Page 12 - TheGoldBug1963-64
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2 The Gold Bug, Oct. 25, 1963 Terrors Eye Shepherd - Clash Of Unbeaten Elevens -- -- --- - -- - - -- - -- -- - KICKERS BOOT FRANKLIN - MARSHALL; GALLAUDET HOSTS TODAY Wobs May Need More Heroics The Editor,,' Mayamona Chalks Up Two; ~~~\2~%it:~!:'~~;J~:~~W ~:~~:~~~~~2j:~~S~~te; :;:~e~~ c~:~t~~~~~~~~:~f~:i~i d~,~:se ~;s os~r~~~:~~:~~:~u~~= Who are the PC's1 What does PC mean! Well,. the PC's With the soccer season in squad have made valuable con- n ~:r~~~ngc~m~e~~:i~~r f~~m tC;e ; f~l~de~:lItact~e ~~~t~neTilte~.~~ ~~; ~a~~~~~a~/ s~~~~~s~~~Orr~y~;;:,~~~~ fi;~! ~:~~m;~Tl;;~n d~~: ~~:hco~:;~~d\~e;:;~ln re~~~ta3~ ~~~~~~~~sa t~~~r_:::~ !~Vr~l~~ meet a brand new opponent to- poses the greatest threat as a breviation for "Please Coach," which was the freque~t cry. of Saturday, October 19, host voted the most improved player morrow in the Shepherd College breakaway back and is usually these fellows who virtually formed the second and thlJ'? strmg Franklin and Marshall was last year, brings experience and "Rams." on the receiving end of kickoffs units fOI' the JV squad, under Coach Pugh. The requtrementa beaten 5-2 as the Harmonmen stamina to the fullback position. Shepherd, a member of the and punts. In the event that for being a PC were very simple. First, a PC had ~o be a second came through with a fine offen- Jack Harmon, goalie, has given West Va. Intercollegiate Ath- the Shepherd attack bogs down stringer (promotion to first string meant. exc~uslOn from the sive effort. Ralph l\Iayamona four years of steady perform- lotte Conference, will by no under Scarborough, another fine PC's.) Secondly, a PC had to feel ~ cer.tam. blttern.ess toward pushed in two goals and Scott anoe and reliable goal-tending. means be an easy opponent, quarterback in Fran Lambert Coach Pugh (who treated all PC's WIth disdain}. Thl~dly, a ~C Joyner, Don Schmidt and Joe Left halfback Joe wendercth, since they have gone undefeat- will be ready to pick up the had to have a certain color about him which allowed him to nuss wenderoth got one apiece. How- co-captain, holds positions on cd in six games. One of the "Ram" offense. simple Jayups and to dribble through a zone. Finally, and above ever, last Wednesday, Washing- the All South and Mason-Dixon ;;~~~tW~~n~:r~~~:ie,!~~~ ~:~~ u Hol.ding n?oown thd ~~dns6:e ~~~r~ ~~ t~~db~~c~a:~da I~~~seero~o::sm~: Coh~~~~~;~'sthseta~~~~i~~~~;~e;~~~i~e~ ~~; J:~~~~no; teams. been over Fairmont 26-19, Cn~U:~n~~clk\V~¥~r White at wagon bearable (on road trips). Bruce Jaeger of the winners got P.C. Shatters Line-up Frostburg S1. 25-0, Shippens- 6'~210\bs is a fine 'blocker and The PC's were actually "born" during one of the bask~tball two goals, while Joyner was re- Fred Wooden, who sat out his burg 12-7, Potomac St. 21-12, was also 'selected for "All-Con- games when, sitting on t~e bench. as usual, one of the Ifu?,s In~r- sponsible for WMC's only, score. ~ophomore season, is ably fill- ~~fedth\yCen~:y~:lf \~b~i~o~~~ an~r ~~l~ude~;:~~~hanna was ~~:~ce'~ue~~no~~ll la~(1 ~:as~~~ ~~:t~~g~e~t¥:~a!h~~~c~l:t:,s, it:~:r~~~l~W~n~S~~~~~~~~~g p':I;~ ~i:~~~Po~~;:ro~\li~as hrsotl::~I,~ dropped from the 1963 Western other guard position, and at politely, he would seo fit to put the second stnng In. Thus, all hne performance. Today, the And, last but not least, BIll P. Maryland schedule, Shepherd 180 Ibs. he has good speed and down the line, the wOTds "Please Coach" were uttered and from Tenors get a chance to redeem C. Penn,. who. has broken in~o ~~; ;~a~~zgli~z;e~~p~u~~i~~~;:i~ ~V:;e~~,de:n~~~k~e';h~ool~s~1Jt~~~ !~o~e of the best, blockers on ~~:~do~h:l~r~ :~:a~:~IO~:e;v~:w~~~' hi:e~~n~i~a;\:a~~,h h~e~:~ i~~~e~el~~s \~:;hi~:io~~c;.Ga~~ "Green-Terror" outings, the e earn. spised the PC's. The thou;:-ht of putting them in a game obvious- ThIS Wednesday, Delaware U. All of these men will be missed game may be h?rd fought down Shepherd also has two of the Iy gave him nightmares-he would have seen his "God love 'em" invades the Hill. upon graduation; but, at the to the final whIstle. largest tac~les that Weste:n first stringers drop from exhaustion before he dared put a PC Seniors Valuable moment, th~y fO.rm a r:owerful Ri~;~~::~~;s~!d CI~~~hs;ae:~~ ~~~r~~~n~o;~l~~~~: a~e~ea~~;n~~ i:~~~a~~m~f ;~i~~~;,t~~a~isJ~~e o~h~o~~,t~;~t~~~.~~u~i~dce~f The senior members of the ~:c~:~Ste~~I~~ ~l~C:~kmg the ~~i:~ona t~~;2 h~~~orbd~elfb~;Olfi~~~r:n: 2;Oe;~~:i~n~~r,\~~~ T;r~;~d~~:;~~l~~:bdae;ke~~e:l~~~~~~~!;~~~~::f:r~e~~Z~ei~o~\l~l~:;:: t~~7~ • they had already formed Wrestlers Turn Out, I!.long with fine preCISIon. A school ball at ~laltl;.o~e different ways into different fraternities, Betes Scoreless; strong backfield led by quarter- CIty College, also. han es IC - a kind of tie which would last. \-Vell,they have. gone on to Case Is Confident • b?ck. Ashley Scarborough is offs an~ extra pomts. . ._ What has bccome of the PC's? Bachelors Same hlghhghted by the powerful . Start:Jng at ~he center P?SI. serve the school in many ways (note that basketball IS not one-- . running of fullback Sam Ta : y bon. WIll b: 6 -200 lb. semOI, maybe Coach Pugh was right). One PC is preSident. of his. fra- The '~l\fC wresthn~. te_am In a game played last Thurs- lo~; Taylor,. who stands at 5 Geo~ge \~alller, wh.o has ha.~ ternity, one is captain of the socc~r team, another. IS IJresld~nt star~ed wf?rmal COndlbOlllng day, the Gamma Betes kept ~!en :~!d ':~I~h~b:~t~rl~;"rat;:~ ~~~~. y~~~.O~!h V~~!ltYSh:~h~~~~~2:;i:ri:n aD:il:~in~a;~:~i:I~~;hoe: :~es~~~~~~l;rt~~I~~S6~:t~~n~~~ ~~~ruk:~t~O.~~~1\~~~~~~~a~'oes~;~ :l~~~~n:o~~~a~le~~~I~~e~li~:chb!- to break .do\~n ~nemy defenses ~me outweIghs. ~hat of WMC, looyseven got married. So, four years have passed and a lot has start unbl Novembe.r 2~, the lors to a 0-0 tie. ~~~ke~efi~l~n~~n~!/Iso a good ~~~e~:;seu~~~tb:~~i~~d aag!~::~ h~rpene~-~U\)the PC's remain friends (and lousy basl(~i~all ~:!m~:'Se~n:l~~' ~~~n;I~~~i~~~e~~ Neither team managed to put Another strong potential scor- tion mark. It is hoped that the payers 0 00 • to make this a winning season. together a consistent drive as ing threat is the passing of "Green-Terrors" w!lll continue SPOlJll - Chances are that they will make defensive play proved tougher quarterback Scarborough to their winning ways! their goal. than offensive efforts. Late in Egan Returns the contest, Bob Hollywood, Confer Passes Gndders runftl"r ~~'"sm~:~,G:;;~,:':,~~y~':~~~"~"~~~~;,fo~~,~~OV~"~h,'u!;~~ • lettermen Mike ~I~~~:l~n i~~r~~~~;~:'d ~~;:.e~~~ Returning 2 V· . To Stunning 15 1 Ictory It was glatlfymg ~nvl( J Wrestlels be watchmg fO! ~trong lineup Fleshman SteVt tnne III the end zone Ho\\ever, GalY Kulick gIve Coach Case n Holly\\ood hIt Morse agam, thIS to see so • many students at the welcome news regardmg the start of ~Illhlooks h~ wm~~f madtena the selllOI end dlopped the sure Western Malyland fans wele hausted defense and lofted a 35 home last S~tu~ da~ mght i:~:;t~c:tll~v:lch WIll be III the 100: ;:~~Ie"-Ie~:~dell r:unnd J~~t ~~~c::~~~hS Pa~sJHI~~:ld,Btertl:~ amazed on Saturday, October 19 yd pass to end Bob Basye Paul McChntock 1S lecover- .. • • the team to connect on the bomb to Bruce as the Green Tenors, III a su- From thIS pomt, Torry agam mg mcel~ flom hIS knee opera- TillS year's bball team w!ll d Gar~enCQUlPs , Faulkner but faIled to tally as ~~~mSeYd~~~r\5dle:e~~edth~a~~t !~~~m~~~:s a~~ \;~Wbaack35J~~dntlOn and ha\let.Uln.ed to classes ~~v~nth~r~~;I;h;~:c~~et~:;sl~~: tle~o h:!e, ctonesls:edm~~s ~~~~~ the game ended mmute of play The TlgeI of- Markovlc\ COI~r ,~a:r.~cth~a~ Basketball plactlce started .. • • ~~:r~~:tsru~~ \~~ts~;:'::~~s~un~I~=======~ fense had rolled up 327 yards extra ~Ol ts a th b II last Wednesday B-ball co cap- ThIS yeal's competltlon for eqUIpment Ron Galven dur- on the ground, only to be re wraplle up ano el a game tams thIS yeal are JUlllor guard the Intrammal Cup IS wlde m one such practIce sa;d "If Visit the pulsed by a strong goallme de- Fumbles agalll played a key Sam Lelshme and Ron Shuev, open, WIth the Gamma Betes \\; can hve through 'thIS, ~\e'll ~~~:~s:ndT~e l;:;~~;~ ~~~I~~~~g ~o~:n!: ~~ef~:~~~:s l~~t :~ear::£ JunlOl cente! .. • ~:::~g ~~:Ir B b : s : hS~~~~~ I~~~ have the ~est-con~ltloned team AVENUE ble gettmg thell' offenSIVegame TerrOl team George Hallney- An mnovahon at football Preadhers fieldmg the!!" usual III the con erence BARBERSHOP movmg and It was theIr stout er contrIbuted a fine 38 yd pracbce thIS week IS the wear- fine caliber of teams, and the "':====::::::""; I~==~~;;;;~ ~:!~~~~veth~ln;lg~~S ~hu~ ~~u~~~ ~~~~I~;Ckal~~~a~~elb~~~;lfol~h~ ;:~k~~ l~dh;Se~!sl~fe~~:dq~~I~:[~ :~:~~n::d f~ithl~~Sl;haeki~~I!he~~1- ~~t~:o::~rtt~~~n~ade the last ~\:~~y ,~~s: t,~~S~~~~~1o;oTi!~: them avoid ~ei~g ~njul'ed. spoiler. WTTR AM·FM LEARN TO BOX!! The situat!on .for .heroics drives inside the Terror ten and The absence of the football Rick White leads all ballcRI'- ~;;i~in~~e~h:vl~~g~~:lesc~~~ r;; ~la~el~~~oa~e~IO~~u~'~n~e~mBow- ~~~~:~s:i~~~ ~~ec~:~~~°bny;~:;; ~ie;~7;.vi~;~r~3;:e~:~~.gained for BE A MASTER IN THE ART OF make the score 12-7· CU?P re- The first half was a series of desire to view "\Vednesclay * • • SELF_DEFENSE. EXPERT TRAIN_ turned the ensumg klck-off drives and exchanges which saw Night at The Movies" as na1'- Tom Bowman was the defen-I ~=======~ II ER'S SECRETS CAN BE YOURS! ~~e;:~ifnve~ y;~~~/Co~;er~~~~ ;~;~. te~~~tis!~I~~o~~oS!a~O~~~ rated by Co~ch .Wa~dorf.. ~~~:i~~~a~1o~:~net;\l:~1~0~eaJn;~ Clothes Flower Fresh :0cE~~tl~~~E:TB~~~~:DC~O~~ ~:I~ ;isd~h~U~~~~r!nt!hked~e~~~ Wilford "The ~oe" Wdgtt- John Traino;- \:it\ 36 points. at the AMONG YOUR FRIENDS FOR FUN, SELF·CONFIDENCE AND W?S ~ained ba;k and with time charge of the third period and s~~nthi~sa~o~:e:;e att:~tse:~~ Manager Wayne ~~utter has REAL PHYSICAL FITNESS. ~~~~;~e;.aw~~n~te~v~~:~~~~~at~~ f\~:~~~_y~~~~S;a~sn~r~~OI;ua~~er~~ne field goal out of two tries. ~~~~b:llv~~~~le addItIOn to the MODERN IDEAL COMPLETE BROCIIURE AND LESSONS ONE DOLLAR. SEND snap, dropped behllld~hls ex- back Whitey Lipscomb. MUChl-:=======:;I",,:,~~~~~~~~ TO: ========= of the Tiger running power wasl. ;- LAUNDRY PHYSICAL ARTS GYM GOLD BUG ,"~I;'d':;";YT:::;~g::;m co· Carroll Theatre KEEPSAKE See 363 Clinton Street & showed its ability to peatedly come through in the clutch and Fri., Sat. Oct. 25, 26 ARTCARVED Hempstead, Long Island, deliver the needed yardage. Vincent Price Lon Chaney Diamond and MATT CREAMER New York "THE HAUNTED PALACE" Wedding Rings MacLea C34 Sun.·Tues. Oct. 27-29 Open an account EVERHART'S Janet Leigh Van Johnson at What's New in the Bookstore?? "WIVES AND LOVERS" Gail Allen DA VID'S ,JEWELERS • BOOKS FOR THE FOCUS PROGRAM ON SATUR- Editor-in-Chief Barber Shop Wed. _Tues. Oct. 30 _Nov. 5 DAY! Are you a\'ailing yourself of the challenging Donald Hi'nrichs At The Forks Doris Day James Garner 19 E. Main St. opportunities this program presents? Be the better- Westminster read the participant equipped, more knowledgeable - Business Editor 1!========~.I::"=T=HE=T=H=Hl=L=L=O=F=l=T=A=L=L'=' ~=======~ II recommended books and articles now in stock in t.he New. id?t!~O!_::'~TR~~Yta Love I r Bookstore. JoyMRUlI.ell • ARE YOU A GOURMET·TYPE COOK? Have you a Ass\" New. Edito,.. Lind...Mahaffey Westminster friend/who enjoys herbs? Then you'll enjoy the delight_ Fran"". Thorn"" Sandwich Feature Editor DianneBriggS Laundry PATIO ful new book which has just arrived: Isabella Gaylor's AssistantFeature EditorSU'an Gordon "Cooking wit.h An Accent," $5.00. and SHOP • BY POPULAR DEMAND - those little helpers that ~~~r.~!d~~~rt;· Edl'wr _.:eJ';hnMI::'.! "tell you where the hours went" - planning calendars. Dry Cleaning Featuring In addition, we now have those hilarious contemporary 8.. 15c Hamburgers Hallmark 1964 calendars - 365 laughs. Thick Milk Shakes Pizzas _ ~::~~~::;-_-=1~:i~~~~~ MRS. FISHER Frenc~o~;~a;k t~~~ttsBoats THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE Subs in BUSINESS STAFF STUDENT UNION Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches 8:30 until 4:00, daily Winslow Student Center until Noon Saturdays ~~~S~~==Mi~N~)~~~?EjL _jIL Rt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848-5860 ~~~~~~~~~ afternoons I Open Home-game Saturday nUILDING AdvertisingManalrer-- Ro.naldLerch
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