Page 21 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 21
THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 3, 1967 PAGE 7 Gordon Shelton by Mike Herr With two runaway home victories If your're wondering about the against Randolph-Macon, Just for behind them, the Green Terrors J,V, soccer team's 11-0 loss to opener s , "It was the best game depart this eveningtofaceBrldge- Catonsville, the Terrors had a good we've played in ten years. Tney put water ccnege-s Eagles in Virginia. excuse for losing, \V,henthe Bays together the offense that we lelt was The Terrors, coming off the af- Invited a horde of roretgn player-s in there all the time, and the de- fectsofa27_7Home~omingtrounc- to Baltimore for tryouts, those who fenS6lwasveryeffective.Theyoun- Ing of Shepherd College, smashed a didn't make the team were gtven ger players played with confidence favored Randy Macon team 35-3 scholarships to area schools,Cat- in their ability.' I'm sure he can before a noisy contingent of Terror onsville got five of thfi!se stuoent s, be reached for further comment 'ens. - Oddly enough, allplayontheirsoc- if necessary. Two tough, outstanding games, cer team. . as these were, may lead to a let The guts and grit award this down. Is almost Impossible It once again Ranger Coburn Is issue is split four ways. The golf to Improve on the Randy perfor- getting warmed up for his famous team displayedlncredibleintestinal mance. Howeyer, the Terrors will basketball punching matches with fortitude Ior sponscr-Ing that paren- have to be keyed up to win tomor- a few pr ettmtnartes.bu me soccer nial bomb, the Homeccmtng Dance , row. Bridgewater's 2-4 record field. More than one game has found and for still smiling when it was notwithstanding, the Terrors will an enemy player on his back with over, Sgt. Major Lancaster was have a tough time of It. nanger towering over him with the lone spectator at the Mount- This team Is a year older than reddened knueke s, Pete McGlaugh- Terror SOCCfi!rgame that was fin- the squad the Terrors defeated last lin could take over when Coburn ally called after several pravers year. The addition of explosive Bruce Bozman thrills the alumni as he picks UP a crucial gr-aduate s , ear-rung his credentials nearly drowned in the downpour, freshman runner Marshall flora first down against the Shepherd Rams. on the gridirop Instead. Randolph- At this same game, MikeSchu\tz has taken much pressure off star Macon provided two "opportumttes somehow managed to find the field tunoacx Tom Glasgow. The secondscorefoll~ed Roy diving John Heritage Interception for discussion" and Pete came in to in spite of the cloudburst and take Brown's recovery of a fumbled at the Shepherd 30. The offense argue both Umes,onceevenwlthout some pictures for the GOLD BUG, The Eagles, like the Terrors, punt. The offense took over onthe took over and Bozman found Jerry a helmet. using his cellophane-wr~pped register on the small side this 19, Bozman rolled left and under Bor ga, who took It over his camera. Sam Case gave a special year, and like our other Virginia shoulder at the 10 and easUy made Coach Jones couldn't say enough helmet decal to Carroll YingUng opponents, they hit hard. Tomor- heavy pressure by end Dennis the end zone. about theTerror'sfantasUcdisplay last week for playing a great game row should develop a qulck-hItUng, Newcomb, threw a strike to a wen The Terrors struck again in the under fire __Carroll got married spirited contest, and should the covered Pete Markey at the end· second period, covering 77 yards zone nag, Intramural Game the night before. Terrors win, It will assure a win- The Yellow Jackets opened up drive was The key play In this In 9 plays. ning season tor tba centtnntat year , a31 toss from yard Of The Week this season has teenone performance Bozman came to Pete Markey. The Heritage's JOhn score on an acrobatic end or me oe st I have ever seen. He teads thfi!en- zone catch by Jerry Borga for 9 Despite a 6 to 0 half-time de- tire team in overall eerensrve oiav yards. ncu, the Bachelors of AGT made by a wide margtn-c so rsv ne nas The Terrors again struggled a second half come back to tie a accumulated 279poIntS,lJ5tackles, through a seoreress tnrro quarter talented GBX 6 t06, and 55 assists. Both on and off the but they entered the final pertcd The first half of Tuesdafts game field, John has proved him seU to be "with a 14-0 lead. Midway through turned out to be a defensive battIe a leader In all phases of campus the frame freshman Arthur Blake the spirited Homecoming of his play thus life. On the startled basts with the only score betng a Gamma far, a fallure to nominate him as a crowd with a brilliant catch-run Bete bomb from quarterback Rick Little All-American would be a that covered 25 yards and a tcuch- Gray to end Gary Eggers. The extra point was no good. The Bachelors crI~e. down i lie was hit five Urnes after failed to make any sustained drives he made the catch, but maintained in the first hal!, sticking mainly Womans Hockey his balance and sprinted the last to short passes and end sweeps. A typical scene iii the Randy-Macon game was Terror gang five yards. The Terrors added Both defenses were super-b, halt- Needs First Win tackling, as performed here by (I. to r.) Pete i\lcGlaughlin. Ear l their final score in the next series ing most offensive movement. on a two yard plunge by John Dietrich. Von Stout, and John Iteritagc Seaman. The seeeee half saw thtil ball Women's field Mckey at WMC reacting centered on the Gamma Bete half has begun another little-less-than sting The Terrors, Baltimore to the the second half scoring with a 31 goal. The Terrors yard field of the press, season successful this fall, with of the field because of severar xev two outings resulting in two very swatted down the high flying Yel- waited till the fourth quarter to STAMP IT! Bachelor tnter cepuons, A heads- retaliate. First, Jerry Borga II'STH!UOf up defense and a crtvtng offense definite losses. low Jackets of Randy Macon, to. hauled In a 30 yard heave, and he REGULAR characterized both teams, withthtil The first school to lower the hand them their first loss of the converted. Next Earl Dietrich MODEL. breaks going to AGT, The big play boom on Western Maryland was season.3S-3, year the Green and Gold ploughfi!d In from the 4 to capita- This for the Bachelors camtillate In the neighboring Towson, with a 6-0 decl~d to show the YeUowJack- lize on Don Stout's second Inter- 3L'MEA;~.'f2 game when AGT defensive back Jim pushover. Towson jumped ahead ets the bottom side of a landslide. ception. Roy Brown, subb~ fo_r y",nn ..tJNDUTJlUCT1BLEMErAL POCKErRUBBERSTAMP. '!.H ~ 2". Godown came up with afine inter- with a quick goal In the first few The scoring went easy, but the the injured Markey scored the fi- Send obe<>kor money oinoludeyourZip Code. No :~:~x~" hRndllnll" .borg ... Add line, Moments later, aftfi!rasp1rlt- Its lead regularly throughout tlje yardage came tough as both teams na1 Terror T.D., and Keith Port- er grabbed the two point convers- The afternoon thundered hit hard. ed offensive thrust, AGT soorfi!d remain1ng quarters. Despite the on and the Yellow Jackets seemed Ion. Prompllhlpmtnl.SllllflctltnCllmntMol THE MOPP CO. with quarterback Mike Ward going lopsided scoreWMC put up a fight to have difficulty hearing the The Terrors refused to let up r.O.IIG11a&21Ltno.Squ.,.Stalltn over for the TD. The extra point and Towson had to work for every whistle. However, the only da- even with so comfortable a lead as ATI.AKTA,GA., 10326 was no good. point. mage to the Terror squad came in Carroll Ylngl1ng picked off his By tying the game,GBX practlc- western Maryland next teltthe theflrsthal!,astheylosttheser- third Interception and Dan Jan- ally cinched the Intramural cham- wrath of Goucher College, who vices of pass catcher Pete Mark- czewskl covered the third Randy pionship with only two games re- chalked up an even higher score of ey for the remainder of the sea- fumble. Borga Scores TwO BOWL maining. This series agai:lst GBX 7-0. This unfortunately gives no son with a shoUlder separation. marks the firsttlmetheBachelors evidence of the Improvementlnthe Middle guard Joe Anthony left the The first WMC score against With have not had an undefeated se~son team's play, as our girls-display- game with a bruised shoulder. Sheperd College was set up by a in the past four years. ed more team work and experience The Terrors made their breaks. Chief In handling a game situation. Gou- The first came when Carroll Ying- cher was held scoreless until well ling grabbed a Pete McGlaughlin Pokomoke This at the Randy 44. deflection Intramural though the second hal! saw no off- resulted by in Bruce Bozman. The Tenpins Into the hal! whentheyexplodedlor touchdown a 9 yard Al- goals In succession.. several plunge Standings ensive threat to Goucher's supre- point-alter failed, and the score Flowers For WESTMINSTER at the quarter was 6-0. macy, Western MaryIanddispJayed in the In_ The defense sparkled a strong defense which kept the score from doubUng what It was. Itial half, as YIngling picked off LANES Gex 5-0-1 1_000 a Randy aerial on the WMC goal Homecoming in the Shopping Center line, and In the second period, 00- 4·1.1 AGT ,., .750 Although an 0-2 record does not capUan Don Stout stole a pass Students - Until 6:00 p.m. INO ,., .500 sound very encouraging, more ex- from Randy's Dennis Toth on the 11-4 Pennsylvania Ave. $1.203 Game8 PAA ,., .333 plerlence, some extra hard prac- Terror 16. Defensive end Joel Including Shoea FRH .333 tices and a Uttle more conltdence 848.9350 Mon. _ Fri 8(8·6570 could makeWMC'swomen'shockey Goldblatt also picked off adefieet- team a wiMer. Ion late In the second half.
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