Page 40 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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The Gold Bug. Mar. 13. t956 'TOP LEVEL' OF IDql' ~nl(1 iug Feminine Strategy LffiRARY IS FOUND USEFUL, VALUABLE 'Partially Revealed ~fr~i.~i~~;f~;~*:::~~r~~~:~;*::~1:1i~;~:~:;~~1i[l~Ed:~}~~~ of threo the first in a series sents In this issue the GOLDBUG pro- a-rtid4JS dealing with the Western MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS "Barbie.l You'll muss my bedspread, stopped, unable to think of a good Maryland Collego Ub1·wl-Y. Tn the ~ Subscription Price $2.00 Per Allnum lying all over it like that!" Kathy's first article the second floor and tone carried no real threat in it. It "But what, Kathy," persisted the balcony will be discussed and was not necessary. Her little sister, Barbie. "If girls are interested in boys in the next two issues the periodi- WILLIAMF. MUHLENFELD,Editor-in_Chief ~idolized her and obeyed any and all and QOYsare interested in girls, why ca11'00m and reierenoe rooll~ w'ill ROBERTG. CRUSH,Business Manager requests. act as if they aren't?" be taken up. .- "It's not messed up much," Barbie "Well, you see if a boy thinks you're A small percentage of Western Feature Edltor _ interested, then he," she faltered as Spori;a Edltor __ ._._... replied, smoothing a few stray Maryland students frequents the li- ~:::_~~~ __Editor wrinkles. "You're just on edge." She Barbie listened' intently, "well, he brary regularly. These few have a tossed her blonde pigtails as she spoke, isn't interested anymore." working knowledge of the services it Copy Edltor., _ "You really like Jack, don't you?" "You mean if you're interested in offers. The majority of our students, Kathy assumed all the sophistica- a boy, the only way for you to make however, may be divided into two George Stockton Wills tion her seventeen years could muster. him interested is to make him think groups. The first, or "occasional exam pa- he's in- whether you're not interested "Like him? Why, Barbie, I've never trons," are seen only' during even been out with him before.">. terested cor not?" week when they huddle laboriously Dr. Wills is gone. The familiar pointed; his ability at the age of "That's not your fault." Barbie "That's kind of it, I guess," ad- af the study tables. If the members figure, the whitening beard, the cape- nearly 90 to interest and hold the at- spoke with the wise perception of a mitted Kathy. "Say, don't stop brush- of this group are forced to locate a worn overcoat, the curving pipe, the tention of college students almost ten-year-old. "You've certainly been ing. I want my hair to look nice when book, they walk to the nearest li- courtly manners, the dignified but passes understanding. No man ever hanging down the drugstore an awful I go out with Jack." brarian or student assistant and place warm wisdom, have typified- for col- accepted more completely or con- lot." "But, Kathy. How did you get a the great burden there. The second lege students of more than half a scientiously the total responsibilities "Barbie!" Kathy was highly in- nate with Jack~ Didn't he know you group, the happy-go-lucky pool century not only Western Maryland of being a teacher. dignant. "You know Mary and I just were interested when you went to the sharks and pinocle players, seem to but culture, refinement, and the best Dr. Wills, like Western Maryland go to listen to the records." drugstore every day to see him?" fear some myster-ious disease haunt- values education has to offer. College, came out 0'£- a Methodist "Then why can't I go along?" "Dh, Barbie. Of course not. You're ing the interior of the library. The Though the College has been served Protestant background. He was born "Because you're too young." so young.'Anyway, I went to the drug- articles, of which this is the first, are by many loyal and skilled teachers, 'it in 1866, five months before the corner- "To listen to records? I got A in store to ignore Jack." designed to persuade the two said may well be that more students knew, stone of Old Minwas laid. He knew music, Sis." "Ignore? Doesn't that mean to groups that the library's large collec- respected, and loved Dr. Wills than all five of the presidents of the Col- Kathy had to smile. "All right, you leave alone?" tion of books, pamphlets and articles any other. This was partially because lege and worked under foul' of them. win. We do have ulterior motives in "Yes." is easily accessible and beneficial to of his distinctive appearance, but In September, 1898, he taught his first going to the drugstore every after- "I thought so. We had it in spelling them. mostly because of his extraordinary classes for the College; in the sum- noon after school." the other day. But, I don't understand. Wills Collection Received personal charm and impressiveness. mer of 1950, at the age of 84, he Barbie was puzzled. She flopped If you were ignoring Jack, why did The college library 'is continually What was sensed by a smaller taught a fuJI schedule for the last back on Kathy's bed to consider this. you go to the drugstore? You know he growing through purchases and dona- group but with much more intensity time; in the spring of 1954 he led, a Kathy didn't notice, as her mind was works there. Why didn't you just stay tions. Recently, a collection of books was that Dr . .wills was a great teach- .meeting of the English honors semi- occupied with a very important home?" belonging to the late Dr. George S. er. He had limitations, of course: he nar, his last regular teaching for problem. What dress would Jack like? "Because, Barbie-as you "(:ill learn Wills was given to the college. These was an excellent teacher of exposi- Western Maryland. He continued to The blue? No, that wasn't right. someday-there's no point in ignoring books will be available in the near tion but always asserted that imag- attend faculty gatherings, to partici- Maybe ... Her absorption was broken a boy unless he knows you're ignoring future. Also not long ago, the library inative writing was not his forte; he pate in activities of the fraternity of by Barbie's question. him. Otherwise, it's wasted effort." received a total of 3,000 books from rarely displayed wjt, though he had a which he was a member and sponsor, "What's that?" Kathy. jumped up. "Heavens! Its al- an anonymous donor in Baltimore. tremendous stock of illustrative an- and to attend concerts until January "This," .Kathy indicated the dress, most seven-fifteen, and I'm not ready Doubleday and Co. publishers have ecdotes. His shortcomings were few, of 1956. The photograph of the Eng- "is the blue dress that I got for ... " yet. He'll be here in fifteen minutes." loaned the library a number of fiction however, and his positive qualities lish Department, taken in his home "No, dope. I mean what's interior She attacked her closet. and non-fiction books for a period of have seldom been equalled. His scho- for the 1956 Aloha, represents his motives?" "Bar _hie." Mrs. James' voice six months. larship was broad, solid, and unceas- last function asia member of the staff "Interior motives! What on earth?" sounded from downstairs. Most students are familiar with the ing; at the age of 80 he still worked of Western Maryland College. His "You said it." "Tell Mom I'm not here," Barbie large, airy room on the second floor. out fresh notes for each meeting of life so closely parallels that of the "Yes, just a minute ago. You said whispered. "She wants me to do the Located here are neon-lit study ta- courses he had taught many times College and has been.tor so long in- you and Mary had interior motives dishes." bles near windows which give the before. His approach to literature was tertwined with it that his death seems for going to the drugstore." "I'll do nothing of the sort, Barbie directed toward moral, philosophic, to mark the end of an era. "Oh," Kathy laughed. "You mean J ames. Besides, I'll never get dressed :~~~y. ~ro~~~o~~:e;~o~o:~~Ci~: t~~ and religious values; his knowledge He will not be forgotten. Many ulterior motives. Well, I guess they're if you stay and ask questions all balcony are books c~vering everything of classical and Biblical literature was books from his extensive and extra- kind coflike interior motives. Want to night." from Mickey Spillane to the anatomy exhaustive. In the classroom he had ordinary collection have been given tirush my hail' for me?" "But it's your turn to do the dishes." of the spiny dog-fish. If you want a great dignity and authority; there to the college. But his memory is in" "I will if you'll tell me what "It; isn't." particular book from the thousands was little laughter and no joking in eured by neither a shelf of books ulterior motives are." "I did them Monday and Tuesday on the shelves, the card catalogue can his courses, but an enormous sense of nor by a portrait in the library: it is "0. K. Here's the brush." Kathy" sat last week." tell you exactly where to look. If you intellectual and moral stimulation. He insured by the love and respect of down on the floor by the bed while "Well, I have a date. It'll be differ- ere in need of a pamphlet for term was uncompromising where principles thousands of Western Marylanders Ilar-bie vigorously brushed her ...long ent when you grow up and go out." paper information, simply turn to the were involved. His extraordinary so- who studied under him. Great teach- blonde hair. . "Different? I don't have a little alphabetized pamphlet file, and for cial warmth and affability were most ers are rare enough to be remember- "I'm glad I have blonde hair, too," sister to pick on. I don't suppose books reserved by professors ask at evident in counseling: students sought ed, and Dr. Wills was a great teach- Barbie commented. there's any chance?" she asked hope- the main information and circulation him out continually for advice on sub- "well, there's nothing too much un- fully: desk. jects from dating to re1igi~us convic- JOHN D. MAKOSKY usual about it," Kathy said. "Both "No, I don't suppose so. Now go Clubs Maintain Sections tion, and they were never disap- DEANOF THE FACULTY Mom and Dad are blonde. But why are down and do the dishes. I only have Entertaining and informative read- you glad?" ten minutes." ing can be found in collections main- Student Government Election "Cause boys like blonde hair." "I'll do them for a quarter." tained by the S. C. A. and I. R. C. This week the student body wil! go student body to vote intelligently, to "Dh?" Kathy raised her left eye- "Robber!" organizations on campus. Many of the "You do them, then." for to the polls and, as a culmination to vote according to individual convic. brow. She had been practicing was "0. K. I'll pay you tomorrow." I. R. C. books were originally part of Of effect weeks. course, the a week of electioneering on the part tion, to vote honeatly," thoughtfully, "Right now." Barbie was firm. the Carnegie collection. of campus politicos, elect a president with no other viewpoint than the wasted because no one was there to "Oh, all right." Kathy reached for The library is not only a place for of the Student Gevernment Associa- betterment of the school as a place to see it. "And are you interested in her wallet. "Here it is.'Now scoot." (Continued on Page 3, Cnr. 5.) tion. This is an annual function at .tearn and as a place to live. To vote boys, pumpkin?" "I'm going." Barbie left the room, this time of year, and there is an urge, for a candidate merely because he is "Aren't all girls?" Barbie was slamming the door behind her. As Notations From especially on the part of those of us a "good friend" does not fulfill this genuinely surpr-ised. she hit the bottom step, the, doorbell "You've got a point there, I guess," who have witnessed this carnival be- end. rang. It was Jack----early. A Poet's Pocket fore, to yawn lazily and confine our As a matter of policy, it has not Kathy conceded. "But the deal is never "Come right in and sit down, Jack," thinking on the subject to random been the custom of the GOLDBUG to to let them kpow it." Barbie said. politely. "Kathy will be CATS "But why, Kathy? Aren't comments over a cup of coffee in the support an individual candidate in terested in girls?" \ boys in- down with her ulterior motives in a Leaning over the backyard fence grille. these elections. This does not imply "why, sure honey, but ... " She minute." Between the rubbish and the flowers, Let this not be the case, for this that there is no suitable candidate for Wrapped about with soap-dabbed year we are making a decision which a campus newspaper to support, but, aprons, is more than for ourselves and more in honesty, in the case of a paper Student Governmerit Nominations Their hair tortured into curls than for the present. The next student which is published only bi-monthly, And imprisoned under turban-like government administration takes of- there could be no opportunity for the scarves, fice in the midst of the most extensive rebuttal of an adversary, and this years, co-chairman of the freshman judge the character and actions of Possessing a thousand things to do building program in the school's histo- would not be a happy -arrangement. advisory committee, a member of the each candidate and to make a sound And too little time to do it, - ry. As such, it will be in a position to So it is that again in 1956, the edi- choir, inter-fraternity council, Stu- choice. They dedicate themselves heroically- influence many decisions which con- tors of the GOLDBUG take no sides, dent-faculty Evaluation Committee, Following Walt, Larry promised cern the student body, especially those but merely lounge about on the 'Side- and tennis and soccer teams. He ex- that if his fellow students would give To social problems. which are concerned with the proposed lines, safely out of public controversy. pressed the single plank platform of him their confidence, he would direct Clutching grease-smeared telephones, Student Union Building. We will There is a feeling, though-and this Sam's campaign as a desire to "meet his efforts toward a mature and in- Chewing gum quite frantically, want a president who, in his foresight, editorial is written at a time before and deal with the assorted problems telligent service in fulfilling the du- .Feline forms sprawled over stuffed is aware of his trust and his duty, candidates are nominated-e-that if of the S.G.A." and Sam's ability to ties of the S.G.A. also nominating from chairs, Peg Janney, not only to his supporters, but to the this is approached thoughtfully, we "get a job done." the ftcor, opened her campaign speech Their eyes gleaming with purpose; classes who will come to Western will elect a man or woman who is In his address, .Sam advocated a Conversing in low, mysterious tones, Mnnyland years in the future. cabinet reform in the S.G.A., whereby by saying that few girls have the Confiding yesterday's secret scandals This is a factor which makes this worthy of the tru'St the post presents. class representatives would be elected courage run as unknown candi- To their tenth secret pal, SGA election /especially important. Let us do what we can this week to between the first and second semes- dates. Peg -continued that it was They spend their lives unselfishly- to list all the activities unnecessary But as a 'Salient factor, it should not make next year an especially good ters, thus providing the S.G.A. the and abilities of her candidate, Pat Devoted to publicity. obscure what is a continuing year-to- 'one, for our school and-selfishly- opportunity to begin sessions with ex- Richter, but the most important con- year obligation on the part of the for ourselves. perienced members. In closing he re- marked that if he was not elected sideration was that Pat would work Congregating at their clubs, What Woulrl Jesus Say? he "would still support the S.G.A. jn if elected. Ending her introduction, Dens of respectability, Smoothing down their' gloves A commission of doctors in India Rathel' than accept our responsibill- every way." Peg expressed her hope that students As they purr graciously, will give Pat their support. Nominating from the floor, Walter once tried to show a leading Hindu a ties to a hIgh moral code, we would Sanders said that Larry Hall had the Pat Richter, in accepting the nom- Avidly searching for faux pas contaminated drop of water, explain- ruther deny God and maintain that same attributes as the pr~eding can- ination, said that she was not appear- While they play with the doomed ing that germs caused epidemics. The all standards are relative. Then we didates. Walt continued by saying, in ing as a "sacrificial lamb," or as a.... mouse, Hindu exclaimed quickly, "I'll show exclaim proudly, "That's the way to being a hard worker scholastically "substitute," but as one who sincerely Claws sharpened by jealous boredom, you how to get rid of the germs," and rid ourselves of evil." and in extra-curricular activities, that wanted to serve the student body. If They attack all social evil- I he smashed the/microscope on some The Christian stand remains, Larry was willing to work with the elected, Pat promised to fulfill her With righteous judgment. rocks. Isn't this often our experience? "What would Jesus do?" " S.G.A. Ho asked the student body to duties to the best of her ability. PATRICIAJ. PATTERSON. (SUBMITTED BY THE SCA.)
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