Page 41 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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The Gold Bug, Mar. 13. 1956 R~;~:ea~~~CommunicateSecret Pretty Nurses---Reason For FrequentVisits ' . alUrl ec n LIves Of AT£. 'A d J R k A look at WMC's "sick log" might and sewing. On the other hand she she travelled to Baltimore to take her BY KITTY BOND nurses training at the Lutheran Hos- goes wild on her hobbies and favorite • . make an objective observer suspect- pastimes which include: music (both pital. She was quite the gal there for BY WALT SANDERS BY-DOTTIERACH that the local students are an un- singing and dancing), poetry [es- she was editor of her yearbook, and In 1952 from a place on Long Hailing from the hills of Rocky healthy lot. The reason for the numer, pecially Keats and Shelley), art mu- she was also chosen Outstanding Stu- Island known as Wyandanch came a Ridge, Janet Reck is a phys. ed. and ous infirmary visits, however, does not seums (sculpture and Leonardo da dent of the Year last year. She bouncy little guy named Andy Tafuri. biology major. At the present time she always coincide with illness, Attrac- Vinci), ballet, stories by Edgar A. worked in the accident ward before From the first he displayed a fine is eagerly anticipating practice teach- tive personnel is an important factor; Poe, crazy about Peter Pan, George she came to us this semester. sense of sportsmanship and a devotion ing. The poor students of Damascus thus we dedicate this feature to the Gobel, J. P. Sousa, jaguars, big csdtl- Sally is a versatile girl with many to study balanced by a quiet disposi- will have to put up with her for six Western Maryland nurses i~ the in- tion and a ready smile likened some weeks. firmary. say to that of a raccoon. All of this "Janet, the Reck" has been very Stoner Head Nurse and modesty too has won for Andy active in her four years on the hill. A focal resident of Westminstel', the'respect and friendship of students She started in her freshman year by Miss Virginia Stoner, head nurse of and faculty alike. His academic pur- uttering French phrases for the the infirmary, is quite familiar with suits have rewarded him with a gen- French Club and singing merrily in W. Md. College and its problems erous C average for three years and a the Glee Club. At the present she is (physical ones we mean). She was solid B average-the first semester of an active member of the Tri Beta, the born here in We-stminster and attend- this year. In spite of two radical Argonauts, W.A.A., and L.S.A. and ed the college two years before decid. ing to go into nursing. She took her training at the Hospit- al for the Women of Maryland. After working there for many years, she said she enjoyed "carrying the babies around most of all". Other activities. included some private duty and staff nursing before coming to WMC infir- mary where she has been the head nurse for the past six years. At present her horne is here in' 'Westminster with her mother and sis. tel'. She states that what spare time she has is spent there. Miss Stoner has a full schedule to keep her busy besides her nursing career. She does Lutheran church work, and lodge work during the week. Her hobbies include read- ing, gardening in the backyard in the has to have water every night, and interests. Believe it or not she was an summer, attending plays and sym- loves to keep a diary (locked). Joan- amateur actress in the York Little phonic .concerts, and "Spending restful ie says she's "an ardent fan for nur- Theater. Sewing is her hobby and she evenings at horne with her record col. - sing, but her weakness is chewing has made a few of her own clothes. Janet E. Reck lection. She "loves to play Canasta". gum." She also paints. (Oils are her prefer- changes in the Economics department holds offices in several of these organ. Miss Stoner's attitude toward nur- Jeanie doesn't want this to get ence). Her best works are of people, Andy has maintained an enviable rec- izations. sing on the campus is she wishes to around but she spent five years at the but ,!he does dabble in the modernis. ord in that field and plans to go on to Last Spring she was one of the four maintain a friendly spirit with the Peabody Conservatory studying piano. tic. She has had no lessons to speak law school supported by a minor in senior girls to be tapped a Trumpeter student body. She says all she knows how to play i<; of, but was ble-ssed with lots of talent. Prof. Hurt's department. and has .been recently elected to Five Feet Zero "Indian Love Call". She also took les- Her plans. in the future include a por- Capt. Tafuri, "C" Co. Commander "Who's Who in American Colleges A blue-eyed, blonde, Soc. major, son-sin ballet. tap and toe dancing. trait of Miss Backhaus. has shown himself to be an apt leader and Universities." who almost sleeps through 8 o'clock "Little Backhaus", as she is some- Her likes are many-Elizabeth Bar- and student earning the DMS in Most people have pets but have you classes is one of 'Ourstudent nurses at times caned, says she likes the rain rett Browning's poetry, jaguars, red ROTC backed up by six weeks at ever heard of playing with turtles the infirmary. I know you have and dreams constantly, but get this- MGs, swimming in the summer, MAR. summer camp to justify the award. and frogs? Janet has spent quite a guessed the name of this nurse al- she worries about life and its prin- LON BRANDO!!, and football. Stan Also known as "Mr. Anthony", the bit of time this year doing" just that. ready, but in case you're having eipalifies. (Them are big "WOrdsfor Kenton plays the music she likes to little guy keeps a couch in his room Don't get alarmed. She's only cutting trouble, it's Joan Backhaus. Joanie such a little girl)! A quote from her hear. She collects cashmere sweaters ill order to fulfill his function as Dorm them up for her biology seminar. comes from Baltimore where she at- yearbook describes the lovable nurse and all sorts of earrings for her Counselor for AN'V. He shares these Janet's "Reck" is a '46 Plymouth tended Eastern High School and took at all times, "an undistinguished pierced ears. She would like to collect dut'ies with "hands' Hunt" who has which lugs her and her friends nurses training at Union Memorial laughter shook the skies". real diamonds-any shape or size- filled the ether %. of tre room for two around. This must be a good natured Hospital. She has only been at the Newest Addition just so they're real! car for its's always going someplace infirmary for one year but has had The newest addition to the nursing Andrew has enjoyed a measure of even though it sometimes doesn't make training at hospitals and camps. She ing Miss Anna Ludke. Mi"SsLudke had Library Report staff is Sally Smeltzer, who is replac- success in his athletic endeavors also. it back. ......... was a camp nurse in the Poconos due, His first year at WMC he tried out The favorite pastimes of this girl ing the flood season this past summer. to relinguish her duties in the infir-, (Contlnlled. from P ... e 2.) for Jim Boyer's baseball team. Jim are sleeping and drinking tea. She Although Joan was a new student mary because of her recent illness. We study but a place to take t11at "psy- said the only reason he cut Andy was always manages to brew herself a pot last year on campus, she was chosen mi-ss her, but welcome her auburn chological break," behind the cover of because. it was cheaper than filling in of tea while studying. queen of the Military Ball. tressed replacement. a good novel. In case the fiction on the the holes around second base into Making her debut on the stage, Joanie lists her pet peeves as being Sally was born in York, Pa. not SQ shelves is not just what you want, which the little man kept falling. Janet is portraying Juliet in one of allergic to milk, and she hates cooking very long ago. She attended William such literature as plays, poetry and Just to show the stuff he is made of the Junior Plays. "Wherefore art lacs, and dancing flamingo style. She Penn Senior High School. However short stories are kept behind the main "Taffy" will begin his third year as thou, Romeo?" desk. a .pitcher on the baseball team. Be.... After five years at Ocean City and , In the balcony are the history and ginning in the sophomore year and graduation, Janet still plans to return science stacks; works in French, Ger- continuing through his senior year to the shores of O.C. for the summer. Baugher's Restaurant man and Spanish, and older edition~ Andy has been a regular on the soc- of encyclopedias which are allowed to cer team. Probably his greatest thrill JUST OFF THE CAMPUS circulate. If you enjoy studying in was scoring the only goal of his career PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS lofty elevation, desks and chairs are in the fading minutes of the cham- FOR A MEAL OR SNACK available in the balcony. "Prom this pionship game with Hopkins this year. point you can look down on the town As a wrestler "Taffy", with no pre- J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes of Westminster between subjects. If you have a book or pamphlet in in the Mason-Dixon for two years as I For Over Half Century mind that the library does not have, vious experience, captured third place Jewelry Watch, Expert he battled his way into second place I and Eye-Glass Repairing OPEN EVERY DAY you can drop a note giving your name, a 130 pounder. This year at 137 Ibs. 105 W. Main Street in the same tournament. It was dif- the author and the title of the book in the question box on second floor. If ficult to take defeat in the finals but the book is purchased you will be it was not without its rewards. The given first opportunity to borrow it. little tough guy, wrestling his finest Win the race, bag the match of the year, avenged an earlier trophy, and dunk draw with Karukas of B.U. with a Campus capers call for Coke Three out of four traffic accidents solid 7-1 decision to gain the finals. the coxswain .• , then involve passenger cars. To top off his collegiate career Andy case up and enjoy is a Who's Whoer, a two timer on the lit" paUJe thal re}rulu.r Campus Citizen list, Treasurer of thc with delicious, Rasin~ky's Pharmacy senior class, sports editor of the year book, dormatory representative. . ice-cold Coca-Cola. phew ... no wonder he's so small, he's "Reliable Prescriptions" run down. It is difficult to be completely 'Objec- Drugs and Everyday Needs tive about a guy who always has a 30 W. l\Iain St. sympathetic ear and a clear outlook on liie. The future holds a bright light Westminster, Md. for the likes of Andy Tafuri, for ev- erything he does, he does well and he Phone 101 does everything. For an Eggy Easter It Pays To Look Well Visit The Griffin's Avenue Barber Shop COMPANY '"i' Where The Students Go 'OTTLEa UNDER FINE FOOD WESTMINSTER AUTHORITY Of THE COCA· COlA CO.• INC. 85 Pennsylvania Avenue COCA·COLA BO'ITLING "Cok."ilO r.gisteredtrode·mork. © ' 953, THE COCA·COlA COMPANY
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