Page 42 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 42
The Gold Bug, Mar. 13, 1956 WESTERN MARYLAND Bachelors Win Fraternity Loop SIDELINES ROUTS GALLAUDET IN COURT FINALE Crown As Preachers Bow, 48-40 With Chuck Smith Washington, F_eb. 28 (AP)-Hugh In last week's contest, however, it Sports Editor Mclntvre scored 28 points to lead Inter-Fraternity League was a different story, as Alpha Gamma Western Maryland to a 78-55 victory Tau displayed some of its best form over Gallaudet in a Mason-Dixon Con- Last week's Scores of the season, weaving and picking Congratulations are in order this week to Western Maryland's foremost ference game here tonight. -.... GBX 66, Black & Whites 51 off the Preachers' man-for-man de- basketeer, Hugh McIntyre, who was selected on-the Mason-Dixon Conference Without Gerald Pelarski, its lead- League Playoff fense with much effectiveness. All-Star team. Hugh garnered a berth on the second team to become the only Bachelors 48, Preachers 40 The contest was in doubt, never- player from Western Maryland to place on one of the first three teams in re- ing scorer, Gallaudet played a good theless, until the closing minutes, cent years. Alvin Bopst was named to the list of those receiving honorable first half against the Terrors, lead- . This Week's Ga~E's when trips to the charity stripe by mention both last year and the year before, but never placed on one of the ing until the closing minutes of the Scratches THURSDAY night Don Seibel, Bob Jackson, and Jim vs. Bachelors, second quarter. teams. Speaking of Alvie, he joins the Matrimonial League on March 14 with Pearce gave the Bachelors the margin Miss Joan Patterson, who attended here for 'two years. I don't imagine any In the second half, however, the Standing of the Teams they needed to successfully freeze the of our male population will have any trouble calling her to mind. AI's wedding Bisons were unable to stop Western W L Pet. ball. will be a last get-together for quite sO'me time for many of Western Mary- Maryland from building a command- !;g~~=:~~~=~:~~i ~~m Scoring was well distributed for land's outstanding athletes of last year. Word has it that Ronnie Jones, Char- ing lead. Mcintyre was hitting from both teams, with Bob Jackson leading .._.._ 2 lie White, Harry Tull, Lou Fogler, Roy Etzler, and others that we remember all .over the fioor, and Tom Riggin Gamma Bet .. Chi ....._. __ ._...._....: 2 4 4 .388 both clubs with a total of 11 points. Rlack & Whites .. .333 so well from last year's various athletic teams are getting the opportunity to and Bill Spaur completely dominated Scratch"" _. . 0 u .000 Skip Merkle registered 10 and Seibel visit in Korea within coming months. Anyhow, here's wishing AI and Joan the the backboards to spark the Terrors. Alpha Gamma Tau, culminating a 8 for Alpha Gamma Tau. best of luck. Following Mcl ntyre with 28 were drive which began almost too late fot" For Delta Pi Alpha three players Riggin with 17 and Dusty Martinell fruition, dethroned Delta Pi Alpha, [ointly shared point-making laurels, Bachelors Do It The Hard Way and Spuar with 10 apiece. The contest 48-40, in the Interfraternity League Al Mund, Dick Hersh, and Bill Clem ended the season for both clubs. championship basketball test, Tues- each chalking up 10 counters apiece. Last Wednesday night the Bachelors took the basketball championship of The box score: day, March 6, in Gill Gymnasium. For Hersh, .this brought his total to the Interfraternity League by defeating the Preachers, 48-40. Mter- taking the GALl-AUDET WEST. MD. The defending Preachers, first 76 in the last four games, a per game first half crown by going undefeated not only in games with other frats, but G F T G F T, round winners and odds-on favorites average over that span of 19 points with the independents as well, the Preachers seemed about set. This ap- llo"@.1 .__ 65-616 Mart·H.I 4 2_ 410 to cop their second straight league per contest. N·ltcuti.r _ 5 1_ 311 _ 6 5· 911 Riggin.! peared even more so when they trounced three of the other frats ill the second H·mey·r.c 7 4_lG18 M·lnt'e.f ._11 6· 728 court title, lost their hope in the clos- This was the filHil game of the sea- Spaar, C _•. 8 ~. g 10 half competition. The only team that loomed as any threat at all was the Nyr~.1!' ,_... 2 O· 0 ~ 5 Holbr·n.c I O· 0 2 ing minutes of the closely fought con- son for the Preachers, and in league Lynch, .. __I 3_ 8 I 3· 4 5 Bachelors. The Preachers had already beaten them earlier, and could afford ¥axw'l,g 1 O· 1 2 narmon,go .. 3 0·2 6 test when, in an effort to gain posses- play, only one more contest remained. Sch'ck,1i: to lose the regular season game and still end up in a tie for the championship. sion, they repeatedly committed costly With the title decided, it remained The Bachelors had to win both games to attain the crown. However, they did Total"~ fouls which enabled their opponents only for the Bachelors to playoff a to pull away. it in this manner, taking the same role as the Dodgers in last year's series, ~aU~~.ret M~a~~~_~_:::=-_:==~~~:.:::-_:::~~ ~~=1~ postponed test with the hapless min- and emerged as this year's frat basketball champs. It would be hard to single (Reprinted courtesy A•• oer.lty _ Away 7_W""hington Co!!ege._ Home he led the WeStern Maryland gr-iddera Wed., ThuL, Fri., Sat. Tu""day IO_Cathohc UmversLty __ ~_ Home ~~=t:~!~c~.~.~.:_:==-~=-~:::=!::::~ Colleg~ Th~,."day Awny 12_Getty.buI"fl" March 14_15_16_17 14_Delaware .. Horne _. . at the center position, Tom took over THE COURT JESTER FrLday lS_Ursinus College .._.__ Home 20-Gettysbur" __.. ._ Away on the hardwood to become an in- Danny Kaye Gl~'nis Johns f:gf~:"r ~t=f.::~~\'!iC_~_:_._=::-.::=:=t:~~ valuable asset to the hasketball team, VistaVision-'fechnicolor 2S-Jobns Hopkins __ __ Home Tom'represents the uncomplaining, ·~~~I~~m~.~,.· hustling, rugged type of ballplayer we Sun .. Mon. March 18-19 Thursrl ..y 26_ THE STRATTON STORY 28 Saturday don't see enough of in present times. James Stewart June Allyson M~!;_; 30_ Away It will surprise everyone to know that Wedn"",h.y 2_JQhn. Hopkins Unlv. _._Away March 20-21 "Wimp" averaged 13 points per game Tues., Wed. ALWAYS TOMonROW S..turday o_Rut!terSof S. Jersey_· .. Homo THERE'S . . Away Tu""day 8 APRIL this year, and was second in team Fred MacMurr ay Felday 11 Home ThUTllday 5- _... _._. Home scoring. Yet nobody really notices Barbara Stanwyck Saturday J2 Home Frid~y ~- ..~. _. ... Horn~ __ Away Away Tu ... day 12~; him, opposing teams and spectators Monday 18 9---- Friday alike, as he is not flashy or a con- Thur., Fri., Sat. March 22_~3_24 'I M~ Saturday 14- ~=~~~f~~ 18- THE LONE RANGER Wedn""day Tom Riggin troversial type of ballplayer, but just Clayton Moore Bonita Granville Friday 20- _. __ Away APRIL a stick-to-i"t hustler who plays the warnercolor Saturday 7 __ Away Tu""day 24- __ Away Monday S MAY same dependable game every time he steps on the court. Coach Bruce Fer- Snturday It n"itntionals f'riday (_American U. _._. Home guson is quick to praise the playing of Tom. "Riggin has one asset that will Tu""d~y 24 . Hom" Wedn""day 9--Dickln"on __ .__ ...... _ Home _ _ lIon'e Home Friday equal and better every little fault he shows-this is hustle. You can't beat a S..t"rday 21 27- y'!la .... Away Friday II-Juniata ._._ TOURNAMENT 14_Mason.Dixon Mond~y boy as determined as Tom is, and he was one of the big cogs our machine S,,~~~y 28_B ..1Umore R~lay" revolved around this year, although not many people realized it." We agree Tu""day l_Mt. St. Marys _ .._._: __ Home with Coach Ferguson whole-heartedly; Tom is a team player, and although Friday 11- Track M""t 12_MaBOn.Dixon S"turday not the sparkling court personality that all the fans watch constantly, he man- Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- I: O'lo(!llli..-JohnsHollkio!fUn[ver"ity ages to come through when the going gets the toughest, and when the chips day shows continuous from 2 p. m. are really down. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. LAUNDROMAT Martinell And Harmon Do Well Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows 5 Locust Street continuous from 6:45 p. m. The basketball season ended on a victorious note, and the record books Fri .. Sat. March' 16-17 Opposite Parking Lot will collect a little dust until next November when the hoop sport rolls around WORLD IN lilY conNER DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 again, but just to make mention of a couple of other individuals who con- Audie Murphy Barbara RU"lh tributed so much to the limite? success of the team, you can't overlook Dusty Sun., Mon. March 18-19 FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 Martinell and Denny Harmon. Denny came off the bench in mid· December and ILLEGAL Closed Wed. Afternoon pro~ided the spark to i~ite a mediocre ba11club into the not-so-bad outfit we Edward G. Robinson Nina Foch finished the season with. Westminster 1287 'W~MJ. March 23-24 Dusty was hotter than a 4th of July firecracker in the last four games, Fri., Sat. RED SUNDOWN Our New Addition bucketing better than 100 points, and shooting the best, percentage-wise, of Rory Calhoun Martha Hyer FREE DELIVERY SERVICE The Colonial Dining Room anyone on the team. Many factors contributed to the determination the team Technicolor took on after the first Hopkins rout, but these two players were a majOT part of it. Next year the team loses only one man, Hugh McIntyre, and our long- range crystal ball sees the best season in recent years for the Terror courtmen An "Operator" of '56-57. par excellence Compliments of Next Issue' J. R. EVERHART the_ next issue of the GOLD Owing to Spring Vacation. COLLEGE BARBER BUG will be published on It's not just his suave "pitch"- At the Forks AP1'il 10, 1056. he's got the inside track on style and value, too. Here, he sports an Arrow Gabanaro-the sport shirt that fits perfectly, in neck size and sleeve length. I STEW DODSON FRANK NOVAK I Gabanarocomes in a new lighter 231 A.N.W. 233 A.N. W. I weight rayon gabardine ... 13 available Now colors. solid in a new medium-spread collar. CAMPUS AGENTS Just $5.95. \ For The I Modern G. I. Laundry I Westminster 1478 - CASUAL WEAR 223 E. Green St. I All Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work -first in fashion is Guaranteed I
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