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w4t ~nlb iu!f~':!~u,," a.Lb r-ar-y Library Top Level Discovered Page 2 Vol. 33, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 13, 1956 W. MD. MILITARY t». George S. Wills Dies At 89 Four Hopefuls LISTS NEW ROTC Nominated In BY WILLIAM F. "ruIiLENFELD PROMOTIONS Baltimore, February 27-Dr. several years and always maintained Dr. Wills is the author of A Hi8wry George Stockton Wills, for 67 years 0/ WeBtern Maryland College, Sketeh SGA Campaign On February 23, 1956, the follow- associated with Western Maryland of the Life of Sid'MY Lanier, and ing received promotions in the Re- College, died here today at the age of numerous papers on southern history Yesterday, March 12, college voters serve Officers Training Corps. To be 89. and literature. He had been editor of directed their attention to the annual considered ior an appointment, the He had retired as head of the Eng- the Atlantic Edueational Journal, campaign messages oi aspirants for cadet must be recommended by the lish Department in 1944, ending near. Baltimore. the S.G.A. presidency and vice-presi- cadet staff officers. Then, with the Iy a half century of active teaching Also, Dr. \Vilh was a member of dency. approvement of the Regular Staff at the Westminster liberal arts inat.i- Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Nu social Daniel Moylan introduced the first Officers, the cadet is promoted. To be tution. fraternity, the Amcrican Association campaign manager, Pat Dixon. Pat Cadet Sergeant: Cpl. Jack H. Ander- Previous to his coming to Western of University Professors, Sons of the portrayed her candidate, Jo Parrish, son, Cpl. Charles M. Cock, Cpl. James Maryland, Dr. Wills had served as in- American Revolution, and the Histori- as a picturesque "menace to society," R. Hayes, Cpl. John H. Hort, Cpl. structor of English at the Oakridge cal Society of Carroll County. entering the campaign on her experi- Robert A. McCormick, Cpl. C. Wray Military Institute of Nor-th Carolina, Born in Halifax County, N. C., ence and ability. She went (In to list Mowbray Jr., Cpl. Anthony S. Ser- and at that state's state university, April 3, 1866, he is the son of the late Jo's activities as a member of the banes, Cpl. Peter R. Urquhart, CpJ. North Carolina U. Richard Henry and Anna Louisa Nor- woman's council, secretary of the Gordon M. Weiner, Cpl. Josef W. He had also held teaching posts at man Wills. His wife, Georgia M. S,G.A., member of the student-fac- Wilke. - Battle Ground Academy, Franklin, Childester Wills, dieq in 1943. ulty evaluation committee, Homecom- To be Cadet Corporal: Pfc. David Tenn.; Greensboro Women's College, Dr. Wills is survived by a son, ing committee, Freshman Advisory L. Bailey, Pfc. Edmund M. Baxter, N.C.; Baltimore Polytechnic Institute; Richard N. WilIs, McDonogh, Md.; a Committee, Choir, and S.C.A. Cur- Pfc. Walter A. Bloodsworth, Pic. and the University of Maryland. daughter, Mrs. A. Vail Frost, Jr., rently, Miss Parrish's projects in- Frank D. Combs, Pic. George B. In 1925 Dr. Wills became pronoun- Allendale, N. J.; a brother, Richard clude "efforts to secure furniture f(lI" Euler Jr., Pfc. Allen M. Fellowa, cer at the first National Spelling Bee T. Wills, Greensboro, N. C.; and four the rec hall and washing machines Pfc. Clarence L. Fossett Jr., Pfc. in Washington. He held that post for Dr. George S. WiI,ls grandchildren. for the dorms." Dickenson E. Gardiner, Pfc. Ronald I. In her speech, Jo Parrish stated that Glaeser, Pfc. Francis Groesser, Pic. B. Frat Bids Accepted Junior Plays Shaw To Lecture On the "most important component in John C. Gunderson, Pfc, William student government is the little word Pic. ByTwenty-FourMen ADd· Holbruner Jr., Pre. Wayne V. Holter, d Library Resources . 'you.''' She said that the students Pfc. Gordon H. Hur-ler-ink Jr., re e icate have the responsibility to elect next Harry M. Lambert, Pic. Donald H. The 'fraternities on the hill have Dr. Charles B. Shaw, librarian of year's president, and announced her Leta, Pfc. F. Lynn Mayer, Pre. Rich- To Dr. Wills Swarthmore College, will present a willingness to work "if students let ard L. Plaskett, Pfc. G. William ~:~n~:m~:;:~~~:~h:hc~u:~~g~:~idOs~ lecture, "Information Please", at an her, and more important, help her." Slade II, Pic. William J. Spaar-, Pic. which were sent out on Wednesday, assembly April 19, at 11:30 a.m. Next in line, Bill Tribby defined his Nicholas Spinnato, Pte. H. Ray Stev- February 29, were accepted by....Fri- An original play, "white Screens", The purpose of the lecture will be candidate, Sam Reed, as' being be- ens, Pfc. Sloan G. Stewart Jr., Pfc. day, March 2. - by William L. Tribby, will be pre- to point out many of the hidden re- tween the two extremes of typical George S. Trotter, Pfc. Fred W. The initiation period started o'n sented as one of the three one-act jun- sources of the library, information office-seekers in that Sam possesses Walker, Pfc. Raymond J. Wright. Monday, March 5, and was concluded lor plays on Friday night at 8:15 in and services that are often over- two qualiflcationa: selected experience To be Private First Class: Pvt. last Friday. Alumni Hall. The plays, directed by looked. in various activities, such as, treas- Thomas A. Beckett, Pvt. Richard B. Alpha Gamma Tau welcomed the Miss Esther Smith, will be dedicated Dr. Shaw attended Clark Univer- urer of the S.G.A., president of his Brawley, Pvt. Frederick P. Burgee, following new members: Bud Groes- to the late Dr. George S. Wills, Pro- sityat Worcester, Massachusetts, and class during the sophomore and junior Pvt. Robert J. Carboy, Pvt. James R- ser, Dick Hatch, Dick Hess, Charles fessor of English, Emeritus. received his A.B., _M.A" and L.H.D. (Conjinu~d on Pa't 2, Col. 3.) Cole, Pvt. Samuel L/ Cook, Pvt. Wil- Hunt, and Howard Levin. Dr. 'Wills was associated with degrees. He also studied at the New Argonauts Hold Ejection liam D. Dewey, Pvt. Stewart M. The new members of Delta Pi AI- Western Maryland f!,t;,more than fifty York State Library School. He has Dodson', Pvt. David H. Edington, Pvt. pha are: Tom Beckett, Donald Con-" years, and during' this time never instructed in English at the Univer- At a meeting on Thursday, March Donald D. Haas, Pvt. Dorsey O. ners, Brooks Euler, Everett Feeser, missed a performance given by the sity of Maine, Goucher College, and 8, the Argonauts elected officers for Hawkins, Pvt. John B. Joy Jr., Pvt. Abdula Futaih, Donald Haas, Frank dramatic arb department. They feel the Women's College of North Car- the coming year. They are: president, Roy W. Kennedy Jr., Pvt. Gerald R. Street, and Frank Thye. that this dedication is especially ap- olina. Patricia Patterson; vice-president, Leather, Pvt. James 1. Lewis, Pvt. Gamma Beta Chi added the follow- propriate because of the inclusion of a During 1947 and 1948, Dr. Shaw Lawrence Hall; secretary, Beth James E. Lightner, Pvt. Ralph E. ing new members to their roster: Joel play written by a student from the helped conduct a survey of Chinese Crompton; treasurer, Ronald Gray- McCulloh, Pvt. LeRoy Murkey, Pvt. Bailey, Dave Harper, Bill Martin, English department. college and university libraries in beal. Francis A. Novak, Pvt. C. William Dave Meredith and Ki Ohm. Every year the Junior Plays in_ China, in the capacity of advisor on These officers will be installed at C. Scheuren Jr., Pvt. John R. Sheri- Pi Alpha Aipha bids were accepted clude one play with a universal theme library problems. This survey was the annual Argonaut banquet. dan III, Pvt. Joseph L. Shilling, Pvt. by: Joe Glorioso, Ralph Meyer, Dave in recognition of International The- conducted under the auspices of the ,Allen W. Street, Pvt. John D. Richards, Dick Shenton, Al Street, atre Month, which is in March. This University Building of Christian Col- Concert To Be Presented Waghlestein. and Don Zan~he. year "White Screens", a timeless and leges in _China. In addition, he was will The Budapest String Quartette placeless tragedy of the poetic by sen- president of the Swarthmore Public present a concert on April 10, 1956, Library Board from 1943 to 1948. Dr. Falzone Conducts One-Man ior William Tribby, was chosen. Mr. a structs during the time Dr. Shaw in- at 8: 15 p.m. in Alumni Hall. developed Tribby over his play At the present The group, which uses Stradivarian period of timif. It was first a thought, in the summers Art Exhibition In Old Main then a short story, and finall¥ a one- department of Michigan, science at the 'the Library gives annual concerts at instruments, of library University of Congress Auditorium and he lec- act play. The cast will be headed by Janet Kapraun, Brantley Vitek, and tures at the Drexel institute during in Washington, D.C., and,records for On March 7, Dr. Joseph A. Falzone, a somber and mysterious effect Richard Graham, with Leslie Werner, the spring terms. Columbia records. - Jr. opened his one-man art show in through the use of the drip technique. Jack Turney, George Trotter, Robert the exhibit room of Old Main. Dr. Dr. Falzone paints evenings and Christian, and Donald Haas in sup- Falzone is a practicing physician from weekends in the basement of his home, porting roles. Jack Anderson will sing Bingham, Strauss Selected Baltimore. usually working on five or six can- an original ballad by Mr. Tribby. He is employed by the U.S. Public ,"ases at a time. He thinks of each The other two plays to be presented To Head Aloha Next Year Health Service working in City Hos- painting as an experiment and tries are "Romance and Rummage", by rital in Baltimore for the Court of' out mnny interesting techniques. The Walter Richard Eaton, and "\Vhen The National Heart Institute. He white lines which resemble a time Shakespeare's Ladies Meet", by does research in the field oi gerinntol- exposure of headlights ()n a highway Charles George. The cast...of"Romance ogy, tlle study of aging. He received in "Edge of Town" were applied to and Rummage", a comedy concerning both his M.D. and Ph.D. at Washing- the canvas with a syringe and hypo- actresses during the depression, will ton University in St. Louis. Although dermic needle. A large paint scraper include Mary West Pitts, Karin science is his main vocation, in the was used to get the crystalline-like Shade, Jean W. Arnold, Jean Goode, last year painting has become almost blocks of .solor in "Intersection". He Margaret Simon, Marina Xintas, and a second vocation. Only one painting used a palette kniie to obtain the ef- Grace Fletcher. was sold during his exhibition in the fect of water reflected on rocks in the "\Vhen Shakespeare's Ladies Meet", Baltimore Museum of Art, but the picture "Into the Grotto". This is a a eoinedy of errors relating the meet- following exhibition in the Playhouse painting he would like to do again. ing of six of Shakespeare's heroines, netted seven sales. Light Filtration Used wiIJ star Janct Reck, Joan Durno, Pat Dr. Falzone first became interested The artist explained the picture \Verner, Mary Jane Thorney, Joyce in painting while he was in high "Barbecue Chef" from his standpoint. Harrington, and Janis Stowell. school. He has had no formal training It is a scene from a Fourth of July Behind the scenes, Mrs. Joy Win- in art other than the usual high school celebration in Piggot, Arkansas, his frey will design the sets which will be art courses. He started working with wife's home town, which is attended constructed and set up by the junior water C()lorstwelve years ago and has each year by nearly 20,000 people. He class. Bill Tribby and Jack Anderson been working with oils for ten years. used the effect of light filtering are the stage managers; Erich Wil- Not Pure Abstrac.-tion through tree leaves to create a feeling len will handle llghting effects. The Considering himself "an incorrigi- of nostalgia. He also retained a ce,r_ Junior Plays are the special project ble American scene painter", he is tain transparency to indicate a sum- of the junior dramatic art students. Carol J. Bingham basically a realist using abstractions mery luminous effect. There is no admission charge. Carol Bingham and Ronald Strauss clude membership in the College to obtain a romantic and. emotional Dr. Falzone feels that there is a have been chosen to head the staff of Choir, Argonauts, and Sigma Sigma effect. He works with a subject in definite connection between science the 1957 Aloha.. They were elected at Tau Sorority, and participation in mind and feels that pure abstraction and art. He said that painting ab- Ed. Dept. Visits UN a meeting of the junior class on many intramural sports. is not too satisfying because it is too sorbs him and gives him a more in- Members of the education depart- March 5. Carol will serve as Editor- Ron is from Brooklyn, N. Y., where general. tense satisfaction than his research ment visited the United Nations in in-Chief and Ron will fulfill the du- he attended Lafayette High School. Astronomy, another interest of the work because the,results of a painting New York on Thursday, March 1. ties of business manager. Here at Western Maryland he is the artist, inspired the picture "Planet can be seen immediately, whereas in They were conducted on a tour of the Carol attended high school in assistant head waiter in the dining ~ and. Satellite" in which t~e cloud for- research, as much as ten years or building, including the General As· Frankf'(Irt, Germany and Silver hall and a member of Delta Pi Alpha mations of the planet Jupiter are rep- m.:tre can pass before results are seen. sembly room, the various council Spring, Maryland. She gained jour- Fraternity. He is an economics ma- resented as seen through his tele- His painting demands much more of rooms, and the Secretariat Building. nalistic experience as editor of the jor. scope. In "Black Galaxy", also a prod- his personality than his research The students also attended a meeting year book,in Silver Spring. Carol and Ron began work immedi- uct of this hobby, he was striving for work. of the Trusteeship Council. A psych major, her activities in- ately in organizing their committees.
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