Page 49 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 49
The Gold Bug, May 17, 1957 Four Outstanding Campus Leaders Achieve Recognition "High On The Hill" By Martha Lewis 1957 W/w's Who in American Colleges weeks of school, she was one of the a member of the choir, Sigma Sigma for the SGA. Being a member of the and Universities. Last year our class co-chairmen of the Freshman Advis- Tau, and College Players. To add a Freshman Advisory Council for three chose her as a co-director of the Jun- ory Council this year. One of her few more, she was elected vice-presi- years, and also its chairman, Sam is ior Follies. most recent acquisitions was the gold dent of her class in her sophomore known by all underclassmen. In the One of Pat's more artistic talents ""Who's Who" key which she was and junior years. She gave us a new fall he can be found on the soccer field is her ability as a poet. Her more awarded this past fall. outlook on the life of Caesar when she and in the spring on the tennis thoughtful poetic compositions have I might mention another addition portrayed Cleopatra in the Junior courts. As everyone knows, Sam was been enjoyed by WMC students and to' Mat-ian's prized possessions. Plays. To climax her junior year, a selection to the All-American Soc- students all over the country when she was given a trumpet to wear on cer Team, the goal of every college they have been published in our own her sleeve, as she became a member soccer player. In his spare time he GQLDBUGand in the National Anthol_ of the 'I'r-umpetet-s. can be found either in or very near ogy of College Poetry. McDnniel Hall. In the answer to what Pat plans to At the present time Sam is a leader do with her many talents, we find of the best platoon in the ROTC bat- probably the most commendable part talion, so he says. He optimistically of Put's personality. She has been looks forward to a two year tour of accepted by the Methodist' Board of duty with his rich uncle and name- Missions to spend three years in Ja- sake as a second lieutenant in the pan as an English teacher- in a Japa- army. Since his army life does not nese Mission school. She plans to begin until June of 1958, he may be sail for Japan in August. trying to sell many of you some in- surance within the next year. Watch By .Mary Jane ThorHey out fOI"him, because he will prove to if y u can think back to one of the be a very shrewd salesman. fi_·_t ai-t.cles in this series, you may i emcmbcr LIC subject of the article, a cer ta in Joanne Parrish, was known to be the lucky roommate of a human Those of us who know Pat well alarm clock. feel that her capacity as a leader Besides being Jc's right arm, Mar- should never be hidden. This confi- ian has been outstanding in many dence in her has been exemplified in fields of her own choice. Shed, as her election to the presidency of the she was affectionately called by her to which I'm referring, and if you Argonauts, the vice-presidency of Freshman lab students first semester want the whole story, come to room Just Ward. kick the Iota Gamma Chi sorority and the of this year, is, at the present Sigma 220 in Blanche baskets, shoes, candles, time, SAVE Tau and a member of the Intersoror- and ironing board out of the way, and to knew her- as M. J. She began her books, Easter the vice-president of Sigma Marian sure glad be will I'm of Tr-i- Vice-president Council. ity oblige. held the enviable Beta, she recently chairman MONEY! the (?) position of general She is also one of what M. J. has been doing ever since duties as President the of the Sigmas. By Pat TVerner Brushing up on her dance, she por- Tri-Beta was Convention that Thanksgiving held here at WIIIC. Essie in trayed rush This is Rush here, therel! of the people who is sometimes identi- Play. HAVE fied as a member of the band as she she arrived Jane on campus in her fresh- going Delawar-ian, Reed, a big, easy- an on her blazer sleeve. wears a trumpet By Dave Downes a.nd Bill Slade man year. jobs seem to grav- The chairmanship Thorney, Mary from hailing Samuel Wheeler to her, as itate for, of the many Md., world Lansdowne, a lives in proved has from recall the first freshmen may to WMC ever since the day he FUN! Rasinsky's Pharmacy known only to a few on the Hill. She asset 1953. His activities in the past and Universities. As an active and spends most of is a music major set foot on this campus in September her time between and Hall Levine of Science Hall four years include class president fOI (Education Dept.) mcm- she has Since her freshman ~!Iontf! I "Reliable Prescriptions" been active on campus. year, She became three years. During his sophomore bet- of Gamma Beta Chi, he has added his many and junior years he juggled the books with color meetings to I py%1 I'lD Drugs and Everyday Needs beaming personality and crazy laugh. As one of Whitfield's boys, Sam is one of the lucky history majors who is 30 W. Main St. TAXI CAB DRIVERS NEEDED not "sweating" graduation. He is an ardent supporter and staunch de- HII'III'IIII'IIIII'III'IIIIW:. Westminster, Md. Here is an opportunity to make excellent money while on summer fender of the Sons of Confederate Phone 101 vacation. Openings arc available fOI' either full time or part time driv- Veterans. Often one will hear him el's. II you are 22 years of age or older, have had a Maryland driving speak of his own ancestor, General Joseph Wheeler, in the Confederate license for six months, been driving for three years or more and have a Army. good knowledge of Baltimore City, apply immediately to Diamond Cab, A nicer guy could not have been se- 1920 Ashburton sr., Baltimore 16, Maryland, Wilkens 7-3333. lected to be honored as "High on the Hill." As we all look back over our college career we cannot possibly for- get Sam Reed. Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. Evenings 9 p.m. Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on QUALITY CLEANERS Saturday and Holidays Delicious 'I'hurs., Fri., Sat. May 16-17-18 1 SOUTH CENTER STREET DESIGNING WOMAN Foods Gregory Peck Lauren Bacall New storage facilities for your winter clothes. AT May 19-20-21 SEE 1I0W UTILE Sun., Mon., Tues. ANGRY MEN Don't tote them home, let us store them for you over the TWELVE IT COSTS WilEN Henry Fonda Lee J. Cobb Griffin's Wed., Thurs. May 22-23 FOR INFORMATION CALL TIlden 8-8050 YOu TRAVEL Ralph Richardson John McCalum SMILEY Technicolor - Cinemascope TOGETIIER! Fri., Sat. May 24-25 THE RIVER'S EDGE Ray Milland Debra Paget GROUP ECONOj\fY FARES Sun., Mon., Tues. May 26-27-28 are the money-saving answer if BOY ON A DOLPHIN you're returning t? summer Sophia Loren Alan Ladd school. Team up with two or Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. hoo~~t~:~~~!~r~:ge~~:r ~~~~ May 29-30-31-June 1 ways. On trips of 100 miles or OKLAHOMA more, you'll each save 25% of the Shirley Jones regular round-trip coach fare.* Gordon McRae - Cinema.scope Technicolor Or better still ... COACH PARTY FARES! Round. up 25 or more to travel long-distance rogerher on the sam~ homeward train. Then return Singly or to- ra~~h;;m~~~ers~~Jm;~u s~~~holsa~~ 28% of the regular round-trip fare. Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- Campus capers call for Coke IT'S FUN, TOO! day shows continuous from 2 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and m. 4 p. ~~ffia~1S~I:;~.r~~lk~~ot~~d'~d F:Vf'lliTlj!show 9 p. m. Weekday shows continuous from 6:45 p. m. ~~ti:i~~~e ~a:af~ ~~fr~~~:~n~I~~ Commencement's a big day the comfort and dependability all Fri., Sat. May 17-18 . so get off to the right start. smart travelers insist upon. THE STREETS OF LAREDO *&"pl /or I.cdl "~",I bmtwn Ntw Y.r!- William Holden Pause for a frosty bottle of delicious Coca-Cola W'.:Jhingl.n~"dp.i",Jt"".fu;n".;t
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