Page 38 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 38
The Gold Bug, Feb. 28, 1956 SIDELINES With Chuck Smith Western Maryland'S topnotch wres- ioned Miller 7-5, to eliminate him Sports Editor Inter-Fraternity League tling team captured 3rd place in the from the competition. Mason-Dixon Wrestling Champion- Duane Myel' of Western Maryland With winter sports coming into the homestretch, the emphasis on the ships Saturday night. The winner was was decisioned Friday night by Bob Green Terrors' spring sports program takes on added importance as the cold Last Week's Scores Baltimore University, with Towson Connors of Johns Hopkins by a score days begin to get a. little warmer. Dick Harlow's Thin-clads have been loosen- Seminary 86, Scratch 37 State Teachers College placing sec- of 5-3. This eliminated Myel' hom the ing up in the gym, and working out on the track when the weather permits. Bachelors 55, Black & Whites 51 ond. Western Maryland scored a total semi-finals. He wrestled in the 157 lb. Jim Boyer called a meeting of his diamond warriors last week, and plans were Black & Whites 59, Scratch 53 of 30 points to become the only made for the pitchers and catchers to start working out in the gym March 1, Bachelors 43, GBX 35 wrestling team in the school's history ~~s:~t~:e~~e~~eI\i~~y:~~~I:~~. not place with the rest of the squad joining them as the weather warms. Seminary 81, Black & Whites 63 to place among the finalists in the The consolation results: But for now the focus is on Western Maryland's basketball and wrestling Bachelors 52, Preachers 38 championships. teams. Our basketball team is still waiting to catch fire as they did in the re- The triumph was a g-lor-ious finale Consolations maining four games last year, but Saturday night's victory over Johns Hop- This Week's Games to an outstanding season marked by In_POUND Final.) CLASS (Semi TODAY kins was sweet to the soul of every supporter. Any season is a success when Scratch vs. Preachers, 4 p.m. excellent performances by all the Du,.ns. Catholic 11., 7_0: Brant deci"ioned Dick Bill Sugiyama, G..llaudet. Vitek. ,Western you beat Hopkins twice. Bachelora va. Freshmen, night. participants in the mat "sport. The ~:6.Ylnd. pinnro Al Fin""tinc, AmerIcan U., lustre added Hughie Has Found It Rough Lately Seminary vs. Preachers, 4 p.m. achievement takes on western Mary- 4_iitek ~e!Mted .... (Final.) ,."ter",,·s dcd~ion. WEDNESDAY Sugiyama. when you remember GBX va. Scratch, night. land organized wrestling only four 130_POUND CLASS Hugh McIntyre has found a little rough sledding lately in the po'inf.s scored (S~ml_FlnaIB) Don Reck. Towson, pinned Pat per game department. This is easily explainable when you notice how oppos- THURSDAY years ago. olic U .. 3.27. Kent Elstad. Gallaudet. Pe,.lo. Calh. bye. ing teams "lay" for him, and sometimes double or even triple team him to keep Black and Whites vs. Preachers, _4 Day Takes First (Final.) him down in the figures. This is good psychology, as they figure when you p.m. The grappling Terrors captured one El.tad defeated Rock. reler",,·. d....i.ion. 3-3. CLASS 137_I'OUNIl stop the big man with the scoring potential, :i0U have the whole ·team in a _Seminary vs. GBX, night. first place, one second, and two thirds. (S~mi_Flnal.) John hole, as they depend so heavily on the big point man. However, it has been in- FRIDAY The lone Western Maryland champion Cra"'forrl. D&",o.on. Pete U.. """i.i<>ned Ed ~.3: Kacukaa. Bal_ Gallaud"t. teresting to note how the Terrors have picked up the slack, and in some cases Scratches ve. Freshmen, 4 p.m. was Casey Day, the red-headed ex- tr: U.. ded.o.;oned Bob Partridge. Hopkins. used it to their overall advantage in using Hugh as a decoy and opening up Standing Of The Teams Marine competing in the 177 lb. class. (Flnala) with their other men. Dusty Martinell has filled in at this capacity very ef- Pd. This was the icing on the cake for KaruklUl """i"ionerl Daw"on, 6-0 147_POUND CLASS fectively, as have Tom Riggin and Bill Spear. Also noticed freshman Hank 1.000 Casey, as he finished the campaign (Semi·Find.) .soc Schorreck has developed quite an eye on his set shots ... in the Susquehanna .1~0 with only one early season defeat. game he hit for five straight from the outside, and is ranked high in shot per- .250 Casey drew a bye on the first round, n~~ri~J~r:!.·I~;~.I:Ud~~r2.35~"1l,~:diltL~~~r: .000 (Fin"l.) centage. eye on Hank ... he's a three sport man pa.i1ing from Balti- .000 then defeated Mike Caldwell of Johns Enl.,. pinned McL,>ugh]in, 1.41. more, Maryland, and he is doing a pretty fair job ... more about him later. Alpha Gamma. Tau scored an upset Hopkins and pinned Ron Barbutti_of 157·POUND CLASS (SemI_Final.) over Delta Pi Alpha And Them 'Athlete Of The Week' 52-38 triumph night in Gill Gymnasi- Catholic U. in 7: 36 to take the crown. by A:"~1~~VeIJ~.r·5~0;wBOo\; ~~~i~;,4.y!~ck Jon"". place Second was captured last Thursday (Finals) Terror cap- 7_6. From the wrestling scene this week we picked our "Sports Personality of um. The win vaulted the Bachelors in. Andy Tafuri, pint-sized 137 lb. class. Web",. deci.ioned Connor. CLASS tain 167_POUND in the wrestling the Week". Commencing with this issue we will pick a member of one of to fh-st place in second round Inter- (Semi-Final.) Western Maryland's athletic teams, who, in the opinion of the sports staff, has fraternity League 'Standings. Andy lost a decision, 7-3, to Bill Ow- been outstanding during the period between publications, and is deserving of The difference in the ball game was ings of Towson, last year's defending 14f!;~4r.[i~~f~~::~~~lV!~:~tr1~f::~~ the recognition. This week we are proud to cite the work of Andy Tafuri, cap- on the foul line, where Alpha Gamma champion, to finish second in the tain of the wrestling team. We do not need to laud the, Tau converte-d 14 more charity tosses tournament. Willi. pinned Alexand~rwicz. 5.19 excellent work the wrestling team has done this year; only than their opponents, and this proved Third Place Finishers i77-POUND CLASS (Semi_Final.) make mention of a few of the individuals who are reapon- the margin of victory. With 40 at- The third place finishers were sible for this success, and certainly Andy belongs at the tempts at the free throw stripe com- Brant Vitek and Brooks Euler. After ~:~fr~~;:;:':~;,f~~:?~;f~t~nd~~dto')\~j~r~~ top of the list. His steadying influence has been a big pared to the Preachers' 23, the Bache- Brant was pinned by Phil Neary, the UNLIMITED CLASS (Semi_Final.) factor in bringing along many of the first year_ men, and lors had nearly 50% more' tries. eventual 123 lb. champ, he came back also some of the older performers who lack the very nee- Nick Rausch, leading scorer in last to pin Al Finestein of American U. Ii~~!~~iE?=l~~l;fM!~~cn~e:~::t~: eesary experience needed in the mat sport. year's league race, flashed some of in 4:36, and Bill Sugiyama of Gal- Andy's home town is Wya.ndanch, New York. While his old form in leading his team to laudet on a referee's decision to take Ki""ny deei.ionro (Fin.I.) 1_0. Hughes, attending high school there he never wrestled, and did not its first win over the Preachers this a third. report for Western Maryland's grappling team until his year. The burly pivot man connected Brook's fate was almost the same sophomore year. In the past two years he has taken third 'On6 field goals and 7 of 12 shots from as Brant's. He was beaten Friday by place in the Mason-Dixon Conference tournament, wres- the charity stripe for a total 19 mark- the second place victor, Don Sudbrink tling in the 130 lb. class. Even more remarlc:able than this is the fact- that in of Towson, on a decision. After suf- his first year he was undefeated until tournament competition. This season Tankersly Paces Preachers fering this loss, he came back to whip Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. he has won 4, lost 1, and had 2 draws. However, against Mason-Dixon foes This was only 5 more, however, Bob Scribner of Gallaudet by a pin Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. he has won 4 and drawn once. than the total of Don Tankersly, play- in 2: 35, and take the measure of Mike Evenings 9 p.rn. ]..lcLoughlin of Johns Hopkins via the from 2 p.m. Casey Day Having A Great Year ing the middle in the absence 'Of Bill fall route in 1:41. Continuous Shows and Holidays on Saturday 14 markers on 5 Spaar, who tallied Maryland The other Western CQm- It is hard to get Andy to talk much about himself, for he would rather goals from the floor and 4 foul shots. petitors who did not reach the finals Tues., Wed. Feb. 28-2G heap praise upon other members of the team. He is very quick to point out Dick Hersh scored 11 for Delta. Pi were Bob Butler, who turned in a THE LITTLEST OUTLAW Walt Disney the outstanding work of Casey Day, ex-Marine from Catlett, Virginia. Casey Alpha and Bill Clem registered 8. creditable performance, considering Technicolor-CinemaScope has won 6 of 7 matches this year, 5 of these victories being by pins. His only The first half of the ball game was he joined the squad late in the. -eee- chiefly a per-sonal duel between son, and had haa no previous wres- Thur., Fri., Sat. March 1_2_3 COME NEXT SPRI::\'G ~~e~:. :l::s~tHt:~s h!;::_~o!:~~~e ::to~:n~n~~I!~aSs:-~~::n u~h~~::o:isi~h~~~ Rausch and Tankersly, opposing tling experience. Bob was pinned Fri- Anne Sheridan Steve Cockran year and continue at Duke University. Casey is a member of the football centers. It was in this segment of the day by Sam Wright, defending cham- Technicolor team and is contemplating track as a spring activity. test that Rausch 'Scored 14 of his 19 pion in the heavyweight class from Andy also spoke of the help Brooks Euler has been giving all the members points while Tankersly was nailing Johns Hopkins, in 2 :14. Later he was Sun., Mon., Tues. March 4-5-6 BOTTOM OF THE BOTTLE of the team this year, and confesses he thinks he would have done poorly if down 11 of his. pinned by Baltimore U.'s Dick Kieeny Van Johnson Ruth Roman not for the wrestling savvy he has obtained from Brooks in their practices. In the second hali, however, Don in 5.58. Joseph Cotton Although Brooks has had a so-so season, (3 wins, 3 defeats) he has constantly Seibel and Bob Jackson came to life Jerry Miller, Western Maryland's Technicolor-CinemaScope been wrestling the very best the opposition has had to offer, as his class, 147 for Alpha Gamma Tau, stretching the entry in the 167 lb. class was pinned I lbs., is a very rugged one. Bachelor lead 00 10 point'S at 41-31. by Dick Clem of Towson in 7:30. Wed .. Thur., Fri., Sat. March 7-8-9-10 "You can't overlook Jerry Miller, Duane Myer, Bob Butler, and most of The arching one handel'S of Seibel Frank Willis of·Gallaudet also decis- THE BENNY GOODMAN STORY all, Brant Vitek." says Andy. riding on the crest of a very successful proved too much to overcome, and the Steve Allen Donna Reed season also, showing 5 victories, 1 defeat, and a win by forfeit. Brant is a Preachers succumbed to their first de- Basketball Statistics Technicolor Pre_Med major from Baltimore, MaryJand. feat of the campaign. WEST. ~W. Sun., Mon., Tues. March 11-12-13 SUSQUEHANNA G F T FOREVER DARLING R"rn&no.f 17 s- 687 Lucille Ball Dese Arnez Osinc·k.f _ 0 0_ 0 0 ~~Il'':i;;::~_.c? 0"1~_:.4;~ Technicolor-CinemaScope ,Most likely to succeed- He,.'~r.f _ 2 3_ ( 7 7 Mart·lI.f L 54-814 ~ • Spaac ...... Hu"~·n.c 8 1_ ( Harm·n.1iI' Pu,.n·1.1l' .... 5 3_ 813 1 2_ 4 Ston~, II' __ I 0_ 1 2 M·ln·r~.lI' 4 4· 612 30_06 Sch·eck.1t in more ways than one Wltlak.lI' _1 3- 4 Ii Ho!·n~r.1I' 2 0- 0 4 Susquehanna. ... 35 36-71 W""lern Maryland ..__ .... 20 87-0' Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- CATHOLIC U. He rates a hand from his prof, not G F T G F T day shows continuous from 2 p. m. only for sinking the most buckets,but Lynsgl.l 8 4_1120 Kaut·n.t I 0_ 0 2 Sunday Matinees; 2 and" p. m. _also for knowing how to pick his E~~~et;,tf·-~l~ t :~! ~i:~!f\:~..~t: ~ Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Lamb'to! 2 .. 1 0_ 2 Uber. f _....S 1· 2 7 continuous from 6:45 p. m. 4_ 418 7 64_816 clothes. This Arrow University Mit·ell.c .. 4 5_ 613 Spur,. If 2 4. 1 ~ Har,n'n. Talbot.!!' button-down shirt is beautifulIy Stllulf.1I' 11_2 a M·Jn·re.g 9 7_ 9 2~ Fri., Sat. March 2-.'l M·K·itt.!!' .. 0 2- 3 2 81_27 Sch'ec!!.!!, TARGET ZONE tailored gingham in an authentic tar- Hul·ner. g 2 0_ 0 ~ Richard Conte Peggy Castle tan, $S.95-.also available·in oxford Catholic Univeraity _..49 51-100 March 4-5 cloth (choice of nine colors), $5.00. W... tern Mo.ryl&nd _ ...__ ..__ ._ ~37 40- 77 SUll., Mon. AIR COMMAND STRATEGIC James Stewart June Allyson When worn together with Arrow Sat. March 9-10 chino slacks, (pleatless front and Fri., FLAl'tfE OF THE ISLANDS hack: strap) they mark: the influen- Yvonne DeCarlo Zachary Scott tid guy on camp.. , Slacks, $5,95, Sun., Mon. March 11-12 THE BENNY GOODMAN STORY Steve Allen Donna Reed Technicolor Compliments of -first in fashion Pho".1237 J. R. EVERHART 'kJ.u.u.u.. MJ_ COLLEGE BARBER .HII" • JlU • SLAC •• Our New Addition At the Forks The Colonial Dining Room
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