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WESTER:\) \IARYLAND CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol. 44 No.3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MA~YLAND October 20, 1967 Pike to Refute Criticisms Convocation Bishop Ponders Begins Year's Celebration Church Tenets Convocation on Saturday, The RL Rev. James A, Pike, ott.en called "the near here- October 21, will mark the be- tic," will spank at Chapel Oil October 29th at 3:00 P.M. "The ginning of the .Centennta l cele- Qualm and Quest or the Church" will be cue former bishop of the bration of Western Maryland College. Episcopal Diocese of California's topic. For its 100th year Western In the news in the past because of his controversial ques- Maryland College is to be honored by representatives from 140 tiouing or basic church tenets and (he subsequent attempts by COlleges and universities from a , SOllie members of me clergy to try him for heresy, Bishop Pike cross the nation. The delegate s , has most recently been thrust into the limelight by participating in order of the founding date of in a seance televised over Canadian television. Through Arthur their respecuve schools. will be- gin the procession from Lewis Ford, a medium. Bishop Pike's son is said t.o have spoken 10 hill, Hall to the stage of Alumni Hall about his suicide say-Jug (hat n had nothing to do with his rather. rolf owed by the we ster-n Mar yjand Faculty. Dean zepp feels that "the stu- Carol Pinckney, seated center. will reign over the activities Before students, parents, and dent should listen to and becom6l acquainted with Bishop Plk,e's or the 1967 Centennial lIomecoming. She will be accompanied by special guests. Brshop.lohn was , ideas" but that agreement with her court (len to right): standing - Donna Thomas. Senior aueu- ley Lord, bishop of the wasntng , them "is a different matier."By dant: Cindy Groves, junior attendant: sitting - Cathy McCullough, ton Area Methodist Chur-ches , freshman attendant and Scottie Bagnall. sophomore attendant. will give the invocation. Follow- questioning and rethinkmg the be - Ing him. Dr. Ensor, President of tters of the Virgin Mary, the Centennial Provides WIIICwill give the official wel- Trinity, and the Resurrection,he has been sayl ngwhat many pecple come. A special address, coin- have been thinking. Bishop Pike ciding with the theme of the Can- Homecoming Ideas tennia! will be given by Dr. John , Is in a tremendous.state cr tnoo , logicalfiuxandintellectualfer- President A. Logan, Jr., otttof His topic is "The lins College. ment on new forms of Curtsttan Liberal Arts College: Continunity faith. One of his most famous Homecoming weekend will be highlighted by many diversified and Change". quotes is that we "need more activities which demonstrate the Centennial Celebration ofWestern Special greetings 10 WMCon belief, and less beliefs." He at- Maryland, Its Centennial year will then be tempts to be honest with the.gen- presented. Representing the er-al public, is often misunder- Preceding the foootball partrnent will be preSented and state of Maryland, Dr. James A, stood, and not appreciated enough. game with Shepherd there will the cueen wm present a bouquet Sensenbaugh, State James A. Pike got uts degrlle Super-iruau., be a parade starting from the olroses to Mrs. Ensor. dent of Schools, will give the of Doctor of Science and Law at Armory at 1 o'Clock and ending The theme of the semi-formal greeting. President A. Randle Yale. Ordained to the priesthood at ·the football stands. A few un- dance Saturday night is "The ElJIot of Hood College will speak in 1:l46,he has since served as- its from Westminster are sched- RoaringTwenties,' It will be in the American colleges and Chaplain to Episcopal students at uled to participate, and entries Gill Gym and music will toe pro- lor' Mayor Joseph Vassar College, Chaplain of Col- univer stties , from the "hili" will be the floats, vided by Carl Hamilton and his Hahn of Westminster will speak H. umbra University and head of its Rt. Rev. James A. Pike, a 1940 Lincoln convertible in orchestra. The 'event is being controversial theologian. will which the court will ride, and sponsored by the Golf team, and in the name of Carroll County. religion department,lecturer in speak at Baker Memorial Miss Maryland.Tngr-td Larson in will ceneto rrcm Finally, representing the WMC law at the University ofCalifornia Chapel on October 29 at 3 P.~J at Berkley, and adjunct prote s-, her own car. Tenattve plans call cingwill be started bylheQueen, Alumni Association will be Dr. scr , Graduate Theological Union, for horses and old cars. The A_ her attendants and their escorts. Wilmur V. Bell, President. Berkley. Bishop Pike is now a at Santa Barbara, California. His lurnni Department wi\l judge the The Homecoming Court will be Afler the greetings, Dr. Ensor staff member ofthe Center for the two most recent books are "The floats, and the wmnner will be presented once againatthe Dance will bestow an honorary Doctor Study of Democratic Institutions New Morality and You" and "If announced at half-time. on Saturday evening, of Laws degree on Dr, Logan, This Be Heresy" ••• At half-time the court.escort- ed by members of the ROTC de- College Events Poso-Seco Singers Present Pop-Folk Sound Recall Past form in Alumni Hall at 8:30 p, M. Sunday, October 29. The POZO-SECO SINGERS, a young pop-folk group, will per- Tonight's presentation of "A Hundred Year Heritage" at 8:15 According to Cary Wolfson, SGA prdsldent, the group has been p. m. in Alumni Hall is ahumor- booked to provide big-name entertainment, which has been ens history of some of the events lacking, to the SOCiallIJe on the hlll. He suggests that if the SGA which occurred during the past make a profit on the concert other well known groups will be century at WMC. booked for Spring. The program, in conjunction wlht numerous festivities of the The POZO-SECO SINGERS consists of three young Texans: Homecoming weekend. isthe con- SUSlln Taylor, Don Williams, and Lofton Kline. Williams is the ception of a Student Coordinating lead singer. He and Kline were originally a single group know Committee composed of Kathy as THE STRANGERSTWO. They were singing at a hootenanny at Arick, Don Elliott, Dave Hilder, Del Marr College In Corpus Christi when they met Susan Taylor Carol Hooper, Walt Michael, who was alSO~Slnging. On a whim they decided to sing together, and the present group resulted. Kathy Moore, Linda Sullivan, and Ellen Von Dehsen. They made their debut as a group at KIngsville Naval All' Rather than have the typical boring historical pageant, the Station. Since then they've had two hit records. "Time" and Committee has arranged for a '1'1\ Be Gone" as well as two albums. They've appeared at many campuses and at the Cellar Door in Wasl1lngton, D. C. (Continued on Page 3)
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