~U;:!~O~~eS;~lt :o~~ 83-81. The JV then took on one of the best high school quintets inthe The most Important event onthe Baltimore area, Towson Catholic; was 99 to 74,1 Western Maryland racked up 9 women's sports calendar this ea- This was another tight game with points before the GuUs hit the scor- son is basketball. After a late start the Terrors finishing with a 85-83 ing column. All the oreen Terrors In February the women's teams, victory. The win was attributed to scored before it was over, with both varsity and junior varsity, accurate field goal shooting, Larry Suder and Mike Baker putt- will play eight games against neigh. Gettysburg traveled to Gill Gym to ing on a fantastic display, Baker boring colleges. The players for become the fourth straight victim splashed 15 points into the nets the two teams have not yet been of the high riding Terrors. After a and accounted for 20 more with definitely selected, but there are mediocre first half,theJV'sstart- ten assists. Suder's shooting was many experienced players return- ed hitting and came away with an ing from last year's varsity as impressive..79-72 win. as spectacular as Baker's passing well as some promising new- Baltimore than gave the' Junior with an over-the-shoulder lay-up Terrors their first loss Ofthe re- on a I-on 3 fast break among his Coaching the women'!? teams gular season when they drove to a 13 poi~s. . this year is Miss Fritz, who is 99-96 victory. Let down by the in her first year at WMC.Shepre- L vtousry coached basketball at ~;~~:~r~h~~:sn:~ Jg~~o: t:ar~: _",-- __ South Western High School in Han- caster YMCA by a score of 111- Joe Smothers tops in a rebound as Washington player ducks for over, Pennsylvania. The girls 100. As indicated by the score tile cover. practice every night, working on Terrors were hot, but the defense Terrors were slaughtered 110-87 offensive plays and their zone de- failed to stop the hetgth and snoot-' by a quick Gettysburg squad. fense. Ml ss Fritz tsc.tmpressed tng of the older Lancaster team. Captain Larry Suder broke his LECImON with the playing she has seen so Catonsville Community College scoring slump with 29 points to far and anticipates a good season then handed the Terrors their third win a personal duel with Rich Falk GULF SERVICE Ithis year. straight loss 79-83. or the Bullets who tallied 23. But The WAA is getting ready for In the second half Catonsvi lle this great individual effort wasn't second semester with the etec-> pulled ahead due to their accurate enough to overcome the size and W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE.' uon of its new officers who will shooting and stayed there until the class of a solid contingent from Westminster, Md. also be in charge next fall. The end of the game. Bill Hutchinson Gettysburg. Suder was backed by TI8·6929 T18-9878 voting took place Thursday after was high scorer for the Terrors 21 points from Ralph Wilson 12, those girls desiring candidacy had with 23 points. Randy Hutchinson points by Joe Smothers, and 11 by Road submitted an !lpplicauon indicat- had 17 points and 12 rebounds, Greg Getty. BOWL ing the office they desired. The Jim Hobart, a new starter from The wtnntng streak came on the Service most recent activity of the WAA Un1ondale, New Jersey, scored 9 heels of the disastrous shooting With fray with the Bullets. Baltimore and came up with 8 assists points was a night of roller skating. An- leading the team in that department. ;:.:...:::::.:::~::=~:;:;::;:=====::::: other skating party Is planned for seccnc semester. Chief WMC women are presently in- 1JJaIIewt~ ~- ALITY. volved In two tournaments, the CLEANERS&. school badminton championships and the National Telegraphic Bowl- ~ lng Meet, Involving competitive \!f Ill. So. Cenler Street, ~~~~~!~~STenpins bowling against colleges all around Flowers For LAUNDERING· DRYCLEANING • TAILORING the country. Each school mails In WESTMINSTER both team and individual scores Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service LANES to the meet headquarters, where Any Occasion in the Shopping Center it receives points tor participa- Service for'Students in WMC Student Center Students - Until 6:00 p.m. tion and scores, At the end of the 114 Pennsylvanfg Ave. Monday through Friday $1.203 Games meet a sheet will be sent out to all Intluding Shoes the schools ranking them In com- 848.9350 9:00 O'clock Unlil 3:00 O'clock Daily Mon.• Fri. . 848·6570 parison to other competing schools.
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