Page 14 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 20, 1967 Sororities Complete Pledging Rites Among those who proudly wear warding sisterhood of SIGMA members of those at Pam Free- direction of last year's Ideal the red and gray are Ramona SIGMA TAU. man's cabin. Pledge, Lin Lin Chen, promise Adriance, Carole Bailes, Ilene Hell Night, Thursday, October Friday the 13th of October was a true Indoctrination into the Baxter, Sheridan Cecil, Nancy 19, climaxed the pledges' Hell anything but unlucky for the sis- realm of Elfland, with Hell Night Cole, Margie Cushen, Mary Lynn Week and the followingSunday teatlng the true worth of our new ters of Delta Sigma Kappa as they p ledge s., Durham, Pat Evans, Sharon Gil- Last Friday evening Iota night will see them formerly welcomed 19 new pledges. yard, Carol Hoerichs, Cathy Gamma Chi proudly welcomed Initiated into the Jotes. This fall's pixie crop includes: plans for a great year for the Kandel, Janice Mayo and Pat- twelve new sisters into the so- Jane Butterbaugh, Pat Collins, Delts are already under way.end ty Moore. rorlty.Our new pledgesare:Mary Sue Costill, Hallie Cross, Georg- both pledges and Delfs are look- The list of pledges continues Jane Clement, Betsy Connor, Kay to the annualformal, ingforward ia Dove, Judy Harper Carol Har- now scheduled for March I, the with Linda Newton, Becky Par- Crawford, Jane Fiesler, Carol On Friday the 13thwe had the ris,-Pam Hausler, Pat Johnson, rott, Charlotte Phelps, Phyllis Fleagle, Suzanne Gilford, Lori good luck and pleasure of hav- Peggy Pragel, Sue Robert- highJightof the Delt year. Scaduto, Sue Stamper, GinnySte- Hale, Eileen xaeer-, Emma ing22 newpledged enter the club- son, Patti Scheetz, Sue Smith, vens , Linda Stevem s, Char lee Moore, Bertha Reese, Carole room. The calves of the 1967 Sherry Swope, Barb Thomas, Kay Williams, Penny Williams, and Rechner and Marti Twiner. Af- pledge class are: Barb Andrews, underwood, Wilma Van Hart, Janet zenget, ter acceptance, the new pledges Scotty Bagnall, Bobbie Barkdoll. Karen Wagner, and Janice Zen- The Red and Gray, for the past The "lowly skunks", began were escorted through the girls' Alice Berning Robin Bowe, Barb gel. month of formal (and informal) their three-day Hell Week with dorms and given a short recep- Brenizer, Norma Davis, Janet Acceptance Night was busy rushing, have hosted two part- the traditional rites heldaf- tion in McDaniel Lounge. Ellin, Jill Gibson, Susan Green, as pledges and sisters enjoyed a tes-; the raucous LatinAmerican tar lunch in front of Memorial This year's rushing for the Chris Kazmer, Betsy Keith, short !!achelor. Deit songte st , Fiesta and the seductive Sigma Hall, compounded with long lists Jotes began with an Op Art par- Karen Millhauser, Blanche serenade through: the dorms, Nightclub. Sigma Sigma Tau of duties from taking surveys to ty on Friday, September 29. The Roche, Anne Rogers, Marty Ro- a party and refreshments at the pr-oudly announced the addition of preparing breakfasts in bed, If rushees came dressed as newer mano, Ruthie Thomas, Linda home of our sponsor, Mrs. Ken- 26 "new skunks"_the largest they survive the week, they will . children and enjoyed themselves Vestal, Joyce Wagner, Ann Wel- neth Shook, and a triumphant re- pledge class of the four sor-orr- be formally initiated on Sunday making and painting paper dress- ler, Linda Wiley, and Kip Ying- turn to the Alpha Gamma Tau ites. evening, October 22, into the re- es, protest buttons, and hippie de- ling. After the acceptance the clubroom where the pledges met signs on their faces, Probably pledges were serenaded by their and mingled with their new Broth- the most popular - acttyttv for new brothers, the Gamma Betes , ers. GBX to Relieve Stuffed Days totes and guests alike was learn- and entertained at a party Hell \Veek activities, under the ing to make huge crepe-paper in Chandler House. nowars, Hell Week followed informal AGT Outlines As Social Nighffl Go Hungry The sorority held its final rush initiation held on Sunday evening. party on Monday, October 9. The On Sunday the 2Ist,formalinit- Beer-gar-den, Since 1922 Gamma Beta cnrnas trip to the National BrewingCom- German cookout featured a rollick- iationwilltakeplaceandthepled_ become full- at last ing learning ges will Social Plans strived for the goal of Brother- pany on October ID. the polka, singing German songs, fledged purple cows. At presentGBXl\astheonlyun- hood with individuality, As part of a truly liberal ouu.. defeated intramural football roasting marshmallows, and be- The 6th annual fall formal will Now that all activities are in calion GBX feilis a full social team, coached by John "Vince" ing entertained by some of the be held at the Elk's LodgeonNo- vember4th .. full swing here at The Academy, life isa necessttvc soctat events Hake r , Paced by Quarterback "musically inclined" it Is time for the unacquainted to range from thE' infamous "Hun- Rick Gray's tosses to receivers become somewhat familiar with gry Mother" parttes to the Red LarrySuder,GregGettyandDave the fraternity of Alpha Gamma Carnation Ball. As bold tnnova., Baker, the Gamma aetas have Tau. Jamsuremanyofthefresh- tors The Hed and Blue have tn- scored impressive victortes men need little help in thewayof tr oduced Western Maryland to over- the Bachelors, Preachers, formalities, Jor they ar-e undoubt, grain alcoholandSuperweekends. and Independents. edly aware of the water-bags and This year under the capable Upcoming events include a Phi the "Mad Graper". leadership ofJoel Goldblatt, when Alph party, numerous theme par- Among the activities of the he's not in vetvute, and his un- ties, an Open Party and the Red BaChelors'arelntramuralsports, derstudy Jim Morr+son., Gamma Carnation Ball. parties, and waterbagglng; not Beta Chi is continuing ln the nev- Gamma Bela Chi looks with necessarily In that order of pop- er ending struggle 10 make \vMC ularfty, The intramural football more than a burnp on tbe Httlv Ac- team commands a record of 2-1, tivities have include a "Hungr-y defeating the rrosn team -ta-s ano Beth" party, a book sale and the latest cultural coup of a field TIME The longest word in the language? the Black and Whites 39-0,while losing a squeaker to the Gamma Betas. 19-13. Back campus (on the word rime. In addi- the footban field, that is)we are lion to its derivation and an time i!lustration showing U.S. led by signal-caller Mike Ward, zones. you'll find 48 clear def- who works best underone-on_one initions of the different mean- condtUons. In the line of SOCial ings of time and 27 idiomatic events, the next gala occasion uses. sllch as time of one's life. In sum, everything you want to will be the Homecoming Banquet, know about time. The Jim Stevens Memorial This dictionary is approved Award to be given in conjunction and used by more than 1000 colleges. and universities. Isn·t with the Athletic Department Is it time you owned one? Only still in the planning stages. This SS.95 for 1760 pages; $6.95 will be in honor of Jim's heroic thumb-indexed. act Vietnam before his death. At YourBookstore THE WORLDPUBLISHING CO. Clevelandand New York 4BqqfiltJ
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