Page 17 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 17
To forecast an annual Sl2 million construction budget is In his new job, Bill conducts public opinion and market 11 difficult job even for an experienced engineer. But Bill surveys, then carefully analyzes.the results for possible ap- Wheatley, Jr. (B.A.E., 1961), met and mastered this very plication by his company. His engineering background challenge soon after he joined The Chesapeake and Potomac is particularly valuable on the scientific sampling tech: Telephone Company of Maryland in 1961. niques he works with. To help him with the details, Bill had II staff of eight- Bill Wheatley, Jr., like many young engineers, is im- four of them management people. After a year, Bill's super- patient to make things happen for his company and him- visors were so impressed with his work that they selected self. There are few places where such restlessness is more him to attend a special business course at Northwestern. welcomed or rewarded than in the fast-growing telephone This was followed by a promotion to Staff Accountant business. ATTENTION! Attend Kat.hy Stoner's PEP RALLY Tonight - Gill Gym 6:45 Architect's Image of new girls' dorm
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