Page 19 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 19
l..ibrary "iestern iml'yland COllege ~iesGmi·'.i.Bt8r, Ud. THE GOLD BUG We Want SNE! you will never get enough' support from our go beyond the bounds of our campus with publicity. . The pressuring tactics used by fraternities in the condemned by many as unethical, particularly the other groups .. Unethical or not, if Gamma Beta Chi and Alpha had done their share of pressuring they might have even. Think about these things the next time your group is ning an all-college activity. Did you attend the last two performances of BNE at WMC? Stephen V. Bayly President, SGA Femininity Again To the Editor: take place for sorority Linda Haussner and Diane and their dates fol- Koehler were elected by Me- by an open mixer in the ~~~=l H~~~~ne;~~ma !:i~m;~~ Student Lounge from 8-11:30. jor. Diane is from Levittown, Admission is free. Pennsylvania. Schroder Comments On Corps Life; Personal Initiative Key To Success Personal initiative, explained the fields without complaint. Robert Schroder, is the key to Bob illustrated this point with .----------'ithe success of 11 Peace Corps a story from his personal ex- . since the PC has no perience. program to follow. PC Needs Volunteers Maryland's first At the present time, the Corps representative to Peace Corps is in dire need of return to speak to the college, volunteers. Bob emphasized the in a discussion in Mcljanlel fact that there is special need Lounge, following Monday's as- for people with strong charuc- sembly program, stressed that tel's as well as strong bodies. each volunteer can use any of women, he said, must be the facilities of the village. very strong-willed, because the During the course of the dis- treatment of women in I~dia i.s cussion Bob commented all his beyond the realm of our rmagr- , training at the Uni- nation. Wom~!ll have always of Ohio, where all im- been held I~ low estee~ aspects of Indian life- throughout tnote, .and for thts art, history. religion, reason It IS impossible »: them On Ciardi's "Hairy Arm" language-s-were taught in to occupy positions similar to program. the one Bob held. He did say, The poor, frush'ated H-o.i1'1}Anll in: his cold. drafty, chinky, deserted castle ... His [ollging [or beautijul illustrate the complexity however, there was a need b/.O'lldC8in slightly 1'ipped 8kirt8 ... Always c.rctW\-"I)cnted a,t the last winItw.. The Hairy Arm within 1(S. .~~:s~:~~~~~d!o~easr~da~~~~ £~:o~~~~~i:rj!h~~i~~,te~c~d Perhaps even more is the unmitigated gall The Hairy Arm. ill. hilS cold and (l1'ofty castle, ~~v;;~eist~~r~~~~nieao:nel:~;U:\~~ Lucr~ti~'e Job Offers editorial staff in printing Peers through the chinklS at a dreal-Y, g)'ay sky, be at years of study in college. By In mentioning .the advantages libel. While most of us on With nought but stony wall8 for hi8 companians Frock's, while the Bachelors the time he returned to New of the opportumty to s~rve In campus are familiar with Bo'a And occasional sexy blondes in l-iplMd sk-irts 1X1ssin9 by. will have theirs at the Riding York, after speaking Punjab! the Peace Corps, Bob ~eltel'ated tactless manner of expressing Club. As the Goldb-ug went to for two years, Bob found it dif- the large n?-mber. of Job off;rs himself, I shudder to think of Could we, lIwre mortals, more expect of him, as press, the places selected for the ficult to adjust to using English he ha~ received emce returning drowned ~ublimation, Utter passions, boUled fire, the impression which this makes Than that which of ourselves we sho1l1ll cx'/!cct- Preacher and Black and White again. to thia country. T~e Peace on faculty, parents, alumnae, Goal [rustration, hatred, at OUI' lt1!fulfillcd de8il"(,? ~~~~~~ had not been deter- High Educated Status ~uo:i~~e!~adst~ other Job op~or. and others who read our paper. /sl Benjamin B. Greene, Jr. ThOll" 0 Hairy Ann, hast my compassioJ! Bah also commented on the In respondlllg to questIOns system, and concerning the Peace Corps and educational For thy dreams unanswered, ctnptll a8 they l(llw{y stu nil. described the status of the teaching profession, Bob Indivisible Whilst hciir's-bTeadth separates thee fTom thy heaven, He replied that service in a foreign And now, a chasm, dug by fcal'fl11 voiec8 fl'om 0111'land. To the Editor: with a country would prove extre"ne- Mr. Knepp's "A House Di- Within. me there's It Hairy ArJlL i1npri8O'lled, work in the ly helpful to a teacher. Peace a1!.d restriction/cBs vided" in last week's issue Reaching ont for freedom Burround me, delight, dignity. For Corps service would give a intellects But provincial leaves the impression Rold, stra'l1ge, billd my Ru.iI'Y Ann lip yet more tight. :;',;i"",~,,,,Ithl' reason, the villagers were teacher the ~perience he needed is no Interfraternity J ,",y, amazed to see young, well-edu- while giving him the opportuni- It should be understood that th' .' L cated Americans working in ty to serve his country.
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