Page 44 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 44
The Gold Bug, -Apr. 10, 1956 The Woman- Eve 'The Poets' Corner This week The Gold presents Far From Eden three distinctly different poems writ- Mary_ ten by three of our Western land students. The first two contribu- tors, Patti Krell, and PRt Patterson Wherein I shall attempt to reveal with a member of the opposite sex, he are veterans of our poetry column and _ MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS certain conclusions drawn with regard is honest with himself about his inten- we welcome them again. We welcome S.&"ripti •• Price $2.00 Per ""'DIU to the feminine Sapums: tions. In his head are no medieval too for what we hope will be the first psychology of the flowering tresses, but damsels with of many times our newest contributor, species Homo For the past several years I have rather a flesh and blood woman who Claudia Payne. Now, having briefly introduced our WILLIAMF. MUHLENFELD, been, in my leisure, engaged in an ac- can offer material arid tangible satis- no poets we will sit back and let them faction. has he. Afterwards, ROBERT G. CRUSH, BuBiltesll Ma;nager tivity that has been at once enlighten- ing, amusing, and terrifying.-that qualms, no duty bound consciousness -speak for themselves. of observing closely that ever enig- that he must marry 'Or promise his CONCEPT OF TIME matic phenomena, women. In all # honesty I must ccnress that through ~~et::~fh:; ~::d~i~~~~~~:~~e f:;n:~~ Time can be shorf-or long~ no fault of my own I have been from mitting to herself, or others that such Into ::;;W8 M1)e yOu pushed my dell· birth a member of this institution. :~o~~pe~~:~~:d:a:f !~he~:.rezw~~: Into 8:::X destiny injected a baTTen and much effort expended, consumed NewAthletic-Awards then are we not justified in supposing However, I have sincerely attempted Two m:!on:!;a--- objective in my discerningly to. be th,at the task is the more demanding study of the group and as I have now ~:~::~:e~~~~~s h~re:1:;a:~~~u:t~e:~ Beginning with the Spring Athletic at the intercollegiate level, and con- reached several conclusions that may on earth belies, and, while in the / discorded. Assembly this year, the Student Gov- sequently, is it not appropriate that perhaps be of general interest, feel ~~~s:~~nf::~ecra:c~i:~ :t:~l~~:~e t~! Two bod~8 sparked--- ernment Association begins a new we make some further gesture in rec- obligated to take up my pen. I beg series of Athletic awards, which are ognition of those who take part in the that all those who might choose to true 'One. Each man she looks on is \... attracted--- repelled. designed to augment the present pro- task? Obviously we are more than take this desire on my part as an af- considered, if only momentarily, as a The high1W8B, the brilliance, the pD.S· gram of giving recognition to deserv- justified; indeed, we may be nearly front to some unwritten code or tr'adi- possible future mate. And after going sion of you.r being tra4¥!,pled OJ!, ing athletes. Briefly, the outline of the obligated. The new awards program tion, bear in mind that I approach my thus far in her imagination she has me and in me. new awards set-up is this!... of the SGA deserves wholehearted subject with only one purpose, that the audacity to reject a proposal that The time that W(1.8 8hort...-..i)r umg- At the end of each season, begin- support. being to reveal the truth for the never was, as it were, on grounds such dropped; you blocked tfght yOl~r ning with this year, the SGA will , May Queen truth's sake. as flat feet, bushy eyebrows, a boom- mind and turned from me, ing voice, or a timid 'One. award some form of prize to that It is generally accepted today that Now I stand alone. player from each team who best ex- the species Homo Sapi~n8 is divided The female of every species has a I can1Wt cry. emplifies the qualities of sportsman- With the May Court electlona over into two classifications, vulgarly term- peculiar call which is designated for PA'M'IKRELL ship, personal sacrifice, team play, and with, and the various ladies of cern- ed "sexes". These two groups are die- use when with the male. The human individual acco!!lplishment. This pus duly enthroned in some capacity metrically opposed to each other both female ios no different. But rather WALL· means, in effect, that in addition to on the court according the results of in mental and physiological pattern. than the low clear note of the part- I want to stand- the usual awards of letters and sweat- impartial campus referendum, we Yet for some unknown, but also ridge, or the soft cluck of the pullet, My back a wall, ers, now there. is to be an award in may pause for a moment of reflection I generally accepted reason, these two, hers is more akin to the screeching of To [eel: it 8trong and firm, each major sport for the outstanding upon the whole operation. This is a -male .and female, are born, bred, an unoiled hinge, or high pitched ~;w~~~~ab:!r~.~!!: competitor in that sport. good time to pause because the 1956 and educated in the belief that their whistle of a frei~t train. This offen- jail, The plan is to make this presenta- May Court is one which leaves no common destiny is a unity with one sive call is the nag. Spanning a vast My 8trength when [ would it there tion not annually, but' at the athletic room for criticism from any angle. another. With regard to the poeeibili- range in conjuction with the situation For with retreat designed I can't ty of such physiologically The girls are pretty, graceful, talent- assemblies marking the end of re- at hand, it is by its very monotony Nor can I laU- spective seasons. However, since in ed, respected, prominent in campus opposites uniting in some degree of and meaninglessness one of the most Till it behind me, 1955-1956 the program starts late in affairs-no pun is intended here- harmony my eminent colleagne, Doc- disheartening things to hear. It knows the year, at the spring assembly and so, if we are critical of the whole tor Schminsey has published much no mercy, has no judgment or reason Crumbles. PAT PA"ITERSON of electing queens and at- operation material. As of yet I am not qualified awards will be presented not only for tendante, it cannot be said that we to either support or refute any of his and i'S distinctly unaware- of social major spring sports, but for football, niceties. It is employed at any time of SCULPTURE soccer, basketball, and ~restling. have an ax to grind against anyone opinions and conclusions. However, the night or day and is often eonclud- The 8ubtle light upon the Financial appropriation for the of this year's aggregate of campus with less reservation than might be ed (when it is concluded) in a high lift8 form to meet the 8un. award presentations is to come from pulchritude. Indeed, if the editors had supposed, I do feel that I can adequate- pitched wail and a burst of salty ma.B8 weigh8 throughout mm!..8trou8 ly treat with this assumed unity from been making the choices themselves, one of two places and is not at pres- they could n'ot have made any im- the mental or psychological point of ~:~~sfo~fts:m:tUt~~;gI t~~ ~~:~~~!:~folds, ent determined. The Student Govern- provements. The queen and her et- view. ment Association will finance the proj- that man builds up a resistance to it ~~e:~::Ce~n harmony. ect from the funds in its treasury, tendants are a first rate bunch. By nature, women have le~ pure but current hopes are that the college What happens, though, if in some virtue than men. ( us pau~e here ~t~:sb:~~;: ~o::~~;ceu~c::~~~ll- :o~~t~::::~ :~:l:,!'of tim~ administration will see fit to under- futUre aecade, a voter has to make a for a moment to define "virtue". In able, but must be put up with. objects disappear. 'Yrite the expenses of the program di'3tinction on some hairline issue be- this paper it shall be used to desig- Finally, there is a marked re_ a lump sipll fror/!, the cup of mind because of the worthiness in its de- tween beauty and prestige, or between nate that abstract quality 'Of truth semblance between the human female 81w-rp edges rolla w smooth. sign. bearing and personality, 'Or between and sincerity in motive rather than in and the species feline. A man bearing sweet sight, a fruit bowt 01 alab~w.,. The various players, representing popularity and talent! It is conceiv- action.) If a man plans a certain anomosity for some person will be midnight, football, soccer, wrestling, basketball, able that there might corne a time course of action, such as, for example polite as the situation demands and if. wakened in a cyclO7W. baseball, and track, will be chosen for around here when we do not have a indulging in physi~al demonstration necessary fight for his point of view! CLAUDIAPAYNE their respective awards by members of group 'Ofgirls who pack the full com- But this is done in public where the Athletic Department who have bination of desirable attributes, and a plicated by point indices, the academic the adversary can witness or partici- others of her kind and expanded upon. coached them in the sports under con- casual voter is forced to decide which curve, the number of person'S taking pate. Not so with the women. This small beginning on the subject; sideration. The Student Government qualities are the best ones for a May the course, the average level of ac- She, in her insatiable thirst for securi- of women seems indeed. a dark and seeks to have no voice in who is to be Queen. Wen, we suppose that were complishment, and so forth. ty, must bave an all around belief that gloomy one. Despite my aforemention- the recipient of the award, but is in- the voter a man, beauty and sex ap- If you, for instance, find the aca- she is the paragon of friendship, but ed desire to reveal only the truth I terested primarily in taking a posi. peal would win out over the others, demic program not stimulating in- when she withdraws to the private_ cannot help but regret that such infor- tive step on behalf of an athletic pro- and were she a girl, popularity and tellectually and one which does not ex- circle of her intimates she ~ecretes a mation as this will undoubtably fall gram which is worthy of more inter- gracefulness would be important fac- tend your fuUest powers of a~simi1a- venemous poison of slander and gas- into the hands of men. However, such est in the athletes who compete in it. tors. It is probably true that a girl's tion, understand that your mind is a sip against any and all that may have a result may produce some reform of The SGA feels, and rightly so, that idea of a May Queen is a trifle differ- ke~n one and that a college program displeased her with so much as a tilted this situation which as can be seen, in athletics more than any other type ent from a guy's. Which brings us. to cannot be directed to your level be- nose or eyebrow. Her delight is in dis- is indeed deplorable. Like Pandora of major extra-curricular activity, the conclusion that we are fortunate cause others left gifted will find them- secting reputations to lifeless mas~es there is yet one drop of hope remain- participants give unselfishly of their indeed to have Miss Margaret Jean selv'es lost in the dimly lit haze which and if she cannot find something to ing with me and I live in the sincere time and energies on behalf of their Artigiani as the May Queen of 1956. is average ability. You people with destroy with her tongue she will com- ,vish that what I have here written school. It is true, of course, that at Everybody can be haPI?Y with this astronomical intelligence quotients pose from that misty realm, her mind, \ may inspir.e and direct feminine present there is _a liberal program of one. will have to wait for gr~duate study -.a circumstance that although perpos- hearts to a higher level of thinking recognition for athletes which is es- I Easy W. Md. if you have hopes of being pushed to terous will be avidly caught up by and performance. tablished and maintained by the col- your intellectual limits. lege adminisC:ation and the Athletic Impoortant though is this reminder. So This 1& Life On The Hill ... It is not clear how many persons Department. But it is also'true that were wondering if "Western Mary- The student body at Western Mary. no award can mean more than one land is a selected one, and its mem- which is presented by an agency of lan~ is too eas~", but if many were, bers are capable of doing a solid job the students on behalf of the student and if they attended the lecture on in this sound, demaljlding, liberal arts body. the subject by Dr. John D. Makosky institution. They would n'Otbe here if in McDaniel Lounge before vacation, For this reason it would seem that they discovered that Western. Mary- they were not. The picture, simply the Student Government Association land is easy for people with exception. outlined, is this: the college i~ a good is making a real stride in the right al minds, difficult for people with poor one, the kind of an institution which direction. The athletics program at attempts to turn out a high number Western M.aryland forms a tremen- minds, demanding in a fairly vigor_ of above average, enlightened indi- dous segment of the student extra- ous way....for those with average col- viduals. The program is so directed, curricular life. It is, seemingly, inte- lege minds. and, as such, iostaxing, perhaps to the gral to the campus like nothing save This, of ceurse, i'Sno startling reve- extreme in some cases, but justifiably the academic program, and as such, it latio~. But the inviting of title of Dr. so. The students in the college are is entitled a prominent, place when Makosky's talk, "Is Western Mary- capable of doing a better than ade- one seeks to give recognition to ac- land Too Easy?", was admittedly a quate job in the program, and so, tivities and participants in activities ruse, and the idea of Dan Moylan was when they fail, barring individual per- which are important and vital. to lure a goOd crowd to hear some- sonal complications, the failure is Too often, one is inclined to think of thing worth hearing, and he was smart theirs and not the cQllege's. athletics only at the intercollegiate enough to kn'Ow that no one would The level is high, but that which is level. ·At Western Maryland, the in- show up-not. many, at least-to hear not worth attaining is'not worth try- tramural programs for both sexes ar~ ing for in the first pJace. It is interest- extremely important, demand wide ~~:~l~~~~~~;c s:~:g~:~r ~tUl~::~~~~ irw to view with perspective the pO'Si- interest, and are wideJy participated ing title. ti'On of the undergraduate in the eyes in. The planning which goe<'i.nto this In this case, the means were justi_ of a college administration, and this program alone--an activity which fied by the ends, and it can be said was the kind of talk which lent such concerns in some way nearly every with no hegitation that the evening a perspective. From this point of view member of the student body-is a was profitable. A number of questions it was intensely interesting, and, it tremendous task, and it is taken light- which generally puzzle students from served to remind that at Western ly and for granted as something which time to time were answered. If you Maryland the minimum requirement goes on and on, with no apparent have been concerned because corn· i~ one which ought to be exceeded, effort on anyone's part. mensurate effort rates an A from even though the 3.0 zenith is one The point of this'is that if at the one professor and an F from another, which is seldom-sefdom indeed- intramural level there is much time understand that the situation is com- reached.
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