Page 35 - TheGoldBug1958-59
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Library -,-('s"ter~1 Maryland .. ;'-"\::.j '..':',-l~;' ", : i] • Europe Glamour and Change Election Page 3 Page 2 February 27, 1959 Vol. 36, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER,! MARYLAND Editor-In-Chief Appoints New GOLD BUG Staff Donna King Is Named To Fill Junior Plays Are Scheduled MissBond To Tour Position Of Managing Editor For March 13 Presentation With "All" Chorus Tom L. Albertson, editor-in-chief of the GOLDBUG, has Miss Katherine Bond, a senior The Junior Dramatic Art Students, under the direction of Miss English major from Baltimore, announced his staff appointments for the coming year. These are. effective as of this issue. Esther Smith, will present the three dramas comprising this year's Jun- Maryland, has recently been se- Selected to fill the position of managing editor is Donna ior Plays on Friday, March 13, at 8:15 pm. The sets for each of the lected to tour Europe with the All- The chorus will American Chorus. plays were designed by William Tribby. be under the capable direction of !~~fyaD~o~~~IO:irv~dj~~!~~~t!ts~:~:;°:d~to~f~~lat~~· cfooz~ A production staff has been an- BUG.A member of the junior class, of which she is vice presi- nounced comprised of the following Dr. James A. Dash, who is choir dent, Donna will also serve as co-chairman of the junior prom. director of Lovely Lane Methodist people: Thomas Ward will serve as Church in Baltimore, Maryland. When the three members for the newly formed Student stage manager with the assistance of Allen worts and Mina Kirby. Application Made Early Life Council were selected this fall, Donna was chosen as one Luther Martin is master electrician of its members. Since her sophomore year she has been a Applying in the early part of the aided by Gary Jackson and How- present academic year, and passing member of Sigma Sigma Tau and is presently Sergeant-at- ard Rhoads. Stage props are in a rigid preliminary screening, Miss Arms. Among her other activities is membership in the Cant- the hands of James Gibson, Doro- erbury Club. thy Glotfelty, Robert Harris, and Bond recently received notice of Serving as editors of the first page are Charles Pugh and her acceptance as part of the 100 Shirley Ream. member chorus. Being without Mary Cay McCormick. Charles, who comes from Baltimore, Hand props will concern Sharon professional voice training, Kitty's Board, Jill Brown, and Esther Up- perco. Marlin Roser will handle invitation speaks well of her train- ~:ft¥!i~g~~:sfr~es~~~~~e~~rf~~I~l~~~~~s_f~a;~:e ~gi~~r~a~~ special painting while the Junior ing as a part of the College Choir. semester. has been a member of the Kitty Dramatic Art Students do the scene College Choir since her freshman Besides majoring in history-ad- recently appointed business man- painting. Maurice Arsenault and ucation, Charles is also active in uger for the Junior Follies. Mr. Pearl Johnson of the mainten- year and sings in the alto section. Gamma Beta Chi where he was Copy Editors Continue ance staff will take care of con- Others participating in the AiI- junior representative to Inter-Fra- struftion. Publicity will be super- American Chorus will come from ternity Council last semester. Oth- Keeping' their positions as copy vised by Beatrix Gill. all parts of the United States. er organizations to which he holds editors are Joan Wood and Sarah Comedy Opens Presentation Kitty's European tour will set sail participation are Le Cercle Fran- Kajdi . .Jcan is a junior history- The first play is a comedy with from Montreal, Canada, on June cais, ROA, and the SCA to which education major and hails from serious overtones entitled Grandma 26, 1959. This eight week tour will he was elected as cabinet member Baltimore, Maryland. This spring Old8tyle by Walter Prichard Eaton. encompass ten countries and thirty in his sophomore year. This year she will act as publicity chairman Its picture of a modern family Miss Esther Smith European cities. he is acting as business manager for the Junior Prom and the Junior touches on some of the sobering in- to direct pla,Y8 Prime -requisites for ccnsidera- for the Rifle Team. Follies. Joan also belongs to adequacies in American life. This tlon as a participating member of Sigma Sigma Tau sorority in which Bow- cast consists of: Grandma Grandma "Freshman Frolic" the chorus include voice experience, Miss McCormick Is Promoted she has held several offices. Other doin, Esther Upperco; reference letters, and an ahility to An English-education major, activities include the SCA cabinet, Clark, Mina Kirby; Bessie Clark assist in trip financing. Member- Mary Cay is from Laurel, Mary- and the Canterbury Club. Bowdoin, Dorothy Glotfelty; John Slated For March 7 ship in the chorus is a life time ap- land. Active in the various aspects Sarah Kajdi, a sophomore Eng- Bowdoin, Charles Pugh; Willie pointment. of campus life from her freshman Iish-educat.ion major from Park- Bowdoin, Charles Bernstein; Mil- Well underway are plans for the year, Mary Cay undertook the co- ville, Maryland, has served as an dred Bowdoin, Beatr-ix Gill. "Freshman Frolic" which will Holds Many Offices news editor position after a year assistant copy editor of the GOLD Symbolism Is Present transform Blanche Ward Gymnasi- Since coming to the WMC cam- of newspaper experience. Lending BUG for the past semester. Her The second presentation is The 11minto a "bit of blarney" next Sat- pus in September, 1955, Kitty has her talents, Mary Cay is program extra curricular activities include hdruder by Maurice Maeterlinck, a urday night, March 7, as the class been a "bee-hive" of activity. Miss chairman for the FTA and a par- membership in Sigma Sigma Tau, Belgium-born poet who wrote this and their dates enjoy an evening's Bond is a member of Sigma Sigma ticipant in the Newman Club. SCA, Westminster Fellowship, and play in 1890. The play famed as fun and dancing. After her first year the new co- Le Cerele Francais. one of the purest examples of sym- Admission to the dance is the re- ~~~a;~;r~~to~n~f ~: ~~~~ll~~ editor was invited to membership The new typing editor is Barbara bolism uses concrete images of ceipt of class dues payment, but for This present year she was elected in Tri-Beta. In September of this wclosin from Hyattaville, Mary- sight and sound to interpret ab- those whose intentions have been historian for the Class of '59, as school year, this junior student was land. Since corning to the Hill this stract ideas. better than actions, Class Treasur- well as senior representative for accorded an invitation to 'the hon- fall Barbara has been active in Le The members of this cast in- er, Downey Price, will have a rep- the Blanche Ward House Council. orary society on campus, the Argo- Cercle Francais, BSU, and was clude: eldest daughter, Shirley resentative at the door to help them Many may recall the campus pro- nauts. In class activities Mary elected as freshman representative Ream; second daughter, Jill fulfill this obligation. grams during the football season Cay was a member of the Sopho- to the SCA cabinet. As an English Brown; youngest daughter', Beatrix Refreshments under the chair- broadcast over station WTTR. more Welcoming Committee. In major in college, Barbara hopes to Gill; grandfather, Thomas Ward; manship of Pat Hai-r will carry out The majority of the scripts pre- her second year, Mary Cay pledged be a director of religious education father, Maurice Arsenault; uncle, the St. Patrick's celebration theme sented were mainly the work of Phi Alpha Mu sorority in which after graduate work in philosophy Allen Wortz; and the servant, with punch and cookies being Miss Bond. This ably prepares ~:n.has served as co-social c~air- and religion. Esther Upperco. served throughout the night. Dec- Kitty for her chosen field of a ca- Folk-Play Closes Enning orations on the same theme are be- reer in radio. Filling the position of feature Miss Eastwood Remains The evening closes with a folk ing handled by a committee under editor on the second page is Bar- Sandra Eastwood will continue comedy, In Dixon'8 Kitchen, writ- the leadership of Judy King. bara Horst. Barbara's major is as the exchange editor for the GoLD Sue Ho- Music Chapter ten by a student, Wilbur Stout, Entertainment will be another English-education and she plans to BUG. Coming from Woodbury, working with the well known Caro- highlight of the evening. teach in the junior high school. New Jersey, this is Sandy's junior lina Playmakers. He dedicated it gan and her committee are in This fall Barbara pledged Phi year. She lists among her activi- Music this. charge of organizing to "all .. who have been courting is being provided by a four-piece Is Kept Busy Alpha Mu and is presently serving ties the Girls' Glee Club, FT A, in the country and have contended as co-social chairman for the sorer- MSM, and Delta Sigma Kappa with the perplexing problem of campus band who have been prac- In the last three months Omicron ity. She is also active in sports, sorority. Upon leaving Western Little Brother." ticing for several weeks. Ken Eta Chapter of Delta Omicron Na- both intramural and varsity, and Maryland, Sandy plans to put her Members of this cast are: Hiram Reifsnyder is in charge of the band tional Professional Music Fraterni- a member of FTA. Since her ar-t-educatton major to work by Dixon, Robert Harris; Ma Dixon, arrangements. Cleanup committee ty has been quite busy. On Janu- freshman year Barbara has worked teaching in junior or senior high Sharon Board; Gil Dixon, James is being handled by John Grove. ary 13, all of the members took part on the newspaper serving as assist- school. Gibson; Jack Dixon, Jonathan Freshmen, grab your favorite in presenting the first of two year- ant news editor. Advertising manager for the David; Annie Lee Dixon, Patricia guy or gal and head for the Fresh- next year is William Kerbin, a, Schaefer; and Lem Isley, Theodore man Frolic for the "luck of the i;,:~~~I:e~~t!ie~~~ ~:I~~e ~~~o;:~ Miss Warren Is Selected member of the sophomore class Kinter. Irish!" meier, Mrs. Henrietta Scott, Mr. ~ Sue Warren has b~en chosen 8.S from Snow Hill, Maryland. At Philip Royer, and Mr. Oliver t~e news-f~ature edlto;r. A rell- WMC, Bill is a member of th.e rifle initiated College Annual WUS Bazaar Promises Spangler as were patrons and into the glOn and phIlosophy major from EI team and this fall he pledged Gamma Beta Chi fraternity. His patron- ~1~~~ie~ex~:gr~~ei~la;~r!~n:e!f~:~ ~~:!~r Comedy With Unusual Features At a recent meeting officers for she graduates next June from major is English writing and his aim is a newspaper career. the coming year were elected. Western Maryland. Her extra- The responsibility for circulation The annual WUS Bazaar will be held tomorrow night in Blanche They are: President, Katherine curricular activities are many and of the GOLDBUGfalls to John Long Ward Gym. This bazaar is a traditional campus activity of WUS- Zcller;. First vice-president, Evan- varied including membership in Phi from Freehold, New Jersey, who'is World University Servic~nd it enjoys a reputation of being unlike geline Grim; Second vice_president, Alpha Mu, Tri Beta where she is a junior majoring in sociology. In any other function of its t.ype. An unusual feature this year, aside from Helen Murray; Secretary, Carol also secretary, and is also one of his sophomore year he pledged the customary booths with their comical contests and zany services, will Dixon; Treasurer, Elzbieta Adam- the members of the Student Life Gamma Beta Chi fraternity. His be the sale of late leaves for the night of the Junior Plays. For a nom- sl:a; Chorister, Ann Vincent; Busi- Council. other activities are SCA, MSM and inal price, girls may purchase an extra forty-five minutes of time, which ness Manager, Linda Thompson; Sue is a cheerleader and has intramural sports. He has also allows them to a\'oid the normal press and rush of getting back within and Publicity, Joyce Turner. They graced several of our beauty courts been a. member of the varsity bas- the time limit after the plays. In addition to this wonderful service, re- will take office the first of March. in addition to being chosen as a ketball team since his freshman freshments and entertainment will be provided. The program for the month of ROTC sponsor this fall. In her year. For those who are less familiar with thc activities of WUS, it may February was presented by Mrs. sophomore year Sue served as a be interesting to note that units of tllis organization exist on almost Henrietta Scott, Blanche Ward's member of the Sophomore Welcom- every college campus in America. Its task is to help improve the poor, house mother. It consisted of in- ing Committee. and often appalling situation, in regard to higher education in the under- terpretations of several songs by Assistant news_feature editor is Nine Pledge developed and developing countries. It accomplishes its goal by aiding American composers. Among them Maureen Filbey, a freshman from university construction programs, refugee students, and regional health was a song written by Evelyn Baltimore, Maryland, who is rna- Fraternities projects. This year, the Western Maryland College WUS Bazaar will raise ~:~~~ lla;~n~~~:e~li~fs~:~ "bu~~~ ~~~~~gbe~~g!1~~~~~-t~d~::;~Os:~t~:~ Those persons pledging money to aid directly the more than 1,000 refugee students from Red cron. freshman women in the SGA, Mau- fraternities second semester China who arc now attempting to receive a higher education in Hong Do you remember the jewelry reen belongs to SCA, MSM, FTA this year include nine mem- Kong. This is in answer to a request made by the U. S. State Depart- that was sold in Blanche Ward at and is an active participant in in- bers of the student body. ment to the World University Service. These students are avid anti- Christmas time! Because it was tramural sports. Those pledging A I p h a com:nunists and were working toward a university degree when they successful, Delta Omicron is con- Mr. Weagly Is Named Gamma Tau were Robert fled from the Chinese mainland. tinuing to make the copper enam- Cuthrell, Robert McCullom, Most of the campus organizations are supplying their talent and I'led earrings and pins during our John Weagly continues in his Robert Warfield, Jack Wat- From editor. energy in setting up booths and displays. Co-chairmen for the project workshop on Friday afternoons. position of sports John is a junior son, and Anthony Wiles. Laurel, Maryland, are Virginia Pott and Robert Otto. Activities will begin promptly at It is possible to buy the jewelry this year and a pre-med major. As Accorded bids to Pi Alpha 7:30, and last until 10:00 pm, with a half-hour break at 8:15 for the even though a definite time and a member of Alpha Gamma Tau, he Alpha were Jere Brehm, Jo- p'erformance of some of our more notable campus enterta.iner~. }lJace has not been set for our next served as chaplain. Also among seph Steipler, Richard Stone- , All the money will go to an excellent cause-and besides, where else sale. Suggestions may be given to sifer, and Richard Wells. might one purchase the extraordinary services and win the e~penBive any of the members if a special John's activities are membership in Tri Beta, the Argonauts, and was prizer; that will be offered at the 1959 WUS Bazaar. kind of jewelry is de'sired.
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