Page 43 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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m4t ~nl~ iUii~·n:"~ :!..>ibrary THE WOMAN EVE - Page 2 Vol. 33, No. 11 April 10, 1956 Shanqri-La Is PTA To Hold from Theme State Meeting Forjunior Class Here Friday The atmosphere of Shang-ri-La will The Maryland Association of the prevail at the Junior-Senior Prom to Future Teacher-s of America will hold be held on April 14, 1956. The gym its state convention on the Western will be decorated in shades of blue Maryland campus on April 14. Col- with a traditional ming tree, white leges and high schools from all over doves, and an oriental bridge as a ." Maryland will be represented. At this centerpiece. There will be murals of meeting, officers will be elected for the a large Buddha and pagodas with next year. bold Japanese writing "Scattered on Ken Smith President the side walls. Japanese lanterns and At present, Ken Smith, a western bamboo will highlight the lovely Far- Maryland College senior heads the Eastern atmosphere. ~aeh coed will state-wide F.T.A. James Lightner, a receive an oriental favor instead of a freshman here, 'is Vice-President of program. The music will be provided the organization. Dr. Joseph Bailer is by the orchestra of Braden Ridenour. on the State Board of Consultants. The co-chairmen of the Prom are The Western Maryland F.T.A. is in Mary-West Pitts and Stanley Ent- charge 'Of the eouventton, with the as- wisle. The committee heads are re- sietance of the Westminster High freshments, Ron Strauss; publicity, School chapter. The Maryland State Leroy Mc\ViUiams; decorations, Mari- lyn Eccleston and Dave Downs; ~l'~c~;:ri~;~~~a~~:~::,~ing them . - .- treasurer, Don Tankersley; tickets The 1956 May Court: Seated, left to right, Dot Snider, cleaton. Standing, left to right, Pat Schaefer, Roberts, and programs, John J{lauffman. Joan Durnc, Peggy Artigiani, Claire Gales, Marilyn Ec- Donna Brown, Anne Acree, Lori Jones, Nancy Willis. Registration Saturday The prom is an annual affair in Visitors from distant counties will which the Juniors express the appreci- Peggy Artigiani Elected Queen begin arriving on Friday night. Bat- ation of the school for the outstanding urday's program will begin with regis- leadership of the senior class. It is tration at 10:00 A.M. Following open to all who wish to attend. registration will be an assembly at Margaret Artigiani will reign as Claire, who is from Bethesda, Md., is previously been elected to the Home- which Western Maryland College tal- queen over the annual May Day activ- a nome economics major, alumni sec- coming and May Courts. Marilyn has ent will entertain. The visitors will Frosh He-elect Gilmore ities on May 5, as a result of the retary of Phi Alpha Mu, an ROTC been a cheerleader since her freshman have lunch at 12:45. The General As- President For Next Year school-wide election held March 22. sponsor, and a member of the Home year. sembly in the afternoon will be high- Other members of the May Court . Economics Club and the choir. Sharon Three newcomers to the May Court, lighted by the election and installation At a recent class meeting, the Class include Marilee Hodsdon, senior duch- is from Frederick, Maryland, a all tall and brunette, are the sopho- of officers. This will be followed by a (If 1959 re-elected Al Gilmore as ess; Sharon Albaugh and Claire sociology education major; vice-presi- more representatives to the Court. tea at 3:30. The visitors will be taken Presid~nt for the next school year. Gates, senior attendants; Joan Dumo, dent of the Women's Athletic Asso- An English-education major from on a tour of the campus to end the Assisting him will be Sherry Phelps, junior duchess; Marilyn Eccleston ciation, and a member of Phi Alpha Pitman, New Jersey, Lori Jones will afternoon. Viee-Pr eaident ; Arleen Kennedy, and Dorothy Snider, junior attend- Mu. preside as duchess. Lori has been her Secretary; Stew Dodson, Treasurer; ants; Gloria Jones, sophomore duch- The junior duchess, Joan Durnc, a class secretary for two years, and was and Joanne Filbey, l;Iistorian. Ralph ess; Anne Aeree and Nancy Willis, home economics riajor from Wash- an SGA representative in her fresh- Annual Spring Concert Lopez and Martie Williams were re- sophomore attendants; Donna Brown, ington, D. C., is a newcomer to the man year. She will be attended by To Honor Mozart's Birth elected SGA representatives. freshman duchess; and Patricia May Court. Joan is president of both Anne Acree, a home economics major The Western Maryland College Maryland, Club News Schaefer and Janice Roberts, fresh- the Homa-Economics Club of Western from Baltimore, religion major and Nan- Little Symphony Orchestra, under the man attendants. from cy Willis, a and the State Maryland Herne Eco- direction of Philip Royer, will present Chase, Maryland. Anne is a Chevy nomics Club. She is a member of the an Eng'liah-educafion Peg Artigiani, At Ithe last meeting of the Home major from Baltimore, will begin choir, the College Players, and Phi member of the French Club, the Home its twenty-fifth Annual Spring Ccn. eert in Alumni eve- Hall on Friday Her attendants Economics Club, the members visited teaching in high school next year. She Alpha Dot Mu sorority. a sociology major Economics Club, and Phi Alpha Mu ning, April 20, at 8:15 o'clock. Nancy is co-news editor of are Snider, sorority. the American Association Home Eca- was elected to the May Court in her from Landover Hills, Maryland, and the GOLDBUG, a cheer-leader, and a Celebrating the bi-centennial of the . nomics Building in washington D. C. freshman and sophomore years. She member of Phi Alpha Mu. birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, where Joan Durno, who was recently is a member of the Argonauts, the Marilyn Eccleston, an art major from the orchestra will perform two of his Phi, Alpha =r elected as club President and as State Carroll Club, find the Women's Ath- Takoma Park, Maryland. Both girls Donna Brown, from Hyattsville, major works: 1. The Marriage of letic Association, and is recording sec- President of the Home Economics retary of Phi Alpha Mu sorority and are ROTC sponsors and members of Maryland, is the" freshman duchess. Figaro 'Overture; 2. Symphony No. Club, was installed. 1he General Mu and have She is a member of the choir and a 41, in C Major, the "Jupiter". Secretary talked to the group about president of the French ·Club. sociology major. Donna will be at- Each year the orchestra. features a senior The pre- have attendants careers' and home economics. ' viously appeared on both the May and ROTARY CONVENTION tended by Pat Schaefer and J an Rob- soloist, opera or choral group. This Other newly elected officers of the erts. Pat is an English major from year the Girls' Glee Club, 44 members, club are: Nansy Lindsay as Vice- Homecoming Courts. Marilee Hods- HEARS GLEE CLUB Baltimore, Maryland, a member of trained by; Miss Nancy Lindborg, will President, Jo Anne Filby as Treas- don, a biology major from Glen Burn- the Girls' Glee Club, the SCA, and the combine with the orchestra in a per- urer, and Mary Lou Dorsey as Sec- ie, Marylan~ is the duchess. Marilee On Sunday, April 8, the women's Pep Club, and is a reporter for the formance of "The walrus and the retary. is an SGA representative, chaplain of Glee Club gave a concert in Washing- GOLDBUG. Jan is a home economics Carpenter" from "Thr-ough the Lock- Classics Club' Phi Alpha Mu, and vice president of ton for the Rotary Club Convention. major from Glen Burnie, Maryland, a ing Glass", words by Lewis Carroll Next Wednesday, the club is spon- Tri-Beta. She is a member of FTA, The event took place in the Shoreham member of the Home Economics Club, and music by Percy E. Fletcher. Miss soring a field trip to the Pratt Library and plans to begin teaching biology Hotel. Here they sang "The Walrus and an active participant in intra- Mary Lou Fowler, sophomore, will to attend a demonstrated lecture on ned year. Marilee will be attended by and the Carpenter", a poem from mural sports. be narrator. the mythology of the stars. Anyone Claire Gates and Sharon Albaugh. Lewis Carroll's famed Alice in Won- who would be interested in attending derla.nd. Their encore number was the this lecture should get in touch with "British Children's Prayer". William Waller Has One-Man Dick Huffines, the club president. SENIOR INVESTITURE French Club TO BE APRIL 23 Repeat Performance Art Exhibit In Old Main On April 9, 19S6'-the final meeting The Glee Club will also appear with of the French club was held at 8 :00 The annual Senior Investiture serv- the Little Symphony on April 20. o'clock in McDaniel lounge. Dr. Al- ice will be held Monday, April 23rd at They will repeat "The Walrus and the The present art exhibit in Old revolutioned by his association with bert Bachman, director of the R0- 8:45 a.m. in Alumni Hall. This is the Carpenter". Then with piano ac- Main features different and colorful Leger. He now thought the painting mance Languages of Gettysburg Col- companiment, they will do three songs for-ms representing the growth and of real objects as "merely a pretext super- lege, was the guest speaker. Dr. Bach- traditional service when the senior-s from Ha.ns Christian Anderson: development of William Waller's ef- for painting, and therefore become objects had receive their academic costumes which The fluous." man's French discourses and his films they will wear to all succeeding chapel "Inchworm", "Wonderful Copen- forts in the field of oil painting. The themes on which to improvise---"Why of France have become a part of the services. hagen", and "Thumbelirra". The Glee exhibit, covering a span of twenty springtime at Western Maryland. Club is directed by Miss Nancy Lind- years, contains paintings representing not improvise :freely?" A group of freshmen sang a num- The seniors will march into the borg, both the primitive realistic- and the When beginning an abstract paint- ber of French songs. auditorium to the processional hymn mature, abstract cubist stages of the ing, 'Valier says, "For a while you Tri Beta A Mighty Fortrcse Is Our God. This Spring Recital Schedule - artist's work. have the open road; the painting is On March 23rd and 24th, Tri Beta will be followed by the Lord's Prayer A native of Salisbury, Maryland, like a human being, which may, at had its regional convention at Saint and the singing of Holy, Holy, Holy. Announced by Music Dept, ~;O~tt~::::tr:i~~C~o:ri~,fF:~:c:(";d:I~:~~ any time before maturity, develop this The scripture and hymns used du~ing Elizabeth College in Convent Station, the service are all traditional :for this way or that." However when a certain New Jersey. The evening before the The music department has announc- after graduating from St. John's Col- point is reached the painting can only conventi'On a banquet and a social occasi'On. The leading of the Lord's ed the spring schedule of music re- lege, studied law at th'e University of go in one direction in order to reach gathering were held. Dr. Sturdivant, Prayer and the reading of the scrip- cita!s. On April.15, Miss Jean Eichel- Maryland until his entrance into the a successful conclusion. He has work- Regional Vice President, gave a ture will be done by Dr. Charles Crain berger, a faculty member of College army where he remained for ten years ed on a single painting for as long as and Dr. Reuben Holthaus. general view of our_ region's standing Misericordia, will prcsent a concert at and earned the rank of lieutenant two years and has often changed 'C-onipared with the rest of the United President Ensor will then invest the 3 :30 p.m. in Levine Hall. William colonel. While stationed in Paris his colors as many as 620 times in a States. The main speaker at the con- senior class presldent, Jack Turney, Stein will give his senior piano recital imagination was captured by the work -single inch of canvas. His decisions vention was Dr. Harry Charriper, signifying the investiture of the en- on April 17 at 3:00 p.m. Quincy Polk of Fernand Leger, one of the original are guided not by intellect but by in. Head of the Biology Department of tire class. will present her junior voice recital in cubists whom Waller ranks second tuition. The titles of his pictures are New York University. A member of tbe faculty, whose Levine Hall _'On April 24, and Mar- only to Picasso. as abstract as the paintings them- Several students, including Kay identity is kept secret until this time garet Whitfield will give a piano reo Waller entered the Academy's Etq,- selves for he found them on obsolete Holt, submitted research papers on will make the address. La~t year the citalon May 1. Both will be at 4:15 Hcr Leger in 1949 and became the map"'! and has gathered a long list of varied projects. Kay has been work- address was given by Dr. Joseph and are in Levine Hall. master's first assistant in six month's names from such sources. ing with mice for several months Bayer of the Education department. The Rockville M:.drigal Singe:r'3will time. By the end of the year he had Wnller's advice to a would be cu- testing th& reactions of certain "Ad- This service will end with the re- appear on campus in McDaniel won a painting done by Leger himself. bist is, "Have something to paint and renocortical Hormones on Cold Sur· cessional "God of Grace and God of then paint in n craftsrnanlike man· vival in Adrenalextomized Rats". Glory." ~:unge at 3 :00 p.m. on Sunday, A~ril ~:,!hi~~X:~;\:~ew:~~ ~~:::r:ot;~l~~:I~ ner."
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