Page 52 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 52
PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 16, 1968 From the Editor: A new staff has taken over the GOLD BUG publication and has made sev- ing about problems that should have been solved long ago and forgotten. Un- eral important decisions concern! ng the type and content of material that will fortunately, they haven't been solved and probably won't be for a long time. be published in the remaining issues of this semester. The staff feels that in This is no reason. though. to continue hammering week week for the the past two yea-s the quality of the paper has increased tremendously. but two solutions. There are many other issues to consider. and the solutions to most problems exist that must be corrected. One is the lack of in-depth reporting. Most of the recurring topics should be obvious by now. articles only skim t.he surface of available material on their subject matter. and Therefore the GOLD BUG wants new and fresh material. A college newspap- this is inadequate in a college publication because while the staff may learn a er is supposed to reflect the attitudes and ideas of college students. In the past. great deal about different situations. the majority of students only learn that many opinions expressed have been one-sided. This is perhaps because those somewhere something is going on. with differing opinions constitute the non-verbal majority of our campus. We The second problem being confronted is that articles are written on want to hear something from them as well as from the verbal minority. issues that are now obsolete. Everyone knows that to about any construc- The letters to the Editor column in the last issue illustrates how little is tive changes in this institution is a momentous task. Everyone knows that heard from-this majority group. It is weak. to say the least, when one considers fraternities are strictly social organizations and that t.he puristic ideal of bro. that the students here are supposed to be leaders in tomorrow's world. therhood is a lot more complicated and down to earth than institutions would Why is there no response from this group? Why is it that a definite percent- have us believe, and that it cannot be confined 01' automatically created by wearing a jacket. age of t.he material used in the paper must be asked for. rather than Simply re- The campus is stagnant in terms of new issues. For the past two or three ceived? Does no one care to express their views publicly? veal'S there has been nothing to talk about except Viet Nam, the dress code. ~ompulS01Y ROTC. civil rights. fraternity abolishment, t.he dining hall rood.and Don Elmes apathy. All of these topics have been-ctscussed time and again and there seems Editor-in-Chief to be no way around them. OUI' campus i s caught in a bind of thinking and argu- Letters to the Editor TO THE EDITOR: who seems to have negJectedthls tlon was taken up by signatures, I wish to point outtheunfalrness sector of education. The social some of fraternity men, some of of what you are dolngtothefrater- science departments although con- independent men, some of women, niues and to the students of WMC. talning highly competent person- the sentiments expressed fro!;, You are doing to the fraternities nel are considerably understaff- •• the bowels of thecampus"donot what JohnsondidtoGoldwater,giv- ed especially with the growing express the opinions of tne rrater- en Goldwater was not perfect. You diversity of material in each field. nlty system as a whole, nor of any are fighlingabiasedwar,anactlve, The student body recognized this specific fraternity. I take full re- ink throwing war in print against condition as Ulustrated ina poll sponsibility for the sentlmentsex- the fraternities. Youare presenUng pubjt shad in this newspaper a short pressed and do not Intend to pro- only the anti-fraternity side of the time ago. pose this petitionasanoff1cial,re- argument, and any "equal time" This problem is compounded by sponsihle statement, as was im- presentatlonsareusuallyderlded the facilities in which they are plied by the editor. in the editorial column. This may working. Memorial Hall is an anti- Of course, I regard the petition win you your war in the end, but quated building with poor lighting as crude, unworthy of print in its you wlllhavedoneagreatlnjusUce. and a generally oepresstng atmos- entirety. However, I also feel the What you are fighting is not a ptiere. The professors and those GOLD BUG Is unworthy of print in group Of beer drinkers who have a taking social science courses have its entirety. This petition was ad- meettng every Tuesday night, You to contend with broken windows with mittedly a reaction, mixing disgust are not evenfighUngthe frater- only stacks of books preventing at some o!the inane attitudes re- nities themselves. You are fight- students fromfreezlngdurlngclass flected by the GOLD BUG editor, ing a basic Idea which seems to periods, In conjunction with this, we with pride In and love of my frater- have fallen from vogue. You are are undergoing the learning pro- nity and brotherhood in general. trying, as are the liberals In our cess with mice and roaches running An example of the shallow rea- nation, to destroy the freedom of in our midst, make an urgent plea soning of the editor can be found I therefore choice. In this case, you are try- May Day Weekend: ing to eliminate the freedom to to the administration to attempt to In the following passage. of pro- choose one's friends. Around us, rectify some of this situation round Irony: (vol. XLIV, no. 6, p, I see the freedom to choose being especially for my professors and 2, Dec. 8,1967) "The fraternity Chance of Rig Entertainment lost; the freedom to choose whom fellow students who will be atWes- men of two years ago miscon- In- tern Maryland College for the next strued the abolition petition. you employ, the freedom to choose to whom to sell your home, the few years. stead of considering it an effort to freedom to do as you please de- EDWARDJ. MILLER Improve their system, they viewed Recently, there has been much defeated Its purpose of presenting talk of sponsoring big-name enter- big name entertainment in three spite the fact the MAJORITY m ay TO THE EDITOR It as an out and out threat to their tainment during the May Dayweek- ways. First of ali, the group was impose some small Inconvenience As thewinneroftheannualGOr'.D very existence." end. Such an endeavor will cost a not too well known; second, the on the MINORITY. This country. BUG Award,IwouldUketotakethis I sincerely believe that the GOLD great deal of money for both the pubJlclty was extremely poor; and was founded on the principle oCthe opportunity to thank the GOLD BUG BUG has great potential and even SGA and students--somewhere in third, the concert was schedUled greatest good for the greatest num- ~~:t:~~: token of Its sincere eppre- ::~~~:~I:~a~l:d ~~~::l!~~ua~:~ the neighborhood of three thousand at a bad time. Hopefully, the SGA ber and MAJORITY rule, not that dollars lor the SGA, and ten dol- will plan better this time. Acutally anyone person or small groupo! I do not object tothewaythe "pe- mutation. It is my opinion, how- lars for individual students and it should have started planning se- persons can change everything to tition" was thoughtlessly torn ever, that the GOLD BUGdiscards their dates. The SGA is asking ver at months ago. suit themselves, to tbe tnconven- !,;~:!~~es~~n~nd ~~~~t;dd:~~:~ :a~Ya~~P~;:~;:' ;~:~~~s~e~::!~~ other organizations to help In renee or loss of freedom to the financing a big name group simply When one considers the record of MAJORITY. I see this happening because they haven't the funds to our big name concerts In the last to our country, r don't want to see !:e~~ ~~i:i:lab~:s:~;:et~: :~~t~~;~ :~~i~:::.aS~~:~::lnt S~fR:~t=: support another loss like lhatpro- few years, it ts pocr tn compartsou it happen here! duced bythePozo-Sf:'coSingers. At with the record of such places as Sir, I Question your policy and THE GOLD BUG present the GOLD BUG is wUlIng Gettysburg College which has an I demand an answer as to why you to put up five hundred dollars and enrollment of fourteen hundred are following this course. I don't the Junior and F~eshman classes students, This weekend, they are want an answer based on the vog- are willing to put up one hundred sponsoring Mitch Ryder as their uish "liberal" phUosophy, "every dollars each to help finance the third big name concert this year. man must be permitted to join', endeavor. Granted, their student body is at- or "They destroy Individuality", most twice as large as ours, and I want one that shows your reasons. There are several stipulations their racuutes for concerts are JOHN BUFFUM Involved with this money, however. better, but If they can gather enough TO THE EDITOR: One is that the group be fairly well money to sponsor three concerts a Western Maryland College known so that it wlJl draw a large year, we should be able finance at claims to be a "Liberal Arts Col- Don Elmes ,.Editor-in·Chief "~I!. crowd, AnntheristhatthepubUcity least one. lege" but if one is to go beyond the Corol Berger Monoging Editor ~ efforts be Improved two or three illusion presented by the catalogue hundred times. A capacity crowd The biggest problem now facing he will Immediately Identlfyanun. is relatively easy to get when the the SGA Is where to get enough balanced education in favor of the ....................................... Busines .. Manger publicity is handled correctly. Ads money to spo~sor.the May.Daycon- natural SCiences.! would be oneo! Lisa Rensha.w •• .. •·• .. · ··· · .. • · .. ·" News Editor in the local papers, on the radio cert considering It lost eIght hun· the last to denylhem excellent ~l~~r: :::/.Ie. . :::: ::::: :::::::: ::. ::::: .. :::: ::::..'::::::.':.:.:.::.E.~~;;::I ~~tgoer stations, In the neighboring dred and fifty dollars last October, staffing, lab equipment, and phys- Mike Welnblatt... . Advertising Manager Prank Editor BOl"e schools and In the local business ical plant because science is ex· John Dougla~, Carty 1I'0Ifson... . " PubJishing Editors Features ceedlngly importantlnthiscentury. Alan Winik "Happening Page" ~~~:~li;hm:;~~~:~d h:iPt~:;:~~ or:~:~to;:~~~t t~: :~il:g ~o~~~~ But we must remember that there Greek Page Editor Y Is such a thing as social sciences Assistant Tditor M.. 'g .. et Sta~ch glVen 'w!U in ad~ance of the ~~~:~iy~i::~d~!t:U~~:~;:u:~ and we cannot allow them todeler- Photography; Cind.y "rreherne, Tom \'an Sickles. Gordon Sheldon. MIke Shultz 'scheduled date. of these groups wlll make thelinal lorate if we are to have a balanced Circul~tion and Exchange Editol _ -!B_n..!'.EI.!_~_k!r deCision as to whether the concert education. Art Editor: Ellen Von Deh~en l1nfortunately, when the Po:z:o- Is held or not. That means ltlsup Unfortunately, this has been the .Typing Editor: • . N ..ncy Dacker Seco SIngers were here, the SGA to you. case at Western Maryland College ....................................... Inside News
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