Page 16 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 3, 1967 Play the Game and Win Letters Tradition is something that Western Maryland College has been caught up in for one-hundred years. Along with the word TO THE EIDTOR: "tradition" go many overused words, such as the "Hill", the The writing of this letter has "Grill", "Whimsee" and you name it. During the past few years, been prompted by the lack of food Since the begin- in the dtntng batt, another word nas"entered our Dictionary of Overused Terms. That ning of this school year we have word is "dialogue." More often than not, dialogues on the cam- attended meals at which many stu- _pus .result in short lived stimulation. However, last year, dialo- dents did not receive' food. It gues of both the informal and formal nature, brought forth some seems that enough food Is notpre- clean, bright, positive changes. This year we have no Saturday pared to accomodate the students We are told that an Im- classes. A general science lab course is being given a trial run, attending. cause of this problem Is portant hopefully, to phase out the stringent biology, physics, or chem- due to scheduling of meals. A istry requirement for non-science majors. Also, as a result of list of students to eat at an early dialogues, an interdiacipl inaty course is open to juniors and sen- meal has been requested from the iors. Dean and, as yet, has not been re- Tomorrow, "Operation Boctstrap'v-will give students still ceived. Therefore, It Is doubly another opportunity to voice their opinions on "how things are hard for thwwalters to \)Q certain going." Students, faculty, administration, alumni, and trustees of how many table to prepare for Why should the student will take part in this dialogue. Through the grapevine it has been students. for these mistakes? suffer heard that some startling proposals will be made by these people. If we are required to pay board we It has also been rumored that the new trustees have something to should, _ be given an adequate say that students might be interested in. meal. Most students cannot afford There is no doubt that this dialogue has the potential to be additional time or money after a productive one. Too often, students forget that, as distasteful a lunch they !J.ever got, to go as. it may seem, they are in a system. Change must come through It's aShame to the dorm or grille and get their own meal. the system, not around, or under it. Tomorrow, let's work within I! students are expected to eat the system and watch things click. course, a violation of federal law In the dining hall the meals should by Don Elmes the ad- Otherwise, No More Concerts? "It was brought to the attention because businesses open to the bevavai lable, should work out a public must serve all of the pubnc. ministration Last Sunday night. the Student Government sponsored a con- of the M.S.M. (Methodist Student But as Bishop Pike has said, the plan In which the student pays only for those meals attended and re- ~~~:r~~~:~~~ ~~e h~~~~eS~~,:~~~g:i:C!t ~i~:l:h~~:~~~:i~~ar;:e ~~;e;:~;!!dt~:tr~~:eNa~gt~~ ~~:::: ~:tsth~~O::~~I::a!.~I~ed~:~~a~t ceived. This problem has oc- oeurred too often this year to be Imperials two years ago. It might be the last [or a long time. It ~:~fe: ••~:r:u~~t~~~~te~a~:~P~~~: ~~~~!;;:a~::s~:::~~';h::!~~:! neglected by the students, much cost the SGA at least $1,750.00 to bring the Singers to the Hill. lowed by discussions with the bar- have anestabllshedcoreofcustom- less by the administration. Hope- At $3.00 a ticket, and with not quite 400 seats filled in Alumni bers, we have found that only two ers, Perhaps this core does rn s- fully, this letter will prompt a re- Hall, the SGA took a nice big fat loss. That loss will be very of the Six barber shops tested so criminate, or perhaps the barber vised attempt by those Involved to hard to make up . far wtll cut Negroes' hair..... only thinks they discriminate, or seek Immediate soluttcns to tbe a- bove stated complaints. Gaye Meekins of th~G~h~t:s;~;:~sC:~;t~~I~~:n c:~:~t i~:~: ~o;rto~~t~e~~ei~~ ~~:~E::?:J~~~~I::t;t~£r~::~~P::~atf~:~~~::E!:~t!~~ Alice Griffin would bring more big narners to, the Hill in the spring. Apparent- that an economic boycott against a loss of income, Andthelrpolnlls TO THE EDITOR: ly, only 400 students want a spring concert. Similarly, the Friday segregated barber shops ••,wlll well taken. In order to maintain This campus should be proud of ceteorattons. commonly referred to as "GIGlFS", have not had promote a change. We urge each their Income they must dlscrlm- Itself, It has maintained a perfect enough student support to bring profits to the Student Government. Western Maryland student to join Inate.It Is necessary, and It does record. Thus far, the fl\ajprlty of After two such cetebruuons. the SGA has felt a loss of $30.00. us In this endeavor ..... Obviously, exl st .... and It's such a shame. It's W.HIMSEEstudents have failed to Realizing that students don't exactly go for Homecoming :a:~l~~ o~~~e ~~::=;;~s~~;;;:~ ~1~:~::n~I~~u:e :el~;:~e:~ur~ support any runcuon that tile SGA dances, the Student Government O~lt this fall and let ~he. bfem: complex, because the college I Of human dignity Is lost. Onenever attempted, This p~st concert was but another example of uue gol~ team carry the buck. T,hlS ,was In the Interest of the students. will be Interacttngwlththetown(or reaUy understands this unless he fact. A Itnancinl Ioss IS almost rmrmoent when a group undertakes ~u?h descending on tt,dependlngonyour Is the object." of discrimination. As hard as it is for some to a dance. The SGA has made a serious attempt to sponsor acnvi- point ot view); controversial, be- The Indignation, humiliation, and rwa1!ze, the Student Government ties which students enjoy. Judging from attendance. many WMC cause the problem poses many sec- anger aroused are not easy things works for, and only for, the stu- students don't enjoy anything. Qndary Is suas onwhtch mnst people to Uve with. Nor are they gratlfy- dents. are divided, I.e., open houslng,the Ing things either. To be classUled Criticism comes easily for thOS8 Walt Michael right of buslnessestabUshmentsto as "nigger" because one Is black who are too lazy, or too unintell- deal with whomever they please, Is Just as wrong as to be classUled Ig\lnt (thwfreedumb-mlnded)toln- and the right of all people to be as communist because one reads vestlgate and obtain facts, to take newspaper; communist people Eng-land Swings .... treated equally by businesses open a are much too complex and separate time to listen to various points of to the public. view, and simply, to become In- Westminster Is a small town, and to be catagorlzed this way. This volved In the problems and pro- It sure does. Skirts really are up so high that bending over requires It Is the property of small towns to Is perhaps the sin of our century, grams thwmswlves. finishing-school poise. I don't want tomake any "broad" statements, but remain unaffected by national and and the cause of many of our pro- This campus wanted Big Name Entertainment. We brought It, and :;I:~~:::~~:I:h~~~Ssllt::k~~~::::SI:::,e~o:te:::rel:: :~: :~~~d t~~nt:~;:r~l:slt ~~a;~:a~~ ~~~7:'ge~~r~:rt~::I:~~e~~ no one attended, This seems to in- dicate that the largest tradltlon- ::~ :~~~ a:~atl:~:: ~:c:";::a~~ed::~;~~eTI:e ~;!~.that we ~:~;::~d gl~V:oo:~~~~r,:nn:;~~ !r:~~~et~~C: ~I~te~:~~'at~:~; minded, conservative, Immovable But university lI!e here swings for more essential reasons than casual gated streets. White folks go to ~~~:o:le:~~'t ~~~ve ~o:c~~I~~~;y structure at the school Is not the administration, but the students :-a:~s~U!::d~I~~~::::;:!:!:kwO~::;~~~e~~ ~~l:;~ :r:= ~::~:;r::: ~~:~~S:n~h~;~~ ~;!:~,YIOsu'w:~~:tI~ol~:::~~_::rd- thwmselves. :~::~ ::t::~~::~!~:~;~~~~~::~::It:~~::t:;;~~: ~::~I~:: i~:S::y c~~:;n~o~fI~~hl~f~'sU::;: _".:.',_"_"_b'_,. L_'"_'._8_"I_"_"_" __ THE GOLD BUG ~~~u:ee:;;~~:e:tl:~eO~::/:~~:~:~;~~~!~:~~a~:~! ~~:~e :hU:~:~~~ ~:~~I~:rWt~l; ~n~;'P~~!I:;.must gress. Although,BrItish students ?read these exams, they still face acad- Several points are clear: more emlc pressure less frequently than American students. This means that Negro students will be coming to Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, reading becomes an Indlvidual, creaUve process, InterestIng because It WMC In the future; most people puhlished bi-weekly on Friday from September through May. Is your Idea, and nottheprolessor'sassignment. The essays do not have In town, both Negro and white, are Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, Westminster, Maryland 21157, under Act of March 3, 1879. to be carefully footnoted, and are to refled personal opinion based on not consciously aware of the bar· fact. At the beg1nn1ngof the course, the professor hands out a list of re- ber shop problem--they simply get lated books, but In no Instance does he say "Read chapters I through 4 their hair cut where they always and memorize the charts on page 26 for a quiz FrIday," I'm sure you do; Integration Is not new InWest- agree that thIs Is the way to kill Interest In a subjeci.. SInce the profes- minster as evidenced by the results sors leci.ure only once a week, they make sure every class minute Is of several demonstrations In the valuable, and they present a variety r::l Ideas for the students to ezplore past--it 15 just Infrequent; the bar- further. After a leci.ure, the open, not closed. bershop problem should be solved Don't think BrItish students spend hours daily checking manuscrIpts now, while it's In an Infant magel ....... Business Manger In the l1brary. Parties, debates, concerts, drama, hikes, sports, and Some of the reasons barbers .... Editorial Page . Sports Editor ~~n~:n:!S:e=~I~o:~,a:~ ~n:~::~::~'l~r:~~:~: ::~~:d:;O:;~e~~s:~m:::!l~dn~~:v~ ~~r~::I~b\~~t~;r . ........ Advertising Manager vlce.versa untll 11 P,M., whlle drinking Is permitted since there Is no the proper equipment, they didn't Carl Wolfson, Joel Smith .. . F'eatures Editors "legal" age In BriWn. ThIsaddstotherelaxed atmosphere, and doesn't know howto cut Negro hair, and they . ... ..... "Happening Page" .................................... Greek Page Editor result In chtldlsh aetlons as far as I've seen. In this university, 1wake were afraid Negro hair would dam- Assistant Editors: Cliff King. Mike Herr, Robbie Robbins, Bill Roi, up to a Ir" day, where, rather than wonderIng how I'll nt everything In, age their preSent equlpment. All of Jeff WilliS·,Lisa Renshaw I know I'm In command, and Idec1dewhat to do both tor work and leisure. these reasons were refuted by the Photography Star!: Cindy Treherne, Tom Van Sickles, Gordon Shelton. In EncIand, w. do the swinging, instead of being swung around In the barbers of Integrated shops. The Circulation Editor:. .· Gail Graoey Umlted circles coMtltut1nr WMC We. one reason not refuted wl\sthatthe Exchange EdItor.. . ,.. Rich Mat..a Art EdItor: .... Ginny Brace barbers didn't want to lose their Typing Editor: Vniv.rs1tyal EJ:eter customers. ThIs attitude Is, of
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