Page 18 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 18
Dickinson Bars -Way To Fifth 'Terror Victory ne Edito»'s' 't ,Bragonier Builtls Terrors \Visit~rs RiskWinStreak ~~~cf ~~':Jk:f.;tkl~~"~$;=~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~ !I.!uch conversation these days is devoted to the proposed ex, Coach Jim Bragonier immedi- bailers will be big 6'5" Center number five and a well padded patrick and Ernie Jones have pansion of campus facilities to accommodate an increased student atel y started the squad on a Ron Shirey and Guard Sam lead in the Middle Atlantic Con- been hampered with injuries. population. Last Monday, during the assembly, General Gill (Gill rigorous conditioning program Leishure. Both co-captains will ference race as they tangle with Kilpatrick lettered last season Gym) stated that Western Maryland College was on "the thresh- emphasizing cross-country run- be juniors. Coach Bragonier is the Dickinson College "Red as a freshman and if the 6'-2", old of national recognition" in the field of education for small ning and windsprints to develop also counting on veterans Jim Devils." After a thrilling 18-6 180 lb. fullback is not ready to colleges. General Gill failed to include (probably due to lack of endurance. The squad has also "Country" Shaw, Stan Makov- victory last week over Lycom- play, his understudy Jones or time) the future athletics at WMC. This writer firmly believes been working hard with crisp er, Tony Magnotta, and Richie ing, the "Green-Terrors" kept freshman John Phelps will fill that national prominence will be realized in the near future for ball bandling drills in their Eigen. He is also pleased at their M.A.C. record unblem- the role. Ter-ror teams in the collegiate sports realm. daily workouts and yesterday, the potential displayed by ishcd and unless the "Red Dev- Smith Anchors Line There are several prospects to substantiate this not-so-radical for the first time, scrimmaged freshmen Mike Crowe "and ils" stick a "pitchfork" in The "Red Devil'" line which prediction: briefly. Bucky Kelly. Western Mar-yland's title hopes, averages 190 Ibs. is led by sen- First, \v~stern Maryland presently ha_sone of the most com- Eve.n though it has lost a. fe~v After the football season, an?ther conference champion- ior guard, Bill Smith. Smith, petent athletic depart~ents to .be found lfl. small colleges. Only fr~nthne players such a~ RIChie B'ragorrier will be assisted by ship may be close at hand. who is also Captain of the team a ~ack of funds blocks Its _potential full effectiveness. Mr. Wald?rf, Khtzburg ~nd ~o~ .0 Mall.ey, Fern Hitchcock, who will coach Hot Streak on Line is 5'··9" and weighs 180 pounds. :~~~dsa:~:~~~~~~~:;ie~:~~::~~~::d e~~~~:e::p:::~:,v~::r:s::: t~~~~~:~s,J:;:~2~::~;::YI~ini~t ~::ne~Vis S~:::~be;h: a~:~:~ set~~~ti,n~~~,co~~~He! a ~1 Fc~ ~:~~~~~~:(~~l~~~:~i~~n ;~~ of ~aculty £Po.lJll er?u~ athleti~ scholarship progra~ is lmperattve. However, if ~~~s\~S~~::~;h~~re 2e_Oo~~~~!weak spot on the'Dickins~n line this IS to be the ease, the Athletic. Board, comprised first game of the season. Since has been at the tackle positions members, must be made more. flexlbl~ ... perhaps to :nclude then Dickinson has defeated where three lettermen were lost members who arc closely associated WIth sports on the Hill. Haverford 12-7. Franklin and from last season. Henry Spire, Again, if the present quality of sports is used as a gauge for ;' rultlJl"r Marshall 35-0.' PM C 21-13' a 5'-11", 215 lb. senior did not the future, Western Maryland's athletic prowess is inevitable. ~nvl( ~ and Lebanon Vall~y ·34-6. AI: letter last year, but he has been Currently, our squads are competing successfully against tea~s though the "Red Devils" have doing a fine job on both offense from. schools of .two 0; th;ee times our student population. If this • just nine returning lettermen a~d .. defense. Sam Butler, a relative status IS maintained, a Terror team o~ th~ fu~ure, sup- For the second time this year change and it will move the fin- from last year's team, the com- 6 -3 ! 215 lb. freshman has bee~ ported by a thousand students, should be playmg m higher and fullback Rick White has gained ish back a half hour, which at bination of a speedy backfield p.laymg the oth~r tackle P~SI- ~or~~~~~~~~;,w:n;o~n:e:I~n~;Si~ese prospects c~n on!y be fu!fi.lled over one hundred yards i~ one ~~~s~~;:r~;c~heb!::e~a~a~e~~~ :~:mu t~o~~u~e~~~:~g~~\~~;;;~~:: ~:~~'"a;;o ~:.s s:~~~~a~~ ;:;~~~ If the ImtiatlVe behmd them IS adequate. ThiS wnter enVISions game. He had 172 yards Satur- and fans arriving home in day_ In a search to replace grad- vmo. a Gold Bug headline ten years from now to read-"Terror ? in day against Lycoming and he light or having to drive during uated quarterback Reno DiOrio Buckley Handles Punting NCAA Finals at Madison Square Garden." J.C.R. also exceeded the century mark the dusk hours. Coach Seibert has been alter~ At ends will be senior letter- ================== against Bridgewater. _ * •• _., ~::i~~tj~~~:~r~a'::'o~~n~:::i~~ ~~n, 1~le~~p!~o:~~s Jao~d~'~~ · * .. .. " me'll W.~~ fJ IJ IllI .1 .j:1' that t.he starting time for next needed thr~e stitches Dave Reger throw a good short pass, how- 185 lb. freshman, Jim Brougha!. and has "':=======~ will be 5'-11", center Isnt, Rickert is a fine runner and can and the 'Ii'.. Who says that?basketball a possibility spor~. a contact JI"om'.'II~n. There is a strong Uj '0 • , has been the lead- ~o clo~e a ever, Harris a . R, ·c1c~rL,·te /Jazz'e'lf' "'OIJI.J year's home football games will cut. ~ver ~IS eye rec~lved lD a ing ground are experienced Both I gainer be moved to two o'clock. arm. This· eolhslOn "_VlthS~m last better II, throwing I. .. 1,. I wU in time to be a week. ThiS year steam seems wllI play halfbacks sen- l' a the r wasteful and useless a twenty game schedule, ten iors in Don Shaver and Bill Visit the Western Maryland's football WM four yard line with less shift. The team will not miss home and ten road contests, Penney. However Penney team strengthened its hopes of than a minute remain in? fewer classes due to the time highlight~d b!1 the home and proves to be the speedier of the AVENUE winnin~ both the ~Iason-Dixon ~~;~i~~e~6~;~~~ ~~o~eU:°~re~~ ~~~e ~:~~~ w~:p~~~s~oaun~:~: ;::er~~dlo~~s rb~~:e~hi~w::3S~~~ BARBERSHOP • 0 and Middle Atlanbc conference a school record. It was truly Lycoming rops om south to pIa?" Washing~n "':=======~L=======:::' B b game with Hofstra, and the trip titles by slipping past a strong a game of inches. and Lee and Bl'ldgewater Jan_ 1- Lycoming eleven. The Green On Hapless Booters ~::tw~~:~~d'~'~~~~~~1 vi;:.::: Carroll Theatre ;- ClothesFlowerFresh lD rI ers the n ramura Teno", hav~ only to dof"t I t I G odd Johns ~opkms. to chnch The Terror roundballers with mixed emotions. He is a at the ~:i:s~~~D~~~:e.rt;::in~~u; g:~I:: Wind It Up For '63 ~~:P~:~p~i~~ ~~irt~~~~s: ~!graduate of Lycoming College. Fri. _Tues. Nov. 8-12 MODI);RN IDEAL to::r~t~::I~!-~t~:::~c 0~r~~~6 int~~~u~v:lekto~~~ksf:::ba~~d f~; ~;:~o;;~~f e~~I~~7\al~~~g ~~~ Jack LemmSnhirley lUacLaine with the score not indicative of the 19G3 season. The top two goals in the opening minutes of PATRONIZE "IHMA LA DOUCE" LAUNDRY the type of contest played. The finishers tbis year are the play, held that advantage at the OUR rha::I~S~~~ :o~:n~:,la~:lI~~~~ ~:~h~~o:·sG~v~t!aa B~~~l \~~t~r: ~:~.~i~~iS1~' t~!n~~7f. ~~eaH:~~ Wed. - Sal. Nov. 13 -16 See Rick White, who scored aU 3-1-2 mark Alt.hough the sea- monmen were down by only onp, ADVERTISERS "THE THREE STOOGES MATT CREAMER three touchdowns, plunged into son is NOT finished no other due to goals by Scott Joyner and GO AROUND THE WORLD MacLeaC34 The offensive l'::========: the end zone from the three- team can catch the t~p two. Rowland Creitz. IN A DAZE" ~=======:=; :========~ hf{!. Ji~~e a~.y'io~1::~e;v po~~~! citT:!S ~:t~~nw~e: ~~: sOr~d~r~~:~~!a~~c::d ~~~f~ a\;a:h:t;~~~~a~~1i failed and ~he score stood at The g Bachelors just ~ barely lme was ~mable. to score m the KEEPSAKE 6-0 at halftime. nipped the freshmen in a rain seconri thIrty mmutes. & "Everybody 'Veleome" LECKRON Lycoming tied the game in soaked contest on Friday. The Frosh Mike Wagelstein look- ARTCARVED GULF SERVICE ~~rne~ir~rC:eart~~:v~ri:ld.a ~I:r ~nl~iX~c;_~:~~t~:s;a~.~~am;o~~ ~~siii:~mi:~n~oaac~ t~~n;~lf~~cr~ Diamond and at the went ahead agam as 'Vhlte MacEwan to Ron Roth very late mono Terror co-captam IJon Wedding Rings W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. ~~~~!.u~ent~~n l:~~~ete:Oil~ i~:;l~ ~nee~~:u~d !!o::p:~;e~o t~I~! ~~~~~~~ a~~r:~a~~~ ~h~u~~i~~ Open an account DOWNTOWN Westminster, Md. at finar period as th~ Ter~ors poor field conditions. The game eleven. Wi~h. only three con- TI 8-6929 TI8-9876 stopped two Lycommg drIves saw an abundance of running tests remammg, the Terror 19 E. Main St. Road just fractions cf an inch short plays in contrast to the usual roundballers are already think- DAVID'S JE"WELERS of first downs. The second de- emphasis on a passing attack. ing about the '64 season. Co- 19 E. l\Iain St. fensive stand occurred on the This shift was no doubt due to captain Don Schmidt says, West.minster Billiards TI 8-9824 Service =========_.the hazardous conditions. ~:~t:e!~~n froe:~;~nor~r~~~~i:~ , -! camp~dgn.EJ'-::=======::::.:========::; G0 LOB UG ~~ou:c:~?r~eo:l;~~. an~o:ii~~~ ~i~t;~':s S~~U~O~~i~~lea;~ n~~~~ r On Monday the Gamma Betes ing than our prcsent WTTH AM..FM A V EN U ETA I LOR g~~~\:ln~tC~ll:ge~e~'~gf;~:d o~!;.~te!~~~.;~wf~~o~:~ ~I~C~~;\~~~~s!>:.~~~!~a!~~, ~;;:i:i;O~g~a~o~te~i Friday from ScDternber throllll"h MRY. HIS tosses were caught by Den- in store at Philadelphia with CLEANERS H~~~:~: at~~ Drexel University." ~~{:"~~1~~:e~~e\.~t~:i8;,:~~a';ia~~~ ;i:bb~euin,~ili~avls displayed "':=======~ ,,-,--,--,---=c-,-=c:--::--jGamma Betes a 1--------, Alterations and Repairs Subscription Price $3.00 a Year staunch defense by allowing the r ~l~~~n~~d~~~!~~a~~;y:~~~t~~nJ~ Westminster EVERHART'S Suits Made to Order Gail Allen Donald Hinrichs Editor-in-Chief ~!a%~en~ef:i~st~ ~\~~raeme~~r~~~ Laundry Barber Shop 46 Yz Penna.Ave. and Business Editor Bullet Bob Price. At The Forks TI 8-4922 Westminster,Md. EDITORI;tAL S~T~A~~F~F~§~ This week's final two games News Editor. -- pit the Gamma Betes against Dry Cleaning A•• t. New. Editora the Black and ·Whites and the SM What'sNewintheBookstore?? ~::~~~~il h!v~t ~ooe~:c~ o~h:~: MRS. FISHER LEARN TO BOX!! • Books for the bookless, books for the stacked, books X~~r::,,~dk~rt;Editor __S2!~~h~Ml~:~~:~~~ng'\Vi:~eYth;il~re:~~do~ STUDE~; UNION with hard covers or soft pallerbacks. Books for the giv- ing, books for yourself, books for the journey or books nUILDING :::r:::'::=··~~~~C~~~~:!~ ~~~:e;~~~::nt sr~ri!ll \~~!Chga~:: _'_'::========~ ::L~_~~~~~E~.I:X~~!/TR~'\l~ for your shelf! C.. o' PAT I0 The Bookstore's latest pride: All of the books now in ~~Bn~yae":eA:J;;eBci:'ee..~~~j:~, ~:[htthh~;'_':Y~":::'. IIER'S SECRETS ·CAN BE YOURS! print by Mr. John Ciardi, our speaker of Friday morn- Clark. Chris Connelly, Diane DraD- r NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED. FORM ing. Building your personal library, including authors cr, Judith Goldswin, Eli""betb Sandwl'ch A CAM PUS BOXING C L U B you have met or heard on campus. ~:.';~. '0 •• " 'o",",H. AMONG YOUR mEND' FOR Among the latest arrivals: Abel's "American Litera- Spo"\.!! Revorte ... __ . nill Penn. Frank FUN, SELF_CONFIDENCE AND tnre," Vols. I, II and III from Barrons. Rinehart. Mike Schlee. Mike Sher_ SHOP REAL PH Y SIC A L FITNESS. • Little canape trays, each with a different scene of the c"'C',;D~E~it(lr.·:~1_1·i-!~1~~ '¥I~ Featuring ~~~~~::EON~R~~~~=:. ~E~~ a set of eight _ $4.50. Fine wedding and Christmas Sold individually at $.59 or Western Maryland Campus. W~ht5~~IViIlEdWh~t'.inre!~lf~~i~ gifts, great for dorm gift-exchanging. These PHYSICAL feature: "Carroll Hall"; "Elderdice Hail"; "Baker Chap- CODYG!h:~~:-,sr. 15c Hamburgers TO: ARTS GYM • Post cards showing new scenes of the campus. 'Yard, el"; a composite of Robinson Garden, Blanche TYPi~~:iE'd~%rn~_ Vivian Bittn~r T~i:z::i~ ~~b~es 363 Clinton Street The Art Building and Alumni Hall; Jay Walk with Photographer _~~DR"id Robaon French Fries - Shrimp Boats McDaniel and Blanche Ward in background. Office Manager __ Dennis Donoh Homemade Ikl-Nuts Hempstead, Long Island, THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE BUSINESS STAFF ~~~~!;~~nn~__M._:_'.'_r =-_R~0~~~~~ Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches ~ew York ~::2n aHO~I~tib:~2 fuurday after~!~~~low Student Center nt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848-5860 Adviaor Mi•• Nancy Winkl~man L --'_ _j L__ --'- .'L. I
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