Page 50 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The Gold Bug, May 17,1957 Another Trackmen Top TeamDefeats Team Wins N. The Terror trackmen defeated Cath- Hopkins, 9-5 ~~~!~t!~~,y~!~~~team SIDELINE Cath. u, 63-57 With AI Spicer olic University on May 11, by a 63· The Johns Hopkins team baseball 59 score to close out the 1957 dual bowed to the Tenor team in a ten- won over Loyola College on May 4 by a 7-2 score which clinched the North- meet season. The WIIlC team went Congratulations to the tennis team for winning the Northern division of undefeated in the Mason-Dixon Con- inning game played at Homewood. ern division of the Mason-Dixon the Mason-Dixon conference. Coach Frank Hurt and his entire team deserve ference. In the tenth, three runs scored on a championship. For several years, the a great deal of credit for the outstanding season's performance. The decisive John Hort, capable captain for the bunt single by Dick Gardiner. A Green and Gold have played a runner- test will be met tomorrow when the team will face Randolph-Macon, winner of home team, led both teams in scoring sacrifice fly off the bat of "Fuzzy" up position, being set back by either the Southern Division for the Mason-Dixon diadem. Best of luck to you all! by taking first place in the nO-high Jones brought in Gardiner. Buzz Hopkins or Loyola, but both of the Western Maryland is also leading the Southern Division of the Middle Lambert was the winning pitcher as Baltimore schools have bowed this Atlantic Conference with a 6-0 record. hurdles, 220-low hurdles, high jump he went the route. season to the netmen. Special honors to Bob Anderson, freshman member of the team who is in a tie, and second place in the 880. Dick 'Gardiner Stars The tennis team has continued its undefeated in the fourteen matches played this year. Also the doubles team Outstanding for the C. U. team Sparking the hitting ettack for the winning streak by defeating Gettys. of Wray Mowbray and Bob Pasecrello has not lost a match this season. were Libert, Madison, Mathewes, and burgv-Hopkins, Dickinson, and Amer- Nelson. Green and Gold were Dick Gardiner ican U., the latter being the lone Ma- Hort Deserves Special Mention 100 Hal Lavin took third place in the with three, Mike Savarese with two son-Dixon foe. Sloan Stewart including a triple, and Beckel' did dash. yd. George likewise in the 220. Bob Butler Denny Harmon with two apiece. Gettysburg was blanked in a 9-0 You have aU read about the wins of the track team this year. They are backed up Becker as they took second The Terror record for the season match on May 6. a result of the cumulative efforts by a team that has sacrificed much in order and third in the 440. was 5 and 8. In the conference, it Hopkins came to \Vestminster to to come out on top, but no one can overlook the influence of one man, their John Hort nnd Chuck Myers placed is 4 and 5. bow by a 7-2 score on May 8. The team captain, John Hur-t. Not only has he won points himself, but he has, by second and thir-d in a 2.03.1 half mile. Tcrrors' losses were shared by Bruce his example of undying spirit and seemingly endless stamina, inspired his In the mile, Vaughn Smith took third Lee and John Gunderson. . teammates to follow him. Not everyone can participate in the high jump, run and in the two mile, second, backed up Baseball Team The Green and Gold went to Car- the high hurdles, low hurdles, 880 or 440, and still be able to turn in a winning by xart Silex in third position. lisle to upset the Dickinson team, 6-3 Dick effort in a mile relay. Mr. Harlow has a reason to be proud of John, and we Holbruner was third in the low and Wins OverA. U. on May 9. do too. second in the high hurdles. Revenge was taken as the Western Best Wishes To Havens and Ray Crawford were second and By 7-5 Score Maryland squad shut The Washington In the field events, Hal Atkinson out American U. 9-0 on May 11. third in the shot put. Bill Biehl and team had previously been the only Since this is the last edition of the GOLDBUGfor the 1956-1957 school year, Bill Spaar placed first and third in On Friday, May 9, the Green and team to gain a victory over the Green we would like to pay tribute to retiring athletic director, Charles Havens. On the discus. The pole vault event saw Gold baseball team beat American U. and Gold. May ,18, the Alumni of Western Maryland will hold a testimonial dinner to Jim May and Jim Rawlins taking the by a score of 7-5. John Kauffman got The Terrors have won twelve con- honor this worthy gentleman, so long a favorite here on the HilL Havens is first two places. Hort and Jim Lewis credit for the win. Buzz Lambert secutive matches following their in- leaving his Alma Mater after coaching here for some twenty years. The tied for the lead in the high jump. headed the scoring attack with two itial loss to American U. in a match Havens Era has now passed; what the future holds, no one can be quite sure. Chuck Smith and George Becker cap- homers, one in the third and another called at the end of the first doubles "Charlie" has not announced his plans for the future, but we all know that he tured first and second in the broad in the sixth inning. Sloan Stewart will be.e success in whatever he attempts. jump. and Al Miller each collected two hits because of darkness. in the winning effort. Joel Bailey was thc starting pitch- Compliments of LAUNDROMAT er for the Terrors, but was relieved TOM MILLER J. R. EVERHART It Pays To Look Well in the third inning by Kauffman. COLLEGE BARBER 5 Locust Street CAMPUS AGENT for the At the Forks Opposite Parking Lot TENNIS PLAY-OFFS TOMORROW Avenue Barber Shop DAILY-7:30 " 5:00 Modem G. I. Laundry FRIDAY UNTIL 8 :00 Heagy's Sport Shop 223 E. Green St. Where The Students Go Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon Westminster 1478 On one point connoisseurs agree Westminster 1287 Now Located All Laundry and Dry Cleaning 16 W. Main Benny's suits them to a tee 85 Pennsylvania Avenue FREE nFLTYRRY SERVICE Phone 1350·W TO COLLEGE A Complete Sports Line Work Guaranteed VISIT NOW OPEN WESTMINSTER BLUE DANUBE Baugher's Restaurant I SHOE REPAIR LUNCH JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Finest Material Former Sorrento House FOR A MEAL OR SNACK - Workmanship ICE CREAM Our New Addition JOE MARZULLO HOAGIES - SHAKES Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes 85 W. Main St. SUBS - PIZZAS The Colonial Dining Room OPEN EVERY DAY Near Carroll Theatre Hours: 1 P.M. to 1 A.M. AS NAVIGATOR OR PILOT The flying U. S. 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