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Features, Football, Editorial •. Soccer News 1 Page 2 Page 4 Vol. 34, No.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND November 16. 1956 Thirteen Chosen For Who~s Who Award , Senior Leaders Receive \ NEW GOLD BUG College Players' To Present National .Collegiate Honors APPOINTMENTS You Can't Take ItWith You ARE ANNOUNCED Thirteen senior students have been selected to represent West- Three promotions have been an- ern Maryland in the annual publication of Who's Who in Americctn nounced in the staff of the Gold Bug The Thanksgiving Play, You Can't Colleges and Universities. They are Carol Bingham, Robert Butler, by William F. Muhlenfeld, Editor-in- Take It With. You, will be presented Ronald Graybeal, Walter Lawrence Hall, Anna Jarrell, John Kauff- Chief. Flo Mehl has been elevated to ICLUB NEWS I by the College Players tonight at 8:15 man, Joan Luckabaugh, Carol Joanne Parrish, Patricia Patterson, the post of Managing Editor; Skip in Alumni Hall. This comedy in Samuel Reed, Marian Scheder, Mary Jane 'I'horney, and Brantley Dawkins has been named Make-Up three acts is by George S. Kaufman Vitek. , Editor; AI Spicer assumes the post of 'I'he Argonauts inducted twenty- "and Moss Hart. It was the winner The thirteen were chosen on tlle basis of character, scholar- Sports Editor. All the appointments one members in a meeting in Mc- of the Pulitzer Prize in 1936. ~~ifhel~~~~~~~ifnJnp~~~ti~lifi~i~f~~rf~~~~v:t~~~tr~~Yti~~~ir~:;~i~~~~ immediately. Daniel Lounge last Monday night, The story relates the adventures of are effective be:l~t ~~~I~:~d~:~:~a~t~:; ~~:~ November 12. Those who became an eccentric New York family, the A biographical sketch of each will Joanne Parrish associate members were: Barbara Sycamores. Grandfather, the head appear in the national publication. Joanne Parrish, an Eng'liah-educa- years, and has gained a wide knowl- Boggs, Robert Christian, Caryl En- 'Of the family, is an old philosophical All will have access to the organiza- tion major from Kuxton, Md. is vice- edge of the intricacies ~f a college sor, Florence Fay, Grace Fletcher, cynic, and suddenly gave up business tion's placement bureau, and may president of the Student Government newspaper first as a reporter and Norma Fulghum. David Harper, Don- because he wanted to relax. Since,- wear the gold key fo the society .• Association. As a sophomore and jun- then, for the past year, as editor of ald Leta, Robert McCormick, Flor- then, he has refused to pay income Carol Bingham ior she was a member of the SCA news with Nancy Willis. She'is a ence MehI, David Meredith, Mary- tax, because he does not believe in it. Carol Bingham, Editor-in·Chief of cabinet. She played with the orchestra native of Mardella Springs. Md., and West Pitts, Raymond Stevens, Elinor Everyone in the household is em- the Aloha, is majoring in psychology. in her freshman and sophomore years, a~ English major. Summers, Brantley Vitek, Winifred ployed at some strange trade. Grand- She has been a member of the College and now sings with the College Choir Skip Dawkins, who also began his Walsh, Erich Willen, Margaret Whit- father's married daughter, Penny, Choir and the Argonauts for four and the octette. She has been active career this year on the staff of the field, Margaret Whorten and Ethel began her career as a playwright years, a member of Sigma Sigma Tau in sports and is a member of the 1r- paper as a reporter, moves into the Vonderheide, Peter Urguhart. suddenly when eight years ago some- since her sophomore yearl and a mem, gonauts, Trumpeters, and Sigma Sig- difficult task of Make-up Editor. Dr. L. Earl Griswold, Assistant body left a typewriter at her house ber of Alpha Kappa Alpha in her ma Tau. His duties will be chiefly those of Professor of Sociology, addressed by mistake. She and her husband, junior and senior years. At the pres- Patricia Patterson supervision, "the placing of stories in the group. His topic was "The Role who manufactures fireworks in the ent time she is helping to organize An English-education major, Pat their appropriate places, and general of the Sociologist in Psychological cellar with the help of a visiting milk- the psychology club. Carol's home is Patterecn is from Finksburg, Md. newspaper design. Skip is a pre- Warfare." Dr. Griswold worked man, have a very happy family. in Silver Spring, Maryland. She is a member of the Argonauts, med major and his home is in Easton, with the United States Air Force Their two children have hobbies such Robert Butler Wesleyanettes, and Future Teachers Md. Psychological Warfare School during as ballet, the xylophone, and manu- Cadet Lt. Col. Robert Butler is of America. As a freshman and soph- Al Spicer who takes the post of the Korean War. "-.. facturing of candies. One of the Battalion Commander of the ROTC. omore she was a French Club mem- Sports Editor from Chuck Smith, French Club daughters, Alice, who is a charming An economics major from Frederick, ber. She was a director of the Junior the retiring senior, comes to his task Le Mortmartre, a French film, was and efficient secretary, works fer a Md., Bob has been a four year parti- Polltes. Pat is vice-president of Iota not unfamiliar with the job. He has featured at the meeting of Le CercIe broker en Wall Street. Love enters cipant in football and track. He was Gamma Chi and has participated in been connected with college athletics the plot as she falls for her boss' captain of the track team last year, intramural sports for four years. for 'Over a year in +hc csph'ity of Francais Wednesday evening, Novem- son. When the fun-lovlng, bard and is the present football captain. Samuel Reed statistician for the Department of ber 12. A letter was read from working Sycamore family is con- He is also a member of the wrestling Sam Reed has been president of his Sports Publicity. He provides a val- Claude Pertuy, the club's adopted war trasted with the elite society family team, the Aloha staff', ansi Delta Pi class for three years. He is active in uable liaison betwJen the new-spaper orphan, and plans tor the Christmas of Alice's beau, a very enjoyable play pfogram, Cha'lt8o'ItIJ de Noel, were dis- Alpha. the Student Government and was and the athletic department. His ma- cussed. . . results. Ronald G;aybeal. . .._ treasurer of the organization during'" jor is economics, and his home is in Directing the play is Miss Esther International Relations Club Presi- his sophomore and junior years. He Westminster, Md. Canterbury Club and LSA Smith. The sets have been designed dent Ronald Graybeal. holds the high- has been a member of the soccer team The Canterbury Club and the Lu- by Mrs. Joy Winfrey and constructed est scholastic average of the senior ~~:e~tU~h~e:;I~'e;~do:~~ec~I~~~o~Ot~:~ SGA Plans Tree - theran Student Association combined by members of the Junior Dramatic men. He has been active in intramural their meetings on November 7 ,for a Art Olass. The cast is as follows: for the Lighting Ceremony sports since his sophemore year. He and Mid-Atlantic teams. He has been,. • joint panel diacusaion on "Are You Penelope Sycamore, Anna Jarrell; is treasurer of the Argonauts, and captain of the tennis team a Christian or Are You Religious'!" Essie, Mary Jane Tborney; Rheba, vice-president of Alpha Gamma Tau. last two years. Last spring he was The LSA -hopea to sponsor a trip for Paul Sycamore, Al\ economics major, Ron hails from voted as the most valuable athlete. As The SGA extends an invitation to all denominations for a tour of the Patricia Werner; Mr. De 'Pinna, Rich- Clarence Kaylor; Colora, Md. a junior he was co-chairman of the the entire faculty and student body Gettysburg battlefield bef'Ore Thanks- ard Graham: Ed, Brantley Vitek; Walter Lawrence Hall FAC. He was a member of the CeUge to attend a tree-lighting ceremony giving. Donald, Luther Martin; Martin Van- L~rry Hall, Student Government Choir for three years, and is a mem· initiating the Christmas activities on Methodist Student Movement president, is also president of the' bel' 'Of Gamma Beta Chi. A history campus. The informal ceremony is Mr. William Meade, from the derhof, Robert Christian; Alice, Argonauts. He has participated in major, Sam is from Wilmington, Del. planned fer December 3 at.6 :45 and Strawbridge Home for Boys, will Joyce Harrington; Henderson, George basketball, track, and inter-fraternity Marian Scheder will take place on President Ensor's speak to the MSM on the 21st of Trotter; Tony Kirby, Gene Michaels; football. In his sophomre year he Marian Scheder is a biology major lawn. Following the actual lighting this'month. "Establishing a Cllris-. Boris Kolenkhov, Jack Anderson; was a member of the Freshman Ad- ,fr'Om Baltimore, Md. She is Aloh-a 'Of the tree, an open reception will be Gay Wellingten, Patricia Richter; visory Council, and this year was a associate editor, vice-president of Tri- held in McDaniel Lounge at which tian Home" will be his subject for the Mr. Kirby, John Scott: Mrs. Kirby, Courtship" "Dating and senior advisor. As a soph'Omore he Beta, ce-chairman of FAC, secretary refreshments will be served. This is evening. topic of Mrs. William E. Mary-West Pitts: three men-Fran- was the was corresponding (secretary of his 'Of Sigma Sigma Tau, and a Trum- I\he only time at which the entire stu- Price, counselor at the Westminster cis Street: Walter Bloodsworth, and fraternity, Delta Pi"" Alpha. Larry is peter. She is a member 'Ofthe College dent body and faculty meet together Raymond Wright; Olga, Joan Durno. a chemistry major from Prospect Choir, and the octette. as a single group. High School, who spoke to the group Members of the production staff Park, Pa. Mary Jane Thomey November 7. are as follows: stage manager, Jack is also a Trumpeter. Elvis Returns To Anna Jarrell A music-educalion major, Mary Wesleyenettes Anderson; assili!tant stage manager, Anna Jarrell is a physical-educa- Jane Thorney The Wesleyanettes report tllat. the Raymond Wright; electrician, James She is a member of the College Play- tion-biology major from S i I v e r ers, the choir, octette, glee club, porn WMC Community Brownie troop they are sponsoring is Lightner; assistant electrician, Wil- Spring, Md. She has been a !]lember now well under way and is meeting liam Slade; sound effects by Patricia 'Of the College Choir since her fresh- porn girls, and FAC. She is president Elvis is back! There's no doubt at the Westminster Library. As Richter, Mary Lou Fowler, Richard man year, and sings with the octette. 'Of Sigma Sigma Tau and president of about it. No one else could get so its next project the club will stuff Graham, and Clarence Kaylor; cos- Co-author and director of the Junior the inter-sorority council. Mary Jane's much attention by strolling quietly animals for the children in 'Orphanges tume mistresses, Joan Durno and F'Ollies of H156, she has also been an home is Baltimore, Md. into the J.ining hall. and children's homes. Mary-West Pitts; stage properties active member of the College Players. Brantley Vitek This fall Western Maryland re- and furniture by Natalie Warfield, She has worked with the SCA cabinet Brant Vitek is a pre-med student. ceived a rather different brand 'Of Tri-Beta J can Lambertsen, and Robert Chris- for three years, and has participated He was a member of the track team freshman. The newcomer is a black Tri Beta held an initiation cere- tian; hand properties by Jane Roe- in many sports. She is a member of during his freshman and sephomore cocker spaniel (1) with the dubious mony on October 31 at which time dor, Nancy Lindsay, and Mary Lou fourteen new members were inducted. Sigma Sigma Tau. years. For four years he has been on name of Elvis. He is ~ui~e likely to The main activity of the club at the Fowler; seene. painting by Junior John Kauffman the wrestling and sQccer teams. He is appear anywhere, anytime, and gen- Dramatic Art Students; publicity An economics major, John Kauff- a member of the College Players, the erally does. His original ownership present time is the lighting of the (CONTINUED PAGE 3. COL. 2) man is from Westminster, Md. He has FAC, and the ch.oir. Brant is secretary show cases on the third floor of Sci- played basketball and baseball since 'Of Delta Pi Alpha. is unknown-at least to the general ence Hall, and the labeling of the Iota Gamma Chi his freshman year, and intramural public. However, when he was im- various displays. The program for football for the last two years. He MILITARY DEPT. pounded several_ weeks ago, the the year includes a regional confer- was class treasurer in his sophomore PRESENTS AWARDS Preachers bailed him out, bought. him ence which is being planned by Dr. Wins Sorority year. As a senior he is a member of a license, and ad'Opted him. Sturdivant. the dorm council, Freshman Advisory AT CEREMONY Elvis has firmly established himself Wesleyans Council, and is social chairman 'Of as a member _ofthe college community Dr. Hr.zzard, Professor of Old Scholastic Cup Delta Pi Alpha. Twenty-four members of the Re- and has been seen in almost every Testament Literajure at the Semin- Joan Luckabaugh serve Officers Training Corps receiv- hallowed hall. He is 'Openlywelcomed ary, spoke to the Wesleyans Friday The Scholastic Cup for the ::orority " President of the Student Christian ed awards November 6 in a parade by the students and attendS" classes evening, November 2. The group having the highest ~verage cumula- Association Jean Luckabaugh leads ":""'ceremony held on Hoffa Field. The in the halls of higher learning. One hopes to have Dr. Reuben H. Holthaus tive index for the year 1955·1956 was the campus religious activities. Since awards were primarily for scholar· profesS'Or was particularly startled as a speaker in the near futUre. presented to Iota Gamma Chi on No- her freshman year she has herd mem· ship, although six of the presentations when he glanced at the rear of the vember 7, 1956. The Iotes led the bership in the Sunday Fellowship, the were to cadets in the basic oourse who dass and found an empty seat occu- Home Ec Club other sororities with an average of Wesleyannettes, and the College had exhibited ou~tanding proficiency pied by the perky pup. "The King and I" was presented at 1.97. All the s'Ororities were very Choir. She is president of the French in drill. Among his other appearances, Elvis the Carroll Theater November 13 and clo~e: Sigma Sigma Tau, 1.8; Delta Club in which she has also been ac- Newly elected sponsors--coeds -from has starred in the Homecoming Pa- 14. The film was sponsored by the Sigma Kappa, 1.7; Phi Alpha Mu, tive for four years. She is a Frel'\.ch~ the student body-made tlle presenta- rade, almost scored a touchdown for Home Economics Club and tickets 1.6. The traditional party honor- education major from Baltimore, Md. tions to the winning cadets:- Lt. Col. the football team, chased a kitten were sold for 50 cents. ing the winner was given by the Her other activities include F AC, and Dayton E. Bennett, PMS&T, presided through Blanche Ward Hall, dined in At the next meeting a demonstra- other sororities in the Iota clubroom. Sigma Sigma ':Pau. She was' arso over the ceremony. As a culmination the Grille and faithfully attended tion will be presented on wrapping In order to keep the cup a sorority tapped as a Trumpeter. (CONTINVED PAGE a. COL. 4) (CONTINVED PAGE !. COL. :) Christmas presents. must win it f'Or three successive years.
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