Page 22 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 22
PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 3,1967 Ideas as to what to do wUhthelr live like them. a rrrend.ano professor, our float have done much for the Ready to begin another fabulous captive, probably due to the fact season, the Amazing TYROS were may not but H Increased our feel- judges, Presiding over this year's In- that they weren't too well versed The 1967-68 eotnon of the IFC booked to appear at the University ings for our brothers and our col- tersororUy councn meetings Is in the art of kidnapping. So they Is headed by the following slatfil of of Maryland Saturday night, but lege as we worked to put forward Diane Hoffman of Phi Alpha Mu. did the first thing that came nat- officers: President, Mike Ward; Injuries infUcted In the game and our best for someone who did hi s" ,Officers for first semester In- urally, stopped at a local brew- Vice prestoent, Bob Hibbard; Sec- conditions obtained wnne watch- best for our Nation and ourselves. c\ude: vice-president Sue Hanna, ery, and then drank a few while retary, Gary Shapiro; and 'rrea- Ing the game' left many members Sigma Sigma Tauj secretary Cindy Lin Lin slept. After awhile, or surer,Jim King. unable to walk, so the performance DeWitt, Iota Gamma Chi; trea- when It ran out, all three cecto- Meeting once a week (except had to be cancelled, Those of you surer Sarah Lednum, Delta Sigma ed they were hungry, and came when courts-martial may conflict), waiting for the "TYROS on Cam- Kappa; and social chairman Mar- back to the clubroom and were the IFC governs various fraternity pus" album will have to waH unUI cIa 'I'crovsky, Phi Alpha Mu. waiting as all the other DeUs, functions on cempua.Some or tnese "after football season, This year's ISC, at one of the pledges and old guard allke, came relatively unnoticed, yet Integral, The Preachers have planned l1rst meetings of the semester, back from the Carroll County dutiesperformedbythQmeninpur- many events for the near future, established a book fund of up to countrysIde to enjoy the meal pre- pie and gold, hlue and white, black Including the annual Parent's Day for them In McDaniel kit- pared $50 for a needy freshman girl to enen, "and white, and red and blue include: Banquet, and the long awaited an- be chosen by Dean Laidlaw. The selling hot-dogs and drinks at nual Hopkins Party, which this year fund wUl be made available each games, providingscorecardslwith- promises to surpass past perfor- semester upon application to the out which, of course, you can't ten mances, If that's possible. dean. Sigma Sigma Tau sorority looks the playar slat Inter-collegiate con- After nearly four years offalth- torward.wlth much anticipation to tests, or offering you a mum for ful attendance to a few of OUI' the '67 - '68 school year. After re- your favorite alumnus. meetings, we mark the reUrement A natural Rushing and pledging are all calving a large pledge class of 26 erruty rivalry amount of Inter- frat- The "Brothers of the Quadrant" from service of one of our most is given a ccnstruc- over for Delta Sigma Kappa, end- girls, three of whom were unin- tive outletintheformofintramural would like to congratulate their able advisors. Doctor Jones, a Sigma Sigma Tau, Sister sorority, ing with formal Initiation in Mc- tentionally omitted from the last contests, Including football, basket- on an outstanding pledge class. friend and mediator through many DanIel Lounge on October 22. GOLDBUG arttcle=--Sue Seibert, ball, vouevbau, and softball. We are hoping that, true to their disputes, has been a valuable help So now the DeUs can settle down Brenda Shires, and Jan SmUh-- Thlil second semester will see a word, these Sigmas do too. in making our fraternity what It is to studying, rather catching up, the sorority expects to have avery greatstep-upinfraternityactiVlty, today, a place for the college man and make plans for activities to eventful and rewarding year under Western Maryland College will of independent thought who needs a come. the leader shtp nf thef r new Officers: as eligible rnenwill be saruttnlzed, rock for the first time this year place for expression and meaning- Lin LfnCllen,tfIfsyear'spledge- Sandy Clark, President; Kathy entertained, and scruUnized some on 11November 1967. That Is the ful Interpersonal relations. To master, still vividly remembers Wood, Vice-President; Carol more asthe rush season goes into Night PI Alpha Alpha will proudly Doctor Jones, our heartfelt thanks her experiences on Hell Night. Hooper, Secretary: and Joan Hoff- full swing. Alt the It-aternttie s wel-. present a Love In. Our open party and welcome to Mr. Zauche to Kidnapped late Thursday afternoon man, Treasurer. come comments andqu .. snons from will not be like the Homecoming whom we hope PI Alpha Alpha as she walked unknowingly back to Sandy's term of office Is rather prospective eltgiblas; Dance, freshman; be prepared to will be as meaningful as It Is to her dorm, Lin Lin was bllndfold- slgntIicant as It has been over a forget the cares of the absurd, Ir- ed and driven away by a tall year now since the last Sigma pre- rational world of brc and IBM. stranger in a black jacket and sldent happened to be a young, at- Contrary to the opinion of some several giggling girls. When she tractive and "single" girl. A psy- Homecoming proved to be an old ladles Pi Alpha Alpha had the Carroll Theatre arrived at her destInatIon,GeUys- enology major who halls from Tlm- eventful weekend for the men of best neat In the Homecoming Pa- burg, Lin combined her American onium, Maryland, Sandywaselect- Delta Pi Alpha. On Friday afternoon rade. Dedicated to the memory of know-how with her own Individual ed from the McDaniel House con- It was sadly announced that His Colonel James Moore, whom all strategy and started on her way stttuent s of the sorority. ' Heaviness, the Preachers'ownbe- of the Black·andWhltesmournas NOVEMBER back to Westminster. Assisting Sandy this semester Is loved AtUla Weber narrowly miss- Wasting no time, she simply vtce-Prestdent, Kathy Wood ed rolling away with the Mr. Ugly VOTE FOR 3·4· stood In the middle of the road, The sorority would like to keep In crown, much/to the chagrin of the stopped the first car that came a- husband Ron's good graces by re- Preachers and Dr. Jekyllj Heavj+s THE HONEY POT long, and asked them to take her ducing the use of her malden name. advisor. Mike w. back to Westminster. A few Carol Hooper livens up the mln- Saturday oewneo.more brightly 5·1· ST. VALENTINE'S minutes later, however, when she utes (which usually read for a half as Delta PI Alphawalkedawaywlth saw a famllar car with two pas- -an hour) of eachmeeUnglnterject- the prize for the best decorated DAY MASSACRE sengers In Bachelor jackets, she Ing little things which should be dorm section, with a display that FOR FRESHMAN Jumped out of the car she was In censored or things which pound on was admired by everyone. Tocom- S·ll·'A GUIDE FOR and Into their car, not realizing the toes of some of her sisters. plementthe outside of the dormi- THE the two Bachelors were accomp- She is the Sigma's answer to the tory, there was an open house to Treasurer IIces in the crime. Gamma Betes' passion Bunn'y. show that even though the Purple MARRIED MAN Meanwhile, back campus, rather The financial state of the sororlty and Gold are fondly referred to as back on campus, frantic DeliS Is in the capable and efIiclent hands the nelta PI Animals, they don't were taking all hints as to their of Joan Hoffman, Thoughnotamath pledgemasters whereabouts, only or econ major, Joan has ways for to find all the pledges had either making money and more money for been In Chern lab or answered, In true television fashion, "Lin Un the sorority. who?" TIle schedule for the Sigmas this Now back on the Gettyshurg- year will InClude a special project battlefield bUndfolded, Llnmanag- given by our new pledge class, a ed to escape from her guardians Christmas party for the under- and again tried standing In the prIvileged children ofWestminster, road, stopping a car, and hitching and another big sorority sponsored a ride, but was taken again by two Sadie Hawkins Open. pUty in the stalwart members of Alpha Gam- spring. rna Tau. By this time, however, the Ima- ginative Bachelors had run out of 9(eIf;;A Charlie Moore For Freshman Stationery STORE Vice·President HOME, SCHOOL and OFFICE SUPPLIES Gel "More" For Your Vote 47 E. Main St. 848-5553
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