Page 15 - TheGoldBug1963-64
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i.ibrary ":Jestern ftaryland Q.ollege f 7if::.)stmt'lstf".r, Md. THE GOLD BUG Repercussions Hood Of The Paddle Prospectus Page 2 Page 3 Vol. 41. No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, MARYLAND November 8"; 1963 Money Gront AlumnusReturns from Peace Corps; Stutlents lash Out Against Helps Stitlent Schroder To Relate Indian Mission SGA Constitution Revision PIon Survey Climaxing the long-term ques- debate brought students not Mcffaniel Lounge, and by a on whether or not rratemt- cuasion of the Peace Corps in ty and sorority representatives usually seen at the government meetings. general at 7 pm at the same 10- should be given an active voice The debate was pinpointed to- cation. Bob would like to talk in political proceedings, an (pen ward an amendment to the SGA with as many students as pos- debate took the floor at the SGA constitution which Peter Alex- slble during his return visit to meeting last Monday evening, ander, chairman of the eonetl- his Alma Mater. November 4. The publicized tutional revision committee, pro- posed at the meeting, and which was tabled for further coneid- WMCToHostMAFTA Convention; "'ti~~,~~~;:,"l;. en dment to amendment The proposed High1,--------..'SHEAPlans For 1200 Visitors :~;!~~e~\~=~ti~~es~!a~ta::~r~~ Students from Maryland jun- C}.lapel; th.e high sc.hool FTA's :~n;~~i:n(~Oin~~~:s:~tr~:o t~:~ high schools, high schools, will meet In Alumni Hall; and male representatives) that a colleges will visit our cam- ~~eC~~!.I:lfeH~If.E-;:Sm:i!~ ~~~!representative f~om each Greek November 16 as they par- f th SNEA di . ill b social or-ganiaation be given a in the annual confer- ~he f~rmation o~s:u~~~~r~Vt~or~ ~ot~, :nd that t~e prehent vo~e t the Maryland Associa- ganization from the junior and / t e; t~warFc!°m d ~ pr~tl. Future Teachers of senior high schools. It is felt T~~ss,~ouldeincrea:en th! ~olti;' (MAFT~jiil open at 9 ~~at di~~sl'e~Stn~c::~~~:s be\~~l~:~~e~b~rlship of the SGA fro~ . cO~~D~~~~;a~~u~~~~ (,x~J~missal is at 3:45 pm in m.R~bel"i Scott conducted the 15 there will be a gen- Alumni Hall. inute debate. ~ach speaker for all FTA and Phyllis Ibach, president of allotted one minute to state delegates _in . Alumni WMC's SNEA, has appointed ~~s ~~!~m~~:, f1~~rspeakers be- ing thi~h:e~~~~~ w~~esl~;e:::; ~~~~:~~i~nto c~:~it~~:s. var~~~ ~ital Communication Factor. is to be Milson Raver, Execu- Carson is the over-all chairman. Most of the argum.ents III . Secretary of the Maryland Ser-ving- under him are Carol favor of Greek votes State Teachers Association Wilkinson-refreshments; Judy \;ard the factor o~ (MSTA). At 12 noon campus Ryan _ registration' Nancy t.ion. The predominant, feehng tours will be given by members Canfield and Linda 'Bryson- of thlS se~tor was that class Bob's appearance at WMC is ,\VMC's SNEA. Lunch wi11 rooms for discussions; Leabah representatIves d.o.not actual~y sponsored by the Interna- be held in two shifts: while one- Winter and Mary Ellen Cole- represent th.e opmIOns of their . Relations Club, the Stu- half of the 1200 ~elegates eat, man-campus tours; and Mary classes. T?IS was upheld on d~n: National Education As~o- ~~~vi~t'~~:d6~~ ~v:::s i~~\;."the EI~~y H~e~~~;;;f~r:~~~;nd St\l- !:v;t;;:~~s~I~~~ym~m~~~;e:tfe~d clatlOn, and Le Cercle FrRn- From 2:30 to 3:45 pm three dE:'ntwishing to attend the gen- meetmgs, classes do .not meet cais. His Assembly address separate sessions will be held. eral session in the morning or ofte~ en0!lgh to estabhsh .an .ef- will be followed by a question- The junior high school FTA's the afternoon SNEA session in fectlve lme of commUnIcatIOn and-answer session at 2 pm in Iwill meet in Baker Memorial I Carroll Hall is welcome. ~~~~enT;~se gr~~~bf~~ t~~ I~~~ ternity and sorority meetings would remedy this situation. News Of The Week In Brief time that fraternities assumed Another pro faction felt it is Delta Sigma Kappa CONTRAST Expands North. Carolina, the D~lke Medi- Tho speaker, who is cRrrlJ'I1tly Along with PI'esc/IUlIg speak- more responsibility. During their costume Hallow~ New spirit sparks the liter- cal Society, and various night president of the Maryland e1"Sto the student body, the Stll- Opposition Felt een party, the Delts received.a arii magazfute. This year's en- dubs in the POC01!WMountain~. G(] Churclws.' .is known dent Association is The arguments against the visit from the Great Pumpkm e1"geti.cstaff under the d.yn'Hllic Last year, he de1~nstrated h1S for ht8 '11llf(}r')l!~dp(}~itton on t.?e lurther prOVldmg books con_ proposal centered mainly on an~h~ ;!f~'Will join with-~he ~e::t;r::;;:ofe!.~;!y;~t~;~= fnioe;;l~cJ/g~r::~!l~;.1 at several ~~::t:~~it;:;_ft~ff!~:: t;" ~e;;%~fal~tt~. an;h:tsS:;~ti::~g!: !~dC~o~O~i~:~a;!)so!~:l~:~:~i~ other -sororities in presen~:ng zinc, P1tblishing llwre material Black Magic will be the ,'c- bOl' was one of two Lldhl11'an all to stop by the office amI take zations which should not become food baske~ ~o needy famIlies tha1~ they OO"I~ld in 'Jffevious suit 0/ t.he Sophomoro Social pastors chosen to be dr;lel?ates adva~aagc of 80me excellent involved in politics or policy; on Thanksglvlllg ~ay. years. Art work wiU appeal' Committec headed by Site Ja- at the last ",:vrld. CounCIl of Teadmg m{!,tttw. (2) the control of one group wi~hi~a~~~::~ ~~:~:;:sol:~'~f- {i: :i~:r~;;tsetli;~!~ust1"ating ~:::'ar~e;::ili~t!':aS::;:;~~~ ~i~U;:~;:.meet1ng m New Dd- MSM and ~anterbllry Join ~~:~tu~~y ~~:;~n,wi~ic~ad~i:~J dren's gIfts, which ';lll be pre- Con.trast's staff is also look- Stevens, dec(}rating co-chair- "Songs With Guitar" The Methodist Student Move- (3) fraternities and sororities !~J;':~1~~~~E:;:~:~i:;:;I~t'Zf/%7;;dp,!:w ~~~;:"y:;:;~:,ttj:u~~~~~;;r{~::"Ili£"S~:;:~'it~U~~it::';':'~\~hth::~:~:£t~~j,t,I:~:';~{;:t~:~~;~,'::~h~f:~:!~:;~~:r:ti~:[~ Santa Claus forgot. 0 cr~amg ut .stat;:r b~lZ~ bam. Swartz and dean-up co. 8:15 pm in Alumni Hall. Canterbury House on Pennsyl- effectively. hO~~ro!~dgt:: p~:se~~ti:~lk:; ~f~::;::n~i;~:ri:g s~:dini~s ~':i:;~n:i:~~ara GOl1zales and eig~e~:e\~:rfo~~e'1~c~~~~; :~fk~;~~ae e~:~~nu;-wa~}~n~~~~~;;: sh~~ld~~~ Gb:e~~~h~b~~ntv:~~i g~r:s!';t~!i~~:k~~ ~~~ ~o:::~.lete ~~~iro!t ill::;r~tiO:.wn. sa c, Admismcm 0; a qlWrter 1uill ~~!~c~~: T~eUS~Vr~!~::_T~::r~ ~~.eth; ;~eews R~~~~·:~~ r:i:~~e~~%~~r:~i~l~y~~e'::c;:s~~~~ Iota Gamma Chi Heading the varWlI8 staffs be charged a11d refres!tments- Gypsis and The Willow Tree, Richard Ebens was the chief the independents the same priv. The lotes are planning a are: Jan SheU, Literary Editor; cokes and pretze/~ "WI~1 be 0.11 England; The House Where spokesman fOl" the Episcopa- ilcge. The independents would closed party on November 16; Slwrrid Mattim,gl'J/, Assistant sale. Black Mu,g"lc will beu.m Grandmother Dwelt, Scotland; hans, while Dr. Charles Crain thus be forced to organize and the members will not invite Literary Editor; Jan SOOnholtz, a~ 8:90. All students are 11/- Sometimes I Feel Like a Moth· was the Methodist counterpart. elect a representative. dates. Business Manager; and Ted vlted. erless Child, Negro spiritual; ~=====,,=====~====== or!~n~~~~i~~C~~~g:~ :~:iio~; ::l~:r:iL '!;:a~:c~o;'t;:ea;l~::::d Goldwater Organizes ~a~~i:a~i~::~ ~~~~:f;gd'~~~~~ CDmnUS £vnnn'S:"l1 n,,'O,n,.nm have adopted a new seal to subscriptian. campaign. . Youth for. Go!dwater, a na- French; Cielito Lindo, Mexican; ." .Ar Ul .V, r. t :I' Uj Uri/tiona racilities II .match their new hooded white ,.. . bonal .0rgamzatlOn of college Un Pajarito, Spanish-Californ- the r'ronoses A ./Jo (... ~l sailing jackets. Potters GUild ExhIbIts a~d hIgh s~hool students who ian; He Moved Through As a result of a redecoration The Potter's Guild of Balti- WIll Ca~palgn for Goldwater Fair, and Mother I Would ." program, the clubroom is new more will open a show in Gal- for PreSIdent, has named Jame.s Marry, Irish; and My Love Is from thep~r~lp~a t~eufloor. ~~fie~e~e~!s:i~~t':~, f,~~rYk~~~'~~:~y .~; E~~~~~n~s~~~oi~:~ ~~~e.I~S:~;rtReo~ ~~:~'p!~:~~ lig~~ t~~t~~ ~~;~e ~~~llf!!~l day, Nove~ber 10. . . ~i~ ~:~;;:~iP~h~~~~:nior UGnO~~~~~~~I:;SI°iri:~l I A;=~I~anSi~~~~ !ae~~~r:h~~d ~~I!irbeda~~~d~~~ Of.Ath:ec::~~~~,:~l ~~Ic;re:~t~ ~~~;erin'~~~e:;te~iJ~g~ :~~ ~~g~ ~~~!;:ai~h!'v~I~O~V~~~~e .:~: vember 16 at the Riding Club. ";111be held fro~ two to five school. m all 50 states and House of the Rising Sun, All The Fall Formal, a first this 0 clock. At 3 0 clock. on the Washlllgton, D. C. My Trials, The Frozen Logger, year, will be deemed an annual low:er. level of the A;:t James Harff has said "A Life is a Toil, Where Have All ev;~t. support their adopted :i~~dI;g'd~~O~!t:~~i~:tI~~ ~~I~ ;~~~ s~;~C:r~~!: ~!Id~~=te~r~~; the Flowers Gone?, and Michael. ~e~~i~~o:;~;~ic~:s Pe~ic~l::e~r:; Ipo~~: sp:::~' exhibit will be ~~~s~~~t sc~o:ot~t:~:~~ ..CO~I~~~ S~:~n~Ii:~e~~~e~e~ti:S at ten pm in the women's dor- on display until December 8. h~ve they can be moblhz~d ~o Seeond in the series con
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