Page 14 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 14
2 The Gold Bug, Nov. 1, 1963 Aroused Terrors Seek Revenge Against Lycoming RomsHantlWMCFirstLoss; Gridders Eye Warriors ne Edito1"s' ~~Yl ~~~~~lr;E:~~{~~;&~~~~~~~~~!!,~~~p!~~ . rors were beaten 14-10 by the ended, Confer, looking fo), a re- ing 14-10 defeat at the hands of Lack and Co-Captain, Gordon . There is much to say ~~~ufu::e seldom heard from senior ~:~:n~~n~~e;~:ed u~~il~~:. g;l~ ~e~~er,l~~:~~~dly T~~sh~:l~:ti~: Shepherd College l~st week, ~;~~~i!.a/~0~:~!r~e~r'~i~i~1~~f athlete Ja~les Cupp. Jim, who hails from B~ltimol'e, is a Phvsi- sounded as both sides fought tcv score was Shepherd 7 and West- Western Mar.yland wl~l attempt ground gainer in junior half- cal ~ducatlon maJo~. To use a f:equently relter~ted expresslO~; possession of the football in the ern Maryland O. to get back In the Win column back .Seth Keller. The back- he IS the strong Silent type. Jim Cupp occupies most of his closing minutes. The second half opened with tomorrow when they battle the field IS rounded out by sopho- "fre~'~ ~i~ef~vl;t~ev~~l~i%:~~~:s~s left halfback on the Green Ter- f '?\~e~~CWri:h~on kick~d off ~yst~~~ 2~u~~~d Ik~ck~ff:re~~i~~ ~:f~~~in~n C~;~f:iP~~~~aTl~i~I~;~~~~e f~~f~::~baS~i:fi~;hi?;~i~~ ~~~u!~~t~~~lh!~~~~ s:f;;tt~~e:t~fr. ~o~~~ ~;~t n~!h~l:;:~ o~ i~~han in~~tive :fi~itm~ua~~~~ ~~~~t~hed~;l~ a~~t1~~I~~d~~n~~~ ~:~~~~~~ !~:;~~:~~r~~:\:fid~1~ i:~~~~hi~, ~to;~i~~: l~~i~~:b~~~ r:;~:~u:~ft:~Nit~rj~~ t;o:;e~:~;g ii;!r~~ce~~;: ~sn:C::~~i~~v!~ ~:iL~:e~~:~~~lfe~ t~h~~I£'1 1;~~~e:~s!a{IYs~:~~~~h~f;wi~~e~~~ tat~:~ti~s ~~ewe:~nc;he ~~~Te~~~ ~;e;~~a;:>~~;~/~~e~~~n~~l'~: merits make h:m a threat as a runr:er a.nd a pas~ receiver. a short time until Confer was WMC rolled out the yardage to 'Terrors" since they have won tack thiS. season. The jumor , .In the winter season Jim once again displays .hls ~atuT?1 dropped for a loss on a pass a position for Will the 'Toe' JUs~ one game th,is season in five ~ul!back IS not only a strOllg ability as an athlete. Last year for the first time Jim tried hiS play and we were forced to Wrightson to boot a 27 yard outmgs. The Win was an opcn- lunnel' and good blocker, .but hand at wrestling. He showed great competitive sphit in l'ep- punt. The ball changed hands field-goal. ing game victory over Albright, stands out on defense as a lme- resenting the team in the 177 and 191 lb. classes. With a year's and when we got the ball back On the second play after the 13-7 while losses have been to backer. experience behind him Jim is expected to make an excellent show- we drove to the 35 of the Rams ldckoff, the Rams fumbled on Waynesburg, 30-12; Randolph- The "\Vanior" line is led by ing this year. . .. . aided by 25 yard scamp of Rick their own 23 and ~ig Tom Bow- Macon, 12-7; Drexel,.22-17; Up- bio/ 215 lb. cen~er and ~o-~ap- When sprmg rolls around you can find Jim Cupp m l'lght White. The drive sta'lled in the man pounced on 1t to set the sala, 15-9; ,and Junl1lta, 21-12. tam, Steve Juslck. Juslck IS a field holding down this position for the WMC baseball team. second quarter and we lost pos- Terrors up for a score. The The "War~lOrs" have suffer~d tran~fer student from the Uni- Last year with his very unorthodox stance, Jim had one of the session of the football. team moved well and Confer bad luck -In several of their verslty of Colorado, however, highest averages on the team. The Rams then began a scor- took the ball in from the 3 for ga~es by losi!,g early leads and he became eligible last season Athletics is not the only facet of Jungle Jim's life at WMC. ing drive which stalled tempo- a touchdown and a 10 to 7 'lead. bemg beaten In the second ~ulf. and has l)]'oven to be a fine team He is a member of Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity. In the ad- rarily and picked up again on The Rams thet; con~rolled the It has been two years smce lea~e.r. Stal:ting at the enrl vanced ROTC program, Jim is commander of company 'C'. Last, their own 48. Grinding out baU on the ens~lng kickoff und Westel:n Maryland last ,pla~ed poslbon Will be J~ttermen spTing Jim took the big step and pinned Rosemary-For some drove 75 yards III 12 plays for a L~;ommg a.nd that 19~1 thl'1lt- Charles Shaffer, a semor; and reason 01' another Jim has had a great deal of trouble with his TD that made the score 14-10 er ended In a 7-6 vIctory for sophomore Ed Roecker. Shaf- ~:~~~hiSf~rn::eP.a~~ i~-~h~~~~~~~ar~~er~oissSi~l~ h~'~~:~t~h;:o~~ Girls Win 3 Tilts ;~n~he!~e~av~;~veWt~st~~~~~al'~f th~~~G'~~;:~~::s~~~~ve eighteen ~~~ a~e~/'~a2s2s~n~S't~Sr:ee;'11~~~ ~~~;h~~~~a~de 4~~;yt~;n~:r ht!. rt~Oem:~s~~~~e!O;~a~:.w-At U of M Playday; ~~n~~~~ ~~e~~:~~~~~d;~e l~:m~hedr~~l~ ~:;~.~;~~:a~e~~~I;~e~nf~~~ \!~:~~ua;I~e;b=C~n~o~~~c:;r~ t;e~e~~ Strong competition, natural athlete, modest man, James • ~ack ll1Slrle the. \VMC 10 yard a 4-4 record, however, a lack of POSltiO,!SwI~1be filled by 6-24,0 ~:t~ia~~i~gS~:~~~r c~~h~e~~~rfor the Alexander award for ~~s~ Roeder Cops Tenms ~:~ \;~:~le \~;i~~ sl~~~~d;e:ef:' ;::!~.t;;~e hb~'~~h~h~p~yci~lm~~!~~os~~.IOj~n~~7.,~~l~v~~ltn!\~~ Participating Play- A last gasp pas~mg effort was r'P,nnl ~aa;/~nth~c~:~::l';i:~ in tbe ~~eM:i~1~ ~~~~~:r~;r~os tri~t;;\~;dfi~~~ Lycommg attack is a veteran ~xpenenced lcttermen III Jun- ;~i\;!:~~~:;t~~:a:o;~~~:~g ~j UI( hocke:!;,team won three games "Everybody Welcome" lbs. and Wayne at 5'10"-185 lbs. SHORTS :;~nS:~~d ~~e'th;~~O~:~~; ~ve~~ LECKRON at the ;r~~~e~~~!dt:~~ni:I'~O: !~nC~Il~~~ Wayne, !s ~mall(>st t~e who ~~at~~~lsA~~~~at~~e~~c:~n~~~: The Terrors' 10-14 loss to and this year to Shepherd. versity, Notre Dame, Baltimore GULF SERVICE blocker. ~hephel'd Coll~ge has no. be~~~ ~a~i~~U°l'~'~~~~:~~, ~~~~~b~~~ --w. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. DOWNTOWN I~"""':~"""':"""':""':""",:""",:~ lllg upon the.r record In This year's edition of the Marjorie Webster WMC de- ~~ Mason-Dixon and Middle At- Western Maryland Soccer team feated the teams' from Balti- Westminster, Md. 19 E. Main St. lantic ~onferences .. The M-~ has a lukewarm early season more Junior College, 2-0; Cath- TI 8-6929 TI 8-9876 . WTTR A.M-FM record IS 2-0~1, while the TeI- record with a 1-2-1 record. The olic University, 4-0; American ~:~::a~:i~;-Ofol;r t~:!~~C~n ~~: ~e::i~~ldsci~r::P~~rsc~~~ J~~~!~ ~unri;~r~!~~,2-1; and tied Frost- Road Billiards TI 8-9824 ~~~i~.~b~~es~I~cal~it~:e r~~~.cer~~~ with five go:lS~ .. we~~ew:~;lbo~;;~mRa~fi~I~, ;~; Service Ma;y Lou :==========-: final game of the year, Wit!! Coleman Cluck von Kleek Alice Johns Hopkins affects both the Dennis Amico, Shock QB, was Weller Becky Hidey What's New in the Bookstore?? - ~J~~o~;d h!~~ Ca~I~::~~s c~~:c~~~ ~~~~~d ~~rl;ec~~ve~e a Ss~e:u~~~~~rs:k~~I:;ina;dw!l~er~ar~iS~~I~~ • Books, wonderful Books! We hal'e a sparkling new ship_ nt least a tie for the M-D title. separation, a. v?ry com~on tYl?e Coleman, Cathy Arendt, Linda EVERHART'S ment of non-text books with all sorts of wonderful titles. 'History To mention a few: "Janson's of Art'" .. .. • of fo~tball IllJur~, WhlCll ~Ill Corrum, Elza Hoffman, and (considered by the knowledgeable to be the best of its For the second year in a row, ~ost likely keep hun on the slde- Barbara Petschke. Miss Todd Barber Shop kind now in print.) $9.95; "The Game" (Official Picture lhe Terrors have gone unde- Illle for the. rest. of th.e year. was one of the few hockeY History of t.he National Football Game _ wonderful At The Forks .reated through four gamei only Rex Walker IS bemg shIfted ~0 judges. ~he~~~~I=========: gift for a man) series $10.95; The entire Bantam Romeo Classics Sh~kespeare Hamiel, (Macbeth, and ~~ ~~~J::t=Jt~e:~~e i~s~n;et:; ~~s:Jo~ t~~ i~ju~~~. the VOId CJ~~ v~l~ie~I::~k;~~~ I Juhet, O!hello, .Mcrchant of Venice, Julius Caesar) 5.50 the Terrors lost to Susquehannn Fischer were responsible for each. JOin the controversy: get your copies of "Honest Sake," $1.50. to God," $1.65, and "For Christ's ======="=,,_,,..1 w~~~dtis:~ J~ea bj~~Xf~;ot \~~~ ~~::~T~O~vl:sa~~d~onZ;ed ~~;~~ Weatlninster • Eschew (!) that cluttered window-sill, avoid that room- lemp~rature. portable milk, plug in our Bernz-o-maiic Laundry electriC refrigerator. eoLOB UG Wobs' gridders this yeal'. Paul celV1n.g one of the twelve out- and boat - just plug into the cigarette lighter. Refrigerates Can also be used in automobile or :~~~~]llg players ~~~~il~;tothke;l~::~~nt~h~o/~~~ 181bs. award for h~r Dry Cleaning • Christmas Cards - "Already?", you say? Do you know will be over? ~te!~;~j~~~.H~e~~~ x~rcot~a~ ~:~~ SinSg~~:ym~~~~~r\~~~~ht.h\!a:en;~:, that two months from today - Christmas choice and lei- Choose your cards now, for maximum surely addressing. Traditional, Christmasy and reli- y\:~~~~r~~~u~~c~h~e~:~7~~~ o~~;;~~ ~~~i~;::~~rell!I~~O:~;~Ch t~n~~i~ MRS. FISHER gious cards, as well as humorous, whimsical and "ery then fell to Grayson \Vinterling, doubles and golf were spon- modernistic choices. ===::_:_=-=:.:._:c_:_:= :vho is hobbled by an ankle in- so~~~ next hockey game will he STUDENT '" UNION THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE Subscription Price $3.00 a Year lat 5. nUILDING Goucher on November Jury. Gail Allen 8 :30 a.m. to 4 :00 p.m. daily Winslow Student Center Editor-in-Chief When the Bachelor Eight ;::::::::::::::::~I,~~~~~~~~~~O:P:':":H:"m:':G:':m:,:s':t:"':d":Y:":ft:":"":o:",::::::::::~ Donald Hinrichs nipped the Preachers Thursday 1 Business Editor 7-6, the Blue and White virtual- Visit the date•••fate"~,,,:,:~,os'jio'we'r:":": EDITORIAL STAFF ly clinched intra.mural football New. Editol'll RoberlALove honors. The battling Purple lead in the final '-::=======~ JOyc .. Rua;oelland Gold scored first as Eric AVENUE A••t. New. Editol'll- ~~nnd:...M.;~;!~ Wagner picked off a Hollywood BARBERSHOP FeatureEdi",r .,..-manne Brin" pass and raced all the way for a A •• I.laM Feature Ed, Gordon 6-0 Preacher Spor1.llEditor Jerry Mo.. ~ seconds of the first half. Early 1- shave•••nick •••ouch•••- ~!~~::-c~~~~ ~~~~e-B;i:r~hgi.!;."-': in the second half, QB Holly- Benrekamper.Jacque Bland. Bar_ wood hit Jerry Morse for a TD, Carroll Theatre ~F~k~:1~t~~~I~~:;~i;i~;~Ef~ :~~ ao~de~nth:n~xt~~e~;~ntA~~~; Wrightson. Ed Scheinfelt. Erie"':=======:.- Doris Day Jim Garner sporl;:~~~j.t~~:~-~c~T~?~ti~~F;;:r~ ~~~~' it was tense 'till the final Fri.-Tucs. Nov. 1-5 •••dress•••rush•••rip ••• Sylvia White, Wilford wood. c~.C':::~ditoro -._ E~::;:~YGEdh,~~r "THE THRILL OF IT ALL" change•••drive•••speed ~~E:~~~~:~===~~ti~~~~~ LEARN TO BOX!! Wed.-Tues. Nov. 6_12 BUSINESS STAFF Jack Lemmon Ad,·erti.ingManager. RonaldL
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