Page 34 - TheGoldBug1958-59
P. 34
4 The Gold Bug, Feb. 13, 1959 SIDELIGHTS. Frats Vie For Future Outlook- Good by JOHN WEAGLY Top Honors For Basketball Squad Intramural activity reached a tempts. From the foul line Martin the 1959 basketball Thus fever pitch last night as the Bache- campaign far, has produced very little has attempted 71; made 53; for a the for The Spirit's Willing lors met the Preachers Hopkins for the students of Western Mary- 74.6% average. He leads the team the Johns to play right land. in every offensive department However, amid the gloom of ex- fraternity champions. Although As practically everyone on the campus knows, our basketball team this story was written before the a one and eleven record one light cept field goal percentage. hasn't been setting the world on fire this season. Many people, have been game was played, this encounter is shines forth from the Terror quint. As of the present time, the Ter- Youth and the lust to improve is getting discouraged over their records. This is only natural and happens always one of the highlights of the finally coming forth and it appears rors are a young ball club, having whenever any team has been having an unfortunate time and experienc- season. It is a fitting climax for to be stepping up every day. no seniors on the squad. Under ing difficulty in winning games. That, however, is not the point of this 01lE: of the most exciting intramural The addition of Bob Cole this the able direction of Coach Dick article. What is important is the attendance at every home game. The seasons in recent years. semester, and the improved play of Clower, they should rise to greater college students have consistently turned out to watch the Terrors play. The Preachers, defeating the Bill Bruce should help the Terrors heights in the next two seasons. The students are backing the team with enthusiasm that is unusual at Bachelors by three points earlier chalk up some wins before the sea- With the overpowering speed the this late stage in the season. They have been cheering at the smallest in the season, held undisputed pos- son closes. Bruce, a 6' 5" center tenm possesses, it is only a. matter bright spot or ray of hope. Even when the basketball team has been session of first place at the end of has the best field goal average on of experience in ball control and hopelessly behind, the WMC fans have stayed until the conclusion of each the first semester. Their record the squad, hitting for a respectable the spectators should be able to game, still yelling and cheering. The backers of the Terrors basketball was eight wins and zero defeats. 39.1 from the floor. Bill has hit witness the brand of ball they want team deserve congratulations on their fine display of support. The Blue and White of Alpha 34 field goals and is averaging 9.3 to see. While on the subject of support, tonight the basketball team meets Gamma Tau were in second place As far as team totals go for the Johns Hopkins on the home court. Undoubtedly, everyone still remem- with a seven and one record. How- points per game. He leads the season, the Tcrrors have made 229 bers the last time the campus was invaded by a flock of Bluejays. Team ever, the Huggers, strengthened by squad in percentage and is second field goals and 248 out of 410 free in scoring to Dave Martin. and fan support, to a large degree, accounted for the favorable outcome the addition of several new players, Leading the team in just about throws. They are -avernging- 70.0 experienced. I feel that support can play an equally important part in upset Delta Pi Alpha in an exciting As points per game and have made defeating the Hopkins basketball team. Our players have the ability to overtime game early in the second every statistic is Dave Martin. 58.8 per cent of their free throws. the 6' 1" speedster is a freshman, defeat Hopkins. That extra support can bring it about. Everyone be at semester. This, combined with already on the way to establishing The team is beyond having a good the game tonight and help beat Hopkins. subsequent Bachelor and Preacher records for the Terrors. Dave is season, but with the school's sup- victories, gave each team an ident.i- averaging- 17.1 points per game and port brighter times may be on the Intramurals Leader Against cal record of ten wins and one loss has hit 76 field goals in 224 at- way to WMC. decisive last going night's into Hopkins Tonight game. The following is a list of the ton A unique event will take place tonight. The preliminary to the lending scorers in the Intramural WMC Grapplers Suffer Injuries varsity encounter will feature the intramural champions of Western League at the conclusion of the After experiencing a rough early annual climax-the Mason-Dixon Maryland College against the fraternity champs of Johns Hopkins. This first semester. Tony Wiles of the season start, Coach Ken Mohlhen- Tournament. This is the first year is the first time in recent years that such an event has been held. It Huggers, leads the league with a rich's Green Terror grapplers are Lycoming has wrestled Western should be one of the highlights of the basketball season. As I write this 19.2 averagc per game. The other faced with the dual problem of re- Maryland, and the Warriors are little piece of filler, the representative from WMC has not, been decided. leaders are as follows: ._...__16.4 covering from costly injuries and favored to capture the series' in- 2. MeLea-Ids The Bachelors of Alpha Gamma Tau and Delta Pi Alpha's Preachers are rebounding- against what is the itial victory. tied for first place as this column goes to press. Whichever team wins 3. Gill-Preachers .._. 16.0 tougher part of their schedule. Opening the season against Eliz- deserves the honor of representing the college. It is to be assumed that 4. Brohann-Freshmen "B" 13.8 abethtown College, the matmen __._..._.__.__ 1:.1.7 Tonight they tangle wiih Dickinson the winner will realize that .they will be representing the entire student 5. 6. Phoebus-Ids __. 12.8 College on the host's mat minus the showed signs of greenness as they Giese-Preachers body of WMC and will play with this in mind. The entire college should 7. Kirkman-Bachelors 12.4 services of Ray Asay, starting 157 dropped a 25-11 verdict. Lou support this team and help make a sweep of Hopkins tonight. pounder,' who recently broke two 8. Dewey-Bachelors _.. 10.? hones in his hand during practice. Price (130 lbs) and Frank Street 9. Watts-Ids ...._... 10.7 (167 100) scored decisions in addi- is Coach Girls Varsity Triumphs 10. Anderson-Bachelors .__. 10.4 Also a doubtful performer who is ham- tien to pin wrestler-coach 177 Mohlhen- himself, Mohlhenrich rich's class. in the lb Eldredge In Opening Encounter Of Season pered by a pair of cracked ribs. Ward (147 Ibs) , Lou Price and Despite pins by matmen somewhat Feeling optimistic, Victory again rides the Hill, as Anne Voshell; guards-Betty Reid, Sports Flash Mr. Mohlhenrich believes his boys Coach Mohlhenrich, western Mary- have at least "a good chance" in land suffered a 21-15 loss to Tow- the girls' basketball team edged St. Joan Robinson, and Carol Petter- Sigma Sigma Tau was de- this evening's contest. Dickinson son State Teachers College in their Joseph's College of Emmitsburg in sen ; and subs-cBev Hill and Char- feated by Phi Alpha Mu yes- if' undergoing only its second year second tilt. . an extra period after tying the lottePrevost. terday 75 to 52. This cre- in the sport and as a result is ex- The Terrors dropped matches score in the final minutes of play. The following is a list of those ated a three way tie for first pected to be one of the weaker uggregations from Gallaudet and to The game, which was nip and tuck girls who will be playing on the place between the Delta, Sig- teams on the Green Terrors' sched- throughout, was clinched only in first and second extramural school mas, ,and Phi Alphs. ule. Last year they were one of Drexel. The only bright spots in the two minute overtime when teams, and a schedule of games: Delta Pi Alpha defeated the two wins registered in the the gloom were the continued out- standing efforts of Price and Mohl- Anne Voshell tallied a foul shot Alpha Gamma Tau 45 to 41. WMC scoring column. and Anne Clemmitt dumped in an- ri-« Team The victory gave the Preach- Following the Dickinson clash henrich. Against Gallaudet the pair combined to score WMC's only other two points. The unsung f'M'wards Gua;rds ers undisputed possession of the Terrors must meet powerhouses points in a 32-5 rout. Host Drexel hero of the game was t.'llard Betty Clemmitt Latham first place and the right to from Lycoming, Shippensburg, and almost similar Reid who held St. Joe's star, Nancy Ehler Payne represent the college against Catholic University. These are followed with an by a 33-5 advan- romp, winning Gill, throughout the game and con- Hill Pettersen Johns Hopkins. preliminary matches to the season's tributed much to a squad that dis- Voshell Prevost tage. played real team work. Reid Also on the court this week the Second Team, senior class copped the intramural Fvr-usamie Guards Heagy's Sport Shop TOM MILLER ABDO basketball championship. Pulling Ernsberger Arent gradually ahead of the sophomores, Ireland .I' Dent 16 W. Main CAMPUS AGENT Representing the class of 1959 won ita ninth in- Wagner Gardner for the tramural championship since the Wood Horst TIlden 8-5515 LAUNDROMAT start of their freshman year. Led Robinson A Complete Sports Line Modern G. I. Laundry by the tricky combination of Clem- Game Schedule 5 LOCUST STREET mitt, Etzler, and Voshell they Feb. 18-St. Agnes _Home 7 pm 2gam"" and Cleaners DAILY -7:30·5:00 Feb. 20--ViIJa Julie _.Home 7 pm 2games trounced all class squads to bring Feb.2fj-Gouobu __ Away 'rpm 2games 223 E. Green St. Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon more honor to the class of 1959. Fcb.2S-TowO<>IlState ..Away12llooll2games e~ cJlt,ecwt.e 'reaeher" Recently the WAA elected the TIlden 8·6670 TIlden 8·8677 honorary basketball squad. Those 'k/~, Af...,t-J All Laundry and Dry Free Delivery Service so honored were: forwards-An n e Compliments of Cleaning Work Guaranteed To College Clemmitt, Norma Lee Etzler, and Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. J. R. EVERHART Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Evenings 9 p.m. For Valentine's Day COLLEGE BARBER Continuous Shows from 2 p.m, on Give Your "Sweetie" At the Forks Saturday and Holidays WeslIninster Rasinsky' s Pharmacy Sweets Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon. Laundry Delicious If you want to make Feb. 13-14-15-16 and ''Reliable Prescriptions" "THE INN OF THE SIXTH HAPPINESS" Foods A hit with your' date, Ingrid Bergman Curt Jurgens Dry Cleaning Drugs and ,/ Everyday Needs LAUNDRY ROOM AT Stop at Benny's, Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. LOCATED IN OLD MAIN 30 W. Main St. Feb. 17-18-19-20_21 The food is great! Griffin's Frank Sinatra Shirley MacLaine S&H Green Stamps Westminster, Md. "SOME CAME RUNNING" We Give TIlden 8·7100 Sun., Mon., Tues. "THE TRAP" Feb. 22-23-24 Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. Feb. 25-26-27-28 "THE PERFECT HAMPSTEAD 'k/~,Afd. Tony Curtis FURI,OUGH" Baugher's Restaurant Janet Leigh RIDING SCHOOL TIlden 8·7830 JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Horsemanship Classes Ralph's Our New Addition Crown Service SATURDAY and SUNDAY The Colonial Penna. & Hersh Aves. FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Dining Room Westminster, Md. Trail Rides Phone TI 8-8352_ Home':"ade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes STUDENT RATES OPEN EVERY DAY Saturday Is Valentine's Day!! All smart cupids will shop at the LECKRON Home Economics Club Western Maryland CoHege Bookstore for It Pay. To Look Well GULF SERVICE W.M.C. Jewelry To Sponsor The "THE PERFECT w. .MAIN & PENNA. AVE. • (Bracelets, necklaces, collar pins, cufflinks, tie clips, FURLOUGH" Avenne Barber Shop Westminster, Md. ashtrays, perfume bottles, picture frames, etc.) • Stuffed Animals 50, Shc!1v8 at 7 & 9 TI8·9781 Where The Student' Go • Beauty Counselor Perfumes, Gift Items, Colognes CARROLL THEATER Complete 1'lotor Service Free Gift Wrap I Brakes Relined The Bookstore 8 :30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, February 26 85 PellDlllylvania Avenue
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