Page 10 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 10
some~OZA~Kr::re?1Ji~:~~g~~~i?'~:~: PAGE 4 THE GOLD BlXi OCTOBER 20, 1967 he was afforded an evewttnesa's view of this summer's New the Urban Renewal plansin Newark Jersey riots. The following is his account of these events. this one had been stalled some time by some City Hall difficulty. The It is' amazing what a good sized watches, pens and other things of area was packed with people, the brick will do to any sized window. value, I saw a man urge a litlle boy tension was thick; eveninmy3,000 unashamedly. As I looked at the stores of Naw, to steal from a store window; when ius automcbua sbtetdt was rrtght- Thanks for the opportunity you gave mev-Jer taldng a chance ark's riot torn central ward with a grey face appeared the man ereo. In the early part of this summer with an "unknown"ln 1948 their shattered glass, their bare screamed "Shut up you cracker the US House of Repr-e santative s --for an all-around college espertence shelves, and in some their charred faced bastard.: As the trip con- could have taken steps which would --for all the financial ald walls, I wondered how LBJ would tinued the words «sout-trrotnar" have cooledthe"longhotsummer." --for the privilege of partlclpatlng!n athletics and for the explain this to Lady Bird. I seen anywhere. A unity The Anti-Rat Bill was defeated, encouragement of coaches will never forget the incredible of was being formed. Black people This bill would have helped to sound of millions were holding joining andcaringfor of pieces --for the excellent preparatlo~ for graduate school glass. The sound was the deafening. each other and preparing to fight stifle the ghetto dwellers greatest --for the faculty members who took a personal interest in me Listening to this alone was sus- against the while suburbanite who enemy __the rat. Who knows hOW --for being at a place where II. person can be himself, where ge sttve of another lime and place through our developing American many babies have been killed in people can be made to feel worthwhile where once againthehonkieswould society dared to run business in Harlem alone through rat bites? -c-Ior supporting academic freedom and liberty of expression have to pay for what they've over- black society; who dared to run Here in the times of $100,000 homes, moon snots anc s t ie ottuon __ for the College Choir looked for too long. were the politics in black soctety, who dared dollar budgets our representatives to economicallj.'runblacksociety-- Even more interesting -cror stimulating, human, critical colleagues multitudes of people. Some young- his loving grey brother. laughedata $40 million bill which -ctor Thursday evenings In little Baker sters ran·upanddownstreetslook- Finally we reached a part of would have savedalotmoreAmer- -- for Mary tcan lives than our $30billlon yearly saves in Vietnam. --for Idealistic, responsive, inquiring students The model cities bill, another --for several close friends aid to the slums was crippled by --for an Intangible something that seems to approach mean- ti:~'~i] having Its funds cut by2!3s. These Ing , value, acceptance, welcome are national problems in which The Apostle Paul once rhetorically asked, "What do you posec our leaders might aid my people. ass that was not given you?" All that I am I readily and grate- Do the members of our largely congress that agrarian realize fully admit I have received. Part of that gUt Is Western Mary- 70% of our population lives Inurban land. I did not deserve It and I cannot repay you, but THANKS, centers? Do theyknowthatmanyo! CONGRATULATIONS, and many happy returns, these urban centers are blighted Ira G. zepp, Jr. and need repair? Do they realize that unless people are helped, the drain they may make up on our MECHANOMORPHIC MAN: CRITIC'S CORNER economy may one day be trlplethe drain now evldentlnVletnam.Will continue to Ignore the voicesotthe A Reaction To Coldiamond The Member Of The Wedding men as Mayor Addonizio of Newark ghetto as he did In the Newark tions? by William Gene Miller, Ph.D, behavior control, behavior- mod- by Alan Wlnlk Henry West (age nine) are guided Blight hearings and official selec- Add- canrnoate When mayoral Dr. Israel Goldiamond, behav_ ification, or operant conditioning, Whether a small southern town along life's paths with stories on onizio campaigned for office he andconsistsofprogrammlngcer- iorist, recently spoke to a group 01 taln repertoires ro- oestreu re- Is analogous to a Baltimore slum everything from anyone of four of promised the people ot Newark a students, faculty, and guests about suus. The crltlcal variables are doesn't seem to affect the Center Bernice's marriages to out-loud medical center which would greatly the changes inourunderstandingof the terminal -repertotra (goal), Stage production of Carson McCul- worrying about Frankie's desire enhance the growth of Newark. human behavior in the last ten current relevant repertoire (what ler's "The Member 01 the weco- for companionship. Without any When the time came that these years. He used the analogy of fire the organism ts dolngnow),andthe Ing." mushy sentimentalizing, Beatrice dreams were to be put on paper, and suggested that behavior can specific steps{motivators)between Concerning itsell )l'lth the world wince brings Bernice to us with Mayor Addonizio promised the likewise be observed, channelled current behavior and desired be- of a 12 year old girl, "Member" such an amazing degree of pro- board of trustees of the Center 150 and extinguished. The process of havior. presents the dllemna of one caught lIciency that anunnamed Balttrnore acres. observation,control,andextinction In a well of loneliness, "When drama critic called her perform- Newark Is a small city of 23 sq. goes under the various headings of Frankie Addams' (portrayed quite ance adequate, As far as this writer muss. Muchofthlsarea,especlally Assumptions of the behavior adequately by Judy Mueller) is concerned, Bernlceis"Member the Central Ward,wherethecenter They're Making Rules modifier are: Is always right brothers original return production a small (In cr me Wedding." .Negro families. Giving the center to Baltimore was to be located, Is made up of Another bright light new to cen- the 1. the organism 2. consequences of behavior are town In Georgia) with his brlde- ter Stage is Daryl Croxton, cur- 150 acres would mean many thou- To Keep Me Inside observable to-be, the kid sister falls In love renUy portrayingtherebeliious, sands of Negro families would 3, consequences attached to with the Idea of being a "we" for white-hating son Honey. Hls power have to move with no place to be specific behaviors produce the first time in her life. Her seems to indicate that we will be relocated In Newark. "When the I Don't Know Why changes in behavior. father, a widower concerned only seeing him again. And again. center subject came to the floor 4. "meaningful" equals "con- with making a living, has given his Quite a bit Ughterthan"Godot," of the city's public hearings,New- by Ellen VonDehsen sequential," daughter's upbringing over to the this situationplay stfll dfive s home ark exploded. \Vhy did the center Its message: aboutlove,aboutrace, Why not have to have 150 acres? Dr, Goldlamond suggests There's a l:Ieatie album playing that Thus an autistic child who learns maid, Bernice. Sadie Brown, a Negro and about being alone. Bothplays 50 or 25? The questions raged. Bernice and you sll there listening hearing to speak as a result of behavior maid who lookS like Aunt Jemima are running in RepertoryatCenter Finally the hearings were closed in-out the realization. THEY'RE control techniques (glvlngthechild with a patch over one eye, Is a Stage. Ticket information may be down for no apparent reason. Ihad MAKING A RULE TO KEEP ME candy or raisins) is an example backyard sage and philosopher as obtained on Campus In Room 121 been to one of these extremely loud INSIDE _ I DON'T KNOW WHY. of the "humanistic" emphasis of only a Negro maid can be. Her ANW. If no one Is there Justhavea shouting uncontrolled encounters Sometimes the Wind blows fast out behavioristic psychology. Butdoes charges, Frankie and cousin John seat, They'll be there tomorrow. and, hoped to go to one more. When therelbut thelitUegreen pin in the this Imply that the normal citizen I got to the door ot city hall, it was board declares a walk unethical. conditioned to salute a U.S. flag locked. I went to a side entrance You think you're responsible for IS thereby evidencing "pat_ What's Going On Here? and encountered an indignant city yourself but then you find out that rIotism?" Is "religion" then to be employee who chastened me, sent all sorts of people would be blamed equated with church attendance? me ofI and completely typified the and upset If something should It the focus is only on observable tension yet to come. The sense of happen OUT OF LIlIlITS. betulvior, the perspective, in my -- Communication Lack On campus -- frustration began to grow In the We'd like to keep talking but the opinion, is too narrow. Even Dr. ghetto, lights are blinking five minutes and Goldiamond found himself slipping allscheduledeventsforthecoming A week later the Commissioner what the hell we were only dlscuss- into "outmoded"terminology,such by Joel Smith week. Unfortunately, as Is true of of Education In Newark announced ing freedom. Tomorrow we could as "her will", and the "dignity of At last week's "Communication any news source that is not dally, his retirement. Two men came to see each other in the grille and if man." The behaviorist offers a Assembly" the point was sorely many important Items may still be the limelight as apparent succes- we could forget the faces we could mechanomorphlc man, mansas brought to the fore that there isno mIssed. The only other source of sors. One a Negro with a master's continue. an object acted upon from the out- one adequate system ot com- such information at present are degree and a good record of: ser- He wanted to tell them he dis- side byvariousmodUlersordrlven munication among students and viceinthecitygovernment,andthe agreed but then they s1arted fool- from within by other forces which faculty. True,manystudentsthem- posters on bulletin boards and an- other a white high school grad who in the dining hall. For nouncements ing around and laughing and it was are to be characterized by their selves can be blamed for not read_ had been in the city government easy to forget. He didn't think the relallon to the outside. ing THE GOLD BUG; but this is some reason these do not seem to tor years. The Negro community be eftective. dance would be too bad but appar- Mechanomorphic man needs to not the answer. THE GOLDBUGls was outraged when theNegrowas ently there is something ridiculous be viewed alongsideamodelofman published only once In two weeks. Many students may remember denied the position for a less about a formal when your're which accents potential, the un- With changes imposed on deadlines their high school days when there twenty-one and allowed to drInk Ique,the creative, the subjectiv
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