Page 51 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol.44 No.8 WESTERN M~,RYlAND COllEGE, WESTMINSTER, MA~RYLAND FEBRUARY 16, 1968 Schwartz Sees Political Tria-ngle Forming Policy Experts Balan-ce of Power Compare Views Provides Peace Three foreign policy expertswill conduct nn tnstttnte on Interuatlon- On Wednesday, February 14, the that of China and Russia. The reis at Politics here at Western Mary- first lecture in the Institute On In- a basis for .a- partial rappr-och- land. during February and March. te rnatlcna l Politics was given in ment with China for several Speakers will include Dr. Harry Alumni Hall. Dr. Harry Schwartz, reasons, notably lack ofterrlt- Schwartz,specialist on Soviet af- specialist 01\ Soviet affairs for orial disputes and the possiblity fairs for The New York Times; Dr-, the New York Times, lectured on that China would realize the North Roger Htf srnan, former Assistant "The New Triangle of World Po- Vietnam cannot win the Vietnam secretary of State for Far Easter-n lities: Washington-Moscow-Pe- war. Affairs; and Sena or Gale r. R. bor-n of fe~r P.M. This ts tha dramatic art oa- Also in the play are Margaret World War Il and in Korea. Fol- OfOilltllaldestrnction. n ts a rt- partment's second pr ccucnon 01 S. Horn,l'IlarjoryJ.Richards, Lor- lowing graduate work at Yale Un- valr-y confined to limits short of the season. raine A. Hale, Leslie J. Miller, iversity in international politics, »uctear warfare. This limiting "The Threepenny Opera," Suzanne S. Pratt, Carol M. Hooper, he spent three years at Princeton came with the realization that a Brecht's most successful work, Judith A. Mas sick, Karen R. King, University's Center of lnternation- nuctoarwoutc mean lletween tlu. U. the agentisthesecurityofthecam- Protestant Colleges and Universi- -So anll China is more stahle than PIlS from outside intruders. Hls ties, Dr. Lloyd J. Averill,Jr.,will heat includes specific assignments speak at Western Maryland,on Semester Grads in the women's dorm area, patrol Sunday, February 18 at 7:15 p. M. of student parking areas and reSi- in Baker Memorial Chapel. lIoward .\Iitchell. conductor. pauses aftl'r llirectiug the :\atiunal Receive Degrees dence halls during schOOl va- Dr. Averill's topic will be 5)"mphony ()rchest,a cations. He may also apprehend "Christ and the Confidence Man." Eight students completed re- those who speed through the cam- The public is invited. The National SymphonyOrp.h- and was named conductor in 1949 quiremellts for bachelor'sdegrees pilS. An ordained Baptist minister, estra will present Its annual con- at the"fellrement 0fHans Kindler, at the end of the first semester. Recommendations from the Stu- Dr. Averill hasior many years cert at WMC tonight, February 16 its firsl conductor. Cnder Mitchell, They were Linda Arnold Wells, dent Government ASSOCiation and been associated with Kalamazoo !n Alumni Hall. the orche<;tra hal< lengthened its Baltimore, Bachelor of Science; the Student Life Council greatly College. His publications include: The concert will begin at 8:30 season to -10 weeks wnh more than' Daniel II. Bohi, Pasadena; Har- Influenced the appointment of the "A StrategyfortheProtestantCol- P.M., with the Orchestra under the 200 concerts schelluled. Since its \'ey G. Sroodno, Philadelphia, Pinkerton agent. The Administra- lege," "American Theology and direction of Howard Mitchell. To- beginnings in the thirties, theOrch- Pennsylvania; Ann K. Carson, tion feels that this added measure the Liberal Tradition," and "Be- night's program includes "Sym- estra has made annual tours to Boonsboro; Alison G. Christie, of security wii1 eliminate the act- tween Faith and Unfaith." phony No. 94 in G major (Sur- other parts of the nalion. lnn>cent Ruxton; John H. Evler, Baltimore; ivity of prowlers and vandals. The speaker is a graduate ofthe prise)," Haydn; "Symphony No.1 years it has added Latin America Barbara J. Schaehrer, Pine Plains, University of ~Visconsin, received in One Movement,Opus9," Barber; and Europe to the itinerarv. New York; and Eva A. Slezak, Ox- The Honor Court of western an M. A. in sociology at the Un- and "Fantastic Symphony," Ber- Last year, with the help of a ford, Pennsylvania. They areelig- Maryland College has dealt with iversity of Rochester and the B. D. lioz. grant from the Ford Foundation, ible for the Bachelor of Arls de- an infraction of the Honor System and M.Th. degrees at Colgate Ro- Howard Mitchell joined theOrch- the Symphony began a summer sea- gree which will be conferred on Several students were found guilty. chester Divinity School. estra in 1933 as principal celJist son at the new city of Columbia. JuneZ at Western Maryland.
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