Page 11 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 11
Library "tosbe rn M;c1ryland College THE GOLD BUG It's Our Turn 41, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND October 25, 1963 ROTC Elects Folk Singing Miss Strums Feline Corps For Nov. 8 Concert Program Someone Cares ... And Dares One of the most noteworthy additions to the campus year has been the new Dean of Chapel. Not only is Dean 3 friendly, dynamic asset in his own right, but he has about several improvements designed to elevate the religious tudes at WMC. His first major contribution has been his wholehearted port of the new chapel system, as sans cards, we are attend the required number of services. From the very ".,,"n"".I"""OO he took the refreshing point of view that we could be keepers. This outright declaration of faith in the students that he has nothing to fear; he is a young man with young' and he need not be afraid of an empty chapel during one sermons. This point is further emphasized by his courage a list of the coming speakers. A second count in his favor is the subject matter of mons. Dean Zepp dares to say something! He also slightly denominational which adds color to the . all, how can a man have deep religious convictions and """,.n,,::, I'nw,v. without expressing his "biases" at one time or should not criticize his point of view, but respect his to take a point of view. None of our various religions are nn;"'~ 1 "'.e.""~n,v. to suffer from a mild dose of his unorthodox orthodoxy. Dean Zepp states that much atheism is a product of the cr-itical psuedo-piety of the modern church, it is a loaded for us all to ponder. We may also laud Dean Zepp for his conciseness. He not bombast us for 45 minutes with a flowery oration on the ob- vious; rather, he states his case, strengthens it with a few per- ~;~:~: :::~:;:~el~~vf:s:~h~~ C~i:~~u;, ,~~~ Policy can be brief! the ci~~~~I:~:eg~~n~h~~e;i~~c~~;~ ~:;pn~~eb~~no:~ ~X:;~i~,~:~~ SGA Attention by Peter Alexander. ~~l~st~~r=;~r~~~!~~od~.itF~~Sa~e~~n~~O;i~i~~ti~;!~r h~~~rb~::r:t A~. t~e l)reS~?t t~me ~~er~ is :~t~ P;:f~~ytOc_o~~ft~~~~ western Maryland, we have been picking the chapel bones. Why nod ~s m~t p~~CyStO~ t e Gost Hill. di~n'~ they present contro~ersial speakers ? Why chapel cards! :;nme~~nA·ssocia~ionu h :: set o:~ The standing committee and King, is ~\'~;y~n:nb~~~:he:l~10~~r~h~irc~do~s~er~~~~s\~:el~a~~.~~:)s:fv!~a~ ~c~~bC~::~~~:e ~:d~~d~~et:~~: ~~~~o~roerese~~o:yA~~\~~~, ~~~ ~; is r~:~o~~ou~~:t~S~~~i~f:~~n~;~~;:;e~~v;~~~f~~:~Jr~:j~~:·~~;~::1 ~1;:!~~~f~L~~~;Jri~~n 6i~~:~~:~:~~~!~Fs~!:~:~::ei~~~~~~ iner~t:~~ ~voaasrdof ~~~PI;:c;~~; ;~::n~t~~~I:n s!~vf~e~~e~~e~:/~~~ ~:;~ o~e~'';ud;~~~~!:~c~i~;a~~~~~i~~ t~:~:;::i ~:;;,ig~~~;~is~OPaeiUl . favorite misconceptions shattered! rules have been set up as ac- committee, . ================== Ice~~e~:;o~~~.~~.~: who has lost ~v~lc~si~t~·~ets *eVie nar:SO'/l'l~.t:ar Act';on,: or ,', Eventually, the standing object on campus S II rtill. , ..,,~ II I I campus-sponsored activity must mutes will consist of three "om_lluoo'",o,,' n t. U·.L an 'rLe 1.#;11 fill out a special form. the chairman. in the SGA office and three women in addition aU es lilgll IH nlll ,no~~;:'P:~:;;;:~~'~:'I===~==='ID by Bud Knefelll SGA office and fill out a gr;~ 1~~~:dtoh~i~~:,we ~ ;:.~~~e:;t~~ ~;t~;:~lati~eet:. fO~. \~:~:in o~~ve;t~;ont~s,if ~:~~i:;:da~~ Cs~~g ~es~~~ . jestful living are all appr~- ~~J::;~;a~ n~~i~e~.cla)med, futu~e holds many so~ro,,:s ~~:~nl;yno~I~~;ei:hale1·dO~~ be~l J!~~o~ff~~~~s\\~~t~~h bleSSings; yet .that which 1Snow conventlO~allty, and he on the bulletin board closest to us IS Western l\-1a~y-ses ~ c?ntmual freshness of grille. The lost and found ::nad n ~~~~g~~se~nr~I~~i~~s~~I~~preclatlOn. ~~~rsOl)erate during SGA between the action of one of our . campus leaders, as he lives dy- =========='-=========1,;': namically in the present, and the consequences of his action High on the Hill. Stephen Vincent Bayly came to ·Western Maryland three years ago from Baltimore. was interested, he moved, the campus moved with him. The American Student Infor- will sponsor a . list of his many mation Service has announced tio.n period at their ~ea~qu,,: I,nd activities seem superficial to summer job opcnings in Europe ters in the Grand :=~~~~~;bO!t~~\~~'~\3t~~!~ !~u~~~~~~st~~v:~~~uc:anndco~~;i~~uX::r~~~~~i~~ri~~u'~~;~;s, view o~el~~~~~:n .. Wotch Out For must know that which he tlOns III the fields of resort ho- struction in the customs, his- writers, and represent the mag- 1 , rL done. ~:~l"~vol~~'iJdoffi~:rew~~~;kfa~~~~ tory, and traditions of the re- azine. on visits t? '?dvertising DCa Juysters uses of his class his first year at col- ~~~d;l~~g:?~:kShZ;~~\,:~~~ ~~e~~~v~a~~e::g:n!iiIr~~t~;~I~~~ ag;::;s \:i~lda~:bl~:h~:g t:: . The Better Business Bureau that J~r::~t~~ lege.. In fulfilling the defl_lands sales work, are 'available. T·he Providing the student with ater and atten~ parties in of thl.s office he became mter- In thinking of the words Oil may work in Great the opportunity to see Europe. ~onor. Followmg these . L. a :;;!:~c:~tf~~ S!~~en~e~;:n~:~! his O~icron ~elta Kappa mem- F r~i~h~:~st~~r~:a~y, increasing his cultural. knm~l- ~~d'~~:hi'I:n;:ra~~est"",ti~'" I::~~:,., representative to th~ SGA his b~r.shIP c~rhficate.-"ln ' Finland: No:~ ~~ge;~do~~~i~rav~o~v:lleiSea~~~ will receive first. . g sop~o~ore year. }'hls was th.e mtlon of hIS conspicuous Bel- pu~pose of the summ;r-job-in- for perlflanent Jobs b.egl~nlllg of a Bayly tradl- ments and service in pay up Europe program. Anyone in- Made11Wt~~llc . and other i:~~;to ~~~~m~~Ao/:~:e;:~t:d activities. per mo~th. in the progra~ should Nast publlCat~OnS. ~c~~n ~o~m~tt~e, tll Presid~nt ;~t~hha~~~s~!:ed up to ne~e~~a~ySISal";~~g~~:~tsalic~~~~\':~iei~f~:!~tfOl~m;:~~~;e,St~2 tio~h~;:t~s~Vl~~~rSr;:ei~~e ~OCia~on;S~~ve .~~d~~:n ~o:~ ~;J;~rs\~~l by, ~~r;i~~ ~;:~~[ ::~~~~~~tiO::J ~o:erngueC~tey,laG~~~~rtriu~~;e~f ;~~~iS:;dd ti:eir t~veorks ~haracteTlzed by 1ll.lllatlve,p og from the mouths board wIll be prOVided Without Luxembourg, for the ASIS The two Art winners less, and accompl~shment. Maryland students; but i Th: organization will tw~nty~four page prospec~us trate ~he wi~ning Also an accomplished student, will remain very much avaIlable grants up to whIch mcludes a complete 11st- they w1ll receive $500 apiece Steve holds a two-point index. Marks have been made. Forget $1,000 in order·to ease the finan- ing of jobs available. ~nd job their efforts. His major: English-dramatic~. his name if you wish. but you cial burden of travel and gen- and travel grant applICations. A brochure describing His fame: an actor of the Col- have been affected ' we all eral living expenses. A fee of one dollar is required contests in detail is currently lege Players. Vi~c~nt Bayly To prepare the student for to cover t.~e cos~ of the prospec- being displayed on the bulletin -Gcmini A social being, Steve Bayly on the Hill. his European stay, the ASIS tus and Ulr mall charges. board.
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