Page 20 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 20
2 The Gold Bug, Nov. 15, 1963 Terrors Face -Threat To Title Hopes Tomorrow BootersSwingMajorUpset The :&Iiton' Drexel Invades Stadium '!!'!!~.~:!!~!!~~~~_~~mF~!,!i~J~~~_~.~~W~2~~ Maryland College soccer team ~:tYla~:~:ta~:i~ of e;~~ts fie~d. . . '" " ;!~~~!el~o~~~~i;i;tl~~:~c \~~~k~:SSt ~~~~[:~e~~~e r:~oV;;H~~~ pulled a major upset by defeat-a NeJ Hoffman ~red Woode: Every athletic team has Its own partJcula: Un~ung He~o, over Dickinson 12-0, the Green- kins" clash. tomorrow YEA ing Loyola by a score of 2 to 1.1Howard Moone~, and Jack Har~ ~~d~V~~~r :e:::o~:~~u~~s a:on~~c~w~~~ ~:~~~~~g s!h~~tt~:s~::v~~~ T~rrors of ~ach Bob Waldo:f . !~\l;:~$t: c~~:et~;:~e dt:;~on:!:o:; ~~~in:~~~:r;:~iodt~oyor~c~r~~ ~::mo:nr'!;~~n~~:~·s ~:::::/~~tl~~I\;e~~~ t~:e P:~:o~i~i:::k~~I~ ;l~~t~;t f~~~~~t p~rh:~:,. ~l~;::O:;:::;,~~:~.;::;:~,:::o:',:':~::~·,~::%~::= however, the two schools shared TEAM both squads. Especially out- a total of ten s~ots at the goal. mates; but on the soccer team the "Unsung Hero" is more likely champtonshlp ,;n .the standing for the Terrors on de- 7e~I:e :~~:~ ~~~o;:m~~ the de- t? be in t~e defensiv~ backfield. Such a person is the modest, !~:~o£:;t e ;;~~X~~~:~n ~~~~~ rense was Neal Hoffman, the One important feature of the likable sem.or co-captain of the soccer .squad, Joe W.end?roth. land beat the Dragons 8-0; junior fuIlback. . He continual- game should be noted. This A Baltimore product, Joe excelled In ~ports at hIS high school at the hands f· h Iy stopp-ed the fast break at- ~~s ~~~~wlh~~bo;c:o~ W:~~~r- ~~~~ ~oa::j~U~~~~s~n:~~~~e~~ ~~:::: ~~ CbO~~~g:~~~e:,~;~u~;:;~~~s~!~o~h~~:~~~~h~~. s:;e;:~ l tack 0: Loyola's two all confer- Coach Harmon felt that a qula:~ from the Monumental City" won a starting berth on the WMC one defeat in MAC competition, t for Drexel would put Ig ence linemen, Sam Amato and terback was needed on the line. soc~er- t?am. as a For the last four years, he has been a 10-0 defeat of Denny Grabowski. Coach Har- Since Joe is the best ball han- a vlt?"l hnk m th.e defensl:,e armor of the round-bnll~rs. Res~,ected Penn. Military, but a victory Con- Gdard Academy 3-0 while wins f· ht men felt that this was one of dler on the team, Harmon felt by his ~d,;ersaTles. for hIS he~ds-up play ~n t?e field, the ~en- tomorrow over Leb~non Valley Ig Neal's best games Rnd attrib- !~~suld~:ead~:~Sth!~s:~~:d~o~! ~~~~t~;dan~a:{~:~~~i:~ne~~~~~~:l~::s~tai~:eI~/~~~ ~t;:a:~~~d~~ !~le~~~x~lt~a:~!~t~Mt~~ g~=~~ ••• utes much of victory to his ef- was made possible only by the mention a few, include selections to the "All Mason-Dixon forts. vast improvement of freshman ference" and "All Southern Conference" soccer teams. have-come Coach f· ht He IS engaged to MISS Grebis, has a more experienced Ig Loyola open~d th.e s'coring in !~i~~e~!ao~~e~:f;~~c~h:p:;.led in som:~~Vi~~SI:h:r~~~:r7s~iCa:ot~~;ti!e~~~~a~~~\~~le~~' :e~~o:~~~~~~ ~O;;; V~?;~~~~~f5, ~:i~:;s_t?ae;:~ ••• the ~econd p~rlDd WIth a goal by This win leaves the Terrors doubles n:'atches for the green and gold ~etmen last year. 23-14, and Kings 16-0. Jack Palme~. Western. Mar?,- 'With a 3-3-2 record. With onl "Be~llld every s?ccessful. man, there IS a s.uccessful woma~j" Drexel, under Tom land came .nght ?ack WIth B_J1l two games remaining it a: and Joe IS no exceptIOn to thIS statement. fenn ;corm g With an. aSSist pears as if the Harmon'men wb} Cassie Hughes, a blond, blue-eyed nurse at Johns Hopkins Hospi_ team than some of the past op- ••• ROTC pulled several games out of the give rom B'lf,ot~ Joy_ner.. ThIS goal have to struggle to have a 500 tal in Baltimore. An astute scholar, possessing a senatorial schol· ponents as twenty 'Iettermen re- was I s rst. In hiS. four yea.r season. One of their game~ is arship, Joe is T?ajoring in mathematics, -:vhich he hopes to u~e turned fro~ last season's team. • tenure as aT~lng fOl the 1';£al- with Drexel perennially a nn- toward a teachmg career. Upon graduatIOn, "Uncle Sam" WIll The "MagiC Dragons" have mot1~~n. n e hga~e remamed tional powe'r in soccer The claim his services for two years as part of the advanced ~:s:~ ~~~70~aqU~~~~~a~~or~:a:u~~~~ em ~ - ~~t~n I t e . ourth .qunr- last game is with John~ Hop~ program. fire with second half scoring Ie;i' ~h about e~gh~t~mutes kins. This game will no doubt Next season, the stabilizing influence and powerful foot of binges this season and they have g~t ~;ee ~/:m;~st ~~reakOY::~ ~:~er~in:es~~~~~erasth~~c:::s~~~ :~::~~~ro~~~~;~t~:~~nti!.t;lf~e't~;df:t~hr~,a~he;~Il~~I ~~ore o~ ~Ishot \~hlCht~lanced to Western Maryland fans. award established on the Hill for the "Joe Wenderoths of the vetti heads a talented who g~ad- th •• B backfield "..1 o one 0 le goa -pos s. This is the Army-Navy game of Future" who make such important contributions and are so often minus Joe Buffalo, Drexel's e ax The fi~al five mjnu~s saw our soccer season. A victory "taken for granted" in our athletic program. WMP outstanding halfback Loyola dIsplay a franchc effort in this game would deem any n. ,,_. uated last year. John Schhch- _7'. to tie the game. They contin- season a success, Ierrors "rlppie "",anson tig and Rich Thatcher have been =="",======",4=========, ~;i~~l;;:::t~hl~:t~;lo~~~;Yi~,~ SPOHl WithEarlyOllensiveShow g~::§~ii'I:3;f~;:~~~;~~~the ax SHORTS Western Maryland's staunch . carelli, but the 5'-10", 188 lb. . . . . ~i~~nt:st~:~u:~:e !Ost~~ o~~~~Hockey Contingent ~~~~dO~~jur~~Sal~:~a~:.ra!~~ the ax ~n eaSIly overlooked stahsbc, last year, wlil have the experi- rors downed Di~kinson 12.0 current leadmg ground gamer ~~hl~~e-h:;c~~::e~f \~~rg;e;~~~ ~~cfas~ ;:~~ove its 7-6 record ;hhee~~~;~:~t p~;!~~s';:)j~~'r;!~ Hit With Lossitis f~~s~~~o~D;~lf~~:~, i~a6;~~,p~~~ hold eleven th1S year, 1S that the de- On paper the Terrors should offense to 56 yards on the· B' td d b G h nell. Purnell is a very strong ~~~~:iO~a~~:~I:~red fourteen op- be esp.eciall~ !n the low- ground while intercepting four and e~~~p:'a~eda~~ Nolre ~;me:, runner; h?wever, Ceccarelli hI'as I a .. ~. .. ;~a;~eli~~g clffi~;fi~~!~on:~ !~; .and recovering a fumbte. the girls' hockey. tea~ has not ~~n~~ge In the speed depa t- ••• th t With the opcning of the that he could not make the 123 I?lckmson - moun~ed only on; encountered a. Win. smce Play- The snorting "Dragon" line grappling season not too far Ibs. weight limit and was ~:~~u;n St~:l~I~Si~~V~o~ednt~h~f the Umverslty of Mary- has be~n ~ed" by two .str?ng tl:vay, The Green T~rror Wr~s_ forced. to stick to exhibition the first half. A 41-yard pass Traveling to Notre Dame on guards !n.5 -11 ,195 !b;, lumor, f~l;.g i~~~~~~~~:~dlsr~~::-; ;:t;:~m:~ou~; :1;~;\~0\~;e:~ J~ut the.b?ll on the 'Y~C 8 y:u:d November 9, WMC played a ~o~h~~~r~,ssne;o~~d 5 rii~~;~n~~: II·ne ~V~~-:I~ut~h;u~:~~~;f3ctoe~e: 2:£ ~~~llS;1~~~l~o~~i~f ~~:s~~~nt~;~: ~;~' g;~t~ggO~~\:~sS~~~ ~r:~ 1~~~P~i~~~~ ~o~~ !~:a~r!~i ~,t~~~i~! lb.t~~~li:~, J':reGot~~:~ C?ach Sa.m Case. The team wrestlers of .last year to move ~;ft~~e °t~r:at~lcbnson pass to :CCI~:;:r'~s :;iC~a~n~:f~~~ed o~f and ?'O"-215 lb. senior, ~on ~:Jf·lght ~~~~n\~'~e~~~thll~e~~~hi1~~~~O~! ~hck~~e E~~~::l~h~a;~!~~~ti;~ finBen Laurence, producing his b~r was undisputed .. Sh~rr; i"iia;g~~~,~::t~~~v~~Ck~, i;!lk: ~~~~n:x~~tv~t~unan~;;ra~~: in'llth~ M~SOntD;;~nlblast year, thees*e~~o~:~r~funt~eat:~~o~~h:~ :i~l~h~~~remn~~af~\ra~~~~e J~::!:~w~~~eo~e~:~~~sdu~d Hal Vang. f· h Case hopes thRt. thi~ year's ;I~ce~~~i~neera last se:~on~ i~~f~~~l~~:~;k y;;~i~e ~~~~i~dC~~; ~ea g::;a~p~!y~e;~hea~~c~h~; positions ar~ held d_ownby 6'2"- ••• team, composed primarIly of the Garvlll will move up one clas- WMC T . d h . K . 180 lb. semor, Phd Hall, e~d, Ig t And same individuals who wrestled 'fi t· t 137 Ib A . orry carne. t.e ball practIce. ~y Coleman scored 5'11"-160 lb. junior _ ~u~a ~:efl~y appea~~ tot hla~~ !;~~d thpeer~~~lOa~~i~I;: ~~ ~~~ th~:~u~:Ol~~~ they just girls could ilOt Irv promising sophomore dOJn~ ••• A plaved 63 -222 lb. f· ht the edge, as does Bob Basye at yard drive. been Camp~ll. has White went in from their best GO LOB UG ~!~.beR~~~~~~c~~vtebr~: a~q~6a7~~:;:~;sn ~;r~h~n~~~t t~~ae:~l:, ~:::nco:::.e~oav. ;:r;~~g ~e~~~~~ ~~~ p~~~~~c~~~~;'aor ~:I~xe~::IS se~; - GIl Smmk at 177, M~ke .Roney Defensively, the Terror line,4-3. Stamina was the main !hls season. Bosch has. been ~ Ig Offici"lstudent newspaper of W""tern at 191, and Gary Kuhck In lIn- spearheaded by big Tom Bow- problem for WMC as it was a 101', !ules ••• ~!r~~~~n:ro~llS!~te~~~~·hth~o';:':hkl~aOy~limited. - Iman, Gary Kulick, Art Renk~ long and hard game, especially s~ar~mg fcent:r~nde \~:}\~~~;~~~ VEA Entered as .e~ond ela.. matter at the The season-opens at homeIwitz and Jim Stephens con- since Goucher plays more often pen y 0 reSlS nc - cl ~~~~r~~:c~f I>1:~~hmi~s1879.M&ryland,December 14, against Elizabeth- tain~d the two highly touted and in another class than WMC. ;rarYlanI~ ~al~ ca~{I~~St o~M~ I I town. , Dickinson halfbacks. ense. IS ope a ion Carroll Theatre ••• SC",:l"A',lP,,'n Price $3.00 a Year KEEPSAKE TEAM . What's New in the Bookstore?? Editor-in-Chief & EDITORIA BL"'slTn'A'F'FEditor~a;:~c~:I~a3~~~~I'S "Change, Hope and the Bomb" - now Diamond and 'Y.~iEST~REE s~ooJ~s16 whew Donald Hinrichs • Books, of course! The latest "big news" in books is ARTCARVED • 1 IN A DAZE" New. Edito~. ~~,h:!taR"Lo.s,!,e, Of speCla moment is the arrh'al in the Bookstore of Wedding Rings GO AROUND THE WORLD '" a series of literary magazines - in keeping with the Open an account S T N ;::~:e::i::i~:_=!~~~~;;~~E ~~~fi~:heR~~i:~;?n$foo~t~rD~'!d~f::'!;' $~.50;a~Ki~~~~~ at HU:~~rdUKS~elNicoi:'J~u~!; A•• istant Feature Editor Rel'iew," $1.25. ~~~t:~[tg~:T;J!;Dif:~:~ pau se "THE DAY i 8 ~,~o,sr,s~~,~:,k.t;.,.rr;;'-E_ditt;_;-__~~~oo~~G,n~~~.O.~ SP;~kl~~ke n !w ~hi~r::!~n7e~~ Con~;e J~~;rb~~~sed ~ DAV:~~ :1~i':~t~,ERS ~ ...... -- " ... om " Tempting titles for all tastes and interests. Sherriel Mattingly Westminster "TWENTY THOUSAND . • Distinguished-looking desk accessories. Have you seen LEAGUES the handsome new series of fine wood pieees with metal UNDER THE SEA" W.,M.C. seal? Own these with pleasure or gil'e with things go Murphy, Sua a n Summit, Carol pride. On display in the front showcase, Clothes Flower Fresh Yeager S..,orI.>Reportel"ll_ Bill Penn. Frenk at the LECImON Rinehart, Mike Schl..... MikeSher_ THE COLLEGE BOOKll.TORE GULF SERVICE b~~th wood. Syl~ia White. Wilford COpyReade...: Diana Benfield,Nancy~========;-;::=======~ MODERN IDEAL W. MAIN & PENNA, AVE. Wright.on, Ed Seheinfelt, Erie Wagn"r Winslow Student 8:30 am until 4:0U daily Center C....CopyEditors CarolynD
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