Page 17 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 17
THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 3, 1967 PAGE 3 Student Body Grows; Baroni, A Catholic Boyd; A.N.W. HousesWomen Speaks To W.M.C.Students Father Geno C, Baroni will speak ill chapel on Nov. 12 in place a! Dr. "The Voyage of the Phoenix" on November 15. have bean missing from the cam- G!enn Olds who was rescneouteo tc The film oeptcts a small group pus because of enlistment in the speak in I\larCII. of Quakers who saner from Tokyo Army and Air Force respectively. Father Barciu, a Roman Catholic to North Vietnam with mectcer sup- Leroy S. Byham substituted for priest Iro m Washtngton Dxf.j f s a piles. Thl!ir passports have bIIen Coach Havens for a time, but he native of western Pennsylvania and revoked and there Is a question has resigned for service abroad in a former high schoolteacher. He. whether they will be allowed back the Red Cross. Reflecting the drop Pozn Sf'CO Singers pre- developed a towtncome area credtt into the country. Therll Isarumor in s'tudent enrottment , protesscrs seutiug all f'\"f'llillg CUIlCNt at union proposal with the War on that the government may ban this Snader and Hurt are on leave fora Poverty Program and the National film. year, \L~I.C 011o« 29. Union IIIovelllent. He serves onthe Sept. 26, 19.t6 -- VETERANS National Advisory Council for the Accidental Shooting FlDCK TO COLLEGE ,:-Colllilges ESP Advancing; project "llpward Bound" and is Sunday night, Greg Hawkins, an across the country find themselves active in Ihe inlerreJigtous con- employee Ofthe College Bookstore, noooeo with veterans and others Rhine Explains Psi ferences OilReligion and Race for accidentally shot hlmsalf in the seekingadmission.Westernlllary- the District of Columbia. Heworks leg. President J. T. Ward land is no exception. Having ex- Dr. J, B. Rbtne , noted pa ra psy- in local comrnurutv and civil rights HI!was at home wnan hll thought pandedtlleenrollmentofgirlsdur- chotogtst , spoke anout psychic organizations and is a member of he had heard a prowler inthe back- Sept, 26.1044 --WOMENIN l>IEN'S several unions. OORIITITORY -- As Wester n Mar y- ingthewar-imposed-b!ightofmale phenomena to an audtenca or sav- Dave Carrasco and Cresson yard. He took his shotgun outside erai hundred at w.xr.c.oonovero- land College opened today it was applicants. tbe ccttege wtn ue pusn- Dare worked with Father Baroni with him to investigate. He slipped toarned that women students are ac to tne Jim_ittocareforthoseac- ber 1. Early th~t day he and Dean . Dave described and fell on thl! back steps. As he to be housed in Albert Nor-man cepted. Girls students must vacate Ira zepp participated ill an open this past summer Cathofic Malcolm fell,the gun went off, snooung tnm Ward Hall. Such is tlll! impact of Albert Norman Ward Hall. Some discussion with students in 1I1e- him as a Roman in the leg. Mr. Guthr-ie of the book- Boyd bnly with more love. war on civilian life. Last year tbe will be housedin Cas sel l Hall at the Dante l Lounge. The is store says that Grl!g is ill carrcu Rettgtous dormitory was used by thil Army forks of Pennsylvania Avenue and As a result of Dr. Rhilll!'S study sponsoring Life councu County Hospital responding weu to stat film for student-soJdililfsofthfilA.s.T.P. Main Street, Miss Heten Howary;a is his belil!f that evar yonelm s psy- tha ccntrovar treatment. Earll!!T this year these menwliltll member of the EngJishDeparlment, cHic ability, also known as Psi, in reassigned. Unable to flU their will be directorofthl!Cassl!llHall. varying dl!greees. Psi is divided First places with mall! civilians, the Col- The United states Govl!rnmiint has into h';oareas: Extra-sensory Pilr- lege will attempt to carryon with turned over to thl! College army cl!piion (ESP) and Psychokinesis an increased number of girls. barracks for erection east of (PK). ESP Ilasicallycommunicates Choice The faculty, too, has sufflilfed Pl!nnsylvania Avenue. Thesl! units with use of thll senses and PK is changes Imposed by war. Hugh willhOllse veterans andtheirfam- the manipulation of objects without Of The Barney SpQir and Charles Havens illes. Two units have arrived and physical means. arl! bein~ rl!adied for occupancy. Parapsychology is a controver- Infirm Need Somli' veterans are temporarily sial subject and at Olle time its Engageables studen!swere regarded asquac-ks. houSl!d in Gill Gynasium. Another probillm confronting the One nason for this is its highly Student Help College is th~ securing of addltior'_ erratic nature; it cannot be pro- faculty. Sixteen persons have al ducl!d at will, its nse isalwaysun- The Voluntary Services Otipart- been secured by way of addition or , conscious. However, thrOugh their meni of Springfield State Hospital replaCllment for pl!rson leaving. careful. exacting, and highly con- Is encouraging college students to Miss Esthllr Smith of the Sj)Qech trOlled experiments at Duke, Rhine take part in its Increasing pro- Department is rl!turnlng aftllr two and his associates havl! shown that grams. years assisting hl!r slstl!r to pro- the phl!nomena does exist. They Volunteers are askQd td spQndat duce~~ have on record thousanris of tests least one hour aWQekatthe hospital. which they have performed. Thl! There isaneed1orvolunteersinthe Conference Proposes possibility of chance alone affl!ct- fields 01 tutoring, teaching, drama. ing the results of many tests is dancing, music, art, and library Regional Org~nization mi!lionstoone. work. Volunteers may work with There have heen nogreathreak- patients ranginginage1romadoles- Chemistry teachlilrs from liberal throllghsinthissuhjectnordoes centstothQl!lderly. artscolleglls in the Middle Atlanlic Dr. Rhinl! expect allY. Rl!sults are Morl! than seven hundred volun- states will meet next wel!kllnd at obtailll!dgraduallythrollghpatient teers are now affiliated with Western MarylandCollllge. researcll. Parapsychology isheing Springfield, a statemental'hospital Dr. Edward L. Haenisch. chalr- studied at various centers al'ound housing over three thousand manofthedepartmentofchemistry this country.l-lowel'er,thegreatest patients. Miss Ann Rei!snlder, the at Wabash Col)IiIglI,willspeakFri- interl!st is not inthisCOlintry, hut supervisor of Voluntary Services day evening in Decker Lecture Hall in the Soviet Union. at Springfield, said that many more on the campus, Hewilldiscusswhat They like the smart styling and volunteers are needed and that an organization of similar schools the guaranteed perfect center there Is a particular lack of col- has accomplished inthlil Midwl!st diamond ... a brilliont gem On Saturday Ihli!delegates plana NEW- lege students.Sheaddedthat, "vol- of fine color and modern unteers mean much to the patient sli'ries of discussion sessions on FIND cut. The name, Keepsake, even if they just sil and talk with such areas as advanCIId inorganic in your ring assures lifetime him." chemistry, USI!of paPl!rbacks and satisfaction. Select yaurs_ at pro- SCHOLARSHIPS, All students 'interested in the programmed matl!rials ill general your Keepsake Jeweler's stare voluntary program shoUld contact chemistry, and foundation He's In the yellow pages under Miss Reifsniderat 795-{)400,ext- grams for support of chl!mical BY COMPUTER "Jewelers ,. ension259. educationimprovl!ments. Miss Relfsnider alsorQmarked Dr. Donald E. Jonlils, aSSistant Last year $30 mill,on in college schol that comic books, magazil1Qs, and professor of chemistry at Westli!rn "rships went undaimed _ because no paper back books are urgently Maryland College, indicates that oualifiedpersonsappl>ed. because no Qualified persons knew of them needed. Donors Should tillephone there is conSiderable inil!rest in • Now ECS engineers and educators have programmed a high-speed com· her at the above numbtlr. formation of an organization of pUler Wilh 700,000 ilems 01 scholastic WMC students presllnUy involved chemistry teachli!rs, Dr. Jones ex- aid, worlto o"er $500 million. to permit and Quickly locate in volunteer work at Springfield pects about 40' teachers to attlilnd studenls toeasity which they qualify scholarships lor o The Slu<0, the student telling him where ~~dwhen ." .. L."" (, ·.
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