Page 9 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 20. 1967 PAGE 3 \ Assembly Marks Dr. J.B.Rhine~ WMC Recalb; Past: New Efforts in ESP Expert, College Doors Open Communication Presents Talk On wednesdav, October- II. Dr. J. B. H'line. a noted expert Theodore M. Whitfield past. we shall attempt to keep a- western Maryland had its first of par~psrchology. will deliver a breast -- or nearly so -- of the commumcanon assamtn c fOI"the lecture nt Western xrcrvtano on Recenttv the Iaculty Library calendar and seasonal interests administration. faCultl'.·andstu_ Wednesday. Nov. I. IrI6;. Committee approVedaSllggestion of college life on the Hili. be pre- Ihat a series of articles dents. Dr. Rhtue . wno is heing SpOIl- pared fOI"puhlicationintheGOLD The story about to unfold Is one The purpose of this assembly sored h.l·the Helig'iou~ Lire Coun- compounded of great rattn, stout was [0 explain the reasoning be- cil will speuk on "P,lI'- BllG with the object of giving courage. and unnumbered gifts of hind the distr-tbutlon of IBIII apsychologv ,.lilt! the Nature of to the Centennial pro- self and means by those who cards. President Ensor. Dean gram relating some of the through a century learned to love Rollinson. andCarylVolfsonmade !:a~:'~:i~~ ~~~~.l"_~~:~:li~'.~~~~l;i~I(~~~~ ht story of tha Cojlaga, The Editor fa- Western Maryland, of the GOLD BUG re-acting statements on the issue and an- to Western IIlarylall(1 students, Sept. 6, 1866 -- CORNER STONE swered questions. and one <1011:11";Jlthedoorfor vorably. we Il:lve with the as- LAID -- About 2 P. M. Messers Linda Berry. senior art President Ensor feels that it is others. srstance of lI!iss Winkelman and Fayette R. Buel! and J. T. Ward major. was chosen last week the college's re spcusitnfrrv 10 Dr. J.B. Rlnne is ut-eseutlvtha Professor Schofield. made our de led a proces.sfon to a propsr-ty re ; to be the Sweetheart of Delta providethesludentswitha'cUI_ Executive Director of lhe 111Sli- hut in printed work. It is our centiy purchased by Buell for his Pi Alpha Iratemtty. She suc- turalaS\\'ellasacademiceduca_ sincere hope that others will en- college. T!le corner stone of the ceeds Jo .-\nn Beach. last Iton. The College will offel' olltlie rich Oil!" star)" with itemsfrom first buiJdingwaslaidafterwhich vear's Preacher Sweetheart arcr-oxtmatetv zn cultural events Nature of IIl:1nill Durham. North their exper-ience; If any is dis_ J. T. Ward, recently appotnted by ~liss Berry is pinned to John throughout the seme sterv requir-. Carolina. Before holdill!:';this posed to assist the author ill this Buell to be the pr-inctpal mstruet., Van Hart. also a senior art ingattendancetoonly:ell.lntliis posttton, he led the - way.llewilillegr:lteful. orinthecollege,conductedina major and member or Delta Pi way. the student has complete III gene ra l we plan to advance most perfect and creditable man- Afpha freedom in choosing the pro- research on tilrough the scnotasne year witll ner" appropiate exercises which grams best suiled for his inter- extra sensory preceotton at Duke an eye 011the calendar. We Shall included..jaddresses,4prayers Dr. David and Students ests. Programs may be added to University. He has ulso written gather frOlll years paslevents if one includes the invocaUonand the Jist of cultural events by de- several books on parapsychology in the months or weeks benediction, 3 hymns and the Visit Ravi Shankar partments or groups of students and is currently preparing a by our date s ot pubhca , Doxology. by permission of the Deans. Two trips, one to the United Dean Robinson explained that seriesonlecturesonparapsycho_ tton. once we catch up with the Sept. 4,1867 -- COLL1::GEOPENS logy and religiOll. news ofSeptelllhf'rsandOctohers Nations ami one toWa~hington. the IBM card seemed to be the The doors of Western Maryland will be available to st.udents efficient means of recording College opened for business during the first weeks of Nov. attendar:lCe. WMC Attracts British Student \twas reporledthattheopening The Internatlonal Organization Cary Wolfson said that he had was possible only because of the classes w!ll be going to visit the acted in ignorance when he told faith of Mr. Buell and gen~rous UnitetJ Nations on November 8. the studenl body to dispose of Hitch Hiker Meets Tradition support of Messers. Henry Baile. On the evening of November 1I, their cards. Now that he knows Isaac Baile and John SmitH of a group will be journeying to the full story, he agrees with the Western IIlaryll'Hld College Wakefield. As it was, Mr. Buell, of the col\ege, was not proprietor Washington to attend a concert of administration. welcomes a British student toils ahletOl'ayinfulltheclailJlsof an Indian, Ravi Shankar, playing It must be noted that the IB~1 freShman class. To Il\ost.thisis sOIlIl'ofthelaborersandbuiJd_ the sitar. card is just an experiment this no surprise. Perhaps the name ers. These. however,inpati"IKc William M. David,Jr, semester. Alan, Guy, Jacques. du Manceau and hope turned the lluildingover de Bergenoal will refresh your to the owner. Gallery One memory. ,\Ian has lived ill E:nglalld. Germany, and now the College£vents W.M.C. Collection United States. of (Continue(i from Page 1) He lived on the outskirts Landou for two years, during program featuring some inter- "From the College Collect- Sunday's opening will be from which lie attendee( high SChool esting sights and sounds. The ions."anexhlbitionofselections 3:00 to 5:00 o'clock. The Galler- during the week and spent the script which is the work or from material owned by Western ies are open from 9:00 a.m. weekends and holidays hitch Miriam Urickett of Westminster Maryland College, Westminster. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays. hiking along the coasts. Is supplemented by slides pro- will open Sunday afternoon In the At WII1C,Alanplanstomajorin vided by Nancy Winkelman, Fine Art Building of the College. film Series Presents either Biologyor Art. He chose to Walter Lane, and Dr. Richard This Centennial show has been allendlVestern Marylandllecause English folk music, a four o'clock Myers. Also appearing In the arranged byMiss III.LouiseShip- "Last Year at Marienbad" of. its seclusion aml size. Ex- tea break, alldthat strangely production are Ann Baller';""Larry ley, chairman of the art depart- pectlngto leave tradition behind warm English lIeer. Eisenberg, TIm Jolly, an(.lJane ment. The exhibition will be on The Dramatic Art Departm~nt him. he was shOCked hy the Alan rooms in the Art House Debernardo. Music for the oc- display until November 21. will present" Last Year at formality in the American and feels quite at home with casion is to be provided by the The College Collections cover Marienbad" onSaturda,Y, October schools he visited. "people." It is sometimespos- College Singers under the di=- a wide asso;tment of art objects 28.. 1957 as part of the College Alan has added a hit of tile sible tocalel! him if you have an reCtion of Mr. Spangler and ranging from ancient Egypt- Film Series. Oriental to the Englisli hy show- appointment twoor threeweeks in accompanied by Dr. Heggemier. bronzes to authentic Brought to Ihe screen (n 1961, in a SUddeninterest in Judo. His advanc.,. Otherwise,You may find American Indian material. In undel\ the direction of Alain continental interests include art, him anyplace hut his room. Gallery One of the building Miss Renaiswith screen play by Alain cricket, soccer, traCk, and 9(e¥ Shipley has arranged a displayof Robbe-Grillet, this filmissaidto tennis. His foremost interest is NEW- an innovaHon in terms Tanagra figurines and another of be cinema chronology. Renals has of what he so appropiately terms, a Asianobiect.!t. "hloody good time." lie misses FIND r nery The ASian items were shown in combined past, present, andfu- the original col!ege museum. At ture through the use of flashbacks Sta IOSTORE the time the Fine Art Building and insight to depict not only SCHOLARSHIPS was constructed inl909.ithollsed scenes ina real sense but also as LECKRON HOME, SCHOOL and the library of the college and a the characters would have liked GULF SERVICE BY COMPUTER small museum. Dr. Frederick them to have happened. The N.Y. OFFICE SUPPLIES C, Klein of the cfass of 1880 Timescallsthe results a "unique Last year $30 million in coltege schot· presented many of the Japanese and intense experience •., such W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. arships went unclaimed - because no b"cause qualified persons ~pplied items. that you've never had from Westminster, Md. no quatified perSOns knew of them 47 E. Main St. 848·5553 IIlr. Winter 1I1yers, who gave watching a film ... " • Now E:CSengineers and educators Westminster, Md. the Tanagrafigurines, also pre- The film begins at8:00P.III,in TI8-6929 TI 8·9876 have programmed a high-speed co,:"" ilems.ol schotast'.c puler with 700.000 sented the Indian material. Decker Lecture Hall. Tickets are aid, worth over $500 m,I1oon,10 perm,1 students 10easity and quickty tocate In Gallery Two there will 7"C and c'anllepurchasedattlle Road scholarships for which they qualify be three collections represented. Alumni Hall Box Office from 10-4 • The student filtsoula delailed,con- Carroll Theatre Section A. houses the ~laryland beginning Octoher 23. Adiscuss- Service lidentialquestionnaireandrelurnsill" E:CS.wilh a one·time compuler.proces· artist exhibit. These paintings ion of "Last Year" will follow in sing fee of $15. In seconds thecompu. his qualil,cationsaga,nst lercompares were given by a friend of the Cnderstage. Alumni Hall. requirements of grants sel UP by foun· College and have beenaugmented civic.fralernal,re· October 11-24, ligious. and government. organizatmns. by a Reuben Kramer bronze. an Olin Russum ceramic. andaddit- ~ A LITY CLEANERS& ~~~ SI~~~~~ t:lti~:r~~~a~~~~e ~~o~h:~ Sound of Music to appty lor grants lor which he quat ionalpaintings. ifies. Thousandsof lhese do not depend on scholastic slandin~ Orfinanciat need. In 19511l1r.lIIrersmadeanoth_ \!IU 1 So. Cent" Stre~t,~~~~~~=!~S --- er gift to the College, a cOllect_ , FREE -- - - - - - - - , ion of classical sculptureinclud_ tINfORM.l.TlONANOS.l.MPLEQUESTIONN.l.IREt STARTS ing many exceptionally fine Egyp_ :Ul~~~i-;:?i~~~~:~:~~AL: tian bronZes. The Usbtiu are LAUNDERING· DRYCLEANING _TAILORING October 25-31 being exhibited for the first time Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service In Section B. ISend qly Que'licnn.ires t Section C. of Gallery Two will Service for Students in WMC Student Center : name__ ~~ _ Barefoot have the McComas MaskCollect_ Monday through Friday ion. This Includes69 death masks : addr." _ in the Park andcasHngsfromllfe.Itwaspre_ 9:00 O'clock Until 3:00 O'clock Dail~ , sented by Dr. HenryC. McComas. zip
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