Page 13 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 13
THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 20, 1967 PAGE 7 Erratic Play Haunts Terrors Sportlight on Ellenberger TerrorsSurrender to Hampden-Sydney Squad by Rick BoswelJ figures has made him an ef- After Crushing Careless Warriors of Lycoming Punting is what you usually rectent treasurer as well as an do when you are In a tight sit- accomplished architect. 'ruusrar uattcn-tt-s fourthdownandyou're his greatest work of art has been The Green Terrors, on suc- on your own twenty. Some people the semi-neon sign infrontofthe cessive Saturdays, split two punt when they're down and out, section. Homecoming dectstons, winning about to get a twenty on the test His roommate is another foot- 20-0 over Lycomlngandfumbling they didn't study for last night. ball player, the infamous Cherry last week's 27-8 declslonawaylo Take Barry Ellenberger for ex- Hill charger, "Eddie Looat", Hampden-Sydney, as the breaks ample. Punting is his main job. Barry's abiJity to perrorm as a aU went against them. He's been kicking the footbaUfor leader is also demonstrated,off The first Hampden-Sydney the Terrors for the past three the playing field. He is a cadet score came the second time the seasons, JeUeringeach time us- Cll-ptain in the ao'rccroeram and Tigers got thelrhandsontheball. ingtheskinofhlsfeet,andlooks spends his Tuesday third periods After receiving the opening kick, toward doing the same rtus vear , leading Company "A" of the ca- the Tigers drove to the Terror Today is an era of specialfst s and det battalion. 33,where quarterback Mike King Barry's specialty Is punting. It exchanged fumbles with Bruce has become sucn a fine art for him He has gained considerable Bozman. Earl Dietrich fell on that at the beg1nningoftheseason military knowledge not in the King's fumble and, moments he was ranked sixth among small science lab but in the nitty-gr itty later, Ray Thompson, of the Ti- collegepunterswlthanaverageof ROTC laboratory at Indian Town gers, recoved the weater n Mar y- forty-four yards per kick. Gap, Pennsylvania, where he landmiscueatthelineof scrim- Aside from his footwork, Barry spent six weeks last summer. His mage. This time King knew just can do a handy job with the pig- efforts there were so outstanding what to do with the ball. He hand- skin as quarterback when called that he ranked second ina platoon ed it offtosophmorehalfbackJim upon while sophomore Bruce of forty-eight andwonanappoint- Whorley who scampered in for the Bozman takes a breather. How- ment of Distinguished Military ever, Barr y.a senior chemistry Student. No further forward motlonwas major, has been greatly ham- After graduation Barry is plan- generated by either team until the pered at this position because of ningtotakea Regular Army Com- end of the first period when Bob the time he is required to spend, mission with the Chemical Corps. Unrue came up with the Tiger's (most of his afternoons) inLewis second intercepUonof the after· Punting specialist BaITY Ellenberger practices the style Hall. Manypeoplethlnkhepasses Intramural noon at the Western Maryland 13 which placed him sixth in the nation.Earlier in the season, Ellen- his time there corr ecttng speutng yard line. The tigers squandered berger averaged 44.6 yards per boot. The 6' 185 lb. : senior sec- errors for Dr. Straughn, but this 3 plays before King found Jim onds as quarterback when sophomore Bruce Bozman is on the Is not true. Game Of The Week Whorley open Intheendzone.The 14-0, sidelines. convertton made the score Barry's athletic ability does favor Hampden-Sydney. first of seven Warriors fumb- Tomorrow Western Maryland not stop with football •• As a u- Bachelors vs. GBX The second quarter proved un- les. Peter Mar key ended the Te r-. faces Its third Homecoming game tility infielder he is a good hitter, productive for both squads, while ror s drive l! plays and 42 yards in as many weekends with good good enough to earn three letters. On a grey Monday afternoon a producing nightmares for the later, hauling in a Bozman aer-, prospects for pleasingtheWMC He also contributes his efforts to standing room only crowd at the Terror quarterback, as he gave rat. After the PAT, the Terrors alumnI. Shepherd College returns Alpha Gamma Tau's volleybalJ, Jntramuralfleld saw the Red and the ball over to the Tigers for owned a 13-0 lead. to the Western Maryland schedule basketball, and bowling teams. Blue of GBX take a thrilling 19- a fourth time, on a bad snap. Lycoming's big offense was for the first time since tnetr 1964 Barry attended Bald Eagle High 13 victory from the defending With the second half ktck-orr, able to move up the field, but loss to the Green Terrors. School in Port Matilda, Pennsyl- champions, AGT. the Green and Gold, once again, somehow, they couldn't hold on- Shepherd brings an identical vania. Since this was also the Outstanding player of the game looked like the Terrorsofthetwo to the ·baH when it mattered. ~-2 record to Hoffa Field. secondary rnsutuuon for One of was Gamma Bate left end Larry previous games. They took the George Mitchell, the flashy War- No team should be taken for WMC's more notable quarter- Suder who shook loose on the se- opening kick 65 yarrts In ten plays rior soph, coughed the bal! up granted,butthepros~ctsfora backs, Torry Confer, It seems cond ptayrrom scrf mmage Ior tbe with Earl Dietrich slamming over on the Terror 28. BruisingJugge third Terror victory are very natural that Barry should have in- first score. He then came right from the three. Bozman then re- Ward, the Warrior standout, set good. The Centennial Homecom- herited the position. In high back on another Gray passto gained his poise with a plcture- up the Terror's final score with ing will begin at 2;00 P.M., and school he played rooeceu and make u ta-o. perfect tosss to Randy Klinger a fumble on the Lycoming eight the pattern established points to baseball and earned six letters to make the score 14_8. yard line. Earl Dietrich lugged a Terror victory, however for- Several sophomore plays later during this period. The Bachelors made a strong Pete McGlaughHn,whohadplcked it over on the next play. tune is fortune. For evenwith one who hadn't shut TheWarr!ors, Barry not only pounded but al- bid to pull even In the second half, off a King pass in the first half, out in their three previous en- hundred years behind you, it still so analyzed the soil around the holding the Bete s scoreless over gave the offense another crack at counters, held the edge in every depends on how the ball' bounces. Port Matilda area. He worked this period.. After running out the Tigers with a recovered fum- statistical category.but the score for two summers _as a soil of downs on a couple of dropped bleatmldfield.AgalntheTerrors is the important factor. characterization analyst for the passes near the Gamma Bete goal grounded out the yardage with The Terrors scored with State of Pennsylvania. This is tine, the AGT scored on an in- Jerry Borga showing flashes of heads-up opportunism by tak- the kind of job that came in handy terception of Rick Boswell and a his freshman brilliance. Un- ing advantage of the breaks. Rick for a cnem man uke aar rv.noted quick took-in pass from Ward to fortunately, they could advance Diggs led this department with lor Ills "down to earth" outlook. Jim Palumbo. Palumbo played the ball no farther than the two three interceptions. a rough and tumble game at set- as the Tigers stacked Earl Die- This seriousness carries over back, picking up several good trich on a fourth-and-one power Flowers For to his axtra-cur rtcular activities gains on the screenpass, the only play. STAMP IT! as Tau of Alpha Gamma Tau play that the Blue and White could The 'rerrors never got any Homecoming fraternity. His ability to handle work with consistency. closer after narrow-ly missing the n's THE RAOE REGULAR go-ahead score. Theyreverted MODEL ·114 Pennsylvania Ave. back to the first-half ghost as the 848·9350 Tigers poured Itonwithtwomore Thl fin.. tIHD~S~~~1:~~S! touchdowns. Two rays of light POCKEfRUBBDtSTAMP. 'hHrZH. were Jerry Borga's 55 yards in Send check or money order. Be luretoinolud@yourZipCode.No 13 attempts, and the passing and ~:t:'x~rh.nd!inlch.'1I ... Add running of Barry Ellenberger BOWL in relief of Bozman. Prompl,hlpmlnt.S.tldlctlonliiulJlnlMd THE MOppeD. The preceedingSaturday saw ..... $lItIon With the Terrors onthe receiving end ATUNTA,CA.,3U26 of all the good breaks as they terrorized the capacity crowd Chief of Warrior partisans. The ball was turned over to the Terrors SIEGMAN'S Pokomoke exactIYOnedozentlmes,an'ctthey held onto it long enough to score TEXACO SERVICE Tenpins 20 points. The Lycoming War- riors failed to cross the goal line. Westminster Shopping The first -turnover came wher. WESTMINSTER Earl Dietrich completed the first Center LANES Of five Terror interceptions at the in the Shopping Center Warrior 36 yard line. Four plays Westminster TI 8-3460 Students - Until 6:00 p.m. Preacher hallback J. C. Allen rounds the corner for a short later John Seaman took a hand- $1.203 Garnes TEXACO gain against the Bachelors. ThE. Bachelors won the game hands off on the 20 yard line and land- GASOLINE HAVOLINE Including Shoes OIL down and are prepared to m~et the league - leading Gamma - ed in the end zone. The conver- Mon. _ Fri. 848-6570 sion failed. The second Terror Betes. score came on the heels of the
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