Page 10 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 10
2 The Gold Bug, Oct, 18, 1963 Terrors Smash Jackets; Face Hampden·Sydney WMC Eleven Eyes Third .wn; Homecoming Success Terrors Tumble Macon 12-0 Journey To Tiger Homecoming With Fourth Quarter Rally After Alumni Soccer Game ... Parade ... Football Game Queen's Coronation ... Banquets ... Dance-all of these characterize one (If the most enjoyable. if not hectic, days school calendar-HOMECOMING. This year's Homecoming was undoubtedly one of the ~:t~~~d ~~ i:e:~~:~1 O!e~~~~;nf~::ai~c~f~!n t~~p~~afs~~nbl"'~t';~,:i~-;;;I coming had. Early in the morning (10 am), the Terror soccer squad the field in their annual clash with the alumni. A note of . I"An-conrerence'' Kenney Prit- and Sid Druen returning last year. The center po- 0"""'-1 ... - i~et~:~~ab: ~';~1:~~95p~~~ Not to be outdone, the football squad put on quite a show its own in the afternoon contest. After being stopped cold by strong Randolph-Macon forward wall in the first three periods, the Terrors, led by field general Torry Confer, broke loose for two big touchdowns in the final quarter while holding the Vir- ginian squad scoreless. The initial TD was particularly impres- sive as "No. 12" made a determined run to break the scoring ice and take the sting out of the Yellow Jackets. It looks as though the gridders have shaken off their opening tie with Bridgewater and are off to another fine season. Another sidelight which added to the afternoon's highlights was the new flag and flagpole on Hoffa Field donated by the class of '63. Next year at Homecoming, a new group of alumni will be watching the Homecoming games and remembering that perfect day one year ago. WMP SPOR1_______ showed Catholic University rUIIlJl-r AGILE QUARTERBACK TORRY CONFER eludes pursuing the Wl\f eleven by the 2-1, now putting the JRVII J !:~~~I~~~~l~cbig~ah:~d~~h~~i~~jla~~~kiin~t~ck~r\:e,,;~fCb::a!::~~D~~:nr~~~~c~fti~~.-l. so:h~e~~e i~a: ::S~lit~:::h ~e::ti~e~nd::e~~:r~astweek as ~!!:slt~~tleto Torry's aid in a tussle won by Coach Waldorf's ~~:y~~~~aP~il~~dtom~~tW~~r-.!C, -r-t with Syracuse University last injuries: Offensive . ,B.L • II ,L t ahead 1-0. Less tha~ two :mln- KEEPSAKE week. The results are still un- Jerry Walls (sprained I IJ n,tes later the Cat~ohc Univer- & posted as Jerry Baroch, Matt speedster Gordo Bateman Dtue,OtS l(emlllD unuell en Slty roundballer-s tied, a_ud,went Creamer, and Bob Creighton ere pull), John "Big , A ahead before the 4;;o-mmute ARTCARVED shot well for Sarge Young. Law (twisted knee), II .L ~. rLt F. ,LI mark. Diamond and • • • Faulkner {ten stitch es), Sr'reIlC"er ~/"" J ,UmuieS I",:~~~~~ Wedding Rings Senior halfback Joe Wender- Sla~mer SmIth. (numerous :l J s- oth emerges as the most valu- eusrcns, laeerafions, and loss Unless there is a suddcn 1'0- close in the beginning and tied Open an account able member of the soccer squad COnSCIOUSness). versa! of form in coming games, 6-6 after one quarter, the strong Visit the at this year. Freshman future .. .. .. the Bachelol:s are j~st abo~t as- passing of Sam LeiSUI·e and ~:~ ;:~as!~l~~d ~:a~~~;~ Basketball practice b~gins of- ~~~::l 0:o~~~~7Ig:~:~.p~~~!~~ptrf~ ;~~e H~~rv~~ r~~~~l Po~t i~: AVENUE DAv:~~:r~i':'~t~·ERS ham. Coach Harmon, i'nci- ficlally next -:v eek Wit? new over five years. Having pre- Preachers. Jerry "P.C." Morse BARBERSHOP Westminster ~!~en:~~ ~a:~ff;~~~g h~~or:ye~~~~f;~~;:rn~:esh~~~mgne~v~ ~i~t~~~yt~:at~:che\~~s Gn~~d:~ ~~~~h~a!~:s ~~st"~~';;bs~a~~el~~ ~=======~ ~=======~ ~~~~lprit was Fred "Killer" ~~l~~s ~;~ee l!:;;~e j::re~s~~~ ~~~y t~r!:~~e~~~ir ;;~~~ ag:~~~: ;~~e 7~e:~~d~·'FiI~:::;" ~ul:~~ to Carroll Theatre Clothes Flower Fresh • In pre-season sCl'lmmages. The earned 31-6 triumph seemed to caught 3 touchdown passes .. "". Clowerian mode of play will clench the opinion that they are salt away the triumph. at the Fri., Sat. Oct. 18, 19 fOO~~:ll~::~aex~:~te;~~ ~:~; ;:~~~~~y t~; t~a;~~~:~r as the de1~:~~~g~he t~:amco~Ote~;a\"as E:~c bW~gner, :~e Sophia Loren to be unusually strong thlS qual ~r ac ,ran e Robert Wagner MODERN IDEAL year suffered throngh a score- ~~:d ~; &:s~!c~~~~: "THE CONDEMNED OF ALTONA" Earl "Henpecked" Kruhm Sun.-Wed_ Oct. 20-23 LAUNDRY Westlninster Bob "Bulldozer" \Velcome" "Everybody GOLD BUG Laundry well for the Preacher line Cesar "THE CASTILlON" Avalon See Uomero Frankie "p.e_" Bruce Reed was Oct. 24_26 Oll'ldal .tudent new.papndelau matter at the DOWNTOWN I PALACE" lUacLea C34 Poot 011'1..... W ... tmin.ter. Maryland, Soo a strong rush of power. under Act of March a, 187~. Subscription Price $3.00 a Year 19 E. Main St. MRS, FISHER in Gail Allen STUDENT UNION Editor-in-Chief Billiards TI 8-9824 ilUiLDING .... gym tumble .... Donald Hinrichs EDITORIA~u~;~;:ditorl:========:::; I'========~ I New. Editora Roberta Love JOy RIlS.ell Aut. Newa Editora~ i;~n~ M.T::!:: EVERHART'S flip flop lug... tug Feature Editor Dianne Brigp Barber Shop WTTR AM-FM Aut.tant Feature EditorSuoanGordon :_e~'dhnML~ At The Forks push jump Ieap . &:hl"". Mike Penn, Frankl,'========~========~ White. Wil_ CarolynDoweH What's New in the Bookstore?? Elaine Gardiner Tn>i ... Editor __ Vivian Bittner Phototrraphe-r__ DavidRoblon • Books, of~course!! Spanking-fresh, new books, as well Oll'iceManlllrer DennlaDorsch as beloved old favorites. Books for all ages and diversi_ ... chin lift pull . BUSINESS STAFF ties of interest. Three of the latest arrivals: Verlag's AdverU.ingManalrer__ RonaldLerch incomparable photographic essays _ these of Ireland Euhan.le __ ~ Linda Truitt and Heidelberg; Costello's "Outline of t.he History of Cirealat;o>n~ __ Su.. nSaehs Advlaor Mis. N.nc7 Winkleman Art," a must for every serious student of art; to en- courage the book habit in very young brothers, sisters ... run puff' puff . and faculty children: "Uncle Wiggily and his Many Adventures," deGaszt.old's BAUGHER'S translated by Rumer Godden. "Prayers from the Ark," RESTAURANT • Cozy blankets in carrying cases for a cute coed's com- things go inexpensive See these fort! in cheery plaids blankets -ideal for the fall spectator sports! $8.98. case in_ 'A Mile Off the Campus cluded. pause b~~th • New Jewelry-have you noticed the exciting new jewel- Delicious Full Course Meals ry with Western Maryland College seal, now on dis- Try Our Hamburg Subs play in the Bookstore? Very modestly priced, beauti- fully boxed. extremely good-looking. Be thinking of Homemade lee Cream the gift-giving occasions ahead, for those "non-book" COke and Thick Milkahakea people on rout Ii,_t_! _ Parents' Welcome THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE OPEN EVERY DAY 8:30 till 4:00 daily, Sats. until Noon Open Home Game afternoons Winslow Student Center eotlletluntlerthe authorityof The Coca-ColaCompanyhy: WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC.
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