Page 14 - TheGoldBug1956-57
P. 14
The Gold Bug, Oel. 26, 1956 TERRORS ON THE MOVE-Quarterback Dick Hampden-Sidney. Western Maryland players Marfinell ; (70) John Coolehen: Bob Butler and arc not visible. The Terrors bowed to Hampden. Holbruner hands off to AI Miller (3'2) during1;he visible in the picture arc (30) Dick Hersh, who Bill Spaar,' at leit of picture whose numbers Sidney, 34-14. second quarter of last Saturday's game with leads the play; (23) Lou Fisher; (82) Dusty Soccer Squad Tops Another Franklin And Marshall Tigers Ite Test In Second Half SIDELINE By Connt Of 5-2 After Taking Early 14-7 Lead With Bill Mu,hlenfeld WESTMINSTER, MD., October 24_ Hampden.Sydney's football forces ies record to be 6 wins for WMC, 3 The Western Maryland Terrors' Soc- annexed their fourth victory of the losses, and 1 tie. The series began in cer team stretched their string of season last Saturday when they 1946. Now, since you do not frequent you as the manager of the mighty tackled with Western Maryland. Their Hampden·Syd·".,y Bernie's, then of course you will not Shamrock very well." consecutive victofies to five as they power was exhibited in full force dur-, Western Mllryland 0 0 14 7 0 13_3. 7 7-14 know Oxie Slade, who is a very color- "Well, then," says Oxie, "I will defeated Franklin and Marshall here ing the entire game, ending 34 to Hampden·Sydney scoring: Touchdowns_ ful character indeed, and with whom tell you a story about how the Sham. this afternoon, 5 to 2. • 14 in the Mason Dixon Conference Felty (45, I>"""'run from Furr): Benaon. 2 ~f~~g~~"-DUe';,n~°(8.~lr;":ge·).C~':et~~r" ~ I have been friends for ~ great num- rock lost his last match by forfeit and 'I'he fast moving game .found both bout here on Hoffa Field. The Tigers Jo'eJty.2; Furr. 2. ber of years, and who is a very prom- how this was the beginning of our teams scoreless after the first period. led 14-7 at halftime. Western Maryland scoring: Touchdown._ inent figure in the world of sports. mutual demise in the honored prnfes- The second and third periods were The visitors were favored by the ~~~errJ~~:I>C"g~~re~i:n~H~I~~~~~~")~.Riggin It was not so very long ago, as a sion of professional wrassling." sparked by the brilliant playing of passing and running of Bob Furr, who matter of fact, when the two of us And so Oxie began, "It was a day Western Maryland's Denny Harmon scored one T.D. himself and tossed to are in Bernie's, leaning on the bar near Christmas when I meet the who booted over two goals. Jim Quinn his teammates for two more. Furr watching television, that he is telling Shamrock coming out of this very scored one for F&M during the third also kicked two extra points. THE COLONIAL me about a very interesting expe- place, where he has been gassing up period. Jim Falty scored the first touch; rience which he has had in his pro- on beer and steamed shrimp, and I Graeff scored for F&M: in the fourth down in the second period after re- JEWELRY CO. fession. say to him, 'Shamrock, you should not period, but it ~wasn't enuogh as the ceiving a pass from Furr to complete He is looking at the wall at all the be gassing up on beer and shrimp, Terrors scored three more-c-one by a 45-yard pass-run combination. Later Since 1922 shamrocks, and he says to me like but you should be in training, since I Denny Harmon and one each by Bob in the same period, Furr ran 38 yards this, "Do you remember when wrae- have just-"got you a bout with the Cole and Pete Ur-quhart-c-as Western to score the second touchdown for the John & Main 81. sling was in its heyday and I was fam6us Sampson, and this will be Maryland won another victory over visitors. In the third period, Puer managing the Shamrock?" very lucrative indeed.' the preViously undefeated F&M. plunged over the goal line making a "Fine Watch Repairing" "Of course," 1 say. "I remember Western Maryland's goalie, Floyd third touchdown. Benson added an. Musselmann, was injured during the other in the fourth and Denny com- the But Here Oxie's Troubles Begin first, period, and had to be removed pleted the scoring for romp. visitors Frank from the game. The halfback, with a short three-yard "Well, the Shamrock does not do a making arrangements for the bout, so Robey, took ovar as goalie and com- With the second period well under. thing but give me a long hard look much that I almost kid myself into pleted the game for the Terrors. way, the Green Terrors mustered and he says to me, 'I believe I hear believing that the Shamrock is there Franklin & Marshall had a very their first scoring threat with. a of this guy, but I am not sure where.' all along, except that I am busy in. good right wing, but is was kept in 30.yard pass from Dick Holburner to And with this he walks away down venting excuses to newspaper men check by the excellent playing of AI Miller. Tom Riggin finished the the street before I can say much who want to interview him. But still Western Maryland's Sam Reed. scoring for Western Maryland with Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. more to him at all. I cannot find him anywhere, even The game was viewed by a large a 40-yard dash in the final period. Sunday Matinees : 2 and 4 p.m. "So, it is here that my troubles though I look all over the place every and very interested crowd. There was This game was 'Vestern Maryland's Evenings 9 p.m. begin. I do not see the Shamrock any night. Then, out of a clear blue sky very little substituting done due to tenth tourney with Hampden-Sydney. Continuous Shows from 2 p.rn. on more at all that day, and as a matter a guy walks in and gives me a letter, the Middle Atlantic League's soccer The loss on Saturday caused the ser- Saturday and Holidays of fact, I do not see him the next day, and the letter, sure enough, is from rules, or the day after that. Well, this be- the Shamrock, and the letter goes Fri., Sat. Oct. 26-27 gins to trouble me a very great deal, something like this: Martin ~ __ G __ Mu.selmann THE FIRST TRA VEUNG because the lucrative match with "'Dea1:.0xie: ---"' L' ~ Karrer G. C. Murphy Co. SALESLADY ___ Reed Sampson is drawing near and my boy "'You will be very broken up to ___ ___ RH Entwistle Lee LH is not in training. In fact, my boy hear this, but I must inform you that -" Robey The Friendly Store Ginger Rogers Barry Nelson is not anywhere to be found, and I it is the decision of my mind to quit __ --,, OR __ UrQuhart Technicolor Kohl begin to believe that he has blown the ring as a profession, because I Quinn ,, Harmon Dormitory and CI.uroom town. Of course, I do not let on to am afraid that I will get hurt. ~itff --===== Ifr.-====.-_ TMl~~~~ Sun., Mon., Tues. the promoter or to any of my many "'As you know, I have been going Substitute.: F&M-AckanbBck,Tllyne,Rob- Suppllu Oct. 28-29-30 fans that I have lost the Shamrock, with my girl, Ursula Swade, for a ertllon; W. Md.-Weiland, Walah. Cole. THE SEARCH FOR because, as you readily see, this would very long time, and I respect her Scoring Summary: F&M _ Quinn. Grneff. 6.10 WClt Main Street BRlDEY MURPHY make me look very much like a fool. opinions highly. Well, Oxie, she does W. Md. - Harmon 8. Cole.UrQuhnrt. Teresa Wright Louis Hayward In fact, it would make me look like a not want me to wraesle this Sampson, F&M 0 0 1 1-2 Watmiruta', Md. 8-5 1 W. Md. 01 jackass. So, as I say before, I do not because she thinks he is very strong, let on that the Shamrock is missing. and I find out that this is right, and Wednesday Oct. 31 "Well, it is about two days before now I do not want to wrassle him Heagy's Sport Shop REBECCA the match, and I am up to my ears either. Now Located LAUNDROMAT Joan Fontaine Laurence Olivier 16 W. Main 5 Locust Street Phone 1350-W And Then Urs Takes Him To Church A Complete Sports Line Opposite Parking Lot Thur., Fri., Sat. Nov. 1-2-3 "'As a matter of fact, it is only realize that this guy Sampson must DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 RUN FOR THE SUN last week that Urs takes me to the be alive and in pretty good shape if Richard Widmark Jane Greer church, where I hear the minister, of he can wrasele, and blind or not, I FR!}JA Y UNTIL S :00 all people, talking about this Samp- do not want to tangle with him.' FOR FLOWERS Closed Wed. 12 :00 Noon son. After it is over I mean to ask "So, this is roughly what the Sham, 1287 Sun., Mcn., Tues. Nov. 4-5-6 him if he is a wrassling fan, since rock writes me, and I am so discour- Artistically arranged for Westminster ATTACK I do not picture ministers as wras- aged that I give up looking for him FREE DELIVERY SERVICE sling fans, ~t I do not have time, and we have to forfeit the match. each different personality TO COLLEGE Jack Palance Eddie Albert but I hear plenty anyway. Now I am a bum in the wrassling "'The minister has heard so much world and I have no face, all on ac- DUTTERER 'S about this Sampson that he tells count of the Shamrock. everybody in the house- about him, "As a matter of fact," Oxic says 114 Pennsylvania Ave. On one point connoisseurs agree and it is this story which makes my to me, "I would face this bum Samp, mind up not to wrassla this guy. I son myself before I would run out on Westminster 350 Benny's suits them to a tee hear that at one time he is a prisoner, ... a guy." and they have him in a dungeon some .- --, Continuous 1 p. m, Saturdays. Holi- _place and that he is blind and gen. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. erally in a very bad way indeed. But STEW DODSON Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4- p. m. I also hear that when they finally It Pay. To Leek Well Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows from 6:45 p. m. take him outside and chain him be. CAMPUS AGENT continuous tween two posts which hold up a for the Vi,it The building, that he pulls down the build. ing. Modem G. I. Laundry Phon_12l7 Fri., Sat. Oct. 26-27 "'Well, Oxie, this is enough to kill Avenue-B.rber Shop (Double Feature) the average man, and I mean to ask 223 E. Green St. 'IfI~AfJ. BRIDE OF THE MONSTER the minister whether this guy Samp- Westminster 1478 Where The Students Go FIRE MAIDENS OF OUTER SPACE son is hurt or not. But Ursula hustles Our New Addition me out of the church and says that I All Laundry and Dry Cleaning 85 PennsylvaniaAvenue am not going to wrassle him, and so Work Guaranteed The Colonial Dining Room Fri., Sat. Nov. 2-3 I guess I am not. Besides, I soon DALLAS Gary Cooper Ruth Roman
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