Page 13 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 13
Libr<;l" _ " College t Turn The OtllefC'heek THE GOLD BUG' .. Wild",oan",nd,hout'i"uof"thf,·omth,low" iniquity as Satan's cynics jovially beat their newest . soundly on their well-turned cheeks. Humility is blood and bruises while many wonder, "What am I doing here?" :=~~::ii~a~~~aSt~:~~~i:e;b::a~~l~r~~!s~heT~~r~ZII~~~~~ea;:yn~~~;'VC:Col~.-:;41:-,--;:N:-o-.::-6------;;W;:E-=-ST=E-=-R=N--;:M-:-A-R-Y-LA-N-D=C:-O=L=LE=G=E.=W=ES:..T=M-'N-S-T-ER-.-::M-=-A-R-Y-LA-N-D---:-:N'--ov-e-mCCb-er-' -:-1,-1-::9-'-63 brunts of this brutality emerge with painful gait and padded =:===============~"",:,"':"'===~";";;;;;;;';;::;;;;;===;;';';;;;;;;;';;;';;::;;;;;;::: '''t'Th' vivid descr-ipfion'M" is nut 'com a p" shorf "0<" Gochenour. Bou~y Trke len.J.'S Poet John Cl'ardl' Feature u, uU~ of the annual paddle sessions , rafher-, it Is an orig-inal account I' • n.J •• . .1_ during fraternity Hell Week. Every year this beating of pledges I. 1171 onKsglvlngr'fouuetlon Of A bl 0 -, F .d pain and possible .n takes place, exposing them to great physical ssem Y n rl ay b:~~~ar~:~tc~~~~~\u:1f~~i ta:a;\~'!il~O;~e~~n~~c:O~r~~~ie~:a~rn;h~: The Mousetrap has heen an- Bertolt Brecht, the writer of sufficient to uphold their ideals, What they do not realize is nounced as the College Player's the commencement play, to Ag- Dr John Ciardi one of this cessful as a writer of children's ~~ac~~~i~~~~ei~e:~~ee~c~v~;~~,~~:~;sV:l~ya~ene:vCo~:~c~o~llt~;sP;~arc~~:n ni: t~~a;e~~~~~:;ceP~i~i ~~f\\~~;i:!ie~y~~;~~i~! ::an; countrv'e best kn~wn modern po;ms~946 h t t H d cruel beatings to be administered by a few sadists, The few in- take place November 22 with an serious business. It requires poets, WIll be the speaker dur- n. t e ;;en d larVal' feriority complex cases who feel that they must bolster their admission of $1 per person. thorough character definition, ing the assembly period on Fri- a,stnt iris ;uc I' ~nE a~er as- egos with pledge" blood, 'beat unchecked to the embarrassment of The cast consists of senior ~s we.1l as quick thi~king and day, November 8. ~~s~;5l~~c:s~~r ~ nfhsh an~ their fraternity, and to the discomfort of the pledges. College players: Stephen Bay- mten.slve ~oncen~ratlon," em- Dr. Ciardi is well-known for English at RutgertUn~~:~~it~ It is not the one sound whack which every pledge must Karlene Gochenour Theo- ph.asnes MISS Smith. She also his translation of Dante's Di- H .' d hi . ' ceive from his brothers upon receiving their signatures that Pokorny, Nelson Sheeley said that the P.layers must de- vine Co'medy, for his collection. 1~611es.1gned .1Stprofes~orsh1.p so object.ionable, but it is the mass beatings held at night in . Truitt Judith Fire~ velop spontaneity and honest of poems and for his How Does tir . wr-iti ei .0 s~~~. mo~e of the clubrooms which is unnecessary. These George' Klander and response, bu~ that since these (~ Poem. ft1eanl, a text that has Im~ ll\ fW~1:n g a In;: '.Illg t e gerous and senseless, but will not be halted ' Bloom junior College are the ,reqUisites of all believ- been widely used as an intro- poe ry 0 a t· ~y t (l~ICW, and a stand. This year's pledge class is in the position to comple'te the cast. The r ble actmg, ~~e players should duction to poetry. In reCl'nt lfl cross-coun ry ec unng, stand-they have braved their beatings and should allow be d.irected by Esther la~~ n~~ro~ e: . I . th years, he has been highly suc- e sentiments to act now while the imprint of the paddle is and WIlliam Tribby will I \ a~ Sgl~ln~ p ~y IS t. ========= actually present and before they feel the power of the paddle in act as technical director of thc ~n [ b ay g~ven t ~f 1e ~'~r;:a IC ~I A °t t?eir ~wn hands. There is little to be said. in favo,r of the tradi- production. n~~iss~~:r ;:i~e ~~ Wc~~rg:d~ , and stage rIC D tlon; It lowers the morale and the. phYSIcal reslsta~ce of the Miss Smith thinks that the The proceeds will pay for the "OUnell WOI'S p.ledges and allows for,a few exceptIOns to release. thetr frustr~- College Players are versatilE' production expenses eelslon 0 0 :~o:esi~na~:;~ who can t defend_ themselves. All right, men, let s enough to change pace from equipm~nt throughout the yeaI', ~~ Miss Carol Vogel, Library Career Consultant at the Uni- versity of Pittsburgh Graduate Library School, will visit West- Maryland College on Tues- ARTIST'S CONCEPTI()"N-The front building is the ;ro. Nove.m:e~. ~'d to, in~~rvi~~ posed men's dorm, Attached is the dining hall with swimming blalY PIO~~S::~~e III e 1-
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