Page 15 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol, 44 No,4 WESTERN M;,RYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MA~YLAND NOVEMBER 3, 1967 Bootstrap to Probe Problems Pike Foresees Group Discusses Awakening or C II " Today's Youth 0 eg~~ Fu~ure ConUnuing Its Centennial Year study of the liberal arts college, Wes- Bishop James A. Pike, currently tern- Maryland has scheduled a dialogue among faculty, students, and with the Center for the Study of alumni tomorrow. Democratic institutions, spoke The program named "Operation Bootstrap", is anexpanstonor a dis- Sunday, October 29, Inan afternoon cusston by alumni and faculty early In the fall. The day-long program chapel service. wUJ probe In depth the four problem areas mentioned by John A. Logan His topic, "Growth Tllrough En- at the Convocation: !he curriculum, the students, the faculty, and nnences. counter ," used the confrontation of Moderator for the day wUl be Mr. Wilbur D. Preston, an alumnus and Jesus by the Gentile woman to 111- trustee. Speakers will Include Dr. Ralph a Price dlscus stng "The ustrate not only the moral growth Liberal Arts College," Mr. Alfred V. Clark dlscusslng the topic «rev- of Christ at that time, out a cor-res- elopment and Long Range Planning" and Mr. Wlll1am L. Tribby dlscuss- pondlng moral growth that seems to Ing "Curriculum Change." Dean Ofstu dents James E. Robinson and sen- te-ewakarung tn tocay-s youtn. sucn lor Richard D. McCall wllJ share the topic "The New Student." Another growth, Pike asserts, Is not a alumnus, Mr. C. Frasier Scott wllJ discuss "The Alumnt;" gradual process, but begins in con- "Operation Bootstrap" is open to the public and thw student body Is en- The Dramatic Art Department will present a pr oduetton of rrontauon, leads to frustration, and cour-agad to attend. During the afternoon, there will be group discussions Franz Kafka's "The Trial" ill the Understage from November ends in a sudden jump to a new of the morn1ngtoplcs. This part of the program Is particularly Important, 15·18. Shown above are Rick McCall who portrays K .. and Ann plateau. '\ because It Is at thls time that the students can, and should voice their Schwartzman To many people, morality means - opinions The faculty, alumni and trustees can workfor the tenern cr the and ideas. Only with campus support will thQ program be sue- doing as you'r-e told--filling cessna. In, Drama Program conforming. Pike, "that is Ir-re spona- campus only It the students speak out Intelligently and strongly on their "That Isn't morality," feelings about the various aspectsofthe college. The faculty and some at declared Ibillty." the new trustwwsarwenthuslasticaboutthediscussionand have some new Having fought with the U.S. Navy and interesting ldaas to present. Features "Trial" In World War 11, Bishop Pike Is will continue until 3:30 P.M. The after-noon groups will be at a dlltuent Panel andgroupdlscusslonswlllbeglnat9:00A.M.ln Alumni HaU, and certainly no pactrtst; He feels, however, that the present VietNam ccnege, struggle Is not "our war.v con- place on campus to continue their look at the Iutur e of the llber al arts A production of Franz Kafka's the man ambiguously accused of gress has not declared It, and the "The Trial" will be presented an unspecified crime. othermem- head of state has no power to de- clare November 15 through 18 In thw bars of the cast are; Larry Ei- thing just because Lyndon Johnson Lt. Col. James B. Moore an enemy. 'Don't do some- Understage Portion of Alumni Hall. senberg, Pam Graffam, Jerry The script, which Is the Glde- Hoffman, Pete Holmes, Marg1t says so," stated the Bishop. Bar r-antt adaptation of Kafka's Horn, Dan Patrick, Suzanne Pratt, Dies in Vietnam Action novel, has been edited by Jerry Marge Richards, Ann Schwartz- "If you feel you must go", he Solomon, the director of this man, Jim Smythe, George Shiver, counselled, 'then go." But it Is a year's first presentation by the Dan Wiles, and a speaking chorus decision of one's own conscience. Lieutenant Colonel James B. course In armor before going to Dramatic Art Department. composed of Norma Davis, Pat He sees young people following Moore, 1953 graduate and former Germany for three years with the The cast for·"Trlal"lsalarge McNally, and Trudi Omansky. their ccnsctancas more and more. assistant professor of military lith Armored Cavalry Regiment. t?ne, featuring Rick McCall as K., There will be a special appear- This indicates growth and tncraas- science at Western MarylandCol-:-_ From 1963-66, he returned to tng morat senstnvtty. ance In this production by pro- the SOS Highlights rassor-actor ther-e Is still specula- Whlch,heasked,ISmOremoral, lege, was Department announced WMC as a member of the ROTC killed In Vietnam Tribby. William Defense starr while studying for his Mas- Presently, Summer Teams tion as to who will biI selQcted the "get In, do well, succeed" say Sunday, Oelober 21. ters In education. James Moore Mrs. Ann Trice Moore said that theory of 1939,or the "strike, to replace Alan Wlnlk In his role. The show, whIch has been tn re- no, stand up and be counted"- her husband, age 36, died October lOth as a result of wounds receiv- Slldes taken at f1eldteam sites hearsal about amonth,has sets aUltude of the present? ed In action near the demtl.ltar-tzed In West Virginia and Puerto Rico designed by John Van Hart, llght_ Ask what you've done In slgn- zone. this summer highlighted the 50s Ing by Ned Landis, and sound con- lfIcant encounters. Did you grow During his four years here at assembly October 25. trol by Tom Van Sickle. Mr, Sol- or did you shrivel? Growth Is the Western Maryland as a student, Team members Frank Bowe, omon Is employing several un_ objective. "While you are In the Jim Moore earned the 1953 honor Ellen Von Dehsen, Pat Fleeharty, usual and Interesting techniques In light, walk In the Ilght."Thenwel_ of Best AU-Around College Man. and Sharon Spangler spoke ofthelr the prodUCtion. Tickets will be a- come change and challenge, get rid He was a varsity athlete, a mem- feeUngs and experiences during vailable at the Alumni Hall boxof· of onQ more hanl'ap--one more ber of the Gamma Beta Chi fra- their six weekS In the field. Jeff flce In the near future. fear; so become whole. ternlty, headwaiter and president Ludlow and Walt Michael talked a· of the S.G.A. bout the history and the moUves Dr. Logan Asserts Belief; Major Fogler describes COl. which underlie the program. Plans Moore as "uniquely a man's man· lor an organIzational meeting the one who epitomizes more than following Monday were also an- Small Colleges Can Survive anyone else what Western Mary- nounced. land stands for." Col. Moore_was The organization hosted Senor Dr. JohnA. Logan, Jr., president The most important measure for assistant professor of military Fundador Santiago, Secretary to of HOllins CollegQ, spoke at the the collegeCurricuh/mlsitsabiJity ,science here from 1963-1966. At the Ensenada, Puerto Rico YMCA Centennial Convocation o!Western to speak to thl! Condition of the stu- that time Dean Zepp says, "hl! be- COL. JAMES B. MOORE during the week of Oelober 16. Maryland College on the theme dents. Students are right in asking came one of the most highly re- then spent a year at Command Acc~ntlng his stay was a dinner "The Liberal Arts CollegQ: Con. for relwvance intheircoursws. spected advisors to the honor General Staff College in Leaven_ gIven In hIs honor. SenorSanti- tinuity and Change." A good faculty is integral in thl! court.' worth, Kansas. ago was available for Informal dls- Dr. Logan'saddressassl!rtedhls search for wisdom. Today, Dr. Born In Ridley, Pennsylvania, He left [or Vietnam last July cusslon with stUdents and faculty. belief that fhe "survival of the lib_ Logan said, it is difficult to main- Moore graduated from Ridley and was stationed with the 1st Ca- in addition to planning sites for era]artsdependsonthQsurvival tain a faculty who are gellQrallsts Park High School. Commissioned valry Division at An Khu in the f1eld teams next summer, 50S Is of the smaller, private coUege." enough to have a firm commit- as second lieutenant upongraduat- Central Highlands. Promoted to working on the possibility of be· LihQral arts is needed as a basis ment to a liberal arts education and Ing from WMC In 1953, he spent major at Western Maryland, he ginning winter library projects lo- lor broad insights and judgement. specialists enoughttocommandre_ his next four years stationed at had just been promoted to lleuten- cally. _ Dealing with four problems in spect In their fields. To attract the Fort Benning, Georgia, Fort Knox, ant colonel, Mrs. Moore learned Fruitcakes are now being sold liberal Qducation, Dr. Logan dis· better teachers and to provide top Kentucky, and Ft. Lewis, Washing- from the Defense Department al- by SOS members to finance their cussed the problems of curriculum, quality faCilities, nQWsources of ton. Colonel Moore returned to ter she had received notification projects. studo>o.ts, faculty, and finances. money must be discovwred. Fort Knox In 1958 for an advanced of his death,
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