Page 12 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 12
PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 20, 1967 Booters Top American Win Halts Loss g:;;m The "new look;"bootersflash- Skein Gordon Sholto" their newest look of all in beat- ing American University 2-0 on form of their big name pttcnar-s , Saturday, October 7, for their should certainly go down in his- and continued support Irom ths first victory tn two years, toryasfarassportsareconcern- bullpen. RUmor hasitthattheOr_ Both Big Green goals were ed. The football team won Its possibly constoer scored inthe first period asa first away game intwo years by ioles would as possible trade Mike Epstein pair of freshmen momentarily beating Lycoming and Earl Die- bait for an established pitcher." Ignored protocol and slashed the trich crossed the goal line for Trainer Fern nets. Alan McCoy, a first-year the first time inhiscollege ca- Hitchcock be , man from Kenwood High School reer. Not to be outdone by their came quite upsetwiththeomis- in Baltimore, scored the first pigskin counterparts, the Terror sf on of SOme names in an arti- goal when he headed one intothe soccer team beat American U. cle In the last issue of the Gold the reporting Bug, calling "in. goal early in the first period. The big question around cam- accurate" and "poorly edited". pus seems to be, "Where is Boz- Try digesting this article, Playing Iollow-Ihe-Ieader-, Jay man's long bomb hiding?" Leverton added another shor-tly Coach Jones might have the an- taken from The Tiger, Hampden- uiereartar in a drive on the goal. swer inthe form ofafew bruises. Sydney's newspaper. "quart- Senior Bob Speth summed up During the Wagner game, Bruce erback Bczie Bozman (sic) and a the victorious mood of the team was knocked out of bounds. His rough running back Dick over this win, the first in a long momentum carried him a little Borga (stc). Other orrensive the long time, when he said, '!twas too far and Ron Jones was drop, standouts are for linemen Green Sea- Terrors wonderful, just wonderful.Ev- ped foranunexpectedlossonthe men (siC) and Anthony. On de- ervtbtng - worked beautifully." sidelines. Bruce's arm was Bill Schwindt dlda "marvellous" injured on the play and this has fense they have a good sized line job in the nets, swiping so many hampered his long passing game. (sic) averaging about 195 with would-be goals from American Intr'amur als have produced a Number (sic) 66 Harry Heritagl:! that the Internal RevenueService few surprrses to nus season.son, (sic) as the main standout (no wants him for an agent. ior Steve Pound, a 100 point per sic)." Will the real football This game pointed up all the year man as a fullback for Mc. team please stand up? benefits the team can accrue from Ball pops into air in front 01' Western Maryland goal during Donough High School, took the the new 4-2-4 for~antion. The mad scramble to prevent score, Attempt was unsuccessful as C.U. reins from injured quarterback offense was flexible and varied, topped Terrors. Bob Carwrlght of the independent the defense did a goodjob In con- squad. However, he couldn't quite taining American, and the mid- To score, the Earllmen had to quarters since the two first break his old habits (or get his field strengthwas much Improved guide the ball around,over and period goals against American. arm in gear) as he scored both over last year. through three halfbacksandthree In the Washington game the boot- touchdowns on runs and rushed Since that momentous Satur- fullbacks, and then face a big er s only got off thirteen shots at for over 100 yards. Wrestling day, however things have been goalie who is a sure bet for all. the nets,animprovementoverthe coach Sam Case is thinking a- different. The two road games, conference honors. The good cauonc game, to be sure, but bout making the intramural field at Chestertown and Washington, guys could not Itnd any sotution to still woefully Insufficient for win- off-limits to his grapplers. Ter- D. C, ,were another story alto- this maze and went down to a3_0 ning socc-r, Again, a 3-0 score ry Conover finished third In the gether , On Wednesday, October defeat. found the Terrors on the short Mason-Dixon 137 pound class last 11, the hooters absorbed a 3-0 Washington College presented end of the scoreboard. year asafreshman.Runnlngafew defeat at the hands of Catholic pretty much the same story. plays as quarterback against University. Althoughdefensively Washington does not have a foot- Sandwiched between the varsity the freshmen, Terry tried a Despite the Terrors looked good, on of- ball team, soaUthebigmencome enCounters with Washtngton and plunge over the middle. This fense the Big Green looked more out for soccer and lacrosse. This Catholic University was a home proved a cosUy call as he came fiendish torture like multiple amputtees, manag- game, playedonSaturdayOctober Jayvee match against Towson 00 up with a broken collar bone dynamic BICDuo Washington's Home- ing a grand total of six shots at 14, coming was game, and their booters Friday, October 13. 'Towson that will bench him Jcr two months. writes first time, the goal, On a good day, when were "psyched" in the words of emer-ged from the hard-fought Last spring Mike Ward took every time! the team is "on", as many as WMC's John Trader. Throughout tussle as the victor by a 5·2 count. some time out from his studies fifty attempts is not unusual. The the game the baU was almost al- The game was nip-and-tuck all to write a prediction on the Or- BlC'S rugged pair of big problem plaguing the hooters ways in the Terrors hall of the the way, but the vtctor-s capttaua- ioles. " ... key factors are Frank stick pens wins again was keeping up a constant attack. field because the offense simply ed on three penalty kicks to ruin Robinson's health, thereturnto in unending war againstba!l-point Washington was shifting between could not mount a consistent at- the debut of the Terror cubbies. skip. dog and smear. a 5-2-3 and a 4-3-3 formation. This afternoon the varsity Despite horrible . The effect or these unsettltng tae , tack. Tbfslack ot offensave punch tooters entertain a good squad punishment by mad J ticswastokeepthevisitorsonthe has stuck out like a sore thumb from Shippensburg State at WTTR seienttstsr nrc still defensive throughout the game In the last two games. Overall, writes first time, every WMC lias not scored in eleven 2:00pm. Saturday the atumni in- lime, And no wonder: vade town for a clash with this llIC'S "Dyamite" Ball years version of the round- AM-1470KC is the hardest metal battar s. Olade,encasedina FM-Steroo soIiclbrass nose cone. Willnotskip,ciog Intramural WESTMINSTER what devilish abuse or smear no matter is devised for them by sadistic students Standings MARYLAND Get the dynamic me Duo at your _GBX 3-0 1.000 AGT ,-, .750 3-' IND .500 PAA 0-' .000 FRH 0-2 .000 DDA D-2 .000 ELDERSBURG RADIO RCA VICTOR DUMONT - EMERSON Fast Radio Service 185 E. Main Tl 8·3066 Returning sophomore letterman Bob Tawes attempts to clear Eldersburg Shopping Center ure ball uortetc during last Wednesday's away match at Catholic 795-0210 Itnivers tty.
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