Page 48 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 48
PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG JANUARY 12, 1968 Grapplers Stay Undefeated in Three Matches Team Looks Strong in Every Area defeating Catonsville Community Footsteps From The Past - College 19-15, in a setting remln- The Terror Matmen, with Wed- and put the team seoreet 22-11. tscent of the Capital Arenainwasn- nesday's victory over highly-rat- Not to be left out of the excitement Ington, Kenny Myers and Tom Fow- * Boxing '* ed Loyola College, have already of the first match, however, Leon ler got things started in fine fash- equaled last season's three vic- Cronce closed the action with a Ion with back to back pins, Losing by Frank Bowe tories. convincing pin in the unlimited the 137 battle by a pin, coe Sher- serve a second term when he was The third victory of the season class after 5:30. to make the final rare came back for the Terrors Although Richard Harlow is best reelected In 1931. record for his Harlow's ever-an was an Impressive 25-9 win over score 27-Il. and captured the 145 prize. Roy known toWMC sports fans as our interim of 1927·1935 was31-23-6, Loyola. Aided by onesided decis- Victory number two for tnaver- Melvin and Dave Turner lost their greatest football coach, his con- for awinning percentage of.574, ions by Tommy Fowler (14-1), sUy club came at the ezpense of "touts before Alvin Starr aDd Herb tribution to Terror boxing was Terry Conover (12-1) and Rick certainly at least as significant. But the importance of DickHar- Schmertzler (9-0), and pins by In 1927 HarlOWorganized the new low, in football and in boxing, goes Scholl and Cronce, the Terrors sport of boxing for WMC. The only far beycne mere won-test records. were never In trouble after the match that season waswlththeUn- Before he came to WMC, the col- second match. For Cronce this tverstty or Pennsylvania in which lege's athletic efforts had de- was his second pin in as many the mittmen made a good showing. teriorated into such a condition that matches and for Scholl his third . In 1928, the schedule was ex- the Terrors had become the joke the state. In three bouts. Other decisions panded to include Yale, Penn State , of that, as teams Harlow changed all under his leader- were scored by Art Blake 6-2 and VPI, VMI, Temple, Georgetown and ship and moral guidance drew Barry Lambert 9.5. Rutgers. It was a great tribute to headlines in the press of the lar- This Saturday will witness the Harlow's coaching abilities that a gest cities of the nation, Thetro- third annual quadr-angular meet In school the size of WMCwasableto Gill Gym. Elizabethtown, Mon- compete through a schedule com- phies that continued to plle up in mouth College, and Frostburg will posed of such intercollegiate Gill Gym's Hall of Fame were won not so much through the great nat- provide the competition for the un- powerhouses. lntime, ArmY,Syra- ural abilities of the athletes but defeated Terrors who have their euse, Bucknell, and the University rather because these same ath- hopes up for team victory. Based of Maryland were added to the, letes were Instilled with a will to on their performance thus far., an schedule, win, and a sense of sportsmanship afternoon at the meet will be time Jim King s,!am.s to ~tnc his ~91pound oppone~t's shoulders to The Terrors won six matches and fair play. well spent, the mat. ThiS pm acamst American U. boosted hts record to ZoO. against two losses' in the 1929 sea- !~:~ Sharpshooters I""'!"'--~""""~JII!I\'IIII"I!!!II"'III"I."II!II.~~;i:~sl ;.;a:U~~evi:t:I:~s with ;~~, In~:~ ~~~:~~e~~t::s A&-atnstTowson the Junior Ter- Ished third in the nation wIth two Edge Gettysburg rors fared well when they had men individual champions. The next to fill the weight slots. Three lor- ~:~; s~:~e t~:r P~~::1l:;0~d7~~ The WMC Riflemen evened their felts in the first three weights put record. Richard Harlow was elect- season's record at 1-1 with anar- us at a quick 15-0 disadvantage. In ed head of the Eastern rnterccne- row victory over Gettysburg last December 8 at the loser's home ~u:_~i:c~~~:io;~:~::;t;:i;t~~ ~~tebe:~:g t;:s:;t~~:slt~:t3~~ range in Carlisle, Pa, A much more confident team than the one who lost 'by a wide margin Sportlight on Al Stan to well In this close match, TheTer- performed quite Georgetown rors jumped to an early lead with Alvin is a paradox. HelsaStarr, the mats of Baltimore City College co-captain Gordon Shelton's 259 and yet he Is not a star. He has where he participated for one year, and Jobst Vandrey's221, However, been a steady Performer for the on the varsity and one year on the the boys from G-burg came back Terror grapplers, but has not at- J.V. squad. In the second order to tie the score. tained the luck nor the "pinning" During the past two summers Al Gaye Meekins and freshman Darryl ability of an Orne Heritage. has trotted to thefoothlllsofThur- Burns then put WMC ahead once Gary Scholl pins his man at American University, He now leads For four years Al has been a mont, Maryland, from his Plmlico again with a fantastic improvement from last time, shooting 240 and the team with 3 consecutive pins, none taking more than tour utlUty grappler. In his freshman home to partake of the fresh air as 233 respectively. Gettysburgcame minutes. a camp counsellor at Camp Airy. thru once again with several hot As a senior English major aimed The first match of the year was American University. Tom Fowler for graduate school, Al directs his rifles but the Terrors now held a held at home the day before cnrrst- loughtto a 1-1 deadlock with his activities in that area. He plans to narrow edge. mas vacationandfoundtheTerrors man in the first match to get the go to Kent State University and Co-captain Jim Morgan was on top by a 27-11 score. A fine Terrors their first two points by from there to high school teaching. WMC's only experienced shooter crowd turned out to watch the team virtue of draw. Kenny Myers then His exira-curricular interest in- in the final order and had to face get o1f to a qufck start with a 5-4 won byforfeit. "Super Rook," Gary clude SNEA and Lettermen'sClub. Gettysburg's portly captain, among decision by Kenny Myer-s In tbe 123 Scholl then continued his pinning To keep himself in shape, Al others. Fortunately, the latter pound class. The Terrors then fell ways by a quick 4:12 ran. Terry rooms with two sparring partners, couldn't hit the broad side of a behind a bit when Towson won the COnover couldn't quite find the right For his lighter moments he exer- barn in spite of his fancy rille 130 match bya close pin. The team combination for the pin but gave cises with Harold- Marks, and for while Jim fired a much improved then began to roll and consecutive his man something to think about Al Starr gains valuable riding those heavy workouts he takes on 225 to preserve the win for WMC, pins by freshman Gary Scholl in with a lO-Odecision.Americanre_ time over his opponent in the "Big John" Seibel. 1208'Jo 1198. the 137, and T_erry Conover in the turned with a victory In the 152 167 pound class. 145 class put the T.errors ahead class, but RickSchmertzlerandAI to stay. Scholl's pin came after Starr struck back with a uectston year he wrestled In the 145-pound year and then back to ELDERSBURG 7:42 and Conover took his man in and a forfeit. Herb Shrieves lost a class, moved to 137 during his WTTR 6:57. Art Blake than picked up a tough 6-4 battle at 1'17. Jim King sophomore 7-1 victory in the 152 pound duel .struck back with a nifty p\n at 145 for his junior campaign. Pre- followed by co-captain Rick Sch- 5:30 before Leon Cronce ended sently Coach Case has assigned RADIO AM-1470KC merQ
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