Page 20 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 3,1967 Roundballers Win Two More Good PlfJ-y Stops Shippensburg, Lycoming; Prospects Bright For Remaining Games Sportlight On Yingling by Frank Bowe the sidelines to stifle a last period BvJf m Resau won convincingly, 6-1. The Ter- men Taws s , Speth, Kempske , and Carroll Yingling Is a hard man scoring drive that could have cost The onca-mtght y Yej , The Green Terror Soccer Squad rors completely dominated all Sartorius as well as the remark- to stze up;a small manwholooms us the gamav felt Iowjac ket s of Randolph-Macon has achieved an unprecedented phases of the game. Bob Speth able trio of freshmen talents led large on the field. his talent assert usetr as Splint two-game winning streak these scored twice while 'rawes, Lever- by halfback Darn Wagner, Alan Yingling. number t a on your prc- gr abbed three errant passes. twice past two weeks, decisively defeat- ton, Felgelson, and McCoy _all Mccoy, and Jay Leverton. Senior gram. stands 5'9" and weighs 150 in key situations close to our goal Ing both Shippensburg and Lycom- contributed one goal apiece. Bob Jim Morrison and sophmoreHam- pounds. His nickname of "Splinter" line. ing College. Tawes had two assists while Ken mer Thompson, both out for the fits him to a "T' and not just in Although is his forte. stzec spnnt may look llke the rnan- defense This sudden resurgence In the Splint goes into the game as an or- round bailers game can be attri- ager of the team, which he: ill fact fensive back when one or tne regut- was in hts freshman year, hut once buted to several factors; better he dons his uniform he is like Clark ar-s is sidelined. Wherever he is. personnel, attitude, and the good Kent putting on his cape. Yingling can oe ccumeo on to oo tne breaks, The victory over Shippensburg Splint may not be big andhe may job. For example. in the opening was particularly gratifying in view not be fast. but he has been a splin: game loss to Wagner.Yinglingwas of their 6-2 win going away last ter in thesldesofmanyanoppoSlng called upon to quick-kick in the season. This year was a complete player for quite some ttme new, He second quarter and sent the pigskin reversal, with the Terrors lead- more man makas up Ior tus Iack of " flying to the enemy 36 yard stripe. ing the distance for a final score size with his great natural qutck- After managing tne football team or a-a, All the scoring came from ness and esprit de corps. Oulck- in his freshman season. Yingling the wings as McCoy, Fetge tson, ness. it should be noted, is not the joined the squad and ienereotn nts and Anderson rammedhome shots. same thing as speed: one concerns junior year, He is a sure tctro win The game was marked by some alertness and reactiontimes.while his tetter again this season. But very aggressive play which has the other just measures a man's Splint's athletic prowess is not con- characterized the defensive back- straight out speed. Yingltngt.sfor-te fined 10 the gridiron. The original athlete, he also played on versatile field. Norman Sartorius, co-cap- i~ his quickness and alertness. tain Rlcl: Coburn, Jim Morrison, Splint has a wen-earned reputo- the lacrosse and t r ack team s m tus A member of Alpha and Al Kempske have done a fine: tton as one of the hardest workers junior rear. Tau, he has r-epre samed Gamma job all season in limiting the op- on the team. Even during practice his frat on the Bachelor intramural position to nine goals. sessions. Splint is eager to hit and Another Important cog in this always wnung to gtve a one nunored ba sketalt squad, is from westmtnstar Carroll defensive sector has been the goal percent effort. This aagarnes s and High School, where he lettered in play. Bill Schwlnt has started all pep is espactalty noticeable during both basketball and wrestling, and the gam_es and done a great job, (Top Itow) vtauagurs Neal uotrman and Kip Kilmon. Ron a game. serveo as president Of his senior but junior Gary Shapiro has turn- Smith. Earle Draper .. Jim Mornson. Rick Coburn. ntau ~lcCoy Against Penn Military Colleges, class. edinseveralfineplaysash!sclos_ Randy Blume, Johnson Bowie. Norm Sartorius .. Jim Res au. Sonny ~plinter inte rcepted a Cudet pass at est competitor. Eckert, Terry Walters .. J rhn Trader. Rob 'rewcs (8ottom Row) The Mount game was started AI Fe ige ls nn. .tav L~vcr(ol~. AI I\e~pske. Russ Richardson. Larry during last Wednesday's torrent- Anderson. Kevin Fried. 8111 Schwmdt , Gary ~lacWilliams. Fred Ial downpour. The contest was Schroeder. Coach Earll. and approaching the ball. Ken Nfbali. marred by sloppy play but tnl.s was excusable since the rain' otten Nlbali put on one ofthebest dis- first time, have played like nat- made It Impossible to see ten plays of soccer ha}fbacklng that urals and coach Earl can sleep yards ahead. Action was stopped the team has seenlnqulte awhile. happier with visions of a winning after the second period and the The Lycoming game was another season dancing In his head. game wUi be rescheduled It pos- soccer first. The learn spent the The next few games Include sible. night In the Lycoming Motel and Loyola, one Of the roughest teams Saturday'-s game against Ly_ had a sleak training meal prior to In Mason Dixon play, as well as coming was particularly gratify- departure. Our thanks to Mr. Towson, and F&M. If play contin- Ing to coach, team, .and players. Rice for his kind hospitality. ues on a par with that of the Ship- Western Maryland, enjoying their This year's team has seen the pensburg and Lycoming games, first real "laugher' in4 years, continued Improvement In letter- these coming games could go to the Terrors. Carroll Yingling displays fOfm that has led to 7 interceptions Footsteps From The Past in 6 games In tlmQs past, whQn WMC foot- Again the r..lason-Dixoncrownrest 1967 Terrors ball tQams have suffered from a ed in Gill Gym as thl! GfI!en and MONTGOMERY COUNTY. string of me:diocre: seasons, thQrll Gold outscored opponQnts 171-88. Mmon-Dixon havel!mer~dmenwhohavl!lnject- "Wobs" hadestablishedWestern MARYUND lid a spirit of victOry into the situ a- Maryland as a potl!ntfootball mac- Chmnpions? tion. One such man was Robert hine and in'62 thQ Terrors outdid Waldorf. ' themselves by capturing two titles: IS spaCIOUSCAREER coumy "Wobs" came toWl!stl!rnMary- Mason-Dixon and Middle: Atlantic. land in 1957 as Athletic Dirlictor The de:fe:nse was the keyinan8-1 lOr peOPle whO live here- and head football coach. The te:am season, allowing opponGnts only.J9 ELDERSBURG had Suffered losing seasons since: points all year~ThQdefl!nse:hadthe and peOPle WhOShOUld 1951 andinhisfirstsliason"Wobs" added distinction of holding allop- RADIO gave little indication that he: could ponents, save one, scorell!ssinthe Dynamic Pace- Fast Growing - Unlimited Opportunities do better. Thll '57 campaign saw second half. RCA VICTOR Montgomel)' County Opportunities offers careers in the following: The following year was a repe:at WMC post a 1-6-1 record. with WMC taking both IIUGSonce DUMONT'- EMERSON Aerospace Engineering· SankingandFinance· CityPlanning. The nen season Qvince:d some Fast Radio Service degree oflmprovemQntastheTe:r- again. The offense was potent with 185 E. Main Cjvll & Electrical Engineeling. Insurance· Nursing. Office Man- rors posted a 3-6 season. Te:rry ConfGr, Mason-Dixon MVP, TI8-3066 agement·Psychology-PublicAccounting_ Public School Teach- Bob Waldorf, in 1959, achieve:d and Rick J. J. White in the sa-me Eldersburg Shopping Center ing-SocialService his primary goal--awlnningteam. backfield. Thlidlifl!nSQ,ledbYKidd, 795-0210 and many others offering high-payingJobs-tight in the County The only sad note on thl! whole: Bowman, and Tralnor,wasthebest you call home. campaign was WMC's 10-0 loss to intheconference:. Write today for facts on how to 8rtange an interview during your Johns Hopkins that cost them thli All good things must have: their Holiday vacation. Mason-Dixon crown. end and 1963 saw the termination of WMC's reign as itwasde:thron- INTERVIEWS-December 27, 28 and 29 ed in both confe:rences. The Ter- The fll!xt year found the Grel!n rors ne:Vl!rfound the range as thl!ir WTTR and Gold clinching Mason-Dixon WASHINGTONIAN MOTEL, honors for the first time: in nine re:cord dropped to 4-5. GAITHERSBURG, MARYLAND years with a 6-3 record. TIlIi pri- As WMC's fortunes fl!ll so did AM-1470KC mary offe:nsive: punchwasprovided thOSI!of Robert Waldorf; 1964 was Write for brochure today! trs fitled with excIting information by Fnd Dilke:s who ranked high his last sHason.He left the We:ste:rn FM-Steroo about careers in Montgomel)' County! nationally In the rushing de:part- Maryland football team with six --- ment. confl!Tllnce: championships and an MONTGOMERY COUNTY OPPORTUNITIES I!nvlabll! 40-26_4 record. He pro- We:stern Maryland had become: duced playe:rsofoutstandlngability WESTMINSTER P. O. BOX 1211 the te:am to beat. The squadllved up and character, and prove:dtobllthll ROCKVIUE, MARYLAND 20850 to eve:ryone:'s fondest dreams, end- wllmlngtilst coach in over a dlicade MARYLAND EOE-M&F Ing the season with a 7-2 record. and a half of WMCfootball history.
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