Page 11 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 11
th,~t:~i::~l~',~~~~',~"\~;1 'The Aloha Staff, tnru gd;tor Benson, has a record having on one 1~1aryland" and on the • 'I Mater." This plan merna :..- supuort and many Alumni have spoken approval. The student hody is ask~(1 to consider the plan int~11Igent1y and wHl be aske~. at a not h.T-off date, to give evt- • rtence ot their sUllPort in a circular letter \0 be nue-t outan,lretnrned to the ooneee. The probable cost ot the record would hI' aboutoaetlollar,arensonable.sullliQdre(1. and a pucnogrupf record ot this nature ;~au~~s e~~ta~~IY ora~l~e aA~~~~\ll~~~e ~~ t::: ........ faculty and student body. Its value in years I to come could har-dly he estimated In keep- ing the love for Western )larylaml ever brIght in the hf'arts nt it~ possessors. 'I'll!! co_oprratlon and conetderution of the read- e es of the BlaekandWhlteisearnestl}'re- quested.
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